Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
oCQUESO::ArrayOfOneDGrids< V, M >Class to accommodate arrays of one-dimensional grid
oCQUESO::ArrayOfOneDTables< V, M >Class to accommodate arrays of one-dimensional tables
oCQUESO::AsciiTable< V, M >Class for reading ASCII values from a table in a file
oCQUESO::BalancedLinkedChainControlStruct< P_V >
oCQUESO::BalancedLinkedChainsPerNodeStruct< P_V >
oCQUESO::Base1D1DFunctionClass for one-dimensional functions
oCQUESO::Base1DQuadratureBase class for one-dimensional quadrature rules (numerical integration of functions)
oCQUESO::BaseEnvironmentThis (virtual) class sets up the environment underlying the use of the QUESO library by an executable
oCQUESO::BaseMatrixCovarianceFunction< P_V, P_M, Q_V, Q_M >A templated (base) class to accommodate covariance matrix of (random) vector functions
oCQUESO::BaseOneDGrid< T >Base class for accommodating one-dimensional grids
oCQUESO::BaseOptimizerA base class for handling optimisation of scalar functions
oCQUESO::BaseScalarCdf< T >A templated (base) class for handling CDFs
oCQUESO::BaseScalarCovarianceFunction< V, M >A templated (base) class to accommodate scalar covariance functions (of random variables)
oCQUESO::BaseScalarFunction< V, M >A templated (base) class for handling scalar functions
oCQUESO::BaseScalarFunction< P_V, P_M >
oCQUESO::BaseScalarFunction< P_V, P_M >
oCQUESO::BaseScalarFunction< Q_V, Q_M >
oCQUESO::BaseScalarFunction< QUESO::GslVector, QUESO::GslMatrix >
oCQUESO::BaseTKGroup< V, M >This base class allows the representation of a transition kernel
oCQUESO::BaseTKGroup< P_V, P_M >
oCQUESO::BaseVectorCdf< V, M >A templated (base) class for handling CDFs of vector functions
oCQUESO::BaseVectorCdf< P_V, P_M >
oCQUESO::BaseVectorCdf< Q_V, Q_M >
oCQUESO::BaseVectorFunction< P_V, P_M, Q_V, Q_M >A templated (base) class for handling vector functions
oCQUESO::BaseVectorMdf< V, M >A templated (base) class for handling MDFs of vector functions
oCQUESO::BaseVectorMdf< P_V, P_M >
oCQUESO::BaseVectorMdf< Q_V, Q_M >
oCQUESO::BaseVectorRealizer< V, M >A templated (base) class for handling sampling from vector RVs
oCQUESO::BaseVectorRealizer< P_V, P_M >
oCQUESO::BaseVectorRealizer< Q_V, Q_M >
oCQUESO::BaseVectorRV< V, M >A templated base class for handling vector RV
oCQUESO::BaseVectorRV< P_V, P_M >
oCQUESO::BaseVectorRV< P_V, P_M >
oCQUESO::BaseVectorRV< Q_V, Q_M >
oCQUESO::BaseVectorSequence< V, M >Base class for handling vector and array samples (sequence of vectors or arrays)
oCQUESO::BaseVectorSequence< P_V, P_M >
oCQUESO::BaseVectorSequence< Q_V, Q_M >
oCQUESO::BaseVectorSequence< S_V, S_M >
oCQUESO::BasicPdfsBaseTODO: Base class for basic PDFs (via either GSL or Boost)
oCQUESO::DistArray< T >A class for partitioning vectors and matrices
oCQUESO::DistArray< QUESO::BaseOneDGrid< double > * >
oCQUESO::DistArray< QUESO::SampledScalarCdf< double > * >
oCQUESO::DistArray< QUESO::ScalarSequence< double > * >
oCQUESO::DistArray< std::string >
oCQUESO::DistArray< std::vector< double > * >
oCQUESO::EnvironmentOptionsThis class reads options one can pass to a QUESO environment through an input file
oCQUESO::EnvOptionsValuesThis class provides a suite options one can pass to a QUESO environment
oCQUESO::ExperimentModel< S_V, S_M, D_V, D_M >
oCQUESO::ExperimentStorage< S_V, S_M, D_V, D_M >
oCQUESO::Fft< T >Class for a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithm
oCQUESO::Fft< double >
oCQUESO::FilePtrSetStructStruct for handling data input and output from files
oCQUESO::FiniteDistributionA templated class for a finite distribution
oCQUESO::FunctionBaseAbstract base class for function objects
oCQUESO::GcmExperimentInfo< S_V, S_M, D_V, D_M, P_V, P_M >
oCQUESO::GcmJointInfo< S_V, S_M, D_V, D_M, P_V, P_M, Q_V, Q_M >
oCQUESO::GcmJointTildeInfo< S_V, S_M, D_V, D_M, P_V, P_M, Q_V, Q_M >
oCQUESO::GcmSimulationInfo< S_V, S_M, P_V, P_M, Q_V, Q_M >
oCQUESO::GcmSimulationTildeInfo< S_V, S_M, P_V, P_M, Q_V, Q_M >
oCQUESO::GcmTotalInfo< S_V, S_M, D_V, D_M, P_V, P_M, Q_V, Q_M >
oCQUESO::GcmZInfo< S_V, S_M, D_V, D_M, P_V, P_M, Q_V, Q_M >
oCQUESO::GcmZTildeInfo< S_V, S_M, D_V, D_M, P_V, P_M, Q_V, Q_M >
oCQUESO::GpmsaComputerModel< S_V, S_M, D_V, D_M, P_V, P_M, Q_V, Q_M >
oCQUESO::GPMSAFactory< V, M >
oCQUESO::GPMSAOptionsThis class defines the options that specify the behaviour of the Gaussian process emulator
oCQUESO::InfiniteDimensionalLikelihoodBaseAbstract class representing the likelihood. Users must subclass this
