Classes | |
class | ArrayOfSequences |
Class for handling array samples (arrays of scalar sequences). More... | |
class | BoxSubset |
Class representing a subset of a vector space shaped like a hypercube. More... | |
class | ConcatenationSubset |
A templated class representing the concatenation of two vector subsets. More... | |
class | ConstantScalarFunction |
A class for handling scalar functions which image is a constant (real number). More... | |
class | ConstantVectorFunction |
A class for handling vector functions which image is constant. More... | |
class | DiscreteSubset |
A templated class representing the discrete vector subsets. More... | |
class | GenericScalarFunction |
A class for handling generic scalar functions. More... | |
class | GenericVectorFunction |
A class for handling generic vector functions. More... | |
class | IntersectionSubset |
A templated class representing the intersection of two vector sets. More... | |
class | BaseScalarFunction |
A templated (base) class for handling scalar functions. More... | |
class | ScalarFunctionSynchronizer |
A templated class for synchronizing the calls of scalar functions (BaseScalarFunction and derived classes). More... | |
class | ScalarSequence |
Class for handling scalar samples. More... | |
class | SequenceOfVectors |
Class for handling vector samples (sequence of vectors). More... | |
class | BaseVectorFunction |
A templated (base) class for handling vector functions. More... | |
class | VectorFunctionSynchronizer |
A templated class for synchronizing the calls of vector-valued functions. More... | |
class | BaseVectorSequence |
Base class for handling vector and array samples (sequence of vectors or arrays). More... | |
class | VectorSpace |
A class representing a vector space. More... | |
class | VectorSet |
A templated class for handling sets. More... | |
class | VectorSubset |
A templated class for handling subsets. More... | |
class | BaseInputOptionsParser |
class | BasicPdfsBase |
TODO: Base class for basic PDFs (via either GSL or Boost). More... | |
class | BasicPdfsBoost |
TODO: Base class for basic PDFs using Boost library. More... | |
class | BasicPdfsGsl |
TODO: Base class for basic PDFs using Gsl library. More... | |
class | BoostInputOptionsParser |
class | DistArray |
A class for partitioning vectors and matrices. More... | |
struct | FilePtrSetStruct |
Struct for handling data input and output from files. More... | |
class | BaseEnvironment |
This (virtual) class sets up the environment underlying the use of the QUESO library by an executable. More... | |
class | EmptyEnvironment |
This class sets up the environment underlying the use of the QUESO library by an executable. More... | |
class | FullEnvironment |
This class sets up the full environment underlying the use of the QUESO library by an executable. More... | |
class | EnvOptionsValues |
This class provides a suite options one can pass to a QUESO environment. More... | |
class | EnvironmentOptions |
This class reads options one can pass to a QUESO environment through an input file. More... | |
class | LogicError |
class | NotImplemented |
class | FileError |
class | FunctionBase |
Abstract base class for function objects. More... | |
class | FunctionOperatorBuilder |
class | GslBlockMatrix |
Class for representing block matrices using GSL library. More... | |
class | GslMatrix |
Class for matrix operations using GSL library. More... | |
class | GslOptimizer |
A base class for handling optimisation of scalar functions. More... | |
class | GslVector |
Class for vector operations using GSL library. More... | |
class | InfiniteDimensionalGaussian |
Class defining infinite dimensional Gaussian measures. More... | |
class | InfiniteDimensionalLikelihoodBase |
Abstract class representing the likelihood. Users must subclass this. More... | |
class | InfiniteDimensionalMCMCSamplerOptions |
This class defines the options that specify the behaviour of the MCMC sampler. More... | |
class | InfiniteDimensionalMeasureBase |
Abstract base class for infinite dimensional measures. More... | |
class | Map |
A class for partitioning vectors and matrices. More... | |
class | Matrix |
Class for matrix operations (virtual). More... | |
class | MpiComm |
The QUESO MPI Communicator Class. More... | |
class | OperatorBase |
Abstract base class for operator objects. Operators are assumed to be symmetric and positive-definite. More... | |
class | BaseOptimizer |
A base class for handling optimisation of scalar functions. More... | |
class | OptimizerMonitor |
Object to monitor convergence of optimizers. More... | |
class | RngBase |
Class for random number generation (base class for either GSL or Boost RNG). More... | |
class | RngBoost |
class | RngGsl |
class | Vector |
Class for vector operations (virtual). More... | |
class | ExperimentModel |
class | EmOptionsValues |
class | ExperimentModelOptions |
class | ExperimentStorage |
class | GcmExperimentInfo |
class | GcmJointInfo |
class | GcmJointTildeInfo |
class | GcmSimulationInfo |
class | GcmSimulationTildeInfo |
class | GcmTotalInfo |
class | GcmZInfo |
class | GcmZTildeInfo |
class | GPMSAEmulator |
class | GPMSAFactory |
class | GpmsaComputerModel |
class | GcmOptionsValues |
class | GpmsaComputerModelOptions |
class | GPMSAOptions |
This class defines the options that specify the behaviour of the Gaussian process emulator. More... | |
class | SimulationModel |
class | SmOptionsValues |
class | SimulationModelOptions |
class | SimulationStorage |
class | Base1D1DFunction |
Class for one-dimensional functions. More... | |
class | Generic1D1DFunction |
Class for generic one-dimensional functions. More... | |
class | Constant1D1DFunction |
Class for constant one-dimensional functions. More... | |
class | Linear1D1DFunction |
Class for linear one-dimensional functions. More... | |
class | PiecewiseLinear1D1DFunction |
Class for piecewise-linear one-dimensional functions. More... | |
class | Quadratic1D1DFunction |
Class for one-dimensional quadratic functions. More... | |
class | Sampled1D1DFunction |
Class for one-dimensional sampled functions. More... | |
class | ScalarTimesFunc1D1DFunction |
Class for multiplication of a one-dimensional function by a scalar. More... | |
class | FuncTimesFunc1D1DFunction |
Class for multiplication of a one-dimensional function by another. More... | |
class | FuncPlusFunc1D1DFunction |
Class for addition of a one-dimensional function with another. More... | |
class | LagrangePolynomial1D1DFunction |
Class for one-dimensional Lagrange polynomials. More... | |
class | LagrangeBasis1D1DFunction |
Class for Lagrange polynomial basis. More... | |
class | Base1DQuadrature |
Base class for one-dimensional quadrature rules (numerical integration of functions). More... | |
class | Generic1DQuadrature |
Class for one-dimensional generic quadrature rules (numerical integration of functions). More... | |
class | UniformLegendre1DQuadrature |
Class for Legendre-Gauss quadrature rule for one-dimensional functions. More... | |
class | GaussianHermite1DQuadrature |
Class for Hermite-Gauss quadrature rule for one-dimensional functions. More... | |
class | WignerInverseChebyshev1st1DQuadrature |
Class for first type Chebyshev-Gauss quadrature rule for one-dimensional functions. More... | |
class | WignerChebyshev2nd1DQuadrature |
Class for second type Chebyshev-Gauss quadrature rule for one-dimensional functions. More... | |
class | TwoDArray |
Class for handling arrays of generic data. More... | |
class | ArrayOfOneDGrids |
Class to accommodate arrays of one-dimensional grid. More... | |
class | ArrayOfOneDTables |
Class to accommodate arrays of one-dimensional tables. More... | |
class | AsciiTable |
Class for reading ASCII values from a table in a file. More... | |
class | Fft |
Class for a Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) algorithm. More... | |
class | BaseOneDGrid |
Base class for accommodating one-dimensional grids. More... | |
class | StdOneDGrid |
Class for accommodating standard one-dimensional grids. More... | |
class | StreamUtilities |
class | UniformOneDGrid |
Class for accommodating uniform one-dimensional grids. More... | |
class | BayesianJointPdf |
A class for handling Bayesian joint PDFs. More... | |
class | BetaJointPdf |
A class for handling Beta joint PDFs. More... | |
class | BetaVectorRealizer |
A class for handling sampling from a Beta probability density distribution. More... | |
class | BetaVectorRV |
A class representing a vector RV constructed via Beta distribution. More... | |
class | ConcatenatedJointPdf |
A class for handling concatenated PDFs. More... | |
class | ConcatenatedVectorRealizer |
A class for handling sampling from concatenated probability density distributions. More... | |
class | ConcatenatedVectorRV |
A class representing concatenated vector RVs. More... | |
class | ExponentialMatrixCovarianceFunction |
A class for exponential covariance matrices. More... | |
class | ExponentialScalarCovarianceFunction |
A class for exponential covariances. More... | |
class | FiniteDistribution |
A templated class for a finite distribution. More... | |
class | GammaJointPdf |
A class for handling Gamma joint PDFs. More... | |
class | GammaVectorRealizer |
A class for handling sampling from a Gamma probability density distribution. More... | |
class | GammaVectorRV |
A class representing a vector RV constructed via Gamma distribution. More... | |
class | GaussianJointPdf |
A class for handling Gaussian joint PDFs. More... | |
class | BaseGaussianLikelihood |
Base class for canned Gaussian likelihoods. More... | |
