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QUESO::GslMatrix Class Reference

Class for matrix operations using GSL library. More...

#include <GslMatrix.h>

Inheritance diagram for QUESO::GslMatrix:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for QUESO::GslMatrix:
Collaboration graph

Public Member Functions

Constructor/Destructor methods
 GslMatrix ()
 Default Constructor. More...
 GslMatrix (const BaseEnvironment &env, const Map &map, unsigned int numCols)
 Shaped Constructor: creates a shaped matrix with numCols columns. More...
 GslMatrix (const BaseEnvironment &env, const Map &map, double diagValue)
 Shaped Constructor: creates a square matrix with size map.NumGlobalElements() and diagonal values all equal to diagValue. More...
 GslMatrix (const GslVector &v, double diagValue)
 Shaped Constructor: creates a square matrix with size v.sizeLocal() and diagonal values all equal to diagValue. More...
 GslMatrix (const GslVector &v)
 Shaped Constructor: creates a square matrix with size v.sizeLocal(). More...
 GslMatrix (const GslMatrix &B)
 Shaped Constructor: creates a matrix with B.numCols() columns and B.numRowsLocal() rows. More...
 ~GslMatrix ()
 Destructor. More...
Set methods
GslMatrixoperator= (const GslMatrix &rhs)
 Copies values from matrix rhs to this. More...
GslMatrixoperator*= (double a)
 Stores in this the coordinate-wise multiplication of this and a. More...
GslMatrixoperator/= (double a)
 Stores in this the coordinate-wise division of this by a. More...
GslMatrixoperator+= (const GslMatrix &rhs)
 Stores in this the coordinate-wise addition of this and rhs. More...
GslMatrixoperator-= (const GslMatrix &rhs)
 Stores in this the coordinate-wise subtraction of this by rhs. More...
Accessor methods
double & operator() (unsigned int i, unsigned int j)
 Element access method (non-const). More...
const double & operator() (unsigned int i, unsigned int j) const
 Element access method (const). More...
Attribute methods
unsigned int numRowsLocal () const
 Returns the local row dimension of this matrix. More...
unsigned int numRowsGlobal () const
 Returns the global row dimension of this matrix. More...
unsigned int numCols () const
 Returns the column dimension of this matrix. More...
double max () const
 Returns the maximum element value of the matrix. More...
unsigned int rank (double absoluteZeroThreshold, double relativeZeroThreshold) const
 This function returns the number of singular values of this matrix (rank). More...
GslMatrix transpose () const
 This function calculated the transpose of this matrix (square). More...
GslMatrix inverse () const
 This function calculated the inverse of this matrix (square). More...
double determinant () const
 Calculates the determinant of this matrix. More...
double lnDeterminant () const
 Calculates the ln(determinant) of this matrix. More...
Norm methods
double normFrob () const
 Returns the Frobenius norm of this matrix. More...
double normMax () const
 Returns the Frobenius norm of this matrix. More...
Mathematical methods
int chol ()
 Computes Cholesky factorization of a real symmetric positive definite matrix this. More...
int svd (GslMatrix &matU, GslVector &vecS, GslMatrix &matVt) const
 Checks for the dimension of this matrix, matU, VecS and matVt, and calls the protected routine internalSvd to compute the singular values of this. More...
const GslMatrixsvdMatU () const
 This function calls private member GslMatrix::internalSvd() to set a M-by-N orthogonal matrix U of the singular value decomposition (svd) of a general rectangular M-by-N matrix A. More...
const GslMatrixsvdMatV () const
 This function calls private member GslMatrix::internalSvd() to set a N-by-N orthogonal square matrix V of the singular value decomposition (svd) of a general rectangular M-by-N matrix A. More...
int svdSolve (const GslVector &rhsVec, GslVector &solVec) const
 This function solves the system A x = b using the singular value decomposition (U, S, V) of A which must have been computed previously with GslMatrix::svd (x=solVec, b=rhsVec). More...
int svdSolve (const GslMatrix &rhsMat, GslMatrix &solMat) const
 This function solves the system A x = b using the singular value decomposition (U, S, V) of A which must have been computed previously with GslMatrix::svd (x=solMat, b=rhsMat). More...
GslVector multiply (const GslVector &x) const
 This function multiplies this matrix by vector x and returns the resulting vector. More...
GslVector invertMultiply (const GslVector &b) const
 This function calculates the inverse of this matrix and multiplies it with vector b. More...
void invertMultiply (const GslVector &b, GslVector &x) const
 This function calculates the inverse of this matrix, multiplies it with vector b and stores the result in vector x. More...
GslMatrix invertMultiply (const GslMatrix &B) const
 This function calculates the inverse of this matrix and multiplies it with matrix B. More...
void invertMultiply (const GslMatrix &B, GslMatrix &X) const
 This function calculates the inverse of this matrix, multiplies it with matrix B and stores the result in matrix X. More...
GslVector invertMultiplyForceLU (const GslVector &b) const
 This function calculates the inverse of this matrix and multiplies it with vector b. More...
void invertMultiplyForceLU (const GslVector &b, GslVector &x) const
 This function calculates the inverse of this matrix, multiplies it with vector b and stores the result in vector x. More...
void getColumn (const unsigned int column_num, GslVector &column) const
 This function gets the column_num-th column of this matrix and stores it into vector column. More...
GslVector getColumn (const unsigned int column_num) const
 This function gets the column_num-th column of this matrix. More...
void setColumn (const unsigned int column_num, const GslVector &column)
 This function copies vector column into the column_num-th column of this matrix. More...
void getRow (const unsigned int row_num, GslVector &row) const
 This function gets the row_num-th column of this matrix and stores it into vector row. More...
GslVector getRow (const unsigned int row_num) const
 This function gets the row_num-th column of this matrix. More...
void setRow (const unsigned int row_num, const GslVector &row)
 This function copies vector row into the row_num-th column of this matrix. More...
void eigen (GslVector &eigenValues, GslMatrix *eigenVectors) const
 This function computes the eigenvalues of a real symmetric matrix. More...
void largestEigen (double &eigenValue, GslVector &eigenVector) const
 This function finds largest eigenvalue, namely eigenValue, of this matrix and its corresponding eigenvector, namely eigenVector. More...
void smallestEigen (double &eigenValue, GslVector &eigenVector) const
 This function finds smallest eigenvalue, namely eigenValue, of this matrix and its corresponding eigenvector, namely eigenVector. More...
Get/Set methods
void cwSet (double value)
 Component-wise set all values to this with value. More...
void cwSet (unsigned int rowId, unsigned int colId, const GslMatrix &mat)
 Set the components of which positions are greater than (rowId,colId) with the value of mat(rowId,colId). More...
void cwExtract (unsigned int rowId, unsigned int colId, GslMatrix &mat) const
void zeroLower (bool includeDiagonal=false)
 This function sets all the entries bellow the main diagonal of this matrix to zero. More...
void zeroUpper (bool includeDiagonal=false)
 This function sets all the entries above the main diagonal of this matrix to zero. More...
void filterSmallValues (double thresholdValue)
 This function sets to zero (filters) all entries of this matrix which are smaller than thresholdValue. More...
void filterLargeValues (double thresholdValue)
 This function sets to zero (filters) all entries of this matrix which are greater than thresholdValue. More...
void fillWithTranspose (unsigned int rowId, unsigned int colId, const GslMatrix &mat, bool checkForExactNumRowsMatching, bool checkForExactNumColsMatching)
 This function stores the transpose of this matrix into this matrix. More...
void fillWithBlocksDiagonally (unsigned int rowId, unsigned int colId, const std::vector< const GslMatrix * > &matrices, bool checkForExactNumRowsMatching, bool checkForExactNumColsMatching)
 This function fills this matrix diagonally with const block matrices. More...
void fillWithBlocksDiagonally (unsigned int rowId, unsigned int colId, const std::vector< GslMatrix * > &matrices, bool checkForExactNumRowsMatching, bool checkForExactNumColsMatching)
 This function fills this matrix diagonally with block matrices. More...
void fillWithBlocksHorizontally (unsigned int rowId, unsigned int colId, const std::vector< const GslMatrix * > &matrices, bool checkForExactNumRowsMatching, bool checkForExactNumColsMatching)
 This function fills this matrix horizontally with const block matrices. More...
void fillWithBlocksHorizontally (unsigned int rowId, unsigned int colId, const std::vector< GslMatrix * > &matrices, bool checkForExactNumRowsMatching, bool checkForExactNumColsMatching)
 This function fills this matrix horizontally with const block. More...
void fillWithBlocksVertically (unsigned int rowId, unsigned int colId, const std::vector< const GslMatrix * > &matrices, bool checkForExactNumRowsMatching, bool checkForExactNumColsMatching)
 This function fills this matrix vertically with const block matrices. More...
void fillWithBlocksVertically (unsigned int rowId, unsigned int colId, const std::vector< GslMatrix * > &matrices, bool checkForExactNumRowsMatching, bool checkForExactNumColsMatching)
 This function fills this matrix vertically with block matrices. More...
void fillWithTensorProduct (unsigned int rowId, unsigned int colId, const GslMatrix &mat1, const GslMatrix &mat2, bool checkForExactNumRowsMatching, bool checkForExactNumColsMatching)
 This function calculates the tensor product of matrices mat1 and mat2 and stores it in this matrix. More...
void fillWithTensorProduct (unsigned int rowId, unsigned int colId, const GslMatrix &mat1, const GslVector &vec2, bool checkForExactNumRowsMatching, bool checkForExactNumColsMatching)
 This function calculates the tensor product of matrix mat1 and vector vec2 and stores it in this matrix. More...
Miscellaneous methods
gsl_matrix * data ()
 Returns this matrix. More...
void mpiSum (const MpiComm &comm, GslMatrix &M_global) const
void matlabLinearInterpExtrap (const GslVector &x1Vec, const GslMatrix &y1Mat, const GslVector &x2Vec)
I/O methods
void print (std::ostream &os) const
 Print method. Defines the behavior of the ostream << operator inherited from the Object class. More...
void subWriteContents (const std::string &varNamePrefix, const std::string &fileName, const std::string &fileType, const std::set< unsigned int > &allowedSubEnvIds) const
 Write contents of subenvironment in file fileName. More...
void subReadContents (const std::string &fileName, const std::string &fileType, const std::set< unsigned int > &allowedSubEnvIds)
 Read contents of subenvironment from file fileName. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from QUESO::Matrix
 Matrix ()
 Default constructor. More...
 Matrix (const BaseEnvironment &env, const Map &map)
 Shaped constructor. More...
 Matrix (const Matrix &rhs)
 Copy constructor. More...
virtual ~Matrix ()
 Virtual Destructor. More...
Matrixoperator= (const Matrix &rhs)
 Operator for copying a matrix. More...
Matrixoperator*= (double a)
 Operator for multiplication of the matrix by a scalar. More...
Matrixoperator+= (const Matrix &rhs)
 Operator for addition (element-wise) of two matrices. More...
Matrixoperator-= (const Matrix &rhs)
 Operator for subtraction (element-wise) of two matrices. More...
const BaseEnvironmentenv () const
const Mapmap () const
unsigned int numOfProcsForStorage () const
void setPrintHorizontally (bool value) const
 Determines whether the matrix should be printed horizontally. More...
bool getPrintHorizontally () const
 Checks if matrix will be is printed horizontally. More...
void setInDebugMode (bool value) const
 Determines whether QUESO will run through this class in debug mode. More...
bool getInDebugMode () const
 Checks if QUESO will run through this class in debug mode. More...

Private Member Functions

void copy (const GslMatrix &src)
 In this function this matrix receives a copy of matrix src. More...
void resetLU ()
 In this function resets the LU decomposition of this matrix, as well as deletes the private member pointers, if existing. More...
void multiply (const GslVector &x, GslVector &y) const
 This function multiplies this matrix by vector x and stores the resulting vector in y. More...
int internalSvd () const
 This function factorizes the M-by-N matrix A into the singular value decomposition A = U S V^T for M >= N. On output the matrix A is replaced by U. More...

Private Attributes

gsl_matrix * m_mat
 GSL matrix, also referred to as this matrix. More...
gsl_matrix * m_LU
 GSL matrix for the LU decomposition of m_mat. More...
 Inverse matrix of this. More...
 Mapping for matrices involved in the singular value decomposition (svd) routine. More...
 m_svdUmat stores the M-by-N orthogonal matrix U after the singular value decomposition of a matrix. More...
 m_svdSvec stores the diagonal of the N-by-N diagonal matrix of singular values S after the singular value decomposition of a matrix. More...
 m_svdVmat stores the N-by-N orthogonal square matrix V after the singular value decomposition of a matrix. More...
 m_svdVmatT stores the transpose of N-by-N orthogonal square matrix V, namely V^T, after the singular value decomposition of a matrix. More...
double m_determinant
 The determinant of this matrix. More...
double m_lnDeterminant
 The natural logarithm of the determinant of this matrix. More...
gsl_permutation * m_permutation
 The permutation matrix of a LU decomposition. More...
int m_signum
 m_signum stores the sign of the permutation of the LU decomposition PA = LU. More...
bool m_isSingular
 Indicates whether or not this matrix is singular. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from QUESO::Matrix
virtual void copy (const Matrix &src)
 Copies matrix src to this matrix. More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from QUESO::Matrix
const BaseEnvironmentm_env
 QUESO environment variable. More...
const Mapm_map
 Mapping variable. More...
bool m_printHorizontally
 Flag for either or not print this matrix. More...
bool m_inDebugMode
 Flag for either or not QUESO is in debug mode. More...

Detailed Description

Class for matrix operations using GSL library.

This class creates and provides basic support for matrices of templated type as a specialization of Matrix using GSL matrices, which are defined by an encapsulated gsl_matrix structure.

Definition at line 47 of file GslMatrix.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

QUESO::GslMatrix::GslMatrix ( )

Default Constructor.

Creates an empty matrix vector of no dimension. It should not be used by user.

Definition at line 36 of file GslMatrix.C.

References QUESO::Matrix::m_env, UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO, and QUESO::BaseEnvironment::worldRank().

Referenced by internalSvd(), and inverse().

37  :
38  Matrix()
39 {
41  m_env.worldRank(),
42  "GslMatrix::constructor(), default",
43  "should not be used by user");
44 }
int worldRank() const
Returns the process world rank.
Definition: Environment.C:235
Default constructor.
Definition: Matrix.C:31
#define UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(test, givenRank, where, what)
Definition: Defines.h:223
const BaseEnvironment & m_env
QUESO environment variable.
Definition: Matrix.h:137
QUESO::GslMatrix::GslMatrix ( const BaseEnvironment env,
const Map map,
unsigned int  numCols 

Shaped Constructor: creates a shaped matrix with numCols columns.

Definition at line 46 of file GslMatrix.C.

References QUESO::Matrix::m_env, m_mat, UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO, and QUESO::BaseEnvironment::worldRank().

50  :
51  Matrix (env,map),
52  m_mat (gsl_matrix_calloc(map.NumGlobalElements(),nCols)),
53  m_LU (NULL),
54  m_inverse (NULL),
55  m_svdColMap (NULL),
56  m_svdUmat (NULL),
57  m_svdSvec (NULL),
58  m_svdVmat (NULL),
59  m_svdVTmat (NULL),
60  m_determinant (-INFINITY),
61  m_lnDeterminant(-INFINITY),
62  m_permutation (NULL),
63  m_signum (0),
64  m_isSingular (false)
65 {
66  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO((m_mat == NULL),
67  m_env.worldRank(),
68  "GslMatrix::constructor()",
69  "null matrix generated");
70 }
int NumGlobalElements() const
Returns the total number of elements across all processors.
Definition: Map.C:96
gsl_matrix * m_LU
GSL matrix for the LU decomposition of m_mat.
Definition: GslMatrix.h:389
int worldRank() const
Returns the process world rank.
Definition: Environment.C:235
Default constructor.
Definition: Matrix.C:31
GslVector * m_svdSvec
m_svdSvec stores the diagonal of the N-by-N diagonal matrix of singular values S after the singular v...
Definition: GslMatrix.h:408
GslMatrix * m_svdUmat
m_svdUmat stores the M-by-N orthogonal matrix U after the singular value decomposition of a matrix...
Definition: GslMatrix.h:401
double m_lnDeterminant
The natural logarithm of the determinant of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.h:426
#define UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(test, givenRank, where, what)
Definition: Defines.h:223
GslMatrix * m_svdVTmat
m_svdVmatT stores the transpose of N-by-N orthogonal square matrix V, namely V^T, after the singular ...
Definition: GslMatrix.h:420
Map * m_svdColMap
Mapping for matrices involved in the singular value decomposition (svd) routine.
Definition: GslMatrix.h:395
const Map & map() const
Definition: Matrix.C:123
gsl_permutation * m_permutation
The permutation matrix of a LU decomposition.
Definition: GslMatrix.h:432
gsl_matrix * m_mat
GSL matrix, also referred to as this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.h:386
int m_signum
m_signum stores the sign of the permutation of the LU decomposition PA = LU.
Definition: GslMatrix.h:438
bool m_isSingular
Indicates whether or not this matrix is singular.
Definition: GslMatrix.h:441
double m_determinant
The determinant of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.h:423
GslMatrix * m_svdVmat
m_svdVmat stores the N-by-N orthogonal square matrix V after the singular value decomposition of a ma...
Definition: GslMatrix.h:414
GslMatrix * m_inverse
Inverse matrix of this.
Definition: GslMatrix.h:392
const BaseEnvironment & m_env
QUESO environment variable.
Definition: Matrix.h:137
const BaseEnvironment & env() const
Definition: Matrix.C:116
QUESO::GslMatrix::GslMatrix ( const BaseEnvironment env,
const Map map,
double  diagValue 

Shaped Constructor: creates a square matrix with size map.NumGlobalElements() and diagonal values all equal to diagValue.

Definition at line 73 of file GslMatrix.C.

References QUESO::Matrix::m_env, m_mat, UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO, and QUESO::BaseEnvironment::worldRank().

77  :
78  Matrix (env,map),
79  m_mat (gsl_matrix_calloc(map.NumGlobalElements(),map.NumGlobalElements())),
80  m_LU (NULL),
81  m_inverse (NULL),
82  m_svdColMap (NULL),
83  m_svdUmat (NULL),
84  m_svdSvec (NULL),
85  m_svdVmat (NULL),
86  m_svdVTmat (NULL),
87  m_determinant (-INFINITY),
88  m_lnDeterminant(-INFINITY),
89  m_permutation (NULL),
90  m_signum (0),
91  m_isSingular (false)
92 {
93  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO((m_mat == NULL),
94  m_env.worldRank(),
95  "GslMatrix::constructor(), eye",
96  "null matrix generated");
98  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_mat->size1; ++i) {
99  (*this)(i,i) = diagValue;
100  }
101 }
int NumGlobalElements() const
Returns the total number of elements across all processors.
Definition: Map.C:96
gsl_matrix * m_LU
GSL matrix for the LU decomposition of m_mat.
Definition: GslMatrix.h:389
int worldRank() const
Returns the process world rank.
Definition: Environment.C:235
Default constructor.
Definition: Matrix.C:31
GslVector * m_svdSvec
m_svdSvec stores the diagonal of the N-by-N diagonal matrix of singular values S after the singular v...
Definition: GslMatrix.h:408
GslMatrix * m_svdUmat
m_svdUmat stores the M-by-N orthogonal matrix U after the singular value decomposition of a matrix...
Definition: GslMatrix.h:401
double m_lnDeterminant
The natural logarithm of the determinant of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.h:426
#define UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(test, givenRank, where, what)
Definition: Defines.h:223
GslMatrix * m_svdVTmat
m_svdVmatT stores the transpose of N-by-N orthogonal square matrix V, namely V^T, after the singular ...
Definition: GslMatrix.h:420
Map * m_svdColMap
Mapping for matrices involved in the singular value decomposition (svd) routine.
Definition: GslMatrix.h:395
const Map & map() const
Definition: Matrix.C:123
gsl_permutation * m_permutation
The permutation matrix of a LU decomposition.
Definition: GslMatrix.h:432
gsl_matrix * m_mat
GSL matrix, also referred to as this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.h:386
int m_signum
m_signum stores the sign of the permutation of the LU decomposition PA = LU.
Definition: GslMatrix.h:438
bool m_isSingular
Indicates whether or not this matrix is singular.
Definition: GslMatrix.h:441
double m_determinant
The determinant of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.h:423
GslMatrix * m_svdVmat
m_svdVmat stores the N-by-N orthogonal square matrix V after the singular value decomposition of a ma...
Definition: GslMatrix.h:414
GslMatrix * m_inverse
Inverse matrix of this.
Definition: GslMatrix.h:392
const BaseEnvironment & m_env
QUESO environment variable.
Definition: Matrix.h:137
const BaseEnvironment & env() const
Definition: Matrix.C:116
QUESO::GslMatrix::GslMatrix ( const GslVector v,
double  diagValue 

Shaped Constructor: creates a square matrix with size v.sizeLocal() and diagonal values all equal to diagValue.

