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QUESO::MLSampling< P_V, P_M > Class Template Reference

A templated class that represents a Multilevel generator of samples. More...

#include <MLSampling.h>

Public Member Functions

Constructor/Destructor methods
 MLSampling (const char *prefix, const BaseVectorRV< P_V, P_M > &priorRv, const BaseScalarFunction< P_V, P_M > &likelihoodFunction)
 Constructor. More...
 ~MLSampling ()
 Destructor. More...
Statistical methods
void generateSequence (BaseVectorSequence< P_V, P_M > &workingChain, ScalarSequence< double > *workingLogLikelihoodValues, ScalarSequence< double > *workingLogTargetValues)
 Method to generate the chain. More...
double logEvidence () const
 Method to calculate the logarithm of the evidence. More...
double meanLogLikelihood () const
 Method to calculate the mean of the logarithm of the likelihood. More...
double eig () const
 Calculates the expected information gain value, EIG. More...
I/O methods
void print (std::ostream &os) const
 TODO: Prints the sequence. More...

Private Member Functions

void checkpointML (double currExponent, double currEta, const SequenceOfVectors< P_V, P_M > &currChain, const ScalarSequence< double > &currLogLikelihoodValues, const ScalarSequence< double > &currLogTargetValues)
 Writes checkpoint data for the ML method. More...
void restartML (double &currExponent, double &currEta, SequenceOfVectors< P_V, P_M > &currChain, ScalarSequence< double > &currLogLikelihoodValues, ScalarSequence< double > &currLogTargetValues)
 Restarts ML algorithm. More...
void generateSequence_Level0_all (const MLSamplingLevelOptions &currOptions, unsigned int &unifiedRequestedNumSamples, SequenceOfVectors< P_V, P_M > &currChain, ScalarSequence< double > &currLogLikelihoodValues, ScalarSequence< double > &currLogTargetValues)
 Generates the sequence at the level 0. More...
void generateSequence_Step01_inter0 (const MLSamplingLevelOptions *currOptions, unsigned int &unifiedRequestedNumSamples)
 Reads options for the ML algorithm (Step 01 from ML algorithm). More...
void generateSequence_Step02_inter0 (const MLSamplingLevelOptions *currOptions, SequenceOfVectors< P_V, P_M > &currChain, ScalarSequence< double > &currLogLikelihoodValues, ScalarSequence< double > &currLogTargetValues, SequenceOfVectors< P_V, P_M > &prevChain, ScalarSequence< double > &prevLogLikelihoodValues, ScalarSequence< double > &prevLogTargetValues, unsigned int &indexOfFirstWeight, unsigned int &indexOfLastWeight)
 Saves chain and corresponding target pdf values from previous level (Step 02 from ML algorithm). More...
void generateSequence_Step03_inter0 (const MLSamplingLevelOptions *currOptions, const ScalarSequence< double > &prevLogLikelihoodValues, double prevExponent, double failedExponent, double &currExponent, ScalarSequence< double > &weightSequence)
 Computes currExponent and sequence of weights for current level and update 'm_logEvidenceFactors' (Step 03 from ML algorithm). More...
void generateSequence_Step04_inter0 (const SequenceOfVectors< P_V, P_M > &prevChain, const ScalarSequence< double > &weightSequence, P_M &unifiedCovMatrix)
 Creates covariance matrix for current level (Step 04 from ML algorithm). More...
void generateSequence_Step05_inter0 (unsigned int unifiedRequestedNumSamples, const ScalarSequence< double > &weightSequence, std::vector< unsigned int > &unifiedIndexCountersAtProc0Only, std::vector< double > &unifiedWeightStdVectorAtProc0Only)
 Creates unified finite distribution for current level (Step 05 from ML algorithm). More...
void generateSequence_Step06_all (const MLSamplingLevelOptions *currOptions, unsigned int indexOfFirstWeight, unsigned int indexOfLastWeight, const std::vector< unsigned int > &unifiedIndexCountersAtProc0Only, bool &useBalancedChains, std::vector< ExchangeInfoStruct > &exchangeStdVec)
 Decides on wheter or not to use balanced chains (Step 06 from ML algorithm). More...
void generateSequence_Step07_inter0 (bool useBalancedChains, unsigned int indexOfFirstWeight, unsigned int indexOfLastWeight, const std::vector< unsigned int > &unifiedIndexCountersAtProc0Only, UnbalancedLinkedChainsPerNodeStruct &unbalancedLinkControl, const MLSamplingLevelOptions *currOptions, const SequenceOfVectors< P_V, P_M > &prevChain, double prevExponent, double currExponent, const ScalarSequence< double > &prevLogLikelihoodValues, const ScalarSequence< double > &prevLogTargetValues, std::vector< ExchangeInfoStruct > &exchangeStdVec, BalancedLinkedChainsPerNodeStruct< P_V > &balancedLinkControl)
 Plans for number of linked chains for each node so that all nodes generate the closest possible to the same number of positions (Step 07 from ML algorithm). More...