class | GaussianLikelihoodBlockDiagonalCovariance |
A class representing a Gaussian likelihood with block-diagonal covariance matrix. More... | |
class | GaussianLikelihoodBlockDiagonalCovarianceRandomCoefficients |
A class representing a Gaussian likelihood with block-diagonal covariance matrix. More... | |
class | GaussianLikelihoodDiagonalCovariance |
A class that represents a Gaussian likelihood with diagonal covariance matrix. More... | |
class | GaussianLikelihoodFullCovariance |
A class that represents a Gaussian likelihood with full covariance. More... | |
class | GaussianLikelihoodFullCovarianceRandomCoefficient |
A class that represents a Gaussian likelihood with full covariance and random coefficient. More... | |
class | GaussianLikelihoodScalarCovariance |
A class that represents a Gaussian likelihood with scalar covariance. More... | |
class | GaussianVectorCdf |
TODO: A class for handling Gaussian CDFs. More... | |
class | GaussianVectorMdf |
TODO: A class for handling Gaussian MDFs. More... | |
class | GaussianVectorRealizer |
A class for handling sampling from Gaussian probability density distributions. More... | |
class | GaussianVectorRV |
A class representing a Gaussian vector RV. More... | |
class | GenericJointPdf |
A class for handling generic joint PDFs. More... | |
class | GenericMatrixCovarianceFunction |
A class for generic covariance matrices. More... | |
class | GenericScalarCovarianceFunction |
A class for generic covariances. More... | |
class | GenericVectorCdf |
A class for handling generic vector CDFs. More... | |
class | GenericVectorMdf |
A class for handling generic MDFs of vector functions. More... | |
class | GenericVectorRealizer |
A class for handling sampling from generic probability density distributions. More... | |
class | GenericVectorRV |
A templated class for handling generic vector RVs. More... | |
class | HessianCovMatricesTKGroup |
This class allows the representation of a transition kernel with Hessians. More... | |
class | InverseGammaJointPdf |
A class for handling Inverse Gamma joint PDFs. More... | |
class | InverseGammaVectorRealizer |
A class for handling sampling from an Inverse Gamma probability density distribution. More... | |
class | InverseGammaVectorRV |
A class representing a vector RV constructed via Inverse Gamma distribution. More... | |
class | InvLogitGaussianJointPdf |
A class for handling hybrid (transformed) Gaussians with bounds. More... | |
class | InvLogitGaussianVectorRealizer |
A class for handling sampling from (transformed) Gaussian probability density distributions with bounds. More... | |
class | InvLogitGaussianVectorRV |
A class representing a (transformed) Gaussian vector RV with bounds. More... | |
class | JeffreysJointPdf |
A class for handling jeffreys joint PDFs. More... | |
class | JeffreysVectorRealizer |
A class for handling sampling from a jeffreys probability density distribution. More... | |
class | JeffreysVectorRV |
A class representing a jeffreys vector RV. More... | |
class | BaseJointPdf |
A templated (base) class for handling joint PDFs. More... | |
class | LogNormalJointPdf |
A class for handling Log-Normal joint PDFs. More... | |
class | LogNormalVectorRealizer |
A class for handling sampling from a Log-Normal probability density distribution. More... | |
class | LogNormalVectorRV |
A class representing a LogNormal vector RV. More... | |
class | MarkovChainPositionData |
A templated class that represents a Markov Chain. More... | |
class | BaseMatrixCovarianceFunction |
A templated (base) class to accommodate covariance matrix of (random) vector functions. More... | |
struct | MHRawChainInfoStruct |
A struct that represents a Metropolis-Hastings sample. More... | |
class | MetropolisHastingsSG |
A templated class that represents a Metropolis-Hastings generator of samples. More... | |
class | MhOptionsValues |
This class provides options for the Metropolis-Hastings generator of samples if no input file is available. More... | |
class | MetropolisHastingsSGOptions |
This class reads the options for the Metropolis-Hastings generator of samples from an input file. More... | |
struct | ExchangeInfoStruct |
struct | BalancedLinkedChainControlStruct |
struct | BalancedLinkedChainsPerNodeStruct |
struct | UnbalancedLinkedChainControlStruct |
struct | UnbalancedLinkedChainsPerNodeStruct |
class | MLSampling |
A templated class that represents a Multilevel generator of samples. More... | |
class | MLSamplingLevelOptions |
This class provides options for each level of the Multilevel sequence generator if no input file is available. More... | |
class | MLSamplingOptions |
This class provides options for the Multilevel sequence generator if no input file is available. More... | |
class | ModelValidation |
A templated class for model validation of the example validationPyramid. More... | |
class | MonteCarloSG |
A templated class that implements a Monte Carlo generator of samples. More... | |
class | McOptionsValues |
This class provides options for the Monte Carlo sequence generator if no input file is available. More... | |
class | MonteCarloSGOptions |
This class reads the options for the Monte Carlo sequence generator from an input file. More... | |
class | PoweredJointPdf |
A class for handling a powered joint PDFs. More... | |
class | SampledScalarCdf |
A class for handling sampled CDFs. More... | |
class | SampledVectorCdf |
A class for handling sampled vector CDFs. More... | |
class | SampledVectorMdf |
A class for handling sampled vector MDFs. More... | |
class | BaseScalarCdf |
A templated (base) class for handling CDFs. More... | |
class | BaseScalarCovarianceFunction |
A templated (base) class to accommodate scalar covariance functions (of random variables). More... | |
class | ScalarGaussianRandomField |
A class for handling scalar Gaussian random fields (GRF). More... | |
class | ScaledCovMatrixTKGroup |
This class allows the representation of a transition kernel with a scaled covariance matrix. More... | |
class | SequentialVectorRealizer |
A class for handling sequential draws (sampling) from probability density distributions. More... | |
class | StatisticalForwardProblem |
This templated class represents a Statistical Forward Problem. More... | |
class | SfpOptionsValues |
This class provides options for a Statistical Forward Problem if no input file is available. More... | |
class | StatisticalForwardProblemOptions |
This class reads option values for a Statistical Forward Problem from an input file. More... | |
class | StatisticalInverseProblem |
This templated class represents a Statistical Inverse Problem. More... | |
class | SipOptionsValues |
This class provides options for a Statistical Inverse Problem if no input file is available. More... | |
class | StatisticalInverseProblemOptions |
This class reads option values for a Statistical Inverse Problem from an input file. More... | |
class | StdScalarCdf |
A class for handling standard CDFs. More... | |
class | BaseTKGroup |
This base class allows the representation of a transition kernel. More... | |
class | TransformedScaledCovMatrixTKGroup |
This class represents a transition kernel with a scaled covariance matrix on hybrid bounded/unbounded state spaces. More... | |
class | UniformJointPdf |
A class for handling uniform joint PDFs. More... | |
class | UniformVectorRealizer |
A class for handling sampling from a Uniform probability density distribution. More... | |
class | UniformVectorRV |
A class representing a uniform vector RV. More... | |
class | ValidationCycle |
A templated class for validation cycle of the examples validationCycle and validationCycle2. More... | |
class | BaseVectorCdf |
A templated (base) class for handling CDFs of vector functions. More... | |
class | VectorGaussianRandomField |
A class for handling vector Gaussian random fields (GRF). More... | |
class | BaseVectorMdf |
A templated (base) class for handling MDFs of vector functions. More... | |
class | BaseVectorRealizer |
A templated (base) class for handling sampling from vector RVs. More... | |
class | BaseVectorRV |
A templated base class for handling vector RV. More... | |
class | WignerJointPdf |
A class for handling Wigner joint PDFs. More... | |
class | WignerVectorRealizer |
A class for handling sampling from a Wigner probability density distribution. More... | |
class | WignerVectorRV |
A class representing a vector RV constructed via Wigner distribution. More... | |
class | InterpolationSurrogateData |
class | InterpolationSurrogateBase |
Base class for interpolation-based surrogates. More... | |
class | InterpolationSurrogateBuilder |
Build interpolation-based surrogate. More... | |
class | InterpolationSurrogateDataSet |
Container class for multiple, consistent InterpolationSurrogateData objects. More... | |
class | InterpolationSurrogateHelper |
class | InterpolationSurrogateIOASCII |
class | InterpolationSurrogateIOBase |
class | LinearLagrangeInterpolationSurrogate |
Linear Lagrange interpolation surrogate. More... | |
class | SurrogateBase |
Base class for surrogates of models. More... | |
class | SurrogateBuilderBase |
Base class for builders of surrogates. More... | |
Typedefs | |
typedef MPI_Comm | RawType_MPI_Comm |
typedef MPI_Group | RawType_MPI_Group |
typedef MPI_Datatype | RawType_MPI_Datatype |
typedef MPI_Op | RawType_MPI_Op |
typedef MPI_Status | RawType_MPI_Status |
Functions | |
template<class V , class M > | |
VectorSet< V, M > * | InstantiateIntersection (const VectorSet< V, M > &domain1, const VectorSet< V, M > &domain2) |
This method calculates the intersection of domain1 and domain2 . More... | |