Definition at line 103 of file GslMatrix.C.

References QUESO::Matrix::m_env, m_mat, UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO, and QUESO::BaseEnvironment::worldRank().

106  :
107  Matrix (v.env(),v.map()),
108  m_mat (gsl_matrix_calloc(v.sizeLocal(),v.sizeLocal())),
109  m_LU (NULL),
110  m_inverse (NULL),
111  m_svdColMap (NULL),
112  m_svdUmat (NULL),
113  m_svdSvec (NULL),
114  m_svdVmat (NULL),
115  m_svdVTmat (NULL),
116  m_determinant (-INFINITY),
117  m_lnDeterminant(-INFINITY),
118  m_permutation (NULL),
119  m_signum (0),
120  m_isSingular (false)
121 {
122  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO((m_mat == NULL),
123  m_env.worldRank(),
124  "GslMatrix::constructor(), eye",
125  "null matrix generated");
127  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_mat->size1; ++i) {
128  (*this)(i,i) = diagValue;
129  }
130 }
gsl_matrix * m_LU
GSL matrix for the LU decomposition of m_mat.
Definition: GslMatrix.h:389
int worldRank() const
Returns the process world rank.
Definition: Environment.C:235
Default constructor.
Definition: Matrix.C:31
GslVector * m_svdSvec
m_svdSvec stores the diagonal of the N-by-N diagonal matrix of singular values S after the singular v...
Definition: GslMatrix.h:408
GslMatrix * m_svdUmat
m_svdUmat stores the M-by-N orthogonal matrix U after the singular value decomposition of a matrix...
Definition: GslMatrix.h:401
double m_lnDeterminant
The natural logarithm of the determinant of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.h:426
#define UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(test, givenRank, where, what)
Definition: Defines.h:223
GslMatrix * m_svdVTmat
m_svdVmatT stores the transpose of N-by-N orthogonal square matrix V, namely V^T, after the singular ...
Definition: GslMatrix.h:420
Map * m_svdColMap
Mapping for matrices involved in the singular value decomposition (svd) routine.
Definition: GslMatrix.h:395
gsl_permutation * m_permutation
The permutation matrix of a LU decomposition.
Definition: GslMatrix.h:432
gsl_matrix * m_mat
GSL matrix, also referred to as this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.h:386
int m_signum
m_signum stores the sign of the permutation of the LU decomposition PA = LU.
Definition: GslMatrix.h:438
bool m_isSingular
Indicates whether or not this matrix is singular.
Definition: GslMatrix.h:441
double m_determinant
The determinant of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.h:423
GslMatrix * m_svdVmat
m_svdVmat stores the N-by-N orthogonal square matrix V after the singular value decomposition of a ma...
Definition: GslMatrix.h:414
GslMatrix * m_inverse
Inverse matrix of this.
Definition: GslMatrix.h:392
const BaseEnvironment & m_env
QUESO environment variable.
Definition: Matrix.h:137
QUESO::GslMatrix::GslMatrix ( const GslVector v)

Shaped Constructor: creates a square matrix with size v.sizeLocal().

The diagonal values of this matrix are the elements in vector v.

Definition at line 132 of file GslMatrix.C.

References QUESO::Matrix::m_env, m_mat, QUESO::GslVector::sizeLocal(), UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO, and QUESO::BaseEnvironment::worldRank().

133  :
134  Matrix (v.env(),v.map()),
135  m_mat (gsl_matrix_calloc(v.sizeLocal(),v.sizeLocal())),
136  m_LU (NULL),
137  m_inverse (NULL),
138  m_svdColMap (NULL),
139  m_svdUmat (NULL),
140  m_svdSvec (NULL),
141  m_svdVmat (NULL),
142  m_svdVTmat (NULL),
143  m_determinant (-INFINITY),
144  m_lnDeterminant(-INFINITY),
145  m_permutation (NULL),
146  m_signum (0),
147  m_isSingular (false)
148 {
149  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO((m_mat == NULL),
150  m_env.worldRank(),
151  "GslMatrix::constructor(), from vector",
152  "null matrix generated");
154  unsigned int dim = v.sizeLocal();
155  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < dim; ++i) {
156  (*this)(i,i) = v[i];
157  }
158 }
gsl_matrix * m_LU
GSL matrix for the LU decomposition of m_mat.
Definition: GslMatrix.h:389
int worldRank() const
Returns the process world rank.
Definition: Environment.C:235
Default constructor.
Definition: Matrix.C:31
GslVector * m_svdSvec
m_svdSvec stores the diagonal of the N-by-N diagonal matrix of singular values S after the singular v...
Definition: GslMatrix.h:408
GslMatrix * m_svdUmat
m_svdUmat stores the M-by-N orthogonal matrix U after the singular value decomposition of a matrix...
Definition: GslMatrix.h:401
double m_lnDeterminant
The natural logarithm of the determinant of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.h:426
#define UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(test, givenRank, where, what)
Definition: Defines.h:223
GslMatrix * m_svdVTmat
m_svdVmatT stores the transpose of N-by-N orthogonal square matrix V, namely V^T, after the singular ...
Definition: GslMatrix.h:420
Map * m_svdColMap
Mapping for matrices involved in the singular value decomposition (svd) routine.
Definition: GslMatrix.h:395
gsl_permutation * m_permutation
The permutation matrix of a LU decomposition.
Definition: GslMatrix.h:432
gsl_matrix * m_mat
GSL matrix, also referred to as this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.h:386
int m_signum
m_signum stores the sign of the permutation of the LU decomposition PA = LU.
Definition: GslMatrix.h:438
bool m_isSingular
Indicates whether or not this matrix is singular.
Definition: GslMatrix.h:441
double m_determinant
The determinant of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.h:423
GslMatrix * m_svdVmat
m_svdVmat stores the N-by-N orthogonal square matrix V after the singular value decomposition of a ma...
Definition: GslMatrix.h:414
GslMatrix * m_inverse
Inverse matrix of this.
Definition: GslMatrix.h:392
const BaseEnvironment & m_env
QUESO environment variable.
Definition: Matrix.h:137
QUESO::GslMatrix::GslMatrix ( const GslMatrix B)

Shaped Constructor: creates a matrix with B.numCols() columns and B.numRowsLocal() rows.

This matrix is a copy of matrix B.

Definition at line 161 of file GslMatrix.C.

References QUESO::Matrix::copy(), copy(), QUESO::Matrix::m_env, m_mat, UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO, and QUESO::BaseEnvironment::worldRank().

162  :
163  Matrix (B.env(),B.map()),
164  m_mat (gsl_matrix_calloc(B.numRowsLocal(),B.numCols())),
165  m_LU (NULL),
166  m_inverse (NULL),
167  m_svdColMap (NULL),
168  m_svdUmat (NULL),
169  m_svdSvec (NULL),
170  m_svdVmat (NULL),
171  m_svdVTmat (NULL),
172  m_determinant (-INFINITY),
173  m_lnDeterminant(-INFINITY),
174  m_permutation (NULL),
175  m_signum (0),
176  m_isSingular (false)
177 {
178  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO((m_mat == NULL),
179  m_env.worldRank(),
180  "GslMatrix::constructor(), copy",
181  "null vector generated");
182  this->Matrix::copy(B);
183  this->copy(B);
184 }
gsl_matrix * m_LU
GSL matrix for the LU decomposition of m_mat.
Definition: GslMatrix.h:389
int worldRank() const
Returns the process world rank.
Definition: Environment.C:235
Default constructor.
Definition: Matrix.C:31
GslVector * m_svdSvec
m_svdSvec stores the diagonal of the N-by-N diagonal matrix of singular values S after the singular v...
Definition: GslMatrix.h:408
GslMatrix * m_svdUmat
m_svdUmat stores the M-by-N orthogonal matrix U after the singular value decomposition of a matrix...
Definition: GslMatrix.h:401
double m_lnDeterminant
The natural logarithm of the determinant of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.h:426
#define UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(test, givenRank, where, what)
Definition: Defines.h:223
GslMatrix * m_svdVTmat
m_svdVmatT stores the transpose of N-by-N orthogonal square matrix V, namely V^T, after the singular ...
Definition: GslMatrix.h:420
Map * m_svdColMap
Mapping for matrices involved in the singular value decomposition (svd) routine.
Definition: GslMatrix.h:395
void copy(const GslMatrix &src)
In this function this matrix receives a copy of matrix src.
Definition: GslMatrix.C:292
gsl_permutation * m_permutation
The permutation matrix of a LU decomposition.
Definition: GslMatrix.h:432
gsl_matrix * m_mat
GSL matrix, also referred to as this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.h:386
int m_signum
m_signum stores the sign of the permutation of the LU decomposition PA = LU.
Definition: GslMatrix.h:438
bool m_isSingular
Indicates whether or not this matrix is singular.
Definition: GslMatrix.h:441
virtual void copy(const Matrix &src)
Copies matrix src to this matrix.
Definition: Matrix.C:168
double m_determinant
The determinant of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.h:423
GslMatrix * m_svdVmat
m_svdVmat stores the N-by-N orthogonal square matrix V after the singular value decomposition of a ma...
Definition: GslMatrix.h:414
GslMatrix * m_inverse
Inverse matrix of this.
Definition: GslMatrix.h:392
const BaseEnvironment & m_env
QUESO environment variable.
Definition: Matrix.h:137
QUESO::GslMatrix::~GslMatrix ( )


Definition at line 187 of file GslMatrix.C.

References m_mat, and resetLU().

188 {
189  this->resetLU();
190  if (m_mat) gsl_matrix_free(m_mat);
191 }
gsl_matrix * m_mat
GSL matrix, also referred to as this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.h:386
void resetLU()
In this function resets the LU decomposition of this matrix, as well as deletes the private member po...
Definition: GslMatrix.C:306

Member Function Documentation

int QUESO::GslMatrix::chol ( )

Computes Cholesky factorization of a real symmetric positive definite matrix this.

In case fails to be symmetric and positive definite, an error will be returned.

Implements QUESO::Matrix.

Definition at line 506 of file GslMatrix.C.

References QUESO::Matrix::m_env, m_mat, QUESO::UQ_MATRIX_IS_NOT_POS_DEFINITE_RC, UQ_RC_MACRO, and QUESO::BaseEnvironment::worldRank().

507 {
508  int iRC;
509  //std::cout << "Calling gsl_linalg_cholesky_decomp()..." << std::endl;
510  gsl_error_handler_t* oldHandler;
511  oldHandler = gsl_set_error_handler_off();
512  iRC = gsl_linalg_cholesky_decomp(m_mat);
513  if (iRC != 0) {
514  std::cerr << "In GslMatrix::chol()"
515  << ": iRC = " << iRC
516  << ", gsl error message = " << gsl_strerror(iRC)
517  << std::endl;
518  std::cerr << "Here is the offending matrix: " << std::endl;
519  std::cerr << *this << std::endl;
520  }
521  gsl_set_error_handler(oldHandler);
522  //std::cout << "Returned from gsl_linalg_cholesky_decomp() with iRC = " << iRC << std::endl;
523  UQ_RC_MACRO(iRC, // Yes, *not* a fatal check on RC
524  m_env.worldRank(),
525  "GslMatrix::chol()",
526  "matrix is not positive definite",
529  return iRC;
530 }
Definition: Defines.h:84
int worldRank() const
Returns the process world rank.
Definition: Environment.C:235
#define UQ_RC_MACRO(macroIRc, givenRank, where, what, retValue)
Definition: Defines.h:178
gsl_matrix * m_mat
GSL matrix, also referred to as this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.h:386
const BaseEnvironment & m_env
QUESO environment variable.
Definition: Matrix.h:137
void QUESO::GslMatrix::copy ( const GslMatrix src)

In this function this matrix receives a copy of matrix src.

Definition at line 292 of file GslMatrix.C.

References QUESO::Matrix::m_env, m_mat, resetLU(), UQ_FATAL_RC_MACRO, and QUESO::BaseEnvironment::worldRank().

Referenced by GslMatrix(), and operator=().

293 {
294  this->resetLU();
295  int iRC;
296  iRC = gsl_matrix_memcpy(this->m_mat, src.m_mat);
298  m_env.worldRank(),
299  "GslMatrix::copy()",
300  "failed");
302  return;
303 }
int worldRank() const
Returns the process world rank.
Definition: Environment.C:235
#define UQ_FATAL_RC_MACRO(macroIRc, givenRank, where, what)
Definition: Defines.h:207
gsl_matrix * m_mat
GSL matrix, also referred to as this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.h:386
void resetLU()
In this function resets the LU decomposition of this matrix, as well as deletes the private member po...
Definition: GslMatrix.C:306
const BaseEnvironment & m_env
QUESO environment variable.
Definition: Matrix.h:137
void QUESO::GslMatrix::cwExtract ( unsigned int  rowId,
unsigned int  colId,
GslMatrix mat 
) const

Definition at line 471 of file GslMatrix.C.

References QUESO::Matrix::m_env, numCols(), numRowsLocal(), UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO, and QUESO::BaseEnvironment::worldRank().

475 {
476  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(initialTargetRowId >= this->numRowsLocal(),
477  m_env.worldRank(),
478  "GslMatrix::cwExtract()",
479  "invalid initialTargetRowId");
481  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO((initialTargetRowId + mat.numRowsLocal()) > this->numRowsLocal(),
482  m_env.worldRank(),
483  "GslMatrix::cwExtract()",
484  "invalid vec.numRowsLocal()");
486  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(initialTargetColId >= this->numCols(),
487  m_env.worldRank(),
488  "GslMatrix::cwExtract()",
489  "invalid initialTargetColId");
491  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO((initialTargetColId + mat.numCols()) > this->numCols(),
492  m_env.worldRank(),
493  "GslMatrix::cwExtract()",
494  "invalid vec.numCols()");
496  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mat.numRowsLocal(); ++i) {
497  for (unsigned int j = 0; j < mat.numCols(); ++j) {
498  mat(i,j) = (*this)(initialTargetRowId+i,initialTargetColId+j) ;
499  }
500  }
502  return;
503 }
int worldRank() const
Returns the process world rank.
Definition: Environment.C:235
unsigned int numRowsLocal() const
Returns the local row dimension of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.C:349
#define UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(test, givenRank, where, what)
Definition: Defines.h:223
unsigned int numCols() const
Returns the column dimension of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.C:361
const BaseEnvironment & m_env
QUESO environment variable.
Definition: Matrix.h:137
void QUESO::GslMatrix::cwSet ( double  value)

Component-wise set all values to this with value.

Definition at line 421 of file GslMatrix.C.

References m_mat, numCols(), and numRowsLocal().

422 {
423  unsigned int nRows = this->numRowsLocal();
424  unsigned int nCols = this->numCols();
426  for (unsigned int row = 0; row < nRows; ++row) {
427  for (unsigned int col = 0; col < nCols; ++col) {
428  *gsl_matrix_ptr(m_mat,row,col) = value;
429  }
430  }
432  return;
433 }
unsigned int numRowsLocal() const
Returns the local row dimension of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.C:349
gsl_matrix * m_mat
GSL matrix, also referred to as this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.h:386
unsigned int numCols() const
Returns the column dimension of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.C:361
void QUESO::GslMatrix::cwSet ( unsigned int  rowId,
unsigned int  colId,
const GslMatrix mat 

Set the components of which positions are greater than (rowId,colId) with the value of mat(rowId,colId).

Definition at line 436 of file GslMatrix.C.

References QUESO::Matrix::m_env, numCols(), numRowsLocal(), UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO, and QUESO::BaseEnvironment::worldRank().

440 {
441  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(initialTargetRowId >= this->numRowsLocal(),
442  m_env.worldRank(),
443  "GslMatrix::cwSet()",
444  "invalid initialTargetRowId");
446  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO((initialTargetRowId + mat.numRowsLocal()) > this->numRowsLocal(),
447  m_env.worldRank(),
448  "GslMatrix::cwSet()",
449  "invalid vec.numRowsLocal()");
451  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(initialTargetColId >= this->numCols(),
452  m_env.worldRank(),
453  "GslMatrix::cwSet()",
454  "invalid initialTargetColId");
456  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO((initialTargetColId + mat.numCols()) > this->numCols(),
457  m_env.worldRank(),
458  "GslMatrix::cwSet()",
459  "invalid vec.numCols()");
461  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mat.numRowsLocal(); ++i) {
462  for (unsigned int j = 0; j < mat.numCols(); ++j) {
463  (*this)(initialTargetRowId+i,initialTargetColId+j) = mat(i,j);
464  }
465  }
467  return;
468 }
int worldRank() const
Returns the process world rank.
Definition: Environment.C:235
unsigned int numRowsLocal() const
Returns the local row dimension of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.C:349
#define UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(test, givenRank, where, what)
Definition: Defines.h:223
unsigned int numCols() const
Returns the column dimension of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.C:361
const BaseEnvironment & m_env
QUESO environment variable.
Definition: Matrix.h:137
gsl_matrix * QUESO::GslMatrix::data ( )

Returns this matrix.

Definition at line 2108 of file GslMatrix.C.

References m_mat.

Referenced by internalSvd(), and svdSolve().

2109 {
2110  return m_mat;
2111 }
gsl_matrix * m_mat
GSL matrix, also referred to as this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.h:386
double QUESO::GslMatrix::determinant ( ) const

Calculates the determinant of this matrix.

Definition at line 1281 of file GslMatrix.C.

References QUESO::BaseEnvironment::displayVerbosity(), invertMultiply(), m_determinant, QUESO::Matrix::m_env, m_lnDeterminant, m_LU, QUESO::Matrix::m_map, m_signum, and QUESO::BaseEnvironment::subDisplayFile().

1282 {
1283  if (m_determinant == -INFINITY) {
1284  if (m_LU == NULL) {
1285  GslVector tmpB(m_env,m_map);
1286  GslVector tmpX(m_env,m_map);
1287  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 99)) {
1288  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In GslMatrix::determinant()"
1289  << ": before 'this->invertMultiply()'"
1290  << std::endl;
1291  }
1292  this->invertMultiply(tmpB,tmpX);
1293  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 99)) {
1294  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In GslMatrix::determinant()"
1295  << ": after 'this->invertMultiply()'"
1296  << std::endl;
1297  }
1298  }
1299  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 99)) {
1300  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In GslMatrix::determinant()"
1301  << ": before 'gsl_linalg_LU_det()'"
1302  << std::endl;
1303  }
1304  m_determinant = gsl_linalg_LU_det(m_LU,m_signum);
1305  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 99)) {
1306  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In GslMatrix::determinant()"
1307  << ": after 'gsl_linalg_LU_det()'"
1308  << std::endl;
1309  }
1310  m_lnDeterminant = gsl_linalg_LU_lndet(m_LU);
1311  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 99)) {
1312  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In GslMatrix::determinant()"
1313  << ": after 'gsl_linalg_LU_lndet()'"
1314  << std::endl;
1315  }
1316  }
1318  return m_determinant;
1319 }
gsl_matrix * m_LU
GSL matrix for the LU decomposition of m_mat.
Definition: GslMatrix.h:389
std::ofstream * subDisplayFile() const
Access function for m_subDisplayFile (displays file on stream).
Definition: Environment.C:305
GslVector invertMultiply(const GslVector &b) const
This function calculates the inverse of this matrix and multiplies it with vector b...
Definition: GslMatrix.C:1441
double m_lnDeterminant
The natural logarithm of the determinant of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.h:426
const Map & m_map
Mapping variable.
Definition: Matrix.h:147
unsigned int displayVerbosity() const
Definition: Environment.C:436
int m_signum
m_signum stores the sign of the permutation of the LU decomposition PA = LU.
Definition: GslMatrix.h:438
double m_determinant
The determinant of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.h:423
const BaseEnvironment & m_env
QUESO environment variable.
Definition: Matrix.h:137
void QUESO::GslMatrix::eigen ( GslVector eigenValues,
GslMatrix eigenVectors 
) const

This function computes the eigenvalues of a real symmetric matrix.

Definition at line 1696 of file GslMatrix.C.

References QUESO::GslVector::data(), QUESO::Matrix::env(), QUESO::BaseEnvironment::fullRank(), m_mat, numRowsLocal(), QUESO::GslVector::sizeLocal(), and UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO.