oCQUESO::InfiniteDimensionalMCMCSamplerOptionsThis class defines the options that specify the behaviour of the MCMC sampler
oCQUESO::InfiniteDimensionalMeasureBaseAbstract base class for infinite dimensional measures
oCQUESO::InterpolationSurrogateData< V, M >
oCQUESO::InterpolationSurrogateDataSet< V, M >Container class for multiple, consistent InterpolationSurrogateData objects
oCQUESO::InterpolationSurrogateIOBase< V, M >
oCQUESO::MapA class for partitioning vectors and matrices
oCQUESO::MarkovChainPositionData< V >A templated class that represents a Markov Chain
oCQUESO::MatrixClass for matrix operations (virtual)
oCQUESO::McOptionsValuesThis class provides options for the Monte Carlo sequence generator if no input file is available
oCQUESO::MetropolisHastingsSG< P_V, P_M >A templated class that represents a Metropolis-Hastings generator of samples
oCQUESO::MetropolisHastingsSGOptionsThis class reads the options for the Metropolis-Hastings generator of samples from an input file
oCQUESO::MhOptionsValuesThis class provides options for the Metropolis-Hastings generator of samples if no input file is available
oCQUESO::MHRawChainInfoStructA struct that represents a Metropolis-Hastings sample
oCQUESO::MLSampling< P_V, P_M >A templated class that represents a Multilevel generator of samples
oCQUESO::MLSamplingLevelOptionsThis class provides options for each level of the Multilevel sequence generator if no input file is available
oCQUESO::MLSamplingOptionsThis class provides options for the Multilevel sequence generator if no input file is available
oCQUESO::ModelValidation< P_V, P_M, Q_V, Q_M >A templated class for model validation of the example validationPyramid
oCQUESO::MonteCarloSG< P_V, P_M, Q_V, Q_M >A templated class that implements a Monte Carlo generator of samples
oCQUESO::MonteCarloSGOptionsThis class reads the options for the Monte Carlo sequence generator from an input file
oCQUESO::MpiCommThe QUESO MPI Communicator Class
oCQUESO::OperatorBaseAbstract base class for operator objects. Operators are assumed to be symmetric and positive-definite
oCQUESO::OptimizerMonitorObject to monitor convergence of optimizers
oCQUESO::RngBaseClass for random number generation (base class for either GSL or Boost RNG)
oCRngBoostClass for random number generation using Boost library
oCRngGslClass for random number generation using GSL library
oCQUESO::ScalarFunctionSynchronizer< V, M >A templated class for synchronizing the calls of scalar functions (BaseScalarFunction and derived classes)
oCQUESO::ScalarFunctionSynchronizer< P_V, P_M >
oCQUESO::ScalarGaussianRandomField< V, M >A class for handling scalar Gaussian random fields (GRF)
oCQUESO::ScalarSequence< T >Class for handling scalar samples
oCQUESO::ScalarSequence< double >
oCQUESO::SfpOptionsValuesThis class provides options for a Statistical Forward Problem if no input file is available
oCQUESO::SimulationModel< S_V, S_M, P_V, P_M, Q_V, Q_M >
oCQUESO::SimulationStorage< S_V, S_M, P_V, P_M, Q_V, Q_M >
oCQUESO::SipOptionsValuesThis class provides options for a Statistical Inverse Problem if no input file is available
oCQUESO::StatisticalForwardProblem< P_V, P_M, Q_V, Q_M >This templated class represents a Statistical Forward Problem
oCQUESO::StatisticalForwardProblemOptionsThis class reads option values for a Statistical Forward Problem from an input file
oCQUESO::StatisticalInverseProblem< P_V, P_M >This templated class represents a Statistical Inverse Problem
oCQUESO::StatisticalInverseProblemOptionsThis class reads option values for a Statistical Inverse Problem from an input file
oCQUESO::SurrogateBase< V >Base class for surrogates of models
oCQUESO::SurrogateBuilderBase< V >Base class for builders of surrogates
oCQUESO::TwoDArray< T >Class for handling arrays of generic data
oCQUESO::ValidationCycle< P_V, P_M, Q_V, Q_M >A templated class for validation cycle of the examples validationCycle and validationCycle2
oCQUESO::VectorClass for vector operations (virtual)
oCQUESO::VectorFunctionSynchronizer< P_V, P_M, Q_V, Q_M >A templated class for synchronizing the calls of vector-valued functions
oCQUESO::VectorGaussianRandomField< P_V, P_M, Q_V, Q_M >A class for handling vector Gaussian random fields (GRF)
oCQUESO::VectorSet< V, M >A templated class for handling sets
oCQUESO::VectorSet< D_V, D_M >
oCQUESO::VectorSet< P_V, P_M >
oCQUESO::VectorSet< P_V, P_M >
oCQUESO::VectorSet< Q_V, Q_M >
oCQUESO::VectorSet< QUESO::GslVector, QUESO::GslMatrix >
\CQUESO::VectorSet< S_V, S_M >

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