template<class T > | |
void | ComputeSubGaussian2dKde (const ScalarSequence< T > &scalarSeq1, const ScalarSequence< T > &scalarSeq2, unsigned int initialPos, double scaleValue1, double scaleValue2, const std::vector< T > &evaluationPositions1, const std::vector< T > &evaluationPositions2, std::vector< double > &densityValues) |
template<class T > | |
void | ComputeUnifiedGaussian2dKde (bool useOnlyInter0Comm, const ScalarSequence< T > &scalarSeq1, const ScalarSequence< T > &scalarSeq2, unsigned int initialPos, double unifiedScaleValue1, double unifiedScaleValue2, const std::vector< T > &unifiedEvaluationPositions1, const std::vector< T > &unifiedEvaluationPositions2, std::vector< double > &unifiedDensityValues) |
template<class T > | |
void | ComputeCovCorrBetweenScalarSequences (const ScalarSequence< T > &subPSeq, const ScalarSequence< T > &subQSeq, unsigned int subNumSamples, T &covValue, T &corrValue) |
template<class P_V , class P_M , class Q_V , class Q_M > | |
void | ComputeCovCorrMatricesBetweenVectorSequences (const BaseVectorSequence< P_V, P_M > &subPSeq, const BaseVectorSequence< Q_V, Q_M > &subQSeq, unsigned int subNumSamples, P_M &pqCovMatrix, P_M &pqCorrMatrix) |
int | MyWorldfullRank () |
Returns the rank of the calling process in the communicator. More... | |
void | queso_terminate_handler () |
Function for unhandled exceptions in Queso. More... | |
void | QUESO_version_print (std::ostream &os) |
int | QUESO_get_numeric_version () |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const BaseEnvironment &obj) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const EnvironmentOptions &obj) |
Print values of the options chosen. More... | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const GslBlockMatrix &obj) |
GslMatrix | operator* (double a, const GslMatrix &mat) |
GslVector | operator* (const GslMatrix &mat, const GslVector &vec) |
GslMatrix | operator* (const GslMatrix &m1, const GslMatrix &m2) |
GslMatrix | operator+ (const GslMatrix &m1, const GslMatrix &m2) |
GslMatrix | operator- (const GslMatrix &m1, const GslMatrix &m2) |
GslMatrix | matrixProduct (const GslVector &v1, const GslVector &v2) |
GslMatrix | leftDiagScaling (const GslVector &vec, const GslMatrix &mat) |
GslMatrix | rightDiagScaling (const GslMatrix &mat, const GslVector &vec) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const GslMatrix &obj) |
GslVector | operator/ (double a, const GslVector &x) |
GslVector | operator/ (const GslVector &x, const GslVector &y) |
GslVector | operator* (double a, const GslVector &x) |
GslVector | operator* (const GslVector &x, const GslVector &y) |
double | scalarProduct (const GslVector &x, const GslVector &y) |
GslVector | operator+ (const GslVector &x, const GslVector &y) |
GslVector | operator- (const GslVector &x, const GslVector &y) |
bool | operator== (const GslVector &lhs, const GslVector &rhs) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const GslVector &obj) |
template<> | |
void | BoostInputOptionsParser::getOption< std::vector< double, std::allocator< double > > > (std::string &name, std::vector< double, std::allocator< double > > &value) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const BoostInputOptionsParser &parser) |
template void | BoostInputOptionsParser::registerOption< std::string > (std::string, std::string, std::string) |
template void | BoostInputOptionsParser::getOption< std::string > (std::string &, std::string &) |
template void | BoostInputOptionsParser::getOption< std::vector< unsigned int, std::allocator< unsigned int > > > (std::string &, std::vector< unsigned int, std::allocator< unsigned int > > &) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const EnvOptionsValues &obj) |
double | c_evaluate (const gsl_vector *x, void *context) |
void | c_evaluate_derivative (const gsl_vector *x, void *context, gsl_vector *derivative) |
void | c_evaluate_with_derivative (const gsl_vector *x, void *context, double *f, gsl_vector *derivative) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const InfiniteDimensionalMCMCSamplerOptions &obj) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const ExperimentModelOptions &obj) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const GpmsaComputerModelOptions &obj) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const SimulationModelOptions &obj) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const GPMSAOptions &obj) |
template<class T > | |
double | SubF1F2Gaussian2dKdeIntegral (const ScalarSequence< T > &scalarSeq1, const ScalarSequence< T > &scalarSeq2, unsigned int initialPos, double scaleValue1, double scaleValue2, const Base1D1DFunction &func1, const Base1D1DFunction &func2, unsigned int quadratureOrder) |
Calculates the integral of a 2D Gaussian KDE. More... | |
template<class V , class M > | |
void | CovCond (double condNumber, const V &direction, M &covMatrix, M &precMatrix) |
void | MiscReadDoublesFromString (const std::string &inputString, std::vector< double > &outputDoubles) |
void | MiscReadWordsFromString (const std::string &inputString, std::vector< std::string > &outputWords) |
int | MiscReadStringAndDoubleFromFile (std::ifstream &ifs, std::string &termString, double *termValue) |
int | MiscReadCharsAndDoubleFromFile (std::ifstream &ifs, std::string &termString, double *termValue, bool &endOfLineAchieved) |
double | MiscGammar (double a, double b, const RngBase *rngObject) |
double | MiscGetEllapsedSeconds (struct timeval *timeval0) |
double | MiscHammingWindow (unsigned int N, unsigned int j) |
double | MiscGaussianDensity (double x, double mu, double sigma) |
unsigned int | MiscUintDebugMessage (unsigned int value, const char *message) |
int | MiscIntDebugMessage (int value, const char *message) |
double | MiscDoubleDebugMessage (double value, const char *message) |
int | CheckFilePath (const char *path) |
int | GRVY_CheckDir (const char *dirname) |
template<class T > | |
bool | MiscCheckForSameValueInAllNodes (T &inputValue, double acceptableTreshold, const MpiComm &comm, const char *whereString) |
template<class V > | |
void | MiscComputePositionsBetweenMinMax (V minValues, V maxValues, std::vector< V * > &positions) |
template<class V1 , class V2 > | |
void | MiscCheckTheParallelEnvironment (const V1 &vec1, const V2 &vec2) |
template<class V , class M > | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const ArrayOfOneDTables< V, M > &obj) |
template<class V , class M > | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const AsciiTable< V, M > &obj) |
template<class V , class M > | |
void | ComputeConditionalGaussianVectorRV (const V &muVec1, const V &muVec2, const M &sigmaMat11, const M &sigmaMat12, const M &sigmaMat21, const M &sigmaMat22, const V &sampleVec2, V &muVec1_cond_on_2, M &sigmaMat11_cond_on_2) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const MetropolisHastingsSGOptions &obj) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const MonteCarloSGOptions &obj) |
Prints the object obj , overloading an operator. More... | |
template<class T > | |
double | horizontalDistance (const BaseScalarCdf< T > &cdf1, const BaseScalarCdf< T > &cdf2, double epsilon) |
It calculated the maximum horizontal distance between two CDFs. More... | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const StatisticalForwardProblemOptions &obj) |
Prints the object obj , overloading an operator. More... | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const StatisticalInverseProblemOptions &obj) |
Prints the object obj , overloading an operator. More... | |
template<class V , class M > | |
void | horizontalDistances (const BaseVectorCdf< V, M > &cdf1, const BaseVectorCdf< V, M > &cdf2, const V &epsilonVec, V &distances) |
It calculated the maximum horizontal distances between two vector CDFs. More... | |
template<class P_V , class P_M , class Q_V , class Q_M > | |
void | ComputeCovCorrMatricesBetweenVectorRvs (const BaseVectorRV< P_V, P_M > ¶mRv, const BaseVectorRV< Q_V, Q_M > &qoiRv, unsigned int localNumSamples, P_M &pqCovMatrix, P_M &pqCorrMatrix) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const MhOptionsValues &obj) |
template<class P_V , class P_M > | |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const MLSampling< P_V, P_M > &obj) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const MLSamplingLevelOptions &obj) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const MLSamplingOptions &obj) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const McOptionsValues &obj) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const SfpOptionsValues &obj) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &os, const SipOptionsValues &obj) |
Variables | |
const int | UQ_UNAVAILABLE_RANK = -1 |
const int | UQ_OK_RC = 0 |
const int | UQ_INVALID_QOI_SPEC_RC = -4 |
const int | UQ_FAILED_TO_OPEN_FILE_RC = -7 |
const int | UQ_FAILED_READING_FILE_RC = -9 |
const int | UQ_MATRIX_SVD_FAILED_RC = -11 |
std::terminate_handler | old_terminate_handler |
typedef MPI_Comm QUESO::RawType_MPI_Comm |
typedef MPI_Datatype QUESO::RawType_MPI_Datatype |
typedef MPI_Group QUESO::RawType_MPI_Group |
typedef MPI_Op QUESO::RawType_MPI_Op |
typedef MPI_Status QUESO::RawType_MPI_Status |
template void QUESO::BoostInputOptionsParser::getOption< std::string > | ( | std::string & | , |
std::string & | |||
) |
void QUESO::BoostInputOptionsParser::getOption< std::vector< double, std::allocator< double > > > | ( | std::string & | name, |
std::vector< double, std::allocator< double > > & | value | ||
) |
Definition at line 129 of file BoostInputOptionsParser.C.