1697 {
1698  unsigned int n = eigenValues.sizeLocal();
1700  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO((n == 0),
1701  env().fullRank(),
1702  "GslMatrix::eigen()",
1703  "invalid input vector size");
1705  if (eigenVectors) {
1706  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO((eigenValues.sizeLocal() != eigenVectors->numRowsLocal()),
1707  env().fullRank(),
1708  "GslVector::eigen()",
1709  "different input vector sizes");
1710  }
1712  if (eigenVectors == NULL) {
1713  gsl_eigen_symm_workspace* w = gsl_eigen_symm_alloc((size_t) n);
1714  gsl_eigen_symm(m_mat,eigenValues.data(),w);
1715  gsl_eigen_symm_free(w);
1716  }
1717  else {
1718  gsl_eigen_symmv_workspace* w = gsl_eigen_symmv_alloc((size_t) n);
1719  gsl_eigen_symmv(m_mat,eigenValues.data(),eigenVectors->m_mat,w);
1720  gsl_eigen_symmv_sort(eigenValues.data(),eigenVectors->m_mat,GSL_EIGEN_SORT_VAL_ASC);
1721  gsl_eigen_symmv_free(w);
1722  }
1724  return;
1725 }
#define UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(test, givenRank, where, what)
Definition: Defines.h:223
int fullRank() const
Returns the process full rank.
Definition: Environment.C:241
gsl_matrix * m_mat
GSL matrix, also referred to as this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.h:386
const BaseEnvironment & env() const
Definition: Matrix.C:116
void QUESO::GslMatrix::fillWithBlocksDiagonally ( unsigned int  rowId,
unsigned int  colId,
const std::vector< const GslMatrix * > &  matrices,
bool  checkForExactNumRowsMatching,
bool  checkForExactNumColsMatching 

This function fills this matrix diagonally with const block matrices.

Definition at line 888 of file GslMatrix.C.

References QUESO::Matrix::m_env, numCols(), numRowsLocal(), UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO, and QUESO::BaseEnvironment::worldRank().

894 {
895  unsigned int sumNumRowsLocals = 0;
896  unsigned int sumNumCols = 0;
897  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < matrices.size(); ++i) {
898  sumNumRowsLocals += matrices[i]->numRowsLocal();
899  sumNumCols += matrices[i]->numCols();
900  }
901  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(this->numRowsLocal() < (initialTargetRowId + sumNumRowsLocals),
902  m_env.worldRank(),
903  "GslMatrix::fillWithBlocksDiagonally(const)",
904  "too big number of rows");
905  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(checkForExactNumRowsMatching && (this->numRowsLocal() != (initialTargetRowId + sumNumRowsLocals)),
906  m_env.worldRank(),
907  "GslMatrix::fillWithBlocksDiagonally(const)",
908  "inconsistent number of rows");
909  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(this->numCols() < (initialTargetColId + sumNumCols),
910  m_env.worldRank(),
911  "GslMatrix::fillWithBlocksDiagonally(const)",
912  "too big number of cols");
913  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(checkForExactNumColsMatching && (this->numCols() != (initialTargetColId + sumNumCols)),
914  m_env.worldRank(),
915  "GslMatrix::fillWithBlocksDiagonally(const)",
916  "inconsistent number of cols");
918  unsigned int cumulativeRowId = 0;
919  unsigned int cumulativeColId = 0;
920  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < matrices.size(); ++i) {
921  unsigned int nRows = matrices[i]->numRowsLocal();
922  unsigned int nCols = matrices[i]->numCols();
923  for (unsigned int rowId = 0; rowId < nRows; ++rowId) {
924  for (unsigned int colId = 0; colId < nCols; ++colId) {
925  (*this)(initialTargetRowId + cumulativeRowId + rowId, initialTargetColId + cumulativeColId + colId) = (*(matrices[i]))(rowId,colId);
926  }
927  }
928  cumulativeRowId += nRows;
929  cumulativeColId += nCols;
930  }
932  return;
933 }
int worldRank() const
Returns the process world rank.
Definition: Environment.C:235
unsigned int numRowsLocal() const
Returns the local row dimension of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.C:349
#define UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(test, givenRank, where, what)
Definition: Defines.h:223
unsigned int numCols() const
Returns the column dimension of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.C:361
const BaseEnvironment & m_env
QUESO environment variable.
Definition: Matrix.h:137
void QUESO::GslMatrix::fillWithBlocksDiagonally ( unsigned int  rowId,
unsigned int  colId,
const std::vector< GslMatrix * > &  matrices,
bool  checkForExactNumRowsMatching,
bool  checkForExactNumColsMatching 

This function fills this matrix diagonally with block matrices.

Definition at line 936 of file GslMatrix.C.

References QUESO::Matrix::m_env, numCols(), numRowsLocal(), UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO, and QUESO::BaseEnvironment::worldRank().

942 {
943  unsigned int sumNumRowsLocals = 0;
944  unsigned int sumNumCols = 0;
945  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < matrices.size(); ++i) {
946  sumNumRowsLocals += matrices[i]->numRowsLocal();
947  sumNumCols += matrices[i]->numCols();
948  }
949  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(this->numRowsLocal() < (initialTargetRowId + sumNumRowsLocals),
950  m_env.worldRank(),
951  "GslMatrix::fillWithBlocksDiagonally()",
952  "too big number of rows");
953  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(checkForExactNumRowsMatching && (this->numRowsLocal() != (initialTargetRowId + sumNumRowsLocals)),
954  m_env.worldRank(),
955  "GslMatrix::fillWithBlocksDiagonally()",
956  "inconsistent number of rows");
957  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(this->numCols() < (initialTargetColId + sumNumCols),
958  m_env.worldRank(),
959  "GslMatrix::fillWithBlocksDiagonally()",
960  "too big number of cols");
961  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(checkForExactNumColsMatching && (this->numCols() != (initialTargetColId + sumNumCols)),
962  m_env.worldRank(),
963  "GslMatrix::fillWithBlocksDiagonally()",
964  "inconsistent number of cols");
966  unsigned int cumulativeRowId = 0;
967  unsigned int cumulativeColId = 0;
968  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < matrices.size(); ++i) {
969  unsigned int nRows = matrices[i]->numRowsLocal();
970  unsigned int nCols = matrices[i]->numCols();
971  for (unsigned int rowId = 0; rowId < nRows; ++rowId) {
972  for (unsigned int colId = 0; colId < nCols; ++colId) {
973  (*this)(initialTargetRowId + cumulativeRowId + rowId, initialTargetColId + cumulativeColId + colId) = (*(matrices[i]))(rowId,colId);
974  }
975  }
976  cumulativeRowId += nRows;
977  cumulativeColId += nCols;
978  }
980  return;
981 }
int worldRank() const
Returns the process world rank.
Definition: Environment.C:235
unsigned int numRowsLocal() const
Returns the local row dimension of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.C:349
#define UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(test, givenRank, where, what)
Definition: Defines.h:223
unsigned int numCols() const
Returns the column dimension of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.C:361
const BaseEnvironment & m_env
QUESO environment variable.
Definition: Matrix.h:137
void QUESO::GslMatrix::fillWithBlocksHorizontally ( unsigned int  rowId,
unsigned int  colId,
const std::vector< const GslMatrix * > &  matrices,
bool  checkForExactNumRowsMatching,
bool  checkForExactNumColsMatching 

This function fills this matrix horizontally with const block matrices.

Definition at line 984 of file GslMatrix.C.

References QUESO::Matrix::m_env, numCols(), numRowsLocal(), UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO, and QUESO::BaseEnvironment::worldRank().

990 {
991  unsigned int sumNumCols = 0;
992  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < matrices.size(); ++i) {
993  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(this->numRowsLocal() < (initialTargetRowId + matrices[i]->numRowsLocal()),
994  m_env.worldRank(),
995  "GslMatrix::fillWithBlocksHorizontally(const)",
996  "too big number of rows");
997  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(checkForExactNumRowsMatching && (this->numRowsLocal() != (initialTargetRowId + matrices[i]->numRowsLocal())),
998  m_env.worldRank(),
999  "GslMatrix::fillWithBlocksHorizontally(const)",
1000  "inconsistent number of rows");
1001  sumNumCols += matrices[i]->numCols();
1002  }
1003  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(this->numCols() < (initialTargetColId + sumNumCols),
1004  m_env.worldRank(),
1005  "GslMatrix::fillWithBlocksHorizontally(const)",
1006  "too big number of cols");
1007  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(checkForExactNumColsMatching && (this->numCols() != (initialTargetColId + sumNumCols)),
1008  m_env.worldRank(),
1009  "GslMatrix::fillWithBlocksHorizontally(const)",
1010  "inconsistent number of cols");
1012  unsigned int cumulativeColId = 0;
1013  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < matrices.size(); ++i) {
1014  unsigned int nRows = matrices[i]->numRowsLocal();
1015  unsigned int nCols = matrices[i]->numCols();
1016  for (unsigned int rowId = 0; rowId < nRows; ++rowId) {
1017  for (unsigned int colId = 0; colId < nCols; ++colId) {
1018  (*this)(initialTargetRowId + rowId, initialTargetColId + cumulativeColId + colId) = (*(matrices[i]))(rowId,colId);
1019  }
1020  }
1021  cumulativeColId += nCols;
1022  }
1024  return;
1025 }
int worldRank() const
Returns the process world rank.
Definition: Environment.C:235
unsigned int numRowsLocal() const
Returns the local row dimension of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.C:349
#define UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(test, givenRank, where, what)
Definition: Defines.h:223
unsigned int numCols() const
Returns the column dimension of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.C:361
const BaseEnvironment & m_env
QUESO environment variable.
Definition: Matrix.h:137
void QUESO::GslMatrix::fillWithBlocksHorizontally ( unsigned int  rowId,
unsigned int  colId,
const std::vector< GslMatrix * > &  matrices,
bool  checkForExactNumRowsMatching,
bool  checkForExactNumColsMatching 

This function fills this matrix horizontally with const block.

Definition at line 1028 of file GslMatrix.C.

References QUESO::Matrix::m_env, numCols(), numRowsLocal(), UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO, and QUESO::BaseEnvironment::worldRank().

1034 {
1035  unsigned int sumNumCols = 0;
1036  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < matrices.size(); ++i) {
1037  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(this->numRowsLocal() < (initialTargetRowId + matrices[i]->numRowsLocal()),
1038  m_env.worldRank(),
1039  "GslMatrix::fillWithBlocksHorizontally()",
1040  "too big number of rows");
1041  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(checkForExactNumRowsMatching && (this->numRowsLocal() != (initialTargetRowId + matrices[i]->numRowsLocal())),
1042  m_env.worldRank(),
1043  "GslMatrix::fillWithBlocksHorizontally()",
1044  "inconsistent number of rows");
1045  sumNumCols += matrices[i]->numCols();
1046  }
1047  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(this->numCols() < (initialTargetColId + sumNumCols),
1048  m_env.worldRank(),
1049  "GslMatrix::fillWithBlocksHorizontally()",
1050  "too big number of cols");
1051  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(checkForExactNumColsMatching && (this->numCols() != (initialTargetColId + sumNumCols)),
1052  m_env.worldRank(),
1053  "GslMatrix::fillWithBlocksHorizontally()",
1054  "inconsistent number of cols");
1056  unsigned int cumulativeColId = 0;
1057  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < matrices.size(); ++i) {
1058  unsigned int nRows = matrices[i]->numRowsLocal();
1059  unsigned int nCols = matrices[i]->numCols();
1060  for (unsigned int rowId = 0; rowId < nRows; ++rowId) {
1061  for (unsigned int colId = 0; colId < nCols; ++colId) {
1062  (*this)(initialTargetRowId + rowId, initialTargetColId + cumulativeColId + colId) = (*(matrices[i]))(rowId,colId);
1063  }
1064  }
1065  cumulativeColId += nCols;
1066  }
1068  return;
1069 }
int worldRank() const
Returns the process world rank.
Definition: Environment.C:235
unsigned int numRowsLocal() const
Returns the local row dimension of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.C:349
#define UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(test, givenRank, where, what)
Definition: Defines.h:223
unsigned int numCols() const
Returns the column dimension of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.C:361
const BaseEnvironment & m_env
QUESO environment variable.
Definition: Matrix.h:137
void QUESO::GslMatrix::fillWithBlocksVertically ( unsigned int  rowId,
unsigned int  colId,
const std::vector< const GslMatrix * > &  matrices,
bool  checkForExactNumRowsMatching,
bool  checkForExactNumColsMatching 

This function fills this matrix vertically with const block matrices.

Definition at line 1072 of file GslMatrix.C.

References QUESO::Matrix::m_env, numCols(), numRowsLocal(), UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO, and QUESO::BaseEnvironment::worldRank().

1078 {
1079  unsigned int sumNumRows = 0;
1080  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < matrices.size(); ++i) {
1081  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(this->numCols() < (initialTargetColId + matrices[i]->numCols()),
1082  m_env.worldRank(),
1083  "GslMatrix::fillWithBlocksVertically(const)",
1084  "too big number of cols");
1085  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(checkForExactNumColsMatching && (this->numCols() != (initialTargetColId + matrices[i]->numCols())),
1086  m_env.worldRank(),
1087  "GslMatrix::fillWithBlocksVertically(const)",
1088  "inconsistent number of cols");
1089  sumNumRows += matrices[i]->numRowsLocal();
1090  }
1091  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(this->numRowsLocal() < (initialTargetRowId + sumNumRows),
1092  m_env.worldRank(),
1093  "GslMatrix::fillWithBlocksVertically(const)",
1094  "too big number of rows");
1095  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(checkForExactNumRowsMatching && (this->numRowsLocal() != (initialTargetRowId + sumNumRows)),
1096  m_env.worldRank(),
1097  "GslMatrix::fillWithBlocksVertically(const)",
1098  "inconsistent number of rows");
1100  unsigned int cumulativeRowId = 0;
1101  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < matrices.size(); ++i) {
1102  unsigned int nRows = matrices[i]->numRowsLocal();
1103  unsigned int nCols = matrices[i]->numCols();
1104  for (unsigned int rowId = 0; rowId < nRows; ++rowId) {
1105  for (unsigned int colId = 0; colId < nCols; ++colId) {
1106  (*this)(initialTargetRowId + cumulativeRowId + rowId, initialTargetColId + colId) = (*(matrices[i]))(rowId,colId);
1107  }
1108  }
1109  cumulativeRowId += nRows;
1110  }
1112  return;
1113 }
int worldRank() const
Returns the process world rank.
Definition: Environment.C:235
unsigned int numRowsLocal() const
Returns the local row dimension of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.C:349
#define UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(test, givenRank, where, what)
Definition: Defines.h:223
unsigned int numCols() const
Returns the column dimension of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.C:361
const BaseEnvironment & m_env
QUESO environment variable.
Definition: Matrix.h:137
void QUESO::GslMatrix::fillWithBlocksVertically ( unsigned int  rowId,
unsigned int  colId,
const std::vector< GslMatrix * > &  matrices,
bool  checkForExactNumRowsMatching,
bool  checkForExactNumColsMatching 

This function fills this matrix vertically with block matrices.

Definition at line 1116 of file GslMatrix.C.

References QUESO::Matrix::m_env, numCols(), numRowsLocal(), UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO, and QUESO::BaseEnvironment::worldRank().

1122 {
1123  unsigned int sumNumRows = 0;
1124  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < matrices.size(); ++i) {
1125  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(this->numCols() < (initialTargetColId + matrices[i]->numCols()),
1126  m_env.worldRank(),
1127  "GslMatrix::fillWithBlocksVertically()",
1128  "too big number of cols");
1129  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(checkForExactNumColsMatching && (this->numCols() != (initialTargetColId + matrices[i]->numCols())),
1130  m_env.worldRank(),
1131  "GslMatrix::fillWithBlocksVertically()",
1132  "inconsistent number of cols");
1133  sumNumRows += matrices[i]->numRowsLocal();
1134  }
1135  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(this->numRowsLocal() < (initialTargetRowId + sumNumRows),
1136  m_env.worldRank(),
1137  "GslMatrix::fillWithBlocksVertically()",
1138  "too big number of rows");
1139  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(checkForExactNumRowsMatching && (this->numRowsLocal() != (initialTargetRowId + sumNumRows)),
1140  m_env.worldRank(),
1141  "GslMatrix::fillWithBlocksVertically()",
1142  "inconsistent number of rows");
1144  unsigned int cumulativeRowId = 0;
1145  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < matrices.size(); ++i) {
1146  unsigned int nRows = matrices[i]->numRowsLocal();
1147  unsigned int nCols = matrices[i]->numCols();
1148  for (unsigned int rowId = 0; rowId < nRows; ++rowId) {
1149  for (unsigned int colId = 0; colId < nCols; ++colId) {
1150  (*this)(initialTargetRowId + cumulativeRowId + rowId, initialTargetColId + colId) = (*(matrices[i]))(rowId,colId);
1151  }
1152  }
1153  cumulativeRowId += nRows;
1154  }
1156  return;
1157 }
int worldRank() const
Returns the process world rank.
Definition: Environment.C:235
unsigned int numRowsLocal() const
Returns the local row dimension of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.C:349
#define UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(test, givenRank, where, what)
Definition: Defines.h:223
unsigned int numCols() const
Returns the column dimension of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.C:361
const BaseEnvironment & m_env
QUESO environment variable.
Definition: Matrix.h:137
void QUESO::GslMatrix::fillWithTensorProduct ( unsigned int  rowId,
unsigned int  colId,
const GslMatrix mat1,
const GslMatrix mat2,
bool  checkForExactNumRowsMatching,
bool  checkForExactNumColsMatching 

This function calculates the tensor product of matrices mat1 and mat2 and stores it in this matrix.

Definition at line 1160 of file GslMatrix.C.

References QUESO::Matrix::m_env, numCols(), numRowsLocal(), UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO, and QUESO::BaseEnvironment::worldRank().

1167 {
1168  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(this->numRowsLocal() < (initialTargetRowId + (mat1.numRowsLocal() * mat2.numRowsLocal())),
1169  m_env.worldRank(),
1170  "GslMatrix::fillTensorProduct(mat and mat)",
1171  "too big number of rows");
1172  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(checkForExactNumRowsMatching && (this->numRowsLocal() != (initialTargetRowId + (mat1.numRowsLocal() * mat2.numRowsLocal()))),
1173  m_env.worldRank(),
1174  "GslMatrix::fillTensorProduct(mat and mat)",
1175  "inconsistent number of rows");
1176  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(this->numCols() < (initialTargetColId + (mat1.numCols() * mat2.numCols())),
1177  m_env.worldRank(),
1178  "GslMatrix::fillTensorProduct(mat and mat)",
1179  "too big number of columns");
1180  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(checkForExactNumColsMatching && (this->numCols() != (initialTargetColId + (mat1.numCols() * mat2.numCols()))),
1181  m_env.worldRank(),
1182  "GslMatrix::fillTensorProduct(mat and mat)",
1183  "inconsistent number of columns");
1185  for (unsigned int rowId1 = 0; rowId1 < mat1.numRowsLocal(); ++rowId1) {
1186  for (unsigned int colId1 = 0; colId1 < mat1.numCols(); ++colId1) {
1187  double multiplicativeFactor = mat1(rowId1,colId1);
1188  unsigned int targetRowId = rowId1 * mat2.numRowsLocal();
1189  unsigned int targetColId = colId1 * mat2.numCols();
1190  for (unsigned int rowId2 = 0; rowId2 < mat2.numRowsLocal(); ++rowId2) {
1191  for (unsigned int colId2 = 0; colId2 < mat2.numCols(); ++colId2) {
1192  (*this)(initialTargetRowId + targetRowId + rowId2, initialTargetColId + targetColId + colId2) = multiplicativeFactor * mat2(rowId2,colId2);
1193  }
1194  }
1195  }
1196  }
1198  return;
1199 }
int worldRank() const
Returns the process world rank.
Definition: Environment.C:235
unsigned int numRowsLocal() const
Returns the local row dimension of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.C:349
#define UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(test, givenRank, where, what)
Definition: Defines.h:223
unsigned int numCols() const
Returns the column dimension of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.C:361
const BaseEnvironment & m_env
QUESO environment variable.
Definition: Matrix.h:137
void QUESO::GslMatrix::fillWithTensorProduct ( unsigned int  rowId,
unsigned int  colId,
const GslMatrix mat1,
const GslVector vec2,
bool  checkForExactNumRowsMatching,
bool  checkForExactNumColsMatching 

This function calculates the tensor product of matrix mat1 and vector vec2 and stores it in this matrix.

Definition at line 1202 of file GslMatrix.C.

References QUESO::Matrix::m_env, numCols(), numRowsLocal(), QUESO::GslVector::sizeLocal(), UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO, and QUESO::BaseEnvironment::worldRank().

1209 {
1210  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(this->numRowsLocal() < (initialTargetRowId + (mat1.numRowsLocal() * vec2.sizeLocal())),
1211  m_env.worldRank(),
1212  "GslMatrix::fillTensorProduct(mat and vec)",
1213  "too big number of rows");
1214  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(checkForExactNumRowsMatching && (this->numRowsLocal() != (initialTargetRowId + (mat1.numRowsLocal() * vec2.sizeLocal()))),
1215  m_env.worldRank(),
1216  "GslMatrix::fillTensorProduct(mat and vec)",
1217  "inconsistent number of rows");
1218  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(this->numCols() < (initialTargetColId + (mat1.numCols() * 1)),
1219  m_env.worldRank(),
1220  "GslMatrix::fillTensorProduct(mat and vec)",
1221  "too big number of columns");
1222  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(checkForExactNumColsMatching && (this->numCols() != (initialTargetColId + (mat1.numCols() * 1))),
1223  m_env.worldRank(),
1224  "GslMatrix::fillTensorProduct(mat and vec)",
1225  "inconsistent number of columns");
1227  for (unsigned int rowId1 = 0; rowId1 < mat1.numRowsLocal(); ++rowId1) {
1228  for (unsigned int colId1 = 0; colId1 < mat1.numCols(); ++colId1) {
1229  double multiplicativeFactor = mat1(rowId1,colId1);
1230  unsigned int targetRowId = rowId1 * vec2.sizeLocal();
1231  unsigned int targetColId = colId1 * 1;
1232  for (unsigned int rowId2 = 0; rowId2 < vec2.sizeLocal(); ++rowId2) {
1233  for (unsigned int colId2 = 0; colId2 < 1; ++colId2) {
1234  (*this)(initialTargetRowId + targetRowId + rowId2, initialTargetColId + targetColId + colId2) = multiplicativeFactor * vec2[rowId2];
1235  }
1236  }
1237  }
1238  }
1241  return;
1242 }
int worldRank() const
Returns the process world rank.
Definition: Environment.C:235
unsigned int numRowsLocal() const
Returns the local row dimension of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.C:349
#define UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(test, givenRank, where, what)
Definition: Defines.h:223
unsigned int numCols() const
Returns the column dimension of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.C:361
const BaseEnvironment & m_env
QUESO environment variable.
Definition: Matrix.h:137
void QUESO::GslMatrix::fillWithTranspose ( unsigned int  rowId,
unsigned int  colId,
const GslMatrix mat,
bool  checkForExactNumRowsMatching,
bool  checkForExactNumColsMatching 

This function stores the transpose of this matrix into this matrix.

Definition at line 1245 of file GslMatrix.C.

References QUESO::Matrix::m_env, numCols(), numRowsLocal(), UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO, and QUESO::BaseEnvironment::worldRank().

1251 {
1252  unsigned int nRows = mat.numRowsLocal();
1253  unsigned int nCols = mat.numCols();
1254  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(this->numRowsLocal() < (initialTargetRowId + nCols),
1255  m_env.worldRank(),
1256  "GslMatrix::fillWithTranspose()",
1257  "too big number of rows");
1258  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(checkForExactNumRowsMatching && (this->numRowsLocal() != (initialTargetRowId + nCols)),
1259  m_env.worldRank(),
1260  "GslMatrix::fillWithTranspose()",
1261  "inconsistent number of rows");
1262  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(this->numCols() < (initialTargetColId + nRows),
1263  m_env.worldRank(),
1264  "GslMatrix::fillWithTranspose()",
1265  "too big number of cols");
1266  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(checkForExactNumColsMatching && (this->numCols() != (initialTargetColId + nRows)),
1267  m_env.worldRank(),
1268  "GslMatrix::fillWithTranspose()",
1269  "inconsistent number of cols");
1271  for (unsigned int row = 0; row < nRows; ++row) {
1272  for (unsigned int col = 0; col < nCols; ++col) {
1273  (*this)(initialTargetRowId + col, initialTargetColId + row) = mat(row,col);
1274  }
1275  }
1277  return;
1278 }
int worldRank() const
Returns the process world rank.
Definition: Environment.C:235
unsigned int numRowsLocal() const
Returns the local row dimension of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.C:349
#define UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(test, givenRank, where, what)
Definition: Defines.h:223
unsigned int numCols() const
Returns the column dimension of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.C:361
const BaseEnvironment & m_env
QUESO environment variable.
Definition: Matrix.h:137
void QUESO::GslMatrix::filterLargeValues ( double  thresholdValue)

This function sets to zero (filters) all entries of this matrix which are greater than thresholdValue.

If thresholdValue < 0 then no values will be filtered.

Definition at line 801 of file GslMatrix.C.

References numCols(), and numRowsLocal().

802 {
803  unsigned int nRows = this->numRowsLocal();
804  unsigned int nCols = this->numCols();
805  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nRows; ++i) {
806  for (unsigned int j = 0; j < nCols; ++j) {
807  double aux = (*this)(i,j);
808  // If 'thresholdValue' is negative, no values will be filtered
809  if ((aux < 0. ) &&
810  (-thresholdValue > aux)) {
811  (*this)(i,j) = 0.;
812  }
813  if ((aux > 0. ) &&
814  (thresholdValue < aux)) {
815  (*this)(i,j) = 0.;
816  }
817  }
818  }
820  return;
821 }
unsigned int numRowsLocal() const
Returns the local row dimension of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.C:349
unsigned int numCols() const
Returns the column dimension of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.C:361
void QUESO::GslMatrix::filterSmallValues ( double  thresholdValue)

This function sets to zero (filters) all entries of this matrix which are smaller than thresholdValue.

If thresholdValue < 0 then no values will be filtered.

Definition at line 778 of file GslMatrix.C.

References numCols(), and numRowsLocal().

779 {
780  unsigned int nRows = this->numRowsLocal();
781  unsigned int nCols = this->numCols();
782  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nRows; ++i) {
783  for (unsigned int j = 0; j < nCols; ++j) {
784  double aux = (*this)(i,j);
785  // If 'thresholdValue' is negative, no values will be filtered
786  if ((aux < 0. ) &&
787  (-thresholdValue < aux)) {
788  (*this)(i,j) = 0.;
789  }
790  if ((aux > 0. ) &&
791  (thresholdValue > aux)) {
792  (*this)(i,j) = 0.;
793  }
794  }
795  }
797  return;
798 }
unsigned int numRowsLocal() const
Returns the local row dimension of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.C:349
unsigned int numCols() const
Returns the column dimension of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.C:361
void QUESO::GslMatrix::getColumn ( const unsigned int  column_num,
GslVector column 
) const

This function gets the column_num-th column of this matrix and stores it into vector column.

Definition at line 1880 of file GslMatrix.C.

References QUESO::Matrix::env(), QUESO::BaseEnvironment::fullRank(), m_mat, numCols(), numRowsLocal(), QUESO::GslVector::sizeLocal(), UQ_FATAL_RC_MACRO, and UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO.

Referenced by getColumn(), invertMultiply(), matlabLinearInterpExtrap(), and svdSolve().

1881 {
1882  // Sanity checks
1883  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(column_num >= this->numCols(),
1884  env().fullRank(),
1885  "GslMatrix::getColumn",
1886  "Specified row number not within range");
1888  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO((column.sizeLocal() != this->numRowsLocal()),
1889  env().fullRank(),
1890  "GslMatrix::getColumn",
1891  "column vector not same size as this matrix");
1893  // Temporary working vector
1894  gsl_vector* gsl_column = gsl_vector_alloc( column.sizeLocal() );
1896  int error_code = gsl_matrix_get_col( gsl_column, m_mat, column_num );
1897  UQ_FATAL_RC_MACRO( (error_code != 0),
1898  env().fullRank(),
1899  "GslMatrix::getColumn()",
1900  "gsl_matrix_get_col failed");
1902  // Copy column from gsl matrix into our GslVector object
1903  for( unsigned int i = 0; i < column.sizeLocal(); ++i )
1904  {
1905  column[i] = gsl_vector_get( gsl_column, i );
1906  }
1908  // Clean up gsl temporaries
1909  gsl_vector_free( gsl_column );
1911  return;
1912 }
unsigned int numRowsLocal() const
Returns the local row dimension of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.C:349
#define UQ_FATAL_RC_MACRO(macroIRc, givenRank, where, what)
Definition: Defines.h:207
#define UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(test, givenRank, where, what)
Definition: Defines.h:223
int fullRank() const
Returns the process full rank.
Definition: Environment.C:241
gsl_matrix * m_mat
GSL matrix, also referred to as this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.h:386
unsigned int numCols() const
Returns the column dimension of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.C:361
const BaseEnvironment & env() const
Definition: Matrix.C:116
GslVector QUESO::GslMatrix::getColumn ( const unsigned int  column_num) const

This function gets the column_num-th column of this matrix.

Definition at line 1963 of file GslMatrix.C.

References getColumn(), QUESO::Matrix::m_env, and QUESO::Matrix::m_map.

1964 {
1965  // We rely on the void getRow's to do sanity checks
1966  // So we don't do them here.
1968  GslVector column(m_env, m_map);
1970  this->getColumn( column_num, column );
1972  return column;
1973 }
void getColumn(const unsigned int column_num, GslVector &column) const
This function gets the column_num-th column of this matrix and stores it into vector column...
Definition: GslMatrix.C:1880
const Map & m_map
Mapping variable.
Definition: Matrix.h:147
const BaseEnvironment & m_env
QUESO environment variable.
Definition: Matrix.h:137
void QUESO::GslMatrix::getRow ( const unsigned int  row_num,
GslVector row 
) const

This function gets the row_num-th column of this matrix and stores it into vector row.

Definition at line 1915 of file GslMatrix.C.

References QUESO::Matrix::env(), QUESO::BaseEnvironment::fullRank(), m_mat, numCols(), numRowsLocal(), QUESO::GslVector::sizeLocal(), UQ_FATAL_RC_MACRO, and UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO.

Referenced by getRow().

1916 {
1917  // Sanity checks
1918  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(row_num >= this->numRowsLocal(),
1919  env().fullRank(),
1920  "GslMatrix::getRow",
1921  "Specified row number not within range");
1923  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO((row.sizeLocal() != this->numCols()),
1924  env().fullRank(),
1925  "GslMatrix::getRow",
1926  "row vector not same size as this matrix");
1928  // Temporary working vector
1929  gsl_vector* gsl_row = gsl_vector_alloc( row.sizeLocal() );
1931  int error_code = gsl_matrix_get_row( gsl_row, m_mat, row_num );
1932  UQ_FATAL_RC_MACRO( (error_code != 0),
1933  env().fullRank(),
1934  "GslMatrix::getRow()",
1935  "gsl_matrix_get_row failed");
1937  // Copy row from gsl matrix into our GslVector object
1938  for( unsigned int i = 0; i < row.sizeLocal(); ++i )
1939  {
1940  row[i] = gsl_vector_get( gsl_row, i );
1941  }
1943  // Clean up gsl temporaries
1944  gsl_vector_free( gsl_row );
1946  return;
1947 }
unsigned int numRowsLocal() const
Returns the local row dimension of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.C:349
#define UQ_FATAL_RC_MACRO(macroIRc, givenRank, where, what)
Definition: Defines.h:207
#define UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(test, givenRank, where, what)
Definition: Defines.h:223
int fullRank() const
Returns the process full rank.
Definition: Environment.C:241
gsl_matrix * m_mat
GSL matrix, also referred to as this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.h:386
unsigned int numCols() const
Returns the column dimension of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.C:361
const BaseEnvironment & env() const
Definition: Matrix.C:116
GslVector QUESO::GslMatrix::getRow ( const unsigned int  row_num) const

This function gets the row_num-th column of this matrix.

Definition at line 1950 of file GslMatrix.C.

References getRow(), QUESO::Matrix::m_env, and QUESO::Matrix::m_map.

1951 {
1952  // We rely on the void getRow's to do sanity checks
1953  // So we don't do them here.
1955  GslVector row(m_env, m_map);
1957  this->getRow( row_num, row );
1959  return row;
1960 }
void getRow(const unsigned int row_num, GslVector &row) const
This function gets the row_num-th column of this matrix and stores it into vector row...
Definition: GslMatrix.C:1915
const Map & m_map
Mapping variable.
Definition: Matrix.h:147
const BaseEnvironment & m_env
QUESO environment variable.
Definition: Matrix.h:137
int QUESO::GslMatrix::internalSvd ( ) const

This function factorizes the M-by-N matrix A into the singular value decomposition A = U S V^T for M >= N. On output the matrix A is replaced by U.

Definition at line 654 of file GslMatrix.C.

References QUESO::GslVector::data(), data(), GslMatrix(), QUESO::Matrix::m_env, m_svdColMap, m_svdSvec, m_svdUmat, m_svdVmat, m_svdVTmat, QUESO::Matrix::map(), numCols(), numRowsLocal(), transpose(), UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO, QUESO::UQ_MATRIX_SVD_FAILED_RC, UQ_RC_MACRO, and QUESO::BaseEnvironment::worldRank().

Referenced by rank(), svd(), svdMatU(), svdMatV(), and svdSolve().

655 {
656  int iRC = 0;
658  if (m_svdColMap == NULL) {
659  unsigned int nRows = this->numRowsLocal();
660  unsigned int nCols = this->numCols();
661  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(nRows < nCols,
662  m_env.worldRank(),
663  "GslMatrix::internalSvd()",
664  "GSL only supports cases where nRows >= nCols");
666  m_svdColMap = new Map(this->numCols(),0,this->map().Comm()); // see 'VectorSpace<.,.>::newMap()' in src/basic/src/GslVectorSpace.C
667  m_svdUmat = new GslMatrix(*this); // Yes, 'this'
668  m_svdSvec = new GslVector(m_env,*m_svdColMap);
669  m_svdVmat = new GslMatrix(*m_svdSvec);
672  //std::cout << "In GslMatrix::internalSvd()"
673  // << ", calling gsl_linalg_SV_decomp_jacobi()..."
674  // << ": nRows = " << nRows
675  // << ", nCols = " << nCols
676  // << std::endl;
677  struct timeval timevalBegin;
678  gettimeofday(&timevalBegin, NULL);
679  gsl_error_handler_t* oldHandler;
680  oldHandler = gsl_set_error_handler_off();
681 #if 1
682  iRC = gsl_linalg_SV_decomp_jacobi(m_svdUmat->data(), m_svdVmat->data(), m_svdSvec->data());
683 #else
684  GslVector vecWork(*m_svdSvec );
685  iRC = gsl_linalg_SV_decomp(m_svdUmat->data(), m_svdVmat->data(), m_svdSvec->data(), vecWork.data());
686 #endif
687  if (iRC != 0) {
688  std::cerr << "In GslMatrix::internalSvd()"
689  << ": iRC = " << iRC
690  << ", gsl error message = " << gsl_strerror(iRC)
691  << std::endl;
692  }
693  gsl_set_error_handler(oldHandler);
695  struct timeval timevalNow;
696  gettimeofday(&timevalNow, NULL);
697  //std::cout << "In GslMatrix::internalSvd()"
698  // << ": returned from gsl_linalg_SV_decomp_jacobi() with iRC = " << iRC
699  // << " after " << timevalNow.tv_sec - timevalBegin.tv_sec
700  // << " seconds"
701  // << std::endl;
702  UQ_RC_MACRO(iRC, // Yes, *not* a fatal check on RC
703  m_env.worldRank(),
704  "GslMatrix::internalSvd()",
705  "matrix svd failed",
708  }
710  return iRC;
711 }
int worldRank() const
Returns the process world rank.
Definition: Environment.C:235
unsigned int numRowsLocal() const
Returns the local row dimension of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.C:349
GslVector * m_svdSvec
m_svdSvec stores the diagonal of the N-by-N diagonal matrix of singular values S after the singular v...
Definition: GslMatrix.h:408
GslMatrix * m_svdUmat
m_svdUmat stores the M-by-N orthogonal matrix U after the singular value decomposition of a matrix...
Definition: GslMatrix.h:401
Definition: Defines.h:87
#define UQ_RC_MACRO(macroIRc, givenRank, where, what, retValue)
Definition: Defines.h:178
#define UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(test, givenRank, where, what)
Definition: Defines.h:223
GslMatrix transpose() const
This function calculated the transpose of this matrix (square).
Definition: GslMatrix.C:824
GslMatrix * m_svdVTmat
m_svdVmatT stores the transpose of N-by-N orthogonal square matrix V, namely V^T, after the singular ...
Definition: GslMatrix.h:420
Default Constructor.
Definition: GslMatrix.C:36
Map * m_svdColMap
Mapping for matrices involved in the singular value decomposition (svd) routine.
Definition: GslMatrix.h:395
gsl_matrix * data()
Returns this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.C:2108
const Map & map() const
Definition: Matrix.C:123
GslMatrix * m_svdVmat
m_svdVmat stores the N-by-N orthogonal square matrix V after the singular value decomposition of a ma...
Definition: GslMatrix.h:414
unsigned int numCols() const
Returns the column dimension of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.C:361
gsl_vector * data() const
Definition: GslVector.C:1180
const BaseEnvironment & m_env
QUESO environment variable.
Definition: Matrix.h:137
GslMatrix QUESO::GslMatrix::inverse ( ) const

This function calculated the inverse of this matrix (square).

Definition at line 845 of file GslMatrix.C.

References QUESO::BaseEnvironment::checkingLevel(), QUESO::GslVector::cwSet(), QUESO::BaseEnvironment::displayVerbosity(), GslMatrix(), invertMultiply(), lnDeterminant(), QUESO::Matrix::m_env, m_inverse, QUESO::Matrix::m_map, numCols(), numRowsLocal(), QUESO::BaseEnvironment::subDisplayFile(), UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO, and QUESO::BaseEnvironment::worldRank().

846 {
847  unsigned int nRows = this->numRowsLocal();
848  unsigned int nCols = this->numCols();
850  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO((nRows != nCols),
851  m_env.worldRank(),
852  "GslMatrix::inverse()",
853  "matrix is not square");
855  if (m_inverse == NULL) {
856  m_inverse = new GslMatrix(m_env,m_map,nCols);
857  GslVector unitVector(m_env,m_map);
858  unitVector.cwSet(0.);
859  GslVector multVector(m_env,m_map);
860  for (unsigned int j = 0; j < nCols; ++j) {
861  if (j > 0) unitVector[j-1] = 0.;
862  unitVector[j] = 1.;
863  this->invertMultiply(unitVector, multVector);
864  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nRows; ++i) {
865  (*m_inverse)(i,j) = multVector[i];
866  }
867  }
868  }
869  if (m_env.checkingLevel() >= 1) {
870  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "CHECKING In GslMatrix::inverse()"
871  << ": M.lnDet = " << this->lnDeterminant()
872  << ", M^{-1}.lnDet = " << m_inverse->lnDeterminant()
873  << std::endl;
874  }
875  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 5)) {
876  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In GslMatrix::inverse():"
877  << "\n M = " << *this
878  << "\n M^{-1} = " << *m_inverse
879  << "\n M*M^{-1} = " << (*this)*(*m_inverse)
880  << "\n M^{-1}*M = " << (*m_inverse)*(*this)
881  << std::endl;
882  }
884  return *m_inverse;
885 }
int worldRank() const
Returns the process world rank.
Definition: Environment.C:235
unsigned int checkingLevel() const
Access function to private attribute m_checkingLevel.
Definition: Environment.C:456
std::ofstream * subDisplayFile() const
Access function for m_subDisplayFile (displays file on stream).
Definition: Environment.C:305
unsigned int numRowsLocal() const
Returns the local row dimension of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.C:349
GslVector invertMultiply(const GslVector &b) const
This function calculates the inverse of this matrix and multiplies it with vector b...
Definition: GslMatrix.C:1441
#define UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(test, givenRank, where, what)
Definition: Defines.h:223
const Map & m_map
Mapping variable.
Definition: Matrix.h:147
Default Constructor.
Definition: GslMatrix.C:36
unsigned int displayVerbosity() const
Definition: Environment.C:436
double lnDeterminant() const
Calculates the ln(determinant) of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.C:1322
unsigned int numCols() const
Returns the column dimension of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.C:361
GslMatrix * m_inverse
Inverse matrix of this.
Definition: GslMatrix.h:392
const BaseEnvironment & m_env
QUESO environment variable.
Definition: Matrix.h:137
GslVector QUESO::GslMatrix::invertMultiply ( const GslVector b) const

This function calculates the inverse of this matrix and multiplies it with vector b.

It calls void GslMatrix::invertMultiply(const GslVector& b, GslVector& x) internally.

Definition at line 1441 of file GslMatrix.C.

References QUESO::Matrix::m_env, QUESO::Matrix::m_map, numCols(), QUESO::GslVector::sizeLocal(), UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO, and QUESO::BaseEnvironment::worldRank().

Referenced by determinant(), inverse(), invertMultiply(), and lnDeterminant().