References MiscReadDoublesFromString().
template void QUESO::BoostInputOptionsParser::getOption< std::vector< unsigned int, std::allocator< unsigned int > > > | ( | std::string & | , |
std::vector< unsigned int, std::allocator< unsigned int > > & | |||
) |
template void QUESO::BoostInputOptionsParser::registerOption< std::string > | ( | std::string | , |
std::string | , | ||
std::string | |||
) |
double QUESO::c_evaluate | ( | const gsl_vector * | x, |
void * | context | ||
) |
Definition at line 41 of file GslOptimizer.C.
References QUESO::GslOptimizer::objectiveFunction().
Referenced by c_evaluate_with_derivative(), QUESO::GslOptimizer::minimize_no_gradient(), and QUESO::GslOptimizer::minimize_with_gradient().
Definition at line 67 of file GslOptimizer.C.
References QUESO::BaseOptimizer::getFiniteDifferenceStepSize(), and QUESO::GslOptimizer::objectiveFunction().
Referenced by c_evaluate_with_derivative(), and QUESO::GslOptimizer::minimize_with_gradient().
void QUESO::c_evaluate_with_derivative | ( | const gsl_vector * | x, |
void * | context, | ||
double * | f, | ||
gsl_vector * | derivative | ||
) |
Definition at line 149 of file GslOptimizer.C.
References c_evaluate(), and c_evaluate_derivative().
Referenced by QUESO::GslOptimizer::minimize_with_gradient().
int QUESO::CheckFilePath | ( | const char * | pathname | ) |
int CheckFilePath(const char *path) {
// verify parent directories in path exist (and create if not).
ifdef HAVE_GRVY return(grvy_check_file_path(path)); else
return 0; endif }
Definition at line 362 of file Miscellaneous.C.
References GRVY_CheckDir().
Referenced by QUESO::FullEnvironment::FullEnvironment(), QUESO::BaseEnvironment::openInputFile(), QUESO::BaseEnvironment::openOutputFile(), QUESO::BaseEnvironment::openUnifiedInputFile(), and QUESO::BaseEnvironment::openUnifiedOutputFile().
void QUESO::ComputeConditionalGaussianVectorRV | ( | const V & | muVec1, |
const V & | muVec2, | ||
const M & | sigmaMat11, | ||
const M & | sigmaMat12, | ||
const M & | sigmaMat21, | ||
const M & | sigmaMat22, | ||
const V & | sampleVec2, | ||
V & | muVec1_cond_on_2, | ||
M & | sigmaMat11_cond_on_2 | ||
) |
Definition at line 207 of file GaussianVectorRV.C.
References queso_require_equal_to_msg, queso_require_less_msg, queso_require_msg, and QUESO::BaseEnvironment::subDisplayFile().
Referenced by QUESO::GpmsaComputerModel< S_V, S_M, D_V, D_M, P_V, P_M, Q_V, Q_M >::predictVUsAtGridPoint(), and QUESO::GpmsaComputerModel< S_V, S_M, D_V, D_M, P_V, P_M, Q_V, Q_M >::predictWsAtGridPoint().
void QUESO::ComputeCovCorrBetweenScalarSequences | ( | const ScalarSequence< T > & | subPSeq, |
const ScalarSequence< T > & | subQSeq, | ||
unsigned int | subNumSamples, | ||
T & | covValue, | ||
T & | corrValue | ||
) |
Definition at line 4006 of file ScalarSequence.C.
References QUESO::MpiComm::Allreduce(), QUESO::ScalarSequence< T >::env(), QUESO::BaseEnvironment::inter0Comm(), QUESO::BaseEnvironment::inter0Rank(), k, queso_require_msg, RawValue_MPI_DOUBLE, RawValue_MPI_SUM, RawValue_MPI_UNSIGNED, QUESO::ScalarSequence< T >::subSequenceSize(), QUESO::ScalarSequence< T >::unifiedMeanExtra(), and QUESO::ScalarSequence< T >::unifiedSampleVarianceExtra().
Referenced by ComputeSubGaussian2dKde().
void QUESO::ComputeCovCorrMatricesBetweenVectorRvs | ( | const BaseVectorRV< P_V, P_M > & | paramRv, |
const BaseVectorRV< Q_V, Q_M > & | qoiRv, | ||
unsigned int | localNumSamples, | ||
P_M & | pqCovMatrix, | ||
P_M & | pqCorrMatrix | ||
) |
Definition at line 198 of file VectorRV.C.
References ComputeCovCorrMatricesBetweenVectorSequences(), QUESO::BaseVectorRV< V, M >::env(), QUESO::BaseVectorRV< V, M >::imageSet(), k, QUESO::VectorSpace< V, M >::numOfProcsForStorage(), queso_require_msg, QUESO::BaseVectorRealizer< V, M >::realization(), QUESO::BaseVectorRV< V, M >::realizer(), QUESO::VectorSet< V, M >::vectorSpace(), and QUESO::VectorSpace< V, M >::zeroVector().
void QUESO::ComputeCovCorrMatricesBetweenVectorSequences | ( | const BaseVectorSequence< P_V, P_M > & | subPSeq, |
const BaseVectorSequence< Q_V, Q_M > & | subQSeq, | ||
unsigned int | subNumSamples, | ||
P_M & | pqCovMatrix, | ||
P_M & | pqCorrMatrix | ||
) |
Definition at line 2773 of file VectorSequence.C.
References QUESO::MpiComm::Allreduce(), QUESO::MpiComm::Barrier(), QUESO::VectorSpace< V, M >::dimGlobal(), QUESO::VectorSpace< V, M >::dimLocal(), QUESO::BaseVectorSequence< V, M >::getPositionValues(), QUESO::BaseEnvironment::inter0Comm(), QUESO::BaseEnvironment::inter0Rank(), k, QUESO::VectorSpace< V, M >::numOfProcsForStorage(), queso_require_greater_equal_msg, queso_require_less_equal_msg, queso_require_msg, RawValue_MPI_DOUBLE, RawValue_MPI_SUM, RawValue_MPI_UNSIGNED, QUESO::BaseVectorSequence< V, M >::subSequenceSize(), QUESO::BaseVectorSequence< V, M >::unifiedMeanExtra(), QUESO::BaseVectorSequence< V, M >::unifiedSampleVarianceExtra(), QUESO::BaseVectorSequence< V, M >::vectorSpace(), QUESO::BaseEnvironment::worldRank(), and QUESO::VectorSpace< V, M >::zeroVector().
Referenced by ComputeCovCorrMatricesBetweenVectorRvs(), QUESO::GpmsaComputerModel< S_V, S_M, D_V, D_M, P_V, P_M, Q_V, Q_M >::predictVUsAtGridPoint(), QUESO::GpmsaComputerModel< S_V, S_M, D_V, D_M, P_V, P_M, Q_V, Q_M >::predictWsAtGridPoint(), and QUESO::StatisticalForwardProblem< P_V, P_M, Q_V, Q_M >::solveWithMonteCarlo().
void QUESO::ComputeSubGaussian2dKde | ( | const ScalarSequence< T > & | scalarSeq1, |
const ScalarSequence< T > & | scalarSeq2, | ||
unsigned int | initialPos, | ||
double | scaleValue1, | ||
double | scaleValue2, | ||
const std::vector< T > & | evaluationPositions1, | ||
const std::vector< T > & | evaluationPositions2, | ||
std::vector< double > & | densityValues | ||
) |
Definition at line 3897 of file ScalarSequence.C.
References ComputeCovCorrBetweenScalarSequences(), k, queso_require_equal_to_msg, queso_require_msg, and QUESO::ScalarSequence< T >::subSequenceSize().
Referenced by ComputeUnifiedGaussian2dKde().
void QUESO::ComputeUnifiedGaussian2dKde | ( | bool | useOnlyInter0Comm, |
const ScalarSequence< T > & | scalarSeq1, | ||
const ScalarSequence< T > & | scalarSeq2, | ||
unsigned int | initialPos, | ||
double | unifiedScaleValue1, | ||
double | unifiedScaleValue2, | ||
const std::vector< T > & | unifiedEvaluationPositions1, | ||
const std::vector< T > & | unifiedEvaluationPositions2, | ||
std::vector< double > & | unifiedDensityValues | ||
) |
Definition at line 3956 of file ScalarSequence.C.
References ComputeSubGaussian2dKde(), QUESO::ScalarSequence< T >::env(), QUESO::BaseEnvironment::inter0Rank(), QUESO::BaseEnvironment::numSubEnvironments(), and queso_error_msg.
void QUESO::CovCond | ( | double | condNumber, |
const V & | direction, | ||
M & | covMatrix, | ||
M & | precMatrix | ||
) |
Definition at line 30 of file CovCond.C.
References leftDiagScaling(), and matrixProduct().
int QUESO::GRVY_CheckDir | ( | const char * | dirname | ) |
Definition at line 456 of file Miscellaneous.C.
Referenced by CheckFilePath().
double QUESO::horizontalDistance | ( | const BaseScalarCdf< T > & | cdf1, |
const BaseScalarCdf< T > & | cdf2, | ||
double | epsilon | ||
) |
It calculated the maximum horizontal distance between two CDFs.
Definition at line 96 of file ScalarCdf.C.
References QUESO::BaseEnvironment::displayVerbosity(), QUESO::BaseScalarCdf< T >::env(), QUESO::BaseScalarCdf< T >::inverse(), QUESO::BaseScalarCdf< T >::prefix(), QUESO::BaseEnvironment::subDisplayFile(), and QUESO::BaseScalarCdf< T >::value().
Referenced by horizontalDistances().
void QUESO::horizontalDistances | ( | const BaseVectorCdf< V, M > & | cdf1, |
const BaseVectorCdf< V, M > & | cdf2, | ||
const V & | epsilonVec, | ||
V & | distances | ||
) |
It calculated the maximum horizontal distances between two vector CDFs.
Definition at line 89 of file VectorCdf.C.
References QUESO::BaseVectorCdf< V, M >::cdf(), horizontalDistance(), and QUESO::BaseVectorCdf< V, M >::pdfSupport().
VectorSet< V, M > * QUESO::InstantiateIntersection | ( | const VectorSet< V, M > & | domain1, |
const VectorSet< V, M > & | domain2 | ||
) |
This method calculates the intersection of domain1
and domain2
It is used, for instance, to calculate the domain of the Posterior PDF, which is the intersection of the domain of the Prior PDF and of the likelihood function.
Definition at line 37 of file InstantiateIntersection.C.
References QUESO::VectorSpace< V, M >::dimGlobal(), QUESO::VectorSpace< V, M >::env(), QUESO::BoxSubset< V, M >::maxValues(), QUESO::BoxSubset< V, M >::minValues(), QUESO::VectorSet< V, M >::prefix(), queso_error_msg, QUESO::VectorSubset< V, M >::vectorSpace(), and QUESO::VectorSet< V, M >::vectorSpace().
Referenced by QUESO::GpmsaComputerModel< S_V, S_M, D_V, D_M, P_V, P_M, Q_V, Q_M >::calibrateWithBayesMetropolisHastings(), QUESO::GpmsaComputerModel< S_V, S_M, D_V, D_M, P_V, P_M, Q_V, Q_M >::calibrateWithBayesMLSampling(), QUESO::StatisticalInverseProblem< P_V, P_M >::solveWithBayesMetropolisHastings(), and QUESO::StatisticalInverseProblem< P_V, P_M >::solveWithBayesMLSampling().
GslMatrix QUESO::leftDiagScaling | ( | const GslVector & | vec, |
const GslMatrix & | mat | ||
) |
Definition at line 2042 of file GslMatrix.C.
References QUESO::GslMatrix::numCols(), QUESO::GslMatrix::numRowsLocal(), queso_require_equal_to_msg, and QUESO::GslVector::sizeLocal().
Referenced by CovCond().
GslMatrix QUESO::matrixProduct | ( | const GslVector & | v1, |
const GslVector & | v2 | ||
) |
Definition at line 2026 of file GslMatrix.C.
References QUESO::Vector::env(), QUESO::Vector::map(), and QUESO::GslVector::sizeLocal().
Referenced by CovCond(), QUESO::SequenceOfVectors< V, M >::estimateConvBrooksGelman(), QUESO::MLSampling< P_V, P_M >::generateSequence_Step04_inter0(), and QUESO::MetropolisHastingsSG< P_V, P_M >::updateAdaptedCovMatrix().
bool QUESO::MiscCheckForSameValueInAllNodes | ( | T & | inputValue, |
double | acceptableTreshold, | ||
const MpiComm & | comm, | ||
const char * | whereString | ||
) |
Definition at line 479 of file Miscellaneous.C.
References QUESO::MpiComm::Allreduce(), QUESO::MpiComm::Barrier(), QUESO::MpiComm::Bcast(), QUESO::MpiComm::MyPID(), QUESO::MpiComm::NumProc(), queso_require_less_equal_msg, RawValue_MPI_DOUBLE, RawValue_MPI_SUM, and RawValue_MPI_UNSIGNED.
Referenced by QUESO::MLSampling< P_V, P_M >::generateSequence_Step03_inter0(), and QUESO::MLSampling< P_V, P_M >::generateSequence_Step09_all().
void QUESO::MiscCheckTheParallelEnvironment | ( | const V1 & | vec1, |
const V2 & | vec2 | ||
) |
Definition at line 564 of file Miscellaneous.C.
References QUESO::BaseEnvironment::fullComm(), QUESO::MpiComm::NumProc(), QUESO::BaseEnvironment::numSubEnvironments(), queso_error_msg, queso_require_equal_to_msg, QUESO::BaseEnvironment::subComm(), and QUESO::BaseEnvironment::subRank().
void QUESO::MiscComputePositionsBetweenMinMax | ( | V | minValues, |
V | maxValues, | ||
std::vector< V * > & | positions | ||
) |
Definition at line 537 of file Miscellaneous.C.
double QUESO::MiscDoubleDebugMessage | ( | double | value, |
const char * | message | ||
) |
Definition at line 334 of file Miscellaneous.C.
double QUESO::MiscGammar | ( | double | a, |
double | b, | ||
const RngBase * | rngObject | ||
) |
Definition at line 248 of file Miscellaneous.C.
References QUESO::RngBase::gaussianSample(), and QUESO::RngBase::uniformSample().
double QUESO::MiscGaussianDensity | ( | double | x, |
double | mu, | ||
double | sigma | ||
) |
Definition at line 306 of file Miscellaneous.C.
Referenced by QUESO::ArrayOfSequences< V, M >::gaussianKDE(), QUESO::ScalarSequence< T >::subGaussian1dKde(), and QUESO::ScalarSequence< T >::unifiedGaussian1dKde().
double QUESO::MiscGetEllapsedSeconds | ( | struct timeval * | timeval0 | ) |
Definition at line 282 of file Miscellaneous.C.
Referenced by QUESO::MonteCarloSG< P_V, P_M, Q_V, Q_M >::actualGenerateSequence(), QUESO::MetropolisHastingsSG< P_V, P_M >::adapt(), QUESO::GpmsaComputerModel< S_V, S_M, D_V, D_M, P_V, P_M, Q_V, Q_M >::calibrateWithBayesMetropolisHastings(), QUESO::GpmsaComputerModel< S_V, S_M, D_V, D_M, P_V, P_M, Q_V, Q_M >::calibrateWithBayesMLSampling(), QUESO::GpmsaComputerModel< S_V, S_M, D_V, D_M, P_V, P_M, Q_V, Q_M >::calibrateWithLanlMcmc(), QUESO::MLSampling< P_V, P_M >::generateBalLinkedChains_all(), QUESO::MetropolisHastingsSG< P_V, P_M >::generateFullChain(), QUESO::MLSampling< P_V, P_M >::generateSequence(), QUESO::MLSampling< P_V, P_M >::generateSequence_Level0_all(), QUESO::MLSampling< P_V, P_M >::generateSequence_Step01_inter0(), QUESO::MLSampling< P_V, P_M >::generateSequence_Step02_inter0(), QUESO::MLSampling< P_V, P_M >::generateSequence_Step03_inter0(), QUESO::MLSampling< P_V, P_M >::generateSequence_Step04_inter0(), QUESO::MLSampling< P_V, P_M >::generateSequence_Step05_inter0(), QUESO::MLSampling< P_V, P_M >::generateSequence_Step06_all(), QUESO::MLSampling< P_V, P_M >::generateSequence_Step07_inter0(), QUESO::MLSampling< P_V, P_M >::generateSequence_Step08_all(), QUESO::MLSampling< P_V, P_M >::generateSequence_Step09_all(), QUESO::MLSampling< P_V, P_M >::generateSequence_Step10_all(), QUESO::MLSampling< P_V, P_M >::generateSequence_Step11_inter0(), QUESO::MLSampling< P_V, P_M >::generateUnbLinkedChains_all(), QUESO::MLSampling< P_V, P_M >::justBalance_proc0(), QUESO::GpmsaComputerModel< S_V, S_M, D_V, D_M, P_V, P_M, Q_V, Q_M >::likelihoodRoutine(), QUESO::GpmsaComputerModel< S_V, S_M, D_V, D_M, P_V, P_M, Q_V, Q_M >::predictVUsAtGridPoint(), QUESO::GpmsaComputerModel< S_V, S_M, D_V, D_M, P_V, P_M, Q_V, Q_M >::predictWsAtGridPoint(), QUESO::SequenceOfVectors< V, M >::unifiedReadContents(), QUESO::ScalarSequence< T >::unifiedReadContents(), QUESO::SequenceOfVectors< V, M >::unifiedWriteContents(), and QUESO::ScalarSequence< T >::unifiedWriteContents().