1443 {
1444  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO((this->numCols() != b.sizeLocal()),
1445  m_env.worldRank(),
1446  "GslMatrix::invertMultiply(), return vector",
1447  "matrix and rhs have incompatible sizes");
1449  GslVector x(m_env,m_map);
1450  this->invertMultiply(b,x);
1452  return x;
1453 }
int worldRank() const
Returns the process world rank.
Definition: Environment.C:235
GslVector invertMultiply(const GslVector &b) const
This function calculates the inverse of this matrix and multiplies it with vector b...
Definition: GslMatrix.C:1441
#define UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(test, givenRank, where, what)
Definition: Defines.h:223
const Map & m_map
Mapping variable.
Definition: Matrix.h:147
unsigned int numCols() const
Returns the column dimension of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.C:361
const BaseEnvironment & m_env
QUESO environment variable.
Definition: Matrix.h:137
void QUESO::GslMatrix::invertMultiply ( const GslVector b,
GslVector x 
) const

This function calculates the inverse of this matrix, multiplies it with vector b and stores the result in vector x.

It checks for a previous LU decomposition of this matrix and does not recompute it if m_MU != NULL .

Definition at line 1456 of file GslMatrix.C.

References QUESO::GslVector::data(), QUESO::BaseEnvironment::displayVerbosity(), QUESO::Matrix::m_env, QUESO::Matrix::m_inDebugMode, m_isSingular, m_LU, m_mat, m_permutation, m_signum, QUESO::GslVector::norm2(), numCols(), numRowsLocal(), QUESO::GslVector::sizeLocal(), QUESO::BaseEnvironment::subDisplayFile(), UQ_FATAL_RC_MACRO, UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO, and QUESO::BaseEnvironment::worldRank().

1459 {
1460  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO((this->numCols() != b.sizeLocal()),
1461  m_env.worldRank(),
1462  "GslMatrix::invertMultiply(), return void",
1463  "matrix and rhs have incompatible sizes");
1465  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO((x.sizeLocal() != b.sizeLocal()),
1466  m_env.worldRank(),
1467  "GslMatrix::invertMultiply(), return void",
1468  "solution and rhs have incompatible sizes");
1470  int iRC;
1471  if (m_LU == NULL) {
1473  m_env.worldRank(),
1474  "GslMatrix::invertMultiply()",
1475  "m_permutation should be NULL");
1477  m_LU = gsl_matrix_calloc(this->numRowsLocal(),this->numCols());
1479  m_env.worldRank(),
1480  "GslMatrix::invertMultiply()",
1481  "gsl_matrix_calloc() failed");
1483  iRC = gsl_matrix_memcpy(m_LU, m_mat);
1485  m_env.worldRank(),
1486  "GslMatrix::invertMultiply()",
1487  "gsl_matrix_memcpy() failed");
1489  m_permutation = gsl_permutation_calloc(numCols());
1490  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO((m_permutation == NULL),
1491  m_env.worldRank(),
1492  "GslMatrix::invertMultiply()",
1493  "gsl_permutation_calloc() failed");
1495  if (m_inDebugMode) {
1496  std::cout << "In GslMatrix::invertMultiply()"
1497  << ": before LU decomposition, m_LU = ";
1498  gsl_matrix_fprintf(stdout, m_LU, "%f");
1499  std::cout << std::endl;
1500  }
1502  gsl_error_handler_t* oldHandler;
1503  oldHandler = gsl_set_error_handler_off();
1504  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 99)) {
1505  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In GslMatrix::invertMultiply()"
1506  << ": before 'gsl_linalg_LU_decomp()'"
1507  << std::endl;
1508  }
1509  iRC = gsl_linalg_LU_decomp(m_LU,m_permutation,&m_signum);
1510  if (iRC != 0) {
1511  std::cerr << "In GslMatrix::invertMultiply()"
1512  << ", after gsl_linalg_LU_decomp()"
1513  << ": iRC = " << iRC
1514  << ", gsl error message = " << gsl_strerror(iRC)
1515  << std::endl;
1516  }
1517  gsl_set_error_handler(oldHandler);
1518  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 99)) {
1519  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In GslMatrix::invertMultiply()"
1520  << ": after 'gsl_linalg_LU_decomp()'"
1521  << ", IRC = " << iRC
1522  << std::endl;
1523  }
1525  m_env.worldRank(),
1526  "GslMatrix::invertMultiply()",
1527  "gsl_linalg_LU_decomp() failed");
1529  if (m_inDebugMode) {
1530  std::cout << "In GslMatrix::invertMultiply()"
1531  << ": after LU decomposition, m_LU = ";
1532  gsl_matrix_fprintf(stdout, m_LU, "%f");
1533  std::cout << std::endl;
1534  }
1535  }
1537  gsl_error_handler_t* oldHandler;
1538  oldHandler = gsl_set_error_handler_off();
1539  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 99)) {
1540  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In GslMatrix::invertMultiply()"
1541  << ": before 'gsl_linalg_LU_solve()'"
1542  << std::endl;
1543  }
1544  iRC = gsl_linalg_LU_solve(m_LU,m_permutation,b.data(),x.data());
1545  if (iRC != 0) {
1546  m_isSingular = true;
1547  std::cerr << "In GslMatrix::invertMultiply()"
1548  << ", after gsl_linalg_LU_solve()"
1549  << ": iRC = " << iRC
1550  << ", gsl error message = " << gsl_strerror(iRC)
1551  << std::endl;
1552  }
1553  gsl_set_error_handler(oldHandler);
1554  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 99)) {
1555  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In GslMatrix::invertMultiply()"
1556  << ": after 'gsl_linalg_LU_solve()'"
1557  << ", IRC = " << iRC
1558  << std::endl;
1559  }
1560  // prudenci, 2012-09-26: commented the 'UQ_FATAL_RC_MACRO' below
1562  // m_env.worldRank(),
1563  // "GslMatrix::invertMultiply()",
1564  // "gsl_linalg_LU_solve() failed");
1566  if (m_inDebugMode) {
1567  GslVector tmpVec(b - (*this)*x);
1568  std::cout << "In GslMatrix::invertMultiply()"
1569  << ": ||b - Ax||_2 = " << tmpVec.norm2()
1570  << ": ||b - Ax||_2/||b||_2 = " << tmpVec.norm2()/b.norm2()
1571  << std::endl;
1572  }
1574  return;
1575 }
gsl_matrix * m_LU
GSL matrix for the LU decomposition of m_mat.
Definition: GslMatrix.h:389
int worldRank() const
Returns the process world rank.
Definition: Environment.C:235
std::ofstream * subDisplayFile() const
Access function for m_subDisplayFile (displays file on stream).
Definition: Environment.C:305
unsigned int numRowsLocal() const
Returns the local row dimension of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.C:349
#define UQ_FATAL_RC_MACRO(macroIRc, givenRank, where, what)
Definition: Defines.h:207
#define UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(test, givenRank, where, what)
Definition: Defines.h:223
bool m_inDebugMode
Flag for either or not QUESO is in debug mode.
Definition: Matrix.h:155
gsl_permutation * m_permutation
The permutation matrix of a LU decomposition.
Definition: GslMatrix.h:432
gsl_matrix * m_mat
GSL matrix, also referred to as this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.h:386
unsigned int displayVerbosity() const
Definition: Environment.C:436
int m_signum
m_signum stores the sign of the permutation of the LU decomposition PA = LU.
Definition: GslMatrix.h:438
bool m_isSingular
Indicates whether or not this matrix is singular.
Definition: GslMatrix.h:441
unsigned int numCols() const
Returns the column dimension of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.C:361
const BaseEnvironment & m_env
QUESO environment variable.
Definition: Matrix.h:137
GslMatrix QUESO::GslMatrix::invertMultiply ( const GslMatrix B) const

This function calculates the inverse of this matrix and multiplies it with matrix B.

It calls void GslMatrix::invertMultiply(const GslMatrix& B, GslMatrix& X) const internally.

Definition at line 1578 of file GslMatrix.C.

References invertMultiply(), QUESO::Matrix::m_env, QUESO::Matrix::m_map, and numCols().

1579 {
1580  GslMatrix X(m_env,m_map,B.numCols());
1581  this->invertMultiply(B,X);
1583  return X;
1584 }
GslVector invertMultiply(const GslVector &b) const
This function calculates the inverse of this matrix and multiplies it with vector b...
Definition: GslMatrix.C:1441
const Map & m_map
Mapping variable.
Definition: Matrix.h:147
Default Constructor.
Definition: GslMatrix.C:36
const BaseEnvironment & m_env
QUESO environment variable.
Definition: Matrix.h:137
void QUESO::GslMatrix::invertMultiply ( const GslMatrix B,
GslMatrix X 
) const

This function calculates the inverse of this matrix, multiplies it with matrix B and stores the result in matrix X.

It checks for a previous LU decomposition of this matrix and does not recompute it if m_MU != NULL .

Definition at line 1587 of file GslMatrix.C.

References getColumn(), invertMultiply(), QUESO::Matrix::m_env, QUESO::Matrix::m_map, numCols(), numRowsLocal(), setColumn(), UQ_FATAL_RC_MACRO, and QUESO::BaseEnvironment::worldRank().

1588 {
1590  // Sanity Checks
1591  UQ_FATAL_RC_MACRO(((B.numRowsLocal() != X.numRowsLocal()) ||
1592  (B.numCols() != X.numCols() )),
1593  m_env.worldRank(),
1594  "GslMatrix::invertMultiply()",
1595  "Matrices B and X are incompatible");
1598  UQ_FATAL_RC_MACRO((this->numRowsLocal() != X.numRowsLocal()),
1599  m_env.worldRank(),
1600  "GslMatrix::invertMultiply()",
1601  "This and X matrices are incompatible");
1603  // Some local variables used within the loop.
1604  GslVector b(m_env, m_map);
1605  GslVector x(m_env, m_map);
1607  for( unsigned int j = 0; j < B.numCols(); ++j )
1608  {
1609  b = B.getColumn( j );
1611  //invertMultiply will only do the LU once and store it. So we don't
1612  //need to worry about it doing LU multiple times.
1613  x = this->invertMultiply( b );
1615  X.setColumn( j, x );
1616  }
1618  return;
1619 }
int worldRank() const
Returns the process world rank.
Definition: Environment.C:235
unsigned int numRowsLocal() const
Returns the local row dimension of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.C:349
#define UQ_FATAL_RC_MACRO(macroIRc, givenRank, where, what)
Definition: Defines.h:207
GslVector invertMultiply(const GslVector &b) const
This function calculates the inverse of this matrix and multiplies it with vector b...
Definition: GslMatrix.C:1441
const Map & m_map
Mapping variable.
Definition: Matrix.h:147
const BaseEnvironment & m_env
QUESO environment variable.
Definition: Matrix.h:137
GslVector QUESO::GslMatrix::invertMultiplyForceLU ( const GslVector b) const

This function calculates the inverse of this matrix and multiplies it with vector b.

  It calls void GslMatrix::InvertMultiplyForceLU(const GslVector& b, GslVector& x) const;(const GslVector& b,

GslVector& x) internally.

Definition at line 1622 of file GslMatrix.C.

References QUESO::Matrix::m_env, QUESO::Matrix::m_map, numCols(), QUESO::GslVector::sizeLocal(), UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO, and QUESO::BaseEnvironment::worldRank().

1624 {
1625  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO((this->numCols() != b.sizeLocal()),
1626  m_env.worldRank(),
1627  "GslMatrix::invertMultiply(), return vector",
1628  "matrix and rhs have incompatible sizes");
1630  GslVector x(m_env,m_map);
1631  this->invertMultiplyForceLU(b,x);
1633  return x;
1634 }
int worldRank() const
Returns the process world rank.
Definition: Environment.C:235
GslVector invertMultiplyForceLU(const GslVector &b) const
This function calculates the inverse of this matrix and multiplies it with vector b...
Definition: GslMatrix.C:1622
#define UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(test, givenRank, where, what)
Definition: Defines.h:223
const Map & m_map
Mapping variable.
Definition: Matrix.h:147
unsigned int numCols() const
Returns the column dimension of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.C:361
const BaseEnvironment & m_env
QUESO environment variable.
Definition: Matrix.h:137
void QUESO::GslMatrix::invertMultiplyForceLU ( const GslVector b,
GslVector x 
) const

This function calculates the inverse of this matrix, multiplies it with vector b and stores the result in vector x.

It recalculates the LU decomposition of this matrix.

Definition at line 1637 of file GslMatrix.C.

References QUESO::GslVector::data(), QUESO::Matrix::m_env, m_isSingular, m_LU, m_mat, m_permutation, m_signum, numCols(), numRowsLocal(), QUESO::GslVector::sizeLocal(), UQ_FATAL_RC_MACRO, UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO, and QUESO::BaseEnvironment::worldRank().

1640 {
1641  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO((this->numCols() != b.sizeLocal()),
1642  m_env.worldRank(),
1643  "GslMatrix::invertMultiplyForceLU(), return void",
1644  "matrix and rhs have incompatible sizes");
1646  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO((x.sizeLocal() != b.sizeLocal()),
1647  m_env.worldRank(),
1648  "GslMatrix::invertMultiplyForceLU(), return void",
1649  "solution and rhs have incompatible sizes");
1651  int iRC;
1653  if ( m_LU == NULL ) {
1655  m_env.worldRank(),
1656  "GslMatrix::invertMultiplyForceLU()",
1657  "m_permutation should be NULL");
1658  m_LU = gsl_matrix_calloc(this->numRowsLocal(),this->numCols());
1659  }
1661  m_env.worldRank(),
1662  "GslMatrix::invertMultiplyForceLU()",
1663  "gsl_matrix_calloc() failed");
1665  iRC = gsl_matrix_memcpy(m_LU, m_mat);
1667  m_env.worldRank(),
1668  "GslMatrix::invertMultiplyForceLU()",
1669  "gsl_matrix_memcpy() failed");
1671  if( m_permutation == NULL ) m_permutation = gsl_permutation_calloc(numCols());
1673  m_env.worldRank(),
1674  "GslMatrix::invertMultiplyForceLU()",
1675  "gsl_permutation_calloc() failed");
1677  iRC = gsl_linalg_LU_decomp(m_LU,m_permutation,&m_signum);
1679  m_env.worldRank(),
1680  "GslMatrix::invertMultiplyForceLU()",
1681  "gsl_linalg_LU_decomp() failed");
1683  iRC = gsl_linalg_LU_solve(m_LU,m_permutation,b.data(),x.data());
1684  if (iRC != 0) {
1685  m_isSingular = true;
1686  }
1688  m_env.worldRank(),
1689  "GslMatrix::invertMultiplyForceLU()",
1690  "gsl_linalg_LU_solve() failed");
1692  return;
1693 }
gsl_matrix * m_LU
GSL matrix for the LU decomposition of m_mat.
Definition: GslMatrix.h:389
int worldRank() const
Returns the process world rank.
Definition: Environment.C:235
unsigned int numRowsLocal() const
Returns the local row dimension of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.C:349
#define UQ_FATAL_RC_MACRO(macroIRc, givenRank, where, what)
Definition: Defines.h:207
#define UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(test, givenRank, where, what)
Definition: Defines.h:223
gsl_permutation * m_permutation
The permutation matrix of a LU decomposition.
Definition: GslMatrix.h:432
gsl_matrix * m_mat
GSL matrix, also referred to as this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.h:386
int m_signum
m_signum stores the sign of the permutation of the LU decomposition PA = LU.
Definition: GslMatrix.h:438
bool m_isSingular
Indicates whether or not this matrix is singular.
Definition: GslMatrix.h:441
unsigned int numCols() const
Returns the column dimension of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.C:361
const BaseEnvironment & m_env
QUESO environment variable.
Definition: Matrix.h:137
void QUESO::GslMatrix::largestEigen ( double &  eigenValue,
GslVector eigenVector 
) const

This function finds largest eigenvalue, namely eigenValue, of this matrix and its corresponding eigenvector, namely eigenVector.

Definition at line 1728 of file GslMatrix.C.

References QUESO::GslVector::abs(), QUESO::Matrix::env(), QUESO::Matrix::m_env, QUESO::Matrix::m_map, QUESO::GslVector::sizeLocal(), and UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO.

1729 {
1731  // Sanity Checks
1732  unsigned int n = eigenVector.sizeLocal();
1734  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO((n == 0),
1735  env().fullRank(),
1736  "GslMatrix::largestEigen()",
1737  "invalid input vector size");
1739  /* The following notation is used:
1740  z = vector used in iteration that ends up being the eigenvector corresponding to the
1741  largest eigenvalue
1742  w = vector used in iteration that we extract the largest eigenvalue from. */
1744  // Some parameters associated with the algorithm
1745  // TODO: Do we want to add the ability to have these set by the user?
1746  const unsigned int max_num_iterations = 10000;
1747  const double tolerance = 1.0e-13;
1749  // Create temporary working vectors.
1750  // TODO: We shouldn't have to use these - we ought to be able to work directly
1751  // TODO: with eigenValue and eigenVector. Optimize this once we have regression
1752  // TODO: tests.
1753  GslVector z(m_env, m_map, 1.0 ); // Needs to be initialized to 1.0
1754  GslVector w(m_env, m_map);
1756  // Some variables we use inside the loop.
1757  int index;
1758  double residual;
1759  double lambda;
1761  for( unsigned int k = 0; k < max_num_iterations; ++k )
1762  {
1763  w = (*this) * z;
1765  // For this algorithm, it's crucial to get the maximum in
1766  // absolute value, but then to normalize by the actual value
1767  // and *not* the absolute value.
1768  index = (w.abs()).getMaxValueIndex();
1770  lambda = w[index];
1772  z = (1.0/lambda) * w;
1774  // Here we use the norm of the residual as our convergence check:
1775  // norm( A*x - \lambda*x )
1776  residual = ( (*this)*z - lambda*z ).norm2();
1778  if( residual < tolerance )
1779  {
1780  eigenValue = lambda;
1782  // TODO: Do we want to normalize this so eigenVector.norm2() = 1?
1783  eigenVector = z;
1784  return;
1785  }
1787  }
1789  // If we reach this point, then we didn't converge. Print error message
1790  // to this effect.
1791  // TODO: We know we failed at this point - need a way to not need a test
1792  // TODO: Just specify the error.
1793  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO((residual >= tolerance),
1794  env().fullRank(),
1795  "GslMatrix::largestEigen()",
1796  "Maximum num iterations exceeded");
1799  return;
1800 }
#define UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(test, givenRank, where, what)
Definition: Defines.h:223
const Map & m_map
Mapping variable.
Definition: Matrix.h:147
const BaseEnvironment & m_env
QUESO environment variable.
Definition: Matrix.h:137
const BaseEnvironment & env() const
Definition: Matrix.C:116
double QUESO::GslMatrix::lnDeterminant ( ) const

Calculates the ln(determinant) of this matrix.

Definition at line 1322 of file GslMatrix.C.

References QUESO::BaseEnvironment::displayVerbosity(), invertMultiply(), m_determinant, QUESO::Matrix::m_env, m_lnDeterminant, m_LU, QUESO::Matrix::m_map, m_signum, and QUESO::BaseEnvironment::subDisplayFile().

Referenced by inverse().

1323 {
1324  if (m_lnDeterminant == -INFINITY) {
1325  if (m_LU == NULL) {
1326  GslVector tmpB(m_env,m_map);
1327  GslVector tmpX(m_env,m_map);
1328  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 99)) {
1329  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In GslMatrix::lnDeterminant()"
1330  << ": before 'this->invertMultiply()'"
1331  << std::endl;
1332  }
1333  this->invertMultiply(tmpB,tmpX);
1334  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 99)) {
1335  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In GslMatrix::lnDeterminant()"
1336  << ": after 'this->invertMultiply()'"
1337  << std::endl;
1338  }
1339  }
1340  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 99)) {
1341  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In GslMatrix::lnDeterminant()"
1342  << ": before 'gsl_linalg_LU_det()'"
1343  << std::endl;
1344  }
1345  m_determinant = gsl_linalg_LU_det(m_LU,m_signum);
1346  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 99)) {
1347  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In GslMatrix::lnDeterminant()"
1348  << ": after 'gsl_linalg_LU_det()'"
1349  << std::endl;
1350  }
1351  m_lnDeterminant = gsl_linalg_LU_lndet(m_LU);
1352  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 99)) {
1353  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In GslMatrix::lnDeterminant()"
1354  << ": before 'gsl_linalg_LU_lndet()'"
1355  << std::endl;
1356  }
1357  }
1359  return m_lnDeterminant;
1360 }
gsl_matrix * m_LU
GSL matrix for the LU decomposition of m_mat.
Definition: GslMatrix.h:389
std::ofstream * subDisplayFile() const
Access function for m_subDisplayFile (displays file on stream).
Definition: Environment.C:305
GslVector invertMultiply(const GslVector &b) const
This function calculates the inverse of this matrix and multiplies it with vector b...
Definition: GslMatrix.C:1441
double m_lnDeterminant
The natural logarithm of the determinant of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.h:426
const Map & m_map
Mapping variable.
Definition: Matrix.h:147
unsigned int displayVerbosity() const
Definition: Environment.C:436
int m_signum
m_signum stores the sign of the permutation of the LU decomposition PA = LU.
Definition: GslMatrix.h:438
double m_determinant
The determinant of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.h:423
const BaseEnvironment & m_env
QUESO environment variable.
Definition: Matrix.h:137
void QUESO::GslMatrix::matlabLinearInterpExtrap ( const GslVector x1Vec,
const GslMatrix y1Mat,
const GslVector x2Vec 

Definition at line 2071 of file GslMatrix.C.