double QUESO::MiscHammingWindow | ( | unsigned int | N, |
unsigned int | j | ||
) |
Definition at line 298 of file Miscellaneous.C.
int QUESO::MiscIntDebugMessage | ( | int | value, |
const char * | message | ||
) |
Definition at line 324 of file Miscellaneous.C.
int QUESO::MiscReadCharsAndDoubleFromFile | ( | std::ifstream & | ifs, |
std::string & | termString, | ||
double * | termValue, | ||
bool & | endOfLineAchieved | ||
) |
Definition at line 191 of file Miscellaneous.C.
Referenced by QUESO::AsciiTable< V, M >::readColumnsFromFile().
void QUESO::MiscReadDoublesFromString | ( | const std::string & | inputString, |
std::vector< double > & | outputDoubles | ||
) |
Definition at line 40 of file Miscellaneous.C.
References queso_require_not_equal_to_msg.
Referenced by BoostInputOptionsParser::getOption< std::vector< double, std::allocator< double > > >(), QUESO::ExperimentModelOptions::getMyOptionValues(), QUESO::SimulationModelOptions::getMyOptionValues(), QUESO::GpmsaComputerModelOptions::getMyOptionValues(), QUESO::StatisticalForwardProblemOptions::getMyOptionValues(), QUESO::StatisticalInverseProblemOptions::getMyOptionValues(), QUESO::MonteCarloSGOptions::getMyOptionValues(), QUESO::EnvironmentOptions::getMyOptionValues(), QUESO::MetropolisHastingsSGOptions::getMyOptionValues(), and QUESO::BoostInputOptionsParser::getOption().
int QUESO::MiscReadStringAndDoubleFromFile | ( | std::ifstream & | ifs, |
std::string & | termString, | ||
double * | termValue | ||
) |
Definition at line 160 of file Miscellaneous.C.
Referenced by QUESO::AsciiTable< V, M >::readColumnsFromFile().
void QUESO::MiscReadWordsFromString | ( | const std::string & | inputString, |
std::vector< std::string > & | outputWords | ||
) |
Definition at line 92 of file Miscellaneous.C.
References queso_require_not_equal_to_msg.
unsigned int QUESO::MiscUintDebugMessage | ( | unsigned int | value, |
const char * | message | ||
) |
Definition at line 314 of file Miscellaneous.C.
int QUESO::MyWorldfullRank | ( | ) |
GslVector QUESO::operator* | ( | double | a, |
const GslVector & | x | ||
) |
Definition at line 1134 of file GslVector.C.
GslVector QUESO::operator* | ( | const GslVector & | x, |
const GslVector & | y | ||
) |
Definition at line 1142 of file GslVector.C.
GslMatrix QUESO::operator* | ( | double | a, |
const GslMatrix & | mat | ||
) |
Definition at line 1972 of file GslMatrix.C.
GslVector QUESO::operator* | ( | const GslMatrix & | mat, |
const GslVector & | vec | ||
) |
Definition at line 1979 of file GslMatrix.C.
References QUESO::GslMatrix::multiply().
GslMatrix QUESO::operator* | ( | const GslMatrix & | m1, |
const GslMatrix & | m2 | ||
) |
Definition at line 1984 of file GslMatrix.C.
References QUESO::Matrix::env(), k, QUESO::Matrix::map(), QUESO::GslMatrix::numCols(), QUESO::GslMatrix::numRowsLocal(), and queso_require_equal_to_msg.
GslVector QUESO::operator+ | ( | const GslVector & | x, |
const GslVector & | y | ||
) |
Definition at line 1164 of file GslVector.C.
GslMatrix QUESO::operator+ | ( | const GslMatrix & | m1, |
const GslMatrix & | m2 | ||
) |
Definition at line 2012 of file GslMatrix.C.
GslVector QUESO::operator- | ( | const GslVector & | x, |
const GslVector & | y | ||
) |
Definition at line 1172 of file GslVector.C.
GslMatrix QUESO::operator- | ( | const GslMatrix & | m1, |
const GslMatrix & | m2 | ||
) |
Definition at line 2019 of file GslMatrix.C.
GslVector QUESO::operator/ | ( | double | a, |
const GslVector & | x | ||
) |
Definition at line 1117 of file GslVector.C.
References QUESO::GslVector::cwInvert().
GslVector QUESO::operator/ | ( | const GslVector & | x, |
const GslVector & | y | ||
) |
Definition at line 1126 of file GslVector.C.
std::ostream& QUESO::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | os, |
const InfiniteDimensionalMCMCSamplerOptions & | obj | ||
) |
Definition at line 97 of file InfiniteDimensionalMCMCSamplerOptions.C.
References QUESO::InfiniteDimensionalMCMCSamplerOptions::m_parser, and QUESO::InfiniteDimensionalMCMCSamplerOptions::print().
std::ostream & QUESO::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | os, |
const GslBlockMatrix & | obj | ||
) |
Definition at line 156 of file GslBlockMatrix.C.
References QUESO::GslBlockMatrix::print().
std::ostream& QUESO::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | os, |
const ArrayOfOneDTables< V, M > & | obj | ||
) |
Definition at line 112 of file ArrayOfOneDTables.C.
References QUESO::ArrayOfOneDTables< V, M >::print().
std::ostream & QUESO::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | os, |
const ExperimentModelOptions & | obj | ||
) |
Definition at line 373 of file ExperimentModelOptions.C.
References QUESO::ExperimentModelOptions::print(), and queso_deprecated.
std::ostream& QUESO::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | os, |
const SipOptionsValues & | obj | ||
) |
Definition at line 134 of file StatisticalInverseProblemOptions.C.
References QUESO::SipOptionsValues::m_computeSolution, QUESO::SipOptionsValues::m_dataOutputAllowedSet, QUESO::SipOptionsValues::m_dataOutputFileName, QUESO::SipOptionsValues::m_option_computeSolution, QUESO::SipOptionsValues::m_option_dataOutputAllowedSet, and QUESO::SipOptionsValues::m_option_dataOutputFileName.
std::ostream& QUESO::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | os, |
const GPMSAOptions & | obj | ||
) |
Definition at line 138 of file GPMSAOptions.C.
References QUESO::GPMSAOptions::m_parser, and QUESO::GPMSAOptions::print().
std::ostream& QUESO::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | os, |
const BoostInputOptionsParser & | parser | ||
) |
Definition at line 143 of file BoostInputOptionsParser.C.
References QUESO::BoostInputOptionsParser::m_optionsDescription.
std::ostream & QUESO::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | os, |
const SimulationModelOptions & | obj | ||
) |
Definition at line 507 of file SimulationModelOptions.C.
References QUESO::SimulationModelOptions::print(), and queso_deprecated.
std::ostream& QUESO::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | os, |
const MLSamplingOptions & | obj | ||
) |
Definition at line 145 of file MLSamplingOptions.C.
References QUESO::MLSamplingOptions::m_parser, and QUESO::MLSamplingOptions::print().
std::ostream& QUESO::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | os, |
const SfpOptionsValues & | obj | ||
) |
Definition at line 150 of file StatisticalForwardProblemOptions.C.