References getColumn(), QUESO::Matrix::m_env, QUESO::GslVector::matlabLinearInterpExtrap(), numCols(), numRowsLocal(), setColumn(), QUESO::GslVector::sizeLocal(), UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO, and QUESO::BaseEnvironment::worldRank().

2075 {
2076  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(x1Vec.sizeLocal() <= 1,
2077  m_env.worldRank(),
2078  "GslMatrix::matlabLinearInterpExtrap()",
2079  "invalid 'x1' size");
2081  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(x1Vec.sizeLocal() != y1Mat.numRowsLocal(),
2082  m_env.worldRank(),
2083  "GslMatrix::matlabLinearInterpExtrap()",
2084  "invalid 'x1' and 'y1' sizes");
2086  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(x2Vec.sizeLocal() != this->numRowsLocal(),
2087  m_env.worldRank(),
2088  "GslMatrix::matlabLinearInterpExtrap()",
2089  "invalid 'x2' and 'this' sizes");
2091  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(y1Mat.numCols() != this->numCols(),
2092  m_env.worldRank(),
2093  "GslMatrix::matlabLinearInterpExtrap()",
2094  "invalid 'y1' and 'this' sizes");
2096  GslVector y1Vec(x1Vec);
2097  GslVector y2Vec(x2Vec);
2098  for (unsigned int colId = 0; colId < y1Mat.numCols(); ++colId) {
2099  y1Mat.getColumn(colId,y1Vec);
2100  y2Vec.matlabLinearInterpExtrap(x1Vec,y1Vec,x2Vec);
2101  this->setColumn(colId,y2Vec);
2102  }
2104  return;
2105 }
void setColumn(const unsigned int column_num, const GslVector &column)
This function copies vector column into the column_num-th column of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.C:2002
int worldRank() const
Returns the process world rank.
Definition: Environment.C:235
unsigned int numRowsLocal() const
Returns the local row dimension of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.C:349
#define UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(test, givenRank, where, what)
Definition: Defines.h:223
unsigned int numCols() const
Returns the column dimension of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.C:361
const BaseEnvironment & m_env
QUESO environment variable.
Definition: Matrix.h:137
double QUESO::GslMatrix::max ( ) const

Returns the maximum element value of the matrix.

Definition at line 403 of file GslMatrix.C.

References numCols(), and numRowsLocal().

404 {
405  double value = -INFINITY;
407  unsigned int nRows = this->numRowsLocal();
408  unsigned int nCols = this->numCols();
409  double aux = 0.;
410  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nRows; i++) {
411  for (unsigned int j = 0; j < nCols; j++) {
412  aux = (*this)(i,j);
413  if (aux > value) value = aux;
414  }
415  }
417  return value;
418 }
unsigned int numRowsLocal() const
Returns the local row dimension of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.C:349
unsigned int numCols() const
Returns the column dimension of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.C:361
void QUESO::GslMatrix::mpiSum ( const MpiComm comm,
GslMatrix M_global 
) const

Definition at line 2028 of file GslMatrix.C.

References QUESO::MpiComm::Allreduce(), QUESO::Matrix::env(), QUESO::BaseEnvironment::fullRank(), numCols(), numRowsLocal(), RawValue_MPI_DOUBLE, RawValue_MPI_SUM, and UQ_FATAL_RC_MACRO.

2029 {
2030  // Sanity Checks
2031  UQ_FATAL_RC_MACRO(((this->numRowsLocal() != M_global.numRowsLocal()) ||
2032  (this->numCols() != M_global.numCols() )),
2033  env().fullRank(),
2034  "GslMatrix::mpiSum()",
2035  "local and global matrices incompatible");
2037  /* TODO: Probably a better way to handle this unpacking/packing of data */
2038  int size = M_global.numRowsLocal()*M_global.numCols();
2039  std::vector<double> local( size, 0.0 );
2040  std::vector<double> global( size, 0.0 );
2042  int k;
2043  for( unsigned int i = 0; i < this->numRowsLocal(); i++ )
2044  {
2045  for( unsigned int j = 0; j < this->numCols(); j++ )
2046  {
2047  k = i + j*M_global.numCols();
2049  local[k] = (*this)(i,j);
2050  }
2051  }
2053  comm.Allreduce((void*) &local[0], (void*) &global[0], size, RawValue_MPI_DOUBLE, RawValue_MPI_SUM,
2054  "GslMatrix::mpiSum()",
2055  "failed MPI.Allreduce()");
2057  for( unsigned int i = 0; i < this->numRowsLocal(); i++ )
2058  {
2059  for( unsigned int j = 0; j < this->numCols(); j++ )
2060  {
2061  k = i + j*M_global.numCols();
2063  M_global(i,j) = global[k];
2064  }
2065  }
2067  return;
2068 }
#define RawValue_MPI_DOUBLE
Definition: MpiComm.h:48
unsigned int numRowsLocal() const
Returns the local row dimension of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.C:349
#define UQ_FATAL_RC_MACRO(macroIRc, givenRank, where, what)
Definition: Defines.h:207
int fullRank() const
Returns the process full rank.
Definition: Environment.C:241
#define RawValue_MPI_SUM
Definition: MpiComm.h:52
unsigned int numCols() const
Returns the column dimension of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.C:361
const BaseEnvironment & env() const
Definition: Matrix.C:116
GslVector QUESO::GslMatrix::multiply ( const GslVector x) const

This function multiplies this matrix by vector x and returns the resulting vector.

Definition at line 1398 of file GslMatrix.C.

References QUESO::Matrix::m_env, QUESO::Matrix::m_map, numCols(), QUESO::GslVector::sizeLocal(), UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO, and QUESO::BaseEnvironment::worldRank().

Referenced by QUESO::operator*().

1400 {
1401  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO((this->numCols() != x.sizeLocal()),
1402  m_env.worldRank(),
1403  "GslMatrix::multiply(), return vector",
1404  "matrix and vector have incompatible sizes");
1406  GslVector y(m_env,m_map);
1407  this->multiply(x,y);
1409  return y;
1410 }
int worldRank() const
Returns the process world rank.
Definition: Environment.C:235
#define UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(test, givenRank, where, what)
Definition: Defines.h:223
const Map & m_map
Mapping variable.
Definition: Matrix.h:147
GslVector multiply(const GslVector &x) const
This function multiplies this matrix by vector x and returns the resulting vector.
Definition: GslMatrix.C:1398
unsigned int numCols() const
Returns the column dimension of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.C:361
const BaseEnvironment & m_env
QUESO environment variable.
Definition: Matrix.h:137
void QUESO::GslMatrix::multiply ( const GslVector x,
GslVector y 
) const

This function multiplies this matrix by vector x and stores the resulting vector in y.

Definition at line 1413 of file GslMatrix.C.

References QUESO::Matrix::m_env, numCols(), numRowsLocal(), QUESO::GslVector::sizeLocal(), UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO, and QUESO::BaseEnvironment::worldRank().

1416 {
1417  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO((this->numCols() != x.sizeLocal()),
1418  m_env.worldRank(),
1419  "GslMatrix::multiply(), vector return void",
1420  "matrix and x have incompatible sizes");
1422  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO((this->numRowsLocal() != y.sizeLocal()),
1423  m_env.worldRank(),
1424  "GslMatrix::multiply(), vector return void",
1425  "matrix and y have incompatible sizes");
1427  unsigned int sizeX = this->numCols();
1428  unsigned int sizeY = this->numRowsLocal();
1429  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeY; ++i) {
1430  double value = 0.;
1431  for (unsigned int j = 0; j < sizeX; ++j) {
1432  value += (*this)(i,j)*x[j];
1433  }
1434  y[i] = value;
1435  }
1437  return;
1438 }
int worldRank() const
Returns the process world rank.
Definition: Environment.C:235
unsigned int numRowsLocal() const
Returns the local row dimension of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.C:349
#define UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(test, givenRank, where, what)
Definition: Defines.h:223
unsigned int numCols() const
Returns the column dimension of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.C:361
const BaseEnvironment & m_env
QUESO environment variable.
Definition: Matrix.h:137
double QUESO::GslMatrix::normFrob ( ) const

Returns the Frobenius norm of this matrix.

Definition at line 367 of file GslMatrix.C.

References numCols(), and numRowsLocal().

368 {
369  double value = 0.;
371  unsigned int nRows = this->numRowsLocal();
372  unsigned int nCols = this->numCols();
373  double aux = 0.;
374  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nRows; i++) {
375  for (unsigned int j = 0; j < nCols; j++) {
376  aux = (*this)(i,j);
377  value += aux*aux;
378  }
379  }
381  return sqrt(value);
382 }
unsigned int numRowsLocal() const
Returns the local row dimension of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.C:349
unsigned int numCols() const
Returns the column dimension of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.C:361
double QUESO::GslMatrix::normMax ( ) const

Returns the Frobenius norm of this matrix.

Definition at line 385 of file GslMatrix.C.

References numCols(), and numRowsLocal().

386 {
387  double value = 0.;
389  unsigned int nRows = this->numRowsLocal();
390  unsigned int nCols = this->numCols();
391  double aux = 0.;
392  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nRows; i++) {
393  for (unsigned int j = 0; j < nCols; j++) {
394  aux = fabs((*this)(i,j));
395  if (aux > value) value = aux;
396  }
397  }
399  return value;
400 }
unsigned int numRowsLocal() const
Returns the local row dimension of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.C:349
unsigned int numCols() const
Returns the column dimension of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.C:361
unsigned int QUESO::GslMatrix::numCols ( ) const
unsigned int QUESO::GslMatrix::numRowsGlobal ( ) const

Returns the global row dimension of this matrix.

Implements QUESO::Matrix.

Definition at line 355 of file GslMatrix.C.

References m_mat.

356 {
357  return m_mat->size1;
358 }
gsl_matrix * m_mat
GSL matrix, also referred to as this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.h:386
unsigned int QUESO::GslMatrix::numRowsLocal ( ) const
double & QUESO::GslMatrix::operator() ( unsigned int  i,
unsigned int  j 

Element access method (non-const).

Definition at line 254 of file GslMatrix.C.

References QUESO::Matrix::m_env, m_mat, resetLU(), UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO, and QUESO::BaseEnvironment::worldRank().

255 {
256  this->resetLU();
257  if ((i >= m_mat->size1) ||
258  (j >= m_mat->size2)) {
259  std::cerr << "In GslMatrix::operator(i,j)"
260  << ": i = " << i
261  << ", j = " << j
262  << ", m_mat->size1 = " << m_mat->size1
263  << ", m_mat->size2 = " << m_mat->size2
264  << std::endl;
265  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(i >= m_mat->size1,
266  m_env.worldRank(),
267  "GslMatrix::operator(i,j)",
268  "i is too large");
269  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(j >= m_mat->size2,
270  m_env.worldRank(),
271  "GslMatrix::operator(i,j)",
272  "j is too large");
273  }
274  return *gsl_matrix_ptr(m_mat,i,j);
275 }
int worldRank() const
Returns the process world rank.
Definition: Environment.C:235
#define UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(test, givenRank, where, what)
Definition: Defines.h:223
gsl_matrix * m_mat
GSL matrix, also referred to as this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.h:386
void resetLU()
In this function resets the LU decomposition of this matrix, as well as deletes the private member po...
Definition: GslMatrix.C:306
const BaseEnvironment & m_env
QUESO environment variable.
Definition: Matrix.h:137
const double & QUESO::GslMatrix::operator() ( unsigned int  i,
unsigned int  j 
) const

Element access method (const).

Definition at line 278 of file GslMatrix.C.

References QUESO::Matrix::m_env, m_mat, UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO, and QUESO::BaseEnvironment::worldRank().

279 {
280  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(i >= m_mat->size1,
281  m_env.worldRank(),
282  "GslMatrix::operator(i,j) const",
283  "i is too large");
284  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(j >= m_mat->size2,
285  m_env.worldRank(),
286  "GslMatrix::operator(i,j) const",
287  "j is too large");
288  return *gsl_matrix_const_ptr(m_mat,i,j);
289 }
int worldRank() const
Returns the process world rank.
Definition: Environment.C:235
#define UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(test, givenRank, where, what)
Definition: Defines.h:223
gsl_matrix * m_mat
GSL matrix, also referred to as this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.h:386
const BaseEnvironment & m_env
QUESO environment variable.
Definition: Matrix.h:137
GslMatrix & QUESO::GslMatrix::operator*= ( double  a)

Stores in this the coordinate-wise multiplication of this and a.

Definition at line 203 of file GslMatrix.C.

References QUESO::Matrix::m_env, m_mat, resetLU(), UQ_FATAL_RC_MACRO, and QUESO::BaseEnvironment::worldRank().

204 {
205  this->resetLU();
206  int iRC;
207  iRC = gsl_matrix_scale(m_mat,a);
209  m_env.worldRank(),
210  "GslMatrix::operator*=()",
211  "scaling failed");
212  return *this;
213 }
int worldRank() const
Returns the process world rank.
Definition: Environment.C:235
#define UQ_FATAL_RC_MACRO(macroIRc, givenRank, where, what)
Definition: Defines.h:207
gsl_matrix * m_mat
GSL matrix, also referred to as this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.h:386
void resetLU()
In this function resets the LU decomposition of this matrix, as well as deletes the private member po...
Definition: GslMatrix.C:306
const BaseEnvironment & m_env
QUESO environment variable.
Definition: Matrix.h:137
GslMatrix & QUESO::GslMatrix::operator+= ( const GslMatrix rhs)

Stores in this the coordinate-wise addition of this and rhs.

Definition at line 225 of file GslMatrix.C.

References QUESO::Matrix::m_env, m_mat, resetLU(), UQ_FATAL_RC_MACRO, and QUESO::BaseEnvironment::worldRank().

226 {
227  this->resetLU();
228  int iRC;
229  iRC = gsl_matrix_add(m_mat,rhs.m_mat);
231  m_env.worldRank(),
232  "GslMatrix::operator+=()",
233  "failed");
235  return *this;
236 }
int worldRank() const
Returns the process world rank.
Definition: Environment.C:235
#define UQ_FATAL_RC_MACRO(macroIRc, givenRank, where, what)
Definition: Defines.h:207
gsl_matrix * m_mat
GSL matrix, also referred to as this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.h:386
void resetLU()
In this function resets the LU decomposition of this matrix, as well as deletes the private member po...
Definition: GslMatrix.C:306
const BaseEnvironment & m_env
QUESO environment variable.
Definition: Matrix.h:137
GslMatrix & QUESO::GslMatrix::operator-= ( const GslMatrix rhs)

Stores in this the coordinate-wise subtraction of this by rhs.

Definition at line 239 of file GslMatrix.C.

References QUESO::Matrix::m_env, m_mat, resetLU(), UQ_FATAL_RC_MACRO, and QUESO::BaseEnvironment::worldRank().

240 {
241  this->resetLU();
242  int iRC;
243  iRC = gsl_matrix_sub(m_mat,rhs.m_mat);
245  m_env.worldRank(),
246  "GslMatrix::operator-=()",
247  "failed");
249  return *this;
250 }
int worldRank() const
Returns the process world rank.
Definition: Environment.C:235
#define UQ_FATAL_RC_MACRO(macroIRc, givenRank, where, what)
Definition: Defines.h:207
gsl_matrix * m_mat
GSL matrix, also referred to as this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.h:386
void resetLU()
In this function resets the LU decomposition of this matrix, as well as deletes the private member po...
Definition: GslMatrix.C:306
const BaseEnvironment & m_env
QUESO environment variable.
Definition: Matrix.h:137
GslMatrix & QUESO::GslMatrix::operator/= ( double  a)

Stores in this the coordinate-wise division of this by a.

Definition at line 216 of file GslMatrix.C.

References resetLU().

217 {
218  this->resetLU();
219  *this *= (1./a);
221  return *this;
222 }
void resetLU()
In this function resets the LU decomposition of this matrix, as well as deletes the private member po...
Definition: GslMatrix.C:306
GslMatrix & QUESO::GslMatrix::operator= ( const GslMatrix rhs)

Copies values from matrix rhs to this.

Definition at line 195 of file GslMatrix.C.

References copy(), and resetLU().

196 {
197  this->resetLU();
198  this->copy(obj);
199  return *this;
200 }
void copy(const GslMatrix &src)
In this function this matrix receives a copy of matrix src.
Definition: GslMatrix.C:292
void resetLU()
In this function resets the LU decomposition of this matrix, as well as deletes the private member po...
Definition: GslMatrix.C:306
void QUESO::GslMatrix::print ( std::ostream &  os) const

Print method. Defines the behavior of the ostream << operator inherited from the Object class.

Implements QUESO::Matrix.

Definition at line 2114 of file GslMatrix.C.

References QUESO::Matrix::m_printHorizontally, numCols(), and numRowsLocal().

Referenced by QUESO::operator<<(), and QUESO::GslBlockMatrix::print().

2115 {
2116  unsigned int nRows = this->numRowsLocal();
2117  unsigned int nCols = this->numCols();
2119  if (m_printHorizontally) {
2120  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nRows; ++i) {
2121  for (unsigned int j = 0; j < nCols; ++j) {
2122  os << (*this)(i,j)
2123  << " ";
2124  }
2125  if (i != (nRows-1)) os << "; ";
2126  }
2127  //os << std::endl;
2128  }
2129  else {
2130  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nRows; ++i) {
2131  for (unsigned int j = 0; j < nCols; ++j) {
2132  os << (*this)(i,j)
2133  << " ";
2134  }
2135  os << std::endl;
2136  }
2137  }
2139  return;
2140 }
unsigned int numRowsLocal() const
Returns the local row dimension of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.C:349
bool m_printHorizontally
Flag for either or not print this matrix.
Definition: Matrix.h:152
unsigned int numCols() const
Returns the column dimension of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.C:361
unsigned int QUESO::GslMatrix::rank ( double  absoluteZeroThreshold,
double  relativeZeroThreshold 
) const

This function returns the number of singular values of this matrix (rank).

The rank function provides an estimate of the number of linearly independent rows or columns of a full matrix.

Definition at line 1363 of file GslMatrix.C.

References QUESO::BaseEnvironment::displayVerbosity(), internalSvd(), QUESO::Matrix::m_env, m_svdSvec, numCols(), numRowsLocal(), QUESO::GslVector::sizeLocal(), and QUESO::BaseEnvironment::subDisplayFile().

1364 {
1365  int iRC = 0;
1366  iRC = internalSvd();
1367  if (iRC) {}; // just to remove compiler warning
1369  GslVector relativeVec(*m_svdSvec);
1370  if (relativeVec[0] > 0.) {
1371  relativeVec = (1./relativeVec[0])*relativeVec;
1372  }
1374  unsigned int rankValue = 0;
1375  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < relativeVec.sizeLocal(); ++i) {
1376  if (( (*m_svdSvec)[i] >= absoluteZeroThreshold ) &&
1377  ( relativeVec [i] >= relativeZeroThreshold )) {
1378  rankValue += 1;
1379  }
1380  }
1382  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 3)) {
1383  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In GslMatrix::rank()"
1384  << ": this->numRowsLocal() = " << this->numRowsLocal()
1385  << ", this->numCols() = " << this->numCols()
1386  << ", absoluteZeroThreshold = " << absoluteZeroThreshold
1387  << ", relativeZeroThreshold = " << relativeZeroThreshold
1388  << ", rankValue = " << rankValue
1389  << ", m_svdSvec = " << *m_svdSvec
1390  << ", relativeVec = " << relativeVec
1391  << std::endl;
1392  }
1394  return rankValue;
1395 }
std::ofstream * subDisplayFile() const
Access function for m_subDisplayFile (displays file on stream).
Definition: Environment.C:305
unsigned int numRowsLocal() const
Returns the local row dimension of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.C:349
GslVector * m_svdSvec
m_svdSvec stores the diagonal of the N-by-N diagonal matrix of singular values S after the singular v...
Definition: GslMatrix.h:408
unsigned int displayVerbosity() const
Definition: Environment.C:436
int internalSvd() const
This function factorizes the M-by-N matrix A into the singular value decomposition A = U S V^T for M ...
Definition: GslMatrix.C:654
unsigned int numCols() const
Returns the column dimension of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.C:361
const BaseEnvironment & m_env
QUESO environment variable.
Definition: Matrix.h:137
void QUESO::GslMatrix::resetLU ( )

In this function resets the LU decomposition of this matrix, as well as deletes the private member pointers, if existing.

Definition at line 306 of file GslMatrix.C.

References m_determinant, m_inverse, m_isSingular, m_lnDeterminant, m_LU, m_permutation, m_signum, m_svdColMap, m_svdSvec, m_svdUmat, m_svdVmat, and m_svdVTmat.

Referenced by copy(), operator()(), operator*=(), operator+=(), operator-=(), operator/=(), operator=(), setColumn(), setRow(), zeroLower(), zeroUpper(), and ~GslMatrix().

307 {
308  if (m_LU) {
309  gsl_matrix_free(m_LU);
310  m_LU = NULL;
311  }
312  if (m_inverse) {
313  delete m_inverse;
314  m_inverse = NULL;
315  }
316  if (m_svdColMap) {
317  delete m_svdColMap;
318  m_svdColMap = NULL;
319  }
320  if (m_svdUmat) {
321  delete m_svdUmat;
322  m_svdUmat = NULL;
323  }
324  if (m_svdSvec) {
325  delete m_svdSvec;
326  m_svdSvec = NULL;
327  }
328  if (m_svdVmat) {
329  delete m_svdVmat;
330  m_svdVmat = NULL;
331  }
332  if (m_svdVTmat) {
333  delete m_svdVTmat;
334  m_svdVTmat = NULL;
335  }
336  m_determinant = -INFINITY;
337  m_lnDeterminant = -INFINITY;
338  if (m_permutation) {
339  gsl_permutation_free(m_permutation);
340  m_permutation = NULL;
341  }
342  m_signum = 0;
343  m_isSingular = false;
345  return;
346 }
gsl_matrix * m_LU
GSL matrix for the LU decomposition of m_mat.
Definition: GslMatrix.h:389
GslVector * m_svdSvec
m_svdSvec stores the diagonal of the N-by-N diagonal matrix of singular values S after the singular v...
Definition: GslMatrix.h:408
GslMatrix * m_svdUmat
m_svdUmat stores the M-by-N orthogonal matrix U after the singular value decomposition of a matrix...
Definition: GslMatrix.h:401
double m_lnDeterminant
The natural logarithm of the determinant of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.h:426
GslMatrix * m_svdVTmat
m_svdVmatT stores the transpose of N-by-N orthogonal square matrix V, namely V^T, after the singular ...
Definition: GslMatrix.h:420
Map * m_svdColMap
Mapping for matrices involved in the singular value decomposition (svd) routine.
Definition: GslMatrix.h:395
gsl_permutation * m_permutation
The permutation matrix of a LU decomposition.
Definition: GslMatrix.h:432
int m_signum
m_signum stores the sign of the permutation of the LU decomposition PA = LU.
Definition: GslMatrix.h:438
bool m_isSingular
Indicates whether or not this matrix is singular.
Definition: GslMatrix.h:441
double m_determinant
The determinant of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.h:423
GslMatrix * m_svdVmat
m_svdVmat stores the N-by-N orthogonal square matrix V after the singular value decomposition of a ma...
Definition: GslMatrix.h:414
GslMatrix * m_inverse
Inverse matrix of this.
Definition: GslMatrix.h:392
void QUESO::GslMatrix::setColumn ( const unsigned int  column_num,
const GslVector column 

This function copies vector column into the column_num-th column of this matrix.

Definition at line 2002 of file GslMatrix.C.

References QUESO::GslVector::data(), QUESO::Matrix::env(), QUESO::BaseEnvironment::fullRank(), m_mat, numCols(), numRowsLocal(), resetLU(), QUESO::GslVector::sizeLocal(), UQ_FATAL_RC_MACRO, and UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO.

Referenced by invertMultiply(), matlabLinearInterpExtrap(), and svdSolve().

2003 {
2004  this->resetLU();
2005  // Sanity checks
2006  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(column_num >= this->numCols(),
2007  env().fullRank(),
2008  "GslMatrix::setColumn",
2009  "Specified column number not within range");
2011  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO((column.sizeLocal() != this->numRowsLocal()),
2012  env().fullRank(),
2013  "GslMatrix::setColumn",
2014  "column vector not same size as this matrix");
2016  gsl_vector* gsl_column = column.data();
2018  int error_code = gsl_matrix_set_col( m_mat, column_num, gsl_column );
2019  UQ_FATAL_RC_MACRO( (error_code != 0),
2020  env().fullRank(),
2021  "GslMatrix::setColumn()",
2022  "gsl_matrix_set_col failed");
2024  return;
2025 }
unsigned int numRowsLocal() const
Returns the local row dimension of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.C:349
#define UQ_FATAL_RC_MACRO(macroIRc, givenRank, where, what)
Definition: Defines.h:207
#define UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(test, givenRank, where, what)
Definition: Defines.h:223
int fullRank() const
Returns the process full rank.
Definition: Environment.C:241
gsl_matrix * m_mat
GSL matrix, also referred to as this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.h:386
void resetLU()
In this function resets the LU decomposition of this matrix, as well as deletes the private member po...
Definition: GslMatrix.C:306
unsigned int numCols() const
Returns the column dimension of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.C:361
const BaseEnvironment & env() const
Definition: Matrix.C:116
void QUESO::GslMatrix::setRow ( const unsigned int  row_num,
const GslVector row 

This function copies vector row into the row_num-th column of this matrix.

Definition at line 1976 of file GslMatrix.C.

References QUESO::GslVector::data(), QUESO::Matrix::env(), QUESO::BaseEnvironment::fullRank(), m_mat, numCols(), numRowsLocal(), resetLU(), QUESO::GslVector::sizeLocal(), UQ_FATAL_RC_MACRO, and UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO.

1977 {
1978  this->resetLU();
1979  // Sanity checks
1980  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(row_num >= this->numRowsLocal(),
1981  env().fullRank(),
1982  "GslMatrix::setRow",
1983  "Specified row number not within range");
1985  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO((row.sizeLocal() != this->numCols()),
1986  env().fullRank(),
1987  "GslMatrix::setRow",
1988  "row vector not same size as this matrix");
1990  gsl_vector* gsl_row = row.data();
1992  int error_code = gsl_matrix_set_row( m_mat, row_num, gsl_row );
1993  UQ_FATAL_RC_MACRO( (error_code != 0),
1994  env().fullRank(),
1995  "GslMatrix::setRow()",
1996  "gsl_matrix_set_row failed");
1998  return;
1999 }
unsigned int numRowsLocal() const
Returns the local row dimension of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.C:349
#define UQ_FATAL_RC_MACRO(macroIRc, givenRank, where, what)
Definition: Defines.h:207
#define UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(test, givenRank, where, what)
Definition: Defines.h:223
int fullRank() const
Returns the process full rank.
Definition: Environment.C:241
gsl_matrix * m_mat
GSL matrix, also referred to as this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.h:386
void resetLU()
In this function resets the LU decomposition of this matrix, as well as deletes the private member po...
Definition: GslMatrix.C:306
unsigned int numCols() const
Returns the column dimension of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.C:361
const BaseEnvironment & env() const
Definition: Matrix.C:116
void QUESO::GslMatrix::smallestEigen ( double &  eigenValue,
GslVector eigenVector 
) const

This function finds smallest eigenvalue, namely eigenValue, of this matrix and its corresponding eigenvector, namely eigenVector.

Definition at line 1803 of file GslMatrix.C.

References QUESO::GslVector::abs(), QUESO::Matrix::env(), QUESO::Matrix::m_env, QUESO::Matrix::m_map, QUESO::GslVector::sizeLocal(), and UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO.

1804 {
1805  // Sanity Checks
1806  unsigned int n = eigenVector.sizeLocal();
1808  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO((n == 0),
1809  env().fullRank(),
1810  "GslMatrix::smallestEigen()",
1811  "invalid input vector size");
1813  /* The following notation is used:
1814  z = vector used in iteration that ends up being the eigenvector corresponding to the
1815  largest eigenvalue
1816  w = vector used in iteration that we extract the largest eigenvalue from. */
1818  // Some parameters associated with the algorithm
1819  // TODO: Do we want to add the ability to have these set by the user?
1820  const unsigned int max_num_iterations = 1000;
1821  const double tolerance = 1.0e-13;
1823  // Create temporary working vectors.
1824  // TODO: We shouldn't have to use these - we ought to be able to work directly
1825  // TODO: with eigenValue and eigenVector. Optimize this once we have regression
1826  // TODO: tests.
1827  GslVector z(m_env, m_map, 1.0 ); // Needs to be initialized to 1.0
1828  GslVector w(m_env, m_map);
1830  // Some variables we use inside the loop.
1831  int index;
1832  double residual;
1833  double one_over_lambda;
1834  double lambda;
1836  for( unsigned int k = 0; k < max_num_iterations; ++k )
1837  {
1838  w = (*this).invertMultiplyForceLU( z );
1840  // For this algorithm, it's crucial to get the maximum in
1841  // absolute value, but then to normalize by the actual value
1842  // and *not* the absolute value.
1843  index = (w.abs()).getMaxValueIndex();
1845  // Remember: Inverse power method solves for max 1/lambda ==> lambda smallest
1846  one_over_lambda = w[index];
1848  lambda = 1.0/one_over_lambda;
1850  z = lambda * w;
1852  // Here we use the norm of the residual as our convergence check:
1853  // norm( A*x - \lambda*x )
1854  residual = ( (*this)*z - lambda*z ).norm2();
1856  if( residual < tolerance )
1857  {
1858  eigenValue = lambda;
1860  // TODO: Do we want to normalize this so eigenVector.norm2() = 1?
1861  eigenVector = z;
1862  return;
1863  }
1865  }
1867  // If we reach this point, then we didn't converge. Print error message
1868  // to this effect.
1869  // TODO: We know we failed at this point - need a way to not need a test
1870  // TODO: Just specify the error.
1871  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO((residual >= tolerance),
1872  env().fullRank(),
1873  "GslMatrix::smallestEigen()",
1874  "Maximum num iterations exceeded");
1876  return;
1877 }
#define UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(test, givenRank, where, what)
Definition: Defines.h:223
const Map & m_map
Mapping variable.
Definition: Matrix.h:147
const BaseEnvironment & m_env
QUESO environment variable.
Definition: Matrix.h:137
const BaseEnvironment & env() const
Definition: Matrix.C:116
void QUESO::GslMatrix::subReadContents ( const std::string &  fileName,
const std::string &  fileType,
const std::set< unsigned int > &  allowedSubEnvIds 

Read contents of subenvironment from file fileName.

Definition at line 2189 of file GslMatrix.C.

References QUESO::BaseEnvironment::closeFile(), QUESO::BaseEnvironment::fullRank(), QUESO::Matrix::m_env, numCols(), QUESO::Matrix::numOfProcsForStorage(), numRowsLocal(), QUESO::BaseEnvironment::openInputFile(), QUESO::BaseEnvironment::subDisplayFile(), QUESO::BaseEnvironment::subRank(), UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO, and QUESO::BaseEnvironment::worldRank().

2193 {
2195  m_env.worldRank(),
2196  "GslMatrix::subReadContents()",
2197  "unexpected subRank");
2200  m_env.worldRank(),
2201  "GslMatrix::subReadContents()",
2202  "implemented just for sequential vectors for now");
2204  FilePtrSetStruct filePtrSet;
2205  if (m_env.openInputFile(fileName,
2206  fileType, // "m or hdf"
2207  allowedSubEnvIds,
2208  filePtrSet)) {
2210  // palms
2211  unsigned int nRowsLocal = this->numRowsLocal();
2213  // In the logic below, the id of a line' begins with value 0 (zero)
2214  unsigned int idOfMyFirstLine = 1;
2215  unsigned int idOfMyLastLine = nRowsLocal;
2216  unsigned int nCols = this->numCols();
2218  // Read number of matrix rows in the file by taking care of the first line,
2219  // which resembles something like 'variable_name = zeros(n_rows,n_cols);'
2220  std::string tmpString;
2222  // Read 'variable name' string
2223  *filePtrSet.ifsVar >> tmpString;
2224  //std::cout << "Just read '" << tmpString << "'" << std::endl;
2226  // Read '=' sign
2227  *filePtrSet.ifsVar >> tmpString;
2228  //std::cout << "Just read '" << tmpString << "'" << std::endl;
2229  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(tmpString != "=",
2230  m_env.worldRank(),
2231  "GslMatrix::subReadContents()",
2232  "string should be the '=' sign");
2234  // Read 'zeros(n_rows,n_cols)' string
2235  *filePtrSet.ifsVar >> tmpString;
2236  //std::cout << "Just read '" << tmpString << "'" << std::endl;
2237  unsigned int posInTmpString = 6;
2239  // Isolate 'n_rows' in a string
2240  char nRowsString[tmpString.size()-posInTmpString+1];
2241  unsigned int posInRowsString = 0;
2242  do {
2243  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(posInTmpString >= tmpString.size(),
2244  m_env.worldRank(),
2245  "GslMatrix::subReadContents()",
2246  "symbol ',' not found in first line of file");
2247  nRowsString[posInRowsString++] = tmpString[posInTmpString++];
2248  } while (tmpString[posInTmpString] != ',');
2249  nRowsString[posInRowsString] = '\0';
2251  // Isolate 'n_cols' in a string
2252  posInTmpString++; // Avoid reading ',' char
2253  char nColsString[tmpString.size()-posInTmpString+1];
2254  unsigned int posInColsString = 0;
2255  do {
2256  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(posInTmpString >= tmpString.size(),
2257  m_env.worldRank(),
2258  "GslMatrix::subReadContents()",
2259  "symbol ')' not found in first line of file");
2260  nColsString[posInColsString++] = tmpString[posInTmpString++];
2261  } while (tmpString[posInTmpString] != ')');
2262  nColsString[posInColsString] = '\0';
2264  // Convert 'n_rows' and 'n_cols' strings to numbers
2265  unsigned int numRowsInFile = (unsigned int) strtod(nRowsString,NULL);
2266  unsigned int numColsInFile = (unsigned int) strtod(nColsString,NULL);
2267  if (m_env.subDisplayFile()) {
2268  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In GslMatrix::subReadContents()"
2269  << ": fullRank " << m_env.fullRank()
2270  << ", numRowsInFile = " << numRowsInFile
2271  << ", numColsInFile = " << numColsInFile
2272  << ", nRowsLocal = " << nRowsLocal
2273  << ", nCols = " << nCols
2274  << std::endl;
2275  }
2277  // Check if [num of rows in file] == [requested matrix row size]
2278  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(numRowsInFile != nRowsLocal,
2279  m_env.worldRank(),
2280  "GslMatrix::subReadContents()",
2281  "size of vec in file is not big enough");
2283  // Check if [num of cols in file] == [num cols in current matrix]
2284  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(numColsInFile != nCols,
2285  m_env.worldRank(),
2286  "GslMatrix::subReadContents()",
2287  "number of parameters of vec in file is different than number of parameters in this vec object");
2289  // Code common to any core in a communicator
2290  unsigned int maxCharsPerLine = 64*nCols; // Up to about 60 characters to represent each parameter value
2292  unsigned int lineId = 0;
2293  while (lineId < idOfMyFirstLine) {
2294  filePtrSet.ifsVar->ignore(maxCharsPerLine,'\n');
2295  lineId++;
2296  };
2298  if (m_env.subDisplayFile()) {
2299  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In GslMatrix::subReadContents()"
2300  << ": beginning to read input actual data"
2301  << std::endl;
2302  }
2304  // Take care of initial part of the first data line,
2305  // which resembles something like 'variable_name = [value1 value2 ...'
2306  // Read 'variable name' string
2307  *filePtrSet.ifsVar >> tmpString;
2308  //std::cout << "Core 0 just read '" << tmpString << "'" << std::endl;
2310  // Read '=' sign
2311  *filePtrSet.ifsVar >> tmpString;
2312  //std::cout << "Core 0 just read '" << tmpString << "'" << std::endl;
2313  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(tmpString != "=",
2314  m_env.worldRank(),
2315  "GslMatrix::subReadContents()",
2316  "in core 0, string should be the '=' sign");
2318  // Take into account the ' [' portion
2319  std::streampos tmpPos = filePtrSet.ifsVar->tellg();
2320  filePtrSet.ifsVar->seekg(tmpPos+(std::streampos)2);
2322  if (m_env.subDisplayFile()) {
2323  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In GslMatrix::subReadContents()"
2324  << ": beginning to read lines with numbers only"
2325  << ", lineId = " << lineId
2326  << ", idOfMyFirstLine = " << idOfMyFirstLine
2327  << ", idOfMyLastLine = " << idOfMyLastLine
2328  << std::endl;
2329  }
2331  double tmpRead;
2332  while (lineId <= idOfMyLastLine) {
2333  for (unsigned int j = 0; j < nCols; ++j) {
2334  *filePtrSet.ifsVar >> tmpRead;
2335  (*this)(lineId-idOfMyFirstLine,j) = tmpRead;
2336  }
2337  lineId++;
2338  };
2340  m_env.closeFile(filePtrSet,fileType);
2341  }
2343  return;
2344 }
bool openInputFile(const std::string &fileName, const std::string &fileType, const std::set< unsigned int > &allowedSubEnvIds, FilePtrSetStruct &filePtrSet) const
Opens an input file.
Definition: Environment.C:913
int subRank() const
Access function for sub-rank.
Definition: Environment.C:263
int worldRank() const
Returns the process world rank.
Definition: Environment.C:235
std::ofstream * subDisplayFile() const
Access function for m_subDisplayFile (displays file on stream).
Definition: Environment.C:305
unsigned int numRowsLocal() const
Returns the local row dimension of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.C:349
unsigned int numOfProcsForStorage() const
Definition: Matrix.C:131
#define UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(test, givenRank, where, what)
Definition: Defines.h:223
void closeFile(FilePtrSetStruct &filePtrSet, const std::string &fileType) const
Closes the file.
Definition: Environment.C:1117
int fullRank() const
Returns the process full rank.
Definition: Environment.C:241
unsigned int numCols() const
Returns the column dimension of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.C:361
const BaseEnvironment & m_env
QUESO environment variable.
Definition: Matrix.h:137
void QUESO::GslMatrix::subWriteContents ( const std::string &  varNamePrefix,
const std::string &  fileName,
const std::string &  fileType,
const std::set< unsigned int > &  allowedSubEnvIds 
) const

Write contents of subenvironment in file fileName.

Definition at line 2143 of file GslMatrix.C.

References QUESO::BaseEnvironment::closeFile(), QUESO::Matrix::m_env, numCols(), QUESO::Matrix::numOfProcsForStorage(), numRowsLocal(), QUESO::BaseEnvironment::openOutputFile(), QUESO::BaseEnvironment::subIdString(), QUESO::BaseEnvironment::subRank(), UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO, and QUESO::BaseEnvironment::worldRank().

2148 {
2150  m_env.worldRank(),
2151  "GslMatrix::subWriteContents()",
2152  "unexpected subRank");
2155  m_env.worldRank(),
2156  "GslMatrix::subWriteContents()",
2157  "implemented just for sequential vectors for now");
2159  FilePtrSetStruct filePtrSet;
2160  if (m_env.openOutputFile(fileName,
2161  fileType, // "m or hdf"
2162  allowedSubEnvIds,
2163  false,
2164  filePtrSet)) {
2165  unsigned int nRows = this->numRowsLocal();
2166  unsigned int nCols = this->numCols();
2167  *filePtrSet.ofsVar << varNamePrefix << "_sub" << m_env.subIdString() << " = zeros(" << nRows
2168  << "," << nCols
2169  << ");"
2170  << std::endl;
2171  *filePtrSet.ofsVar << varNamePrefix << "_sub" << m_env.subIdString() << " = [";
2173  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nRows; ++i) {
2174  for (unsigned int j = 0; j < nCols; ++j) {
2175  *filePtrSet.ofsVar << (*this)(i,j)
2176  << " ";
2177  }
2178  *filePtrSet.ofsVar << "\n";
2179  }
2180  *filePtrSet.ofsVar << "];\n";
2182  m_env.closeFile(filePtrSet,fileType);
2183  }
2185  return;
2186 }
const std::string & subIdString() const
Access to the attribute m_subIdString; which stores the string for the sub-environment, and it will be used, for instance, to create the output files for each sub-environment.
Definition: Environment.C:335
int subRank() const
Access function for sub-rank.
Definition: Environment.C:263
int worldRank() const
Returns the process world rank.
Definition: Environment.C:235
unsigned int numRowsLocal() const
Returns the local row dimension of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.C:349
unsigned int numOfProcsForStorage() const
Definition: Matrix.C:131
#define UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(test, givenRank, where, what)
Definition: Defines.h:223
void closeFile(FilePtrSetStruct &filePtrSet, const std::string &fileType) const
Closes the file.
Definition: Environment.C:1117
unsigned int numCols() const
Returns the column dimension of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.C:361
bool openOutputFile(const std::string &fileName, const std::string &fileType, const std::set< unsigned int > &allowedSubEnvIds, bool writeOver, FilePtrSetStruct &filePtrSet) const
Opens an output file for each sub-environment that was chosen to send data to the file...
Definition: Environment.C:516
const BaseEnvironment & m_env
QUESO environment variable.
Definition: Matrix.h:137
int QUESO::GslMatrix::svd ( GslMatrix matU,
GslVector vecS,
GslMatrix matVt 
) const

Checks for the dimension of this matrix, matU, VecS and matVt, and calls the protected routine internalSvd to compute the singular values of this.