References QUESO::SfpOptionsValues::m_computeCorrelations, QUESO::SfpOptionsValues::m_computeCovariances, QUESO::SfpOptionsValues::m_computeSolution, QUESO::SfpOptionsValues::m_dataOutputAllowedSet, QUESO::SfpOptionsValues::m_dataOutputFileName, QUESO::SfpOptionsValues::m_option_computeCorrelations, QUESO::SfpOptionsValues::m_option_computeCovariances, QUESO::SfpOptionsValues::m_option_computeSolution, QUESO::SfpOptionsValues::m_option_dataOutputAllowedSet, QUESO::SfpOptionsValues::m_option_dataOutputFileName, and QUESO::SfpOptionsValues::m_parser.
std::ostream & QUESO::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | os, |
const GpmsaComputerModelOptions & | obj | ||
) |
Definition at line 661 of file GpmsaComputerModelOptions.C.
References QUESO::GpmsaComputerModelOptions::print(), and queso_deprecated.
std::ostream & QUESO::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | os, |
const StatisticalInverseProblemOptions & | obj | ||
) |
Prints the object obj
, overloading an operator.
Definition at line 320 of file StatisticalInverseProblemOptions.C.
References QUESO::StatisticalInverseProblemOptions::print(), and queso_deprecated.
std::ostream & QUESO::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | os, |
const StatisticalForwardProblemOptions & | obj | ||
) |
Prints the object obj
, overloading an operator.
Definition at line 355 of file StatisticalForwardProblemOptions.C.
References QUESO::StatisticalForwardProblemOptions::print(), and queso_deprecated.
std::ostream& QUESO::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | os, |
const EnvOptionsValues & | obj | ||
) |
Definition at line 201 of file EnvironmentOptions.C.
References QUESO::EnvOptionsValues::m_checkingLevel, QUESO::EnvOptionsValues::m_displayVerbosity, QUESO::EnvOptionsValues::m_identifyingString, QUESO::EnvOptionsValues::m_numSubEnvironments, QUESO::EnvOptionsValues::m_option_checkingLevel, QUESO::EnvOptionsValues::m_option_displayVerbosity, QUESO::EnvOptionsValues::m_option_identifyingString, QUESO::EnvOptionsValues::m_option_numSubEnvironments, QUESO::EnvOptionsValues::m_option_platformName, QUESO::EnvOptionsValues::m_option_rngType, QUESO::EnvOptionsValues::m_option_seed, QUESO::EnvOptionsValues::m_option_subDisplayAllowAll, QUESO::EnvOptionsValues::m_option_subDisplayAllowedSet, QUESO::EnvOptionsValues::m_option_subDisplayFileName, QUESO::EnvOptionsValues::m_option_syncVerbosity, QUESO::EnvOptionsValues::m_parser, QUESO::EnvOptionsValues::m_platformName, QUESO::EnvOptionsValues::m_rngType, QUESO::EnvOptionsValues::m_seed, QUESO::EnvOptionsValues::m_subDisplayAllowAll, QUESO::EnvOptionsValues::m_subDisplayAllowedSet, QUESO::EnvOptionsValues::m_subDisplayFileName, and QUESO::EnvOptionsValues::m_syncVerbosity.
std::ostream & QUESO::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | os, |
const GslVector & | obj | ||
) |
Definition at line 1110 of file GslVector.C.
References QUESO::GslVector::print().
std::ostream & QUESO::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | os, |
const MonteCarloSGOptions & | obj | ||
) |
Prints the object obj
, overloading an operator.
Definition at line 635 of file MonteCarloSGOptions.C.
References QUESO::MonteCarloSGOptions::print(), and queso_deprecated.
std::ostream& QUESO::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | os, |
const McOptionsValues & | obj | ||
) |
Definition at line 268 of file MonteCarloSGOptions.C.
References QUESO::McOptionsValues::m_dataOutputAllowedSet, QUESO::McOptionsValues::m_dataOutputFileName, QUESO::McOptionsValues::m_option_dataOutputAllowedSet, QUESO::McOptionsValues::m_option_dataOutputFileName, QUESO::McOptionsValues::m_option_pseq_dataOutputAllowedSet, QUESO::McOptionsValues::m_option_pseq_dataOutputFileName, QUESO::McOptionsValues::m_option_pseq_dataOutputFileType, QUESO::McOptionsValues::m_option_pseq_dataOutputPeriod, QUESO::McOptionsValues::m_option_qseq_dataInputFileName, QUESO::McOptionsValues::m_option_qseq_dataInputFileType, QUESO::McOptionsValues::m_option_qseq_dataOutputAllowedSet, QUESO::McOptionsValues::m_option_qseq_dataOutputFileName, QUESO::McOptionsValues::m_option_qseq_dataOutputFileType, QUESO::McOptionsValues::m_option_qseq_dataOutputPeriod, QUESO::McOptionsValues::m_option_qseq_displayPeriod, QUESO::McOptionsValues::m_option_qseq_measureRunTimes, QUESO::McOptionsValues::m_option_qseq_size, QUESO::McOptionsValues::m_parser, QUESO::McOptionsValues::m_pseqDataOutputAllowedSet, QUESO::McOptionsValues::m_pseqDataOutputFileName, QUESO::McOptionsValues::m_pseqDataOutputFileType, QUESO::McOptionsValues::m_pseqDataOutputPeriod, QUESO::McOptionsValues::m_qseqDataInputFileName, QUESO::McOptionsValues::m_qseqDataInputFileType, QUESO::McOptionsValues::m_qseqDataOutputAllowedSet, QUESO::McOptionsValues::m_qseqDataOutputFileName, QUESO::McOptionsValues::m_qseqDataOutputFileType, QUESO::McOptionsValues::m_qseqDataOutputPeriod, QUESO::McOptionsValues::m_qseqDisplayPeriod, QUESO::McOptionsValues::m_qseqMeasureRunTimes, and QUESO::McOptionsValues::m_qseqSize.
std::ostream& QUESO::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | os, |
const AsciiTable< V, M > & | obj | ||
) |
Definition at line 301 of file AsciiTable.C.
std::ostream & QUESO::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | os, |
const EnvironmentOptions & | obj | ||
) |
Print values of the options chosen.
Definition at line 487 of file EnvironmentOptions.C.
References QUESO::EnvironmentOptions::print(), and queso_deprecated.
std::ostream& QUESO::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | os, |
const BaseEnvironment & | obj | ||
) |
std::ostream & QUESO::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | os, |
const GslMatrix & | obj | ||
) |
Definition at line 1965 of file GslMatrix.C.
References QUESO::GslMatrix::print().
std::ostream& QUESO::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | os, |
const MhOptionsValues & | obj | ||
) |
Definition at line 552 of file MetropolisHastingsSGOptions.C.
References QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_amAdaptedMatricesDataOutputAllowAll, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_amAdaptedMatricesDataOutputAllowedSet, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_amAdaptedMatricesDataOutputFileName, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_amAdaptedMatricesDataOutputFileType, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_amAdaptedMatricesDataOutputPeriod, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_amAdaptInterval, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_amEpsilon, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_amEta, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_amInitialNonAdaptInterval, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_amKeepInitialMatrix, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_BrooksGelmanLag, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_dataOutputAllowAll, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_dataOutputAllowedSet, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_dataOutputFileName, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_displayCandidates, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_doLogitTransform, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_drDuringAmNonAdaptiveInt, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_drMaxNumExtraStages, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_drScalesForExtraStages, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_enableBrooksGelmanConvMonitor, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_filteredChainDataOutputAllowAll, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_filteredChainDataOutputAllowedSet, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_filteredChainDataOutputFileName, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_filteredChainDataOutputFileType, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_filteredChainDiscardedPortion, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_filteredChainGenerate, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_filteredChainLag, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_initialPositionDataInputFileName, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_initialPositionDataInputFileType, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_initialProposalCovMatrixDataInputFileName, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_initialProposalCovMatrixDataInputFileType, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_option_am_adaptedMatrices_dataOutputAllowAll, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_option_am_adaptedMatrices_dataOutputAllowedSet, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_option_am_adaptedMatrices_dataOutputFileName, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_option_am_adaptedMatrices_dataOutputFileType, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_option_am_adaptedMatrices_dataOutputPeriod, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_option_am_adaptInterval, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_option_am_epsilon, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_option_am_eta, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_option_am_initialNonAdaptInterval, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_option_am_keepInitialMatrix, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_option_BrooksGelmanLag, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_option_dataOutputAllowAll, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_option_dataOutputAllowedSet, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_option_dataOutputFileName, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_option_displayCandidates, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_option_doLogitTransform, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_option_dr_duringAmNonAdaptiveInt, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_option_dr_listOfScalesForExtraStages, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_option_dr_maxNumExtraStages, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_option_enableBrooksGelmanConvMonitor, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_option_filteredChain_dataOutputAllowAll, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_option_filteredChain_dataOutputAllowedSet, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_option_filteredChain_dataOutputFileName, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_option_filteredChain_dataOutputFileType, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_option_filteredChain_discardedPortion, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_option_filteredChain_generate, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_option_filteredChain_lag, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_option_initialPosition_dataInputFileName, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_option_initialPosition_dataInputFileType, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_option_initialProposalCovMatrix_dataInputFileName, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_option_initialProposalCovMatrix_dataInputFileType, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_option_listOfDisabledParameters, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_option_outputLogLikelihood, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_option_outputLogTarget, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_option_putOutOfBoundsInChain, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_option_rawChain_dataInputFileName, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_option_rawChain_dataInputFileType, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_option_rawChain_dataOutputAllowAll, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_option_rawChain_dataOutputAllowedSet, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_option_rawChain_dataOutputFileName, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_option_rawChain_dataOutputFileType, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_option_rawChain_dataOutputPeriod, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_option_rawChain_displayPeriod, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_option_rawChain_generateExtra, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_option_rawChain_measureRunTimes, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_option_rawChain_size, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_option_tk_useLocalHessian, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_option_tk_useNewtonComponent, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_option_totallyMute, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_outputLogLikelihood, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_outputLogTarget, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_parameterDisabledSet, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_parser, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_putOutOfBoundsInChain, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_rawChainDataInputFileName, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_rawChainDataInputFileType, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_rawChainDataOutputAllowAll, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_rawChainDataOutputAllowedSet, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_rawChainDataOutputFileName, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_rawChainDataOutputFileType, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_rawChainDataOutputPeriod, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_rawChainDisplayPeriod, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_rawChainGenerateExtra, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_rawChainMeasureRunTimes, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_rawChainSize, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_tkUseLocalHessian, QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_tkUseNewtonComponent, and QUESO::MhOptionsValues::m_totallyMute.