Definition at line 533 of file GslMatrix.C.

References internalSvd(), QUESO::Matrix::m_env, m_svdSvec, m_svdUmat, m_svdVTmat, numCols(), numRowsLocal(), QUESO::GslVector::sizeLocal(), UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO, and QUESO::BaseEnvironment::worldRank().

534 {
535  unsigned int nRows = this->numRowsLocal();
536  unsigned int nCols = this->numCols();
538  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO((matU.numRowsLocal() != nRows) || (matU.numCols() != nCols),
539  m_env.worldRank(),
540  "GslMatrix::svd()",
541  "invalid matU");
543  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO((vecS.sizeLocal() != nCols), //std::min(nRows,nRows)),
544  m_env.worldRank(),
545  "GslMatrix::svd()",
546  "invalid vecS");
548  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO((matVt.numRowsLocal() != nCols) || (matVt.numCols() != nCols),
549  m_env.worldRank(),
550  "GslMatrix::svd()",
551  "invalid matVt");
553  int iRC = internalSvd();
555  matU = *m_svdUmat;
556  vecS = *m_svdSvec;
557  matVt = *m_svdVTmat;
559  return iRC;
560 }
int worldRank() const
Returns the process world rank.
Definition: Environment.C:235
unsigned int numRowsLocal() const
Returns the local row dimension of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.C:349
GslVector * m_svdSvec
m_svdSvec stores the diagonal of the N-by-N diagonal matrix of singular values S after the singular v...
Definition: GslMatrix.h:408
GslMatrix * m_svdUmat
m_svdUmat stores the M-by-N orthogonal matrix U after the singular value decomposition of a matrix...
Definition: GslMatrix.h:401
#define UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(test, givenRank, where, what)
Definition: Defines.h:223
GslMatrix * m_svdVTmat
m_svdVmatT stores the transpose of N-by-N orthogonal square matrix V, namely V^T, after the singular ...
Definition: GslMatrix.h:420
int internalSvd() const
This function factorizes the M-by-N matrix A into the singular value decomposition A = U S V^T for M ...
Definition: GslMatrix.C:654
unsigned int numCols() const
Returns the column dimension of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.C:361
const BaseEnvironment & m_env
QUESO environment variable.
Definition: Matrix.h:137
const GslMatrix & QUESO::GslMatrix::svdMatU ( ) const

This function calls private member GslMatrix::internalSvd() to set a M-by-N orthogonal matrix U of the singular value decomposition (svd) of a general rectangular M-by-N matrix A.

A general rectangular M-by-N matrix A has a singular value decomposition (svd) into the product of an M-by-N orthogonal matrix U, an N-by-N diagonal matrix of singular values S and the transpose of an N-by-N orthogonal square matrix V, A = U S V^T.

Definition at line 634 of file GslMatrix.C.

References internalSvd(), and m_svdUmat.

635 {
636  int iRC = 0;
637  iRC = internalSvd();
638  if (iRC) {}; // just to remove compiler warning
640  return *m_svdUmat;
641 }
GslMatrix * m_svdUmat
m_svdUmat stores the M-by-N orthogonal matrix U after the singular value decomposition of a matrix...
Definition: GslMatrix.h:401
int internalSvd() const
This function factorizes the M-by-N matrix A into the singular value decomposition A = U S V^T for M ...
Definition: GslMatrix.C:654
const GslMatrix & QUESO::GslMatrix::svdMatV ( ) const

This function calls private member GslMatrix::internalSvd() to set a N-by-N orthogonal square matrix V of the singular value decomposition (svd) of a general rectangular M-by-N matrix A.

A general rectangular M-by-N matrix A has a singular value decomposition (svd) into the product of an M-by-N orthogonal matrix U, an N-by-N diagonal matrix of singular values S and the transpose of an N-by-N orthogonal square matrix V, A = U S V^T.

Definition at line 644 of file GslMatrix.C.

References internalSvd(), and m_svdVmat.

645 {
646  int iRC = 0;
647  iRC = internalSvd();
648  if (iRC) {}; // just to remove compiler warning
650  return *m_svdVmat;
651 }
int internalSvd() const
This function factorizes the M-by-N matrix A into the singular value decomposition A = U S V^T for M ...
Definition: GslMatrix.C:654
GslMatrix * m_svdVmat
m_svdVmat stores the N-by-N orthogonal square matrix V after the singular value decomposition of a ma...
Definition: GslMatrix.h:414
int QUESO::GslMatrix::svdSolve ( const GslVector rhsVec,
GslVector solVec 
) const

This function solves the system A x = b using the singular value decomposition (U, S, V) of A which must have been computed previously with GslMatrix::svd (x=solVec, b=rhsVec).

Definition at line 563 of file GslMatrix.C.

References QUESO::GslVector::data(), data(), QUESO::BaseEnvironment::displayVerbosity(), internalSvd(), QUESO::Matrix::m_env, m_svdSvec, m_svdUmat, m_svdVmat, numCols(), numRowsLocal(), QUESO::GslVector::sizeLocal(), QUESO::BaseEnvironment::subDisplayFile(), UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO, and QUESO::BaseEnvironment::worldRank().

Referenced by svdSolve().

564 {
565  unsigned int nRows = this->numRowsLocal();
566  unsigned int nCols = this->numCols();
568  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO((rhsVec.sizeLocal() != nRows),
569  m_env.worldRank(),
570  "GslMatrix::svdSolve()",
571  "invalid rhsVec");
573  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO((solVec.sizeLocal() != nCols),
574  m_env.worldRank(),
575  "GslMatrix::svdSolve()",
576  "invalid solVec");
578  int iRC = internalSvd();
580  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 5)) {
581  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In GslMatrix::svdSolve():"
582  << "\n this->numRowsLocal() = " << this->numRowsLocal()
583  << ", this->numCols() = " << this->numCols()
584  << "\n m_svdUmat->numRowsLocal() = " << m_svdUmat->numRowsLocal()
585  << ", m_svdUmat->numCols() = " << m_svdUmat->numCols()
586  << "\n m_svdVmat->numRowsLocal() = " << m_svdVmat->numRowsLocal()
587  << ", m_svdVmat->numCols() = " << m_svdVmat->numCols()
588  << "\n m_svdSvec->sizeLocal() = " << m_svdSvec->sizeLocal()
589  << "\n rhsVec.sizeLocal() = " << rhsVec.sizeLocal()
590  << "\n solVec.sizeLocal() = " << solVec.sizeLocal()
591  << std::endl;
592  }
594  if (iRC == 0) iRC = gsl_linalg_SV_solve(m_svdUmat->data(), m_svdVmat->data(), m_svdSvec->data(), rhsVec.data(), solVec.data());
596  return iRC;
597 }
int worldRank() const
Returns the process world rank.
Definition: Environment.C:235
std::ofstream * subDisplayFile() const
Access function for m_subDisplayFile (displays file on stream).
Definition: Environment.C:305
unsigned int numRowsLocal() const
Returns the local row dimension of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.C:349
GslVector * m_svdSvec
m_svdSvec stores the diagonal of the N-by-N diagonal matrix of singular values S after the singular v...
Definition: GslMatrix.h:408
GslMatrix * m_svdUmat
m_svdUmat stores the M-by-N orthogonal matrix U after the singular value decomposition of a matrix...
Definition: GslMatrix.h:401
unsigned int sizeLocal() const
Returns the length of this vector.
Definition: GslVector.C:343
#define UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(test, givenRank, where, what)
Definition: Defines.h:223
gsl_matrix * data()
Returns this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.C:2108
unsigned int displayVerbosity() const
Definition: Environment.C:436
int internalSvd() const
This function factorizes the M-by-N matrix A into the singular value decomposition A = U S V^T for M ...
Definition: GslMatrix.C:654
GslMatrix * m_svdVmat
m_svdVmat stores the N-by-N orthogonal square matrix V after the singular value decomposition of a ma...
Definition: GslMatrix.h:414
unsigned int numCols() const
Returns the column dimension of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.C:361
gsl_vector * data() const
Definition: GslVector.C:1180
const BaseEnvironment & m_env
QUESO environment variable.
Definition: Matrix.h:137
int QUESO::GslMatrix::svdSolve ( const GslMatrix rhsMat,
GslMatrix solMat 
) const

This function solves the system A x = b using the singular value decomposition (U, S, V) of A which must have been computed previously with GslMatrix::svd (x=solMat, b=rhsMat).

Definition at line 600 of file GslMatrix.C.

References getColumn(), QUESO::Matrix::m_env, QUESO::Matrix::map(), numCols(), numRowsLocal(), setColumn(), svdSolve(), UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO, and QUESO::BaseEnvironment::worldRank().

601 {
602  unsigned int nRows = this->numRowsLocal();
603  unsigned int nCols = this->numCols();
605  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO((rhsMat.numRowsLocal() != nRows),
606  m_env.worldRank(),
607  "GslMatrix::svdSolve()",
608  "invalid rhsMat");
610  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO((solMat.numRowsLocal() != nCols),
611  m_env.worldRank(),
612  "GslMatrix::svdSolve()",
613  "invalid solMat");
615  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO((rhsMat.numCols() != solMat.numCols()),
616  m_env.worldRank(),
617  "GslMatrix::svdSolve()",
618  "rhsMat and solMat are not compatible");
620  GslVector rhsVec(m_env,rhsMat.map());
621  GslVector solVec(m_env,solMat.map());
622  int iRC = 0;
623  for (unsigned int j = 0; j < rhsMat.numCols(); ++j) {
624  rhsVec = rhsMat.getColumn(j);
625  iRC = this->svdSolve(rhsVec, solVec);
626  if (iRC) break;
627  solMat.setColumn(j,solVec);
628  }
630  return iRC;
631 }
int worldRank() const
Returns the process world rank.
Definition: Environment.C:235
unsigned int numRowsLocal() const
Returns the local row dimension of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.C:349
#define UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(test, givenRank, where, what)
Definition: Defines.h:223
int svdSolve(const GslVector &rhsVec, GslVector &solVec) const
This function solves the system A x = b using the singular value decomposition (U, S, V) of A which must have been computed previously with GslMatrix::svd (x=solVec, b=rhsVec).
Definition: GslMatrix.C:563
unsigned int numCols() const
Returns the column dimension of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.C:361
const BaseEnvironment & m_env
QUESO environment variable.
Definition: Matrix.h:137
GslMatrix QUESO::GslMatrix::transpose ( ) const

This function calculated the transpose of this matrix (square).

Definition at line 824 of file GslMatrix.C.

References QUESO::Matrix::m_env, QUESO::Matrix::m_map, numCols(), numRowsLocal(), UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO, and QUESO::BaseEnvironment::worldRank().

Referenced by internalSvd().

825 {
826  unsigned int nRows = this->numRowsLocal();
827  unsigned int nCols = this->numCols();
829  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO((nRows != nCols),
830  m_env.worldRank(),
831  "GslMatrix::transpose()",
832  "routine works only for square matrices");
834  GslMatrix mat(m_env,m_map,nCols);
835  for (unsigned int row = 0; row < nRows; ++row) {
836  for (unsigned int col = 0; col < nCols; ++col) {
837  mat(row,col) = (*this)(col,row);
838  }
839  }
841  return mat;
842 }
int worldRank() const
Returns the process world rank.
Definition: Environment.C:235
unsigned int numRowsLocal() const
Returns the local row dimension of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.C:349
#define UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(test, givenRank, where, what)
Definition: Defines.h:223
const Map & m_map
Mapping variable.
Definition: Matrix.h:147
Default Constructor.
Definition: GslMatrix.C:36
unsigned int numCols() const
Returns the column dimension of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.C:361
const BaseEnvironment & m_env
QUESO environment variable.
Definition: Matrix.h:137
void QUESO::GslMatrix::zeroLower ( bool  includeDiagonal = false)

This function sets all the entries bellow the main diagonal of this matrix to zero.

If \c includeDiagonal = false, then only the entries bellow the main diagonal are set to zero;

if includeDiagonal = true, then the elements of the matrix diagonal are also set to zero.

Implements QUESO::Matrix.

Definition at line 716 of file GslMatrix.C.

References QUESO::Matrix::m_env, numCols(), numRowsLocal(), resetLU(), UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO, and QUESO::BaseEnvironment::worldRank().

717 {
718  unsigned int nRows = this->numRowsLocal();
719  unsigned int nCols = this->numCols();
721  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO((nRows != nCols),
722  m_env.worldRank(),
723  "GslMatrix::zeroLower()",
724  "routine works only for square matrices");
726  this->resetLU();
728  if (includeDiagonal) {
729  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nRows; i++) {
730  for (unsigned int j = 0; j <= i; j++) {
731  (*this)(i,j) = 0.;
732  }
733  }
734  }
735  else {
736  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nRows; i++) {
737  for (unsigned int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
738  (*this)(i,j) = 0.;
739  }
740  }
741  }
743  return;
744 }
int worldRank() const
Returns the process world rank.
Definition: Environment.C:235
unsigned int numRowsLocal() const
Returns the local row dimension of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.C:349
#define UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(test, givenRank, where, what)
Definition: Defines.h:223
void resetLU()
In this function resets the LU decomposition of this matrix, as well as deletes the private member po...
Definition: GslMatrix.C:306
unsigned int numCols() const
Returns the column dimension of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.C:361
const BaseEnvironment & m_env
QUESO environment variable.
Definition: Matrix.h:137
void QUESO::GslMatrix::zeroUpper ( bool  includeDiagonal = false)

This function sets all the entries above the main diagonal of this matrix to zero.

If \c includeDiagonal = false, then only the entries above the main diagonal are set to zero;

if includeDiagonal = true, then the elements of the matrix diagonal are also set to zero.

Implements QUESO::Matrix.

Definition at line 747 of file GslMatrix.C.

References QUESO::Matrix::m_env, numCols(), numRowsLocal(), resetLU(), UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO, and QUESO::BaseEnvironment::worldRank().

748 {
749  unsigned int nRows = this->numRowsLocal();
750  unsigned int nCols = this->numCols();
752  UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO((nRows != nCols),
753  m_env.worldRank(),
754  "GslMatrix::zeroUpper()",
755  "routine works only for square matrices");
757  this->resetLU();
759  if (includeDiagonal) {
760  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nRows; i++) {
761  for (unsigned int j = i; j < nCols; j++) {
762  (*this)(i,j) = 0.;
763  }
764  }
765  }
766  else {
767  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nRows; i++) {
768  for (unsigned int j = (i+1); j < nCols; j++) {
769  (*this)(i,j) = 0.;
770  }
771  }
772  }
774  return;
775 }
int worldRank() const
Returns the process world rank.
Definition: Environment.C:235
unsigned int numRowsLocal() const
Returns the local row dimension of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.C:349
#define UQ_FATAL_TEST_MACRO(test, givenRank, where, what)
Definition: Defines.h:223
void resetLU()
In this function resets the LU decomposition of this matrix, as well as deletes the private member po...
Definition: GslMatrix.C:306
unsigned int numCols() const
Returns the column dimension of this matrix.
Definition: GslMatrix.C:361
const BaseEnvironment & m_env
QUESO environment variable.
Definition: Matrix.h:137

Member Data Documentation

double QUESO::GslMatrix::m_determinant

The determinant of this matrix.

Definition at line 423 of file GslMatrix.h.

Referenced by determinant(), lnDeterminant(), and resetLU().

GslMatrix* QUESO::GslMatrix::m_inverse

Inverse matrix of this.

Definition at line 392 of file GslMatrix.h.

Referenced by inverse(), and resetLU().

bool QUESO::GslMatrix::m_isSingular

Indicates whether or not this matrix is singular.

Definition at line 441 of file GslMatrix.h.

Referenced by invertMultiply(), invertMultiplyForceLU(), and resetLU().

double QUESO::GslMatrix::m_lnDeterminant

The natural logarithm of the determinant of this matrix.

Definition at line 426 of file GslMatrix.h.

Referenced by determinant(), lnDeterminant(), and resetLU().

gsl_matrix* QUESO::GslMatrix::m_LU

GSL matrix for the LU decomposition of m_mat.

Definition at line 389 of file GslMatrix.h.

Referenced by determinant(), invertMultiply(), invertMultiplyForceLU(), lnDeterminant(), and resetLU().

gsl_matrix* QUESO::GslMatrix::m_mat
gsl_permutation* QUESO::GslMatrix::m_permutation

The permutation matrix of a LU decomposition.

In the LU decomposition PA = LU, the j-th column of the matrix P is given by the k-th column of the identity matrix, where k = p_j the j-th element of the permutation vector. A is the square matrix of interest and P is the permutation matrix.

Definition at line 432 of file GslMatrix.h.

Referenced by invertMultiply(), invertMultiplyForceLU(), and resetLU().

int QUESO::GslMatrix::m_signum

m_signum stores the sign of the permutation of the LU decomposition PA = LU.

In the LU decomposition PA = LU, where A is the square matrix of interest and P is the permutation matrix, m_signum has the value (-1)^n, where n is the number of interchanges in the permutation.

Definition at line 438 of file GslMatrix.h.

Referenced by determinant(), invertMultiply(), invertMultiplyForceLU(), lnDeterminant(), and resetLU().

Map* QUESO::GslMatrix::m_svdColMap

Mapping for matrices involved in the singular value decomposition (svd) routine.

Definition at line 395 of file GslMatrix.h.

Referenced by internalSvd(), and resetLU().

GslVector* QUESO::GslMatrix::m_svdSvec

m_svdSvec stores the diagonal of the N-by-N diagonal matrix of singular values S after the singular value decomposition of a matrix.

A general rectangular M-by-N matrix A has a singular value decomposition (svd) into the product of an M-by-N orthogonal matrix U, an N-by-N diagonal matrix of singular values S and the transpose of an N-by-N orthogonal square matrix V, A = U S V^T.

Definition at line 408 of file GslMatrix.h.

Referenced by internalSvd(), rank(), resetLU(), svd(), and svdSolve().

GslMatrix* QUESO::GslMatrix::m_svdUmat

m_svdUmat stores the M-by-N orthogonal matrix U after the singular value decomposition of a matrix.

A general rectangular M-by-N matrix A has a singular value decomposition (svd) into the product of an M-by-N orthogonal matrix U, an N-by-N diagonal matrix of singular values S and the transpose of an N-by-N orthogonal square matrix V, A = U S V^T.

Definition at line 401 of file GslMatrix.h.

Referenced by internalSvd(), resetLU(), svd(), svdMatU(), and svdSolve().

GslMatrix* QUESO::GslMatrix::m_svdVmat

m_svdVmat stores the N-by-N orthogonal square matrix V after the singular value decomposition of a matrix.

A general rectangular M-by-N matrix A has a singular value decomposition (svd) into the product of an M-by-N orthogonal matrix U, an N-by-N diagonal matrix of singular values S and the transpose of an N-by-N orthogonal square matrix V, A = U S V^T.

Definition at line 414 of file GslMatrix.h.

Referenced by internalSvd(), resetLU(), svdMatV(), and svdSolve().

GslMatrix* QUESO::GslMatrix::m_svdVTmat

m_svdVmatT stores the transpose of N-by-N orthogonal square matrix V, namely V^T, after the singular value decomposition of a matrix.

A general rectangular M-by-N matrix A has a singular value decomposition (svd) into the product of an M-by-N orthogonal matrix U, an N-by-N diagonal matrix of singular values S and the transpose of an N-by-N orthogonal square matrix V, A = U S V^T.

Definition at line 420 of file GslMatrix.h.

Referenced by internalSvd(), resetLU(), and svd().

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

Generated on Thu Apr 23 2015 19:30:56 for queso-0.52.0 by  doxygen 1.8.5