std::ostream& QUESO::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | os, |
const MLSamplingLevelOptions & | obj | ||
) |
Definition at line 683 of file MLSamplingLevelOptions.C.
References QUESO::MLSamplingLevelOptions::m_parser, and QUESO::MLSamplingLevelOptions::print().
std::ostream & QUESO::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | os, |
const MetropolisHastingsSGOptions & | obj | ||
) |
Definition at line 1482 of file MetropolisHastingsSGOptions.C.
References QUESO::MetropolisHastingsSGOptions::print(), and queso_deprecated.
std::ostream& QUESO::operator<< | ( | std::ostream & | os, |
const MLSampling< P_V, P_M > & | obj | ||
) |
Definition at line 4815 of file MLSampling.C.
bool QUESO::operator== | ( | const GslVector & | lhs, |
const GslVector & | rhs | ||
) |
Definition at line 1181 of file GslVector.C.
References queso_require_equal_to_msg, and QUESO::GslVector::sizeLocal().
int QUESO::QUESO_get_numeric_version | ( | ) |
Definition at line 79 of file Environment.C.
Referenced by QUESO_version_print().
void QUESO::queso_terminate_handler | ( | ) |
Function for unhandled exceptions in Queso.
queso_terminate_handler This function deals with unhandled exceptions encountered in Queso. It provides a call to MPI_abort using the global communicator.
Definition at line 1378 of file Environment.C.
References old_terminate_handler.
Referenced by QUESO::FullEnvironment::FullEnvironment().
void QUESO::QUESO_version_print | ( | std::ostream & | os | ) |
Definition at line 49 of file Environment.C.
Referenced by QUESO::FullEnvironment::FullEnvironment(), and main().
GslMatrix QUESO::rightDiagScaling | ( | const GslMatrix & | mat, |
const GslVector & | vec | ||
) |
Definition at line 2063 of file GslMatrix.C.
References QUESO::GslMatrix::numCols(), QUESO::GslMatrix::numRowsLocal(), queso_require_equal_to_msg, and QUESO::GslVector::sizeLocal().
double QUESO::scalarProduct | ( | const GslVector & | x, |
const GslVector & | y | ||
) |
Definition at line 1150 of file GslVector.C.
References queso_require_equal_to_msg, and QUESO::GslVector::sizeLocal().
Referenced by QUESO::GcmJointInfo< S_V, S_M, D_V, D_M, P_V, P_M, Q_V, Q_M >::GcmJointInfo(), QUESO::GcmJointTildeInfo< S_V, S_M, D_V, D_M, P_V, P_M, Q_V, Q_M >::GcmJointTildeInfo(), QUESO::GcmSimulationInfo< S_V, S_M, P_V, P_M, Q_V, Q_M >::GcmSimulationInfo(), QUESO::GcmSimulationTildeInfo< S_V, S_M, P_V, P_M, Q_V, Q_M >::GcmSimulationTildeInfo(), QUESO::GcmZTildeInfo< S_V, S_M, D_V, D_M, P_V, P_M, Q_V, Q_M >::GcmZTildeInfo(), QUESO::GpmsaComputerModel< S_V, S_M, D_V, D_M, P_V, P_M, Q_V, Q_M >::likelihoodRoutine(), and QUESO::GslVector::norm2Sq().
double QUESO::SubF1F2Gaussian2dKdeIntegral | ( | const ScalarSequence< T > & | scalarSeq1, |
const ScalarSequence< T > & | scalarSeq2, | ||
unsigned int | initialPos, | ||
double | scaleValue1, | ||
double | scaleValue2, | ||
const Base1D1DFunction & | func1, | ||
const Base1D1DFunction & | func2, | ||
unsigned int | quadratureOrder | ||
) |
Calculates the integral of a 2D Gaussian KDE.
This function performs numerical integration (via Hermite-Gauss quadrature, see GaussianHermite1DQuadrature), of a bi-variate Gaussian KDE (refer to ScalarSequence::subGaussian1dKde(), ArrayOfSequences::gaussianKDE(), or SequenceOfVectors::subGaussian1dKde().
Definition at line 875 of file 1D1DFunction.C.
References k, queso_require_equal_to_msg, QUESO::ScalarSequence< T >::subSequenceSize(), and QUESO::Base1D1DFunction::value().
std::terminate_handler QUESO::old_terminate_handler |
Definition at line 126 of file Environment.C.
Referenced by QUESO::FullEnvironment::FullEnvironment(), and queso_terminate_handler().
Definition at line 85 of file Defines.h.
Referenced by MiscReadCharsAndDoubleFromFile(), and MiscReadStringAndDoubleFromFile().
Definition at line 77 of file Defines.h.
Referenced by QUESO::MetropolisHastingsSG< P_V, P_M >::adapt().
Definition at line 84 of file Defines.h.
Referenced by QUESO::MetropolisHastingsSG< P_V, P_M >::adapt(), and QUESO::GslMatrix::chol().
const int QUESO::UQ_MATRIX_SVD_FAILED_RC = -11 |
Definition at line 87 of file Defines.h.
Referenced by QUESO::GslMatrix::internalSvd().
const int QUESO::UQ_OK_RC = 0 |
Definition at line 76 of file Defines.h.
Referenced by QUESO::MonteCarloSG< P_V, P_M, Q_V, Q_M >::actualGenerateSequence(), QUESO::MetropolisHastingsSG< P_V, P_M >::adapt(), QUESO::MetropolisHastingsSG< P_V, P_M >::generateFullChain(), QUESO::MLSampling< P_V, P_M >::generateSequence(), QUESO::MetropolisHastingsSG< P_V, P_M >::generateSequence(), QUESO::MLSampling< P_V, P_M >::generateSequence_Level0_all(), QUESO::MLSampling< P_V, P_M >::generateSequence_Step01_inter0(), QUESO::MLSampling< P_V, P_M >::generateSequence_Step02_inter0(), QUESO::MLSampling< P_V, P_M >::generateSequence_Step03_inter0(), QUESO::MLSampling< P_V, P_M >::generateSequence_Step04_inter0(), QUESO::MLSampling< P_V, P_M >::generateSequence_Step05_inter0(), QUESO::MLSampling< P_V, P_M >::generateSequence_Step06_all(), QUESO::MLSampling< P_V, P_M >::generateSequence_Step07_inter0(), QUESO::MLSampling< P_V, P_M >::generateSequence_Step08_all(), QUESO::MLSampling< P_V, P_M >::generateSequence_Step09_all(), QUESO::MLSampling< P_V, P_M >::generateSequence_Step10_all(), QUESO::MLSampling< P_V, P_M >::generateSequence_Step11_inter0(), QUESO::MLSampling< P_V, P_M >::justBalance_proc0(), MiscReadCharsAndDoubleFromFile(), MiscReadStringAndDoubleFromFile(), QUESO::SequenceOfVectors< V, M >::unifiedReadContents(), QUESO::ScalarSequence< T >::unifiedReadContents(), QUESO::SequenceOfVectors< V, M >::unifiedWriteContents(), QUESO::ScalarSequence< T >::unifiedWriteContents(), and QUESO::MetropolisHastingsSG< P_V, P_M >::writeInfo().