void generateSequence_Step08_all (BayesianJointPdf< P_V, P_M > &currPdf, GenericVectorRV< P_V, P_M > &currRv)
 Creates a vector RV for current level (Step 08 from ML algorithm). More...
void generateSequence_Step09_all (const SequenceOfVectors< P_V, P_M > &prevChain, double prevExponent, double currExponent, const ScalarSequence< double > &prevLogLikelihoodValues, const ScalarSequence< double > &prevLogTargetValues, unsigned int indexOfFirstWeight, unsigned int indexOfLastWeight, const std::vector< double > &unifiedWeightStdVectorAtProc0Only, const ScalarSequence< double > &weightSequence, double prevEta, const GenericVectorRV< P_V, P_M > &currRv, MLSamplingLevelOptions *currOptions, P_M &unifiedCovMatrix, double &currEta)
 Scales the unified covariance matrix until min <= rejection rate <= max (Step 09 from ML algorithm). More...
void generateSequence_Step10_all (MLSamplingLevelOptions &currOptions, const P_M &unifiedCovMatrix, const GenericVectorRV< P_V, P_M > &currRv, bool useBalancedChains, const UnbalancedLinkedChainsPerNodeStruct &unbalancedLinkControl, unsigned int indexOfFirstWeight, const SequenceOfVectors< P_V, P_M > &prevChain, double prevExponent, double currExponent, const ScalarSequence< double > &prevLogLikelihoodValues, const ScalarSequence< double > &prevLogTargetValues, const BalancedLinkedChainsPerNodeStruct< P_V > &balancedLinkControl, SequenceOfVectors< P_V, P_M > &currChain, double &cumulativeRawChainRunTime, unsigned int &cumulativeRawChainRejections, ScalarSequence< double > *currLogLikelihoodValues, ScalarSequence< double > *currLogTargetValues)
 Samples the vector RV of current level (Step 10 from ML algorithm). More...
void generateSequence_Step11_inter0 (const MLSamplingLevelOptions *currOptions, unsigned int unifiedRequestedNumSamples, unsigned int cumulativeRawChainRejections, SequenceOfVectors< P_V, P_M > &currChain, ScalarSequence< double > &currLogLikelihoodValues, ScalarSequence< double > &currLogTargetValues, unsigned int &unifiedNumberOfRejections)
 Filters chain (Step 11 from ML algorithm). More...
void sampleIndexes_proc0 (unsigned int unifiedRequestedNumSamples, const std::vector< double > &unifiedWeightStdVectorAtProc0Only, std::vector< unsigned int > &unifiedIndexCountersAtProc0Only)
bool decideOnBalancedChains_all (const MLSamplingLevelOptions *currOptions, unsigned int indexOfFirstWeight, unsigned int indexOfLastWeight, const std::vector< unsigned int > &unifiedIndexCountersAtProc0Only, std::vector< ExchangeInfoStruct > &exchangeStdVec)
void prepareBalLinkedChains_inter0 (const MLSamplingLevelOptions *currOptions, const SequenceOfVectors< P_V, P_M > &prevChain, double prevExponent, double currExponent, const ScalarSequence< double > &prevLogLikelihoodValues, const ScalarSequence< double > &prevLogTargetValues, std::vector< ExchangeInfoStruct > &exchangeStdVec, BalancedLinkedChainsPerNodeStruct< P_V > &balancedLinkControl)
void prepareUnbLinkedChains_inter0 (unsigned int indexOfFirstWeight, unsigned int indexOfLastWeight, const std::vector< unsigned int > &unifiedIndexCountersAtProc0Only, UnbalancedLinkedChainsPerNodeStruct &unbalancedLinkControl)
void generateBalLinkedChains_all (MLSamplingLevelOptions &inputOptions, const P_M &unifiedCovMatrix, const GenericVectorRV< P_V, P_M > &rv, const BalancedLinkedChainsPerNodeStruct< P_V > &balancedLinkControl, SequenceOfVectors< P_V, P_M > &workingChain, double &cumulativeRunTime, unsigned int &cumulativeRejections, ScalarSequence< double > *currLogLikelihoodValues, ScalarSequence< double > *currLogTargetValues)
void generateUnbLinkedChains_all (MLSamplingLevelOptions &inputOptions, const P_M &unifiedCovMatrix, const GenericVectorRV< P_V, P_M > &rv, const UnbalancedLinkedChainsPerNodeStruct &unbalancedLinkControl, unsigned int indexOfFirstWeight, const SequenceOfVectors< P_V, P_M > &prevChain, double prevExponent, double currExponent, const ScalarSequence< double > &prevLogLikelihoodValues, const ScalarSequence< double > &prevLogTargetValues, SequenceOfVectors< P_V, P_M > &workingChain, double &cumulativeRunTime, unsigned int &cumulativeRejections, ScalarSequence< double > *currLogLikelihoodValues, ScalarSequence< double > *currLogTargetValues)
void solveBIP_proc0 (std::vector< ExchangeInfoStruct > &exchangeStdVec)
void justBalance_proc0 (const MLSamplingLevelOptions *currOptions, std::vector< ExchangeInfoStruct > &exchangeStdVec)
void mpiExchangePositions_inter0 (const SequenceOfVectors< P_V, P_M > &prevChain, double prevExponent, double currExponent, const ScalarSequence< double > &prevLogLikelihoodValues, const ScalarSequence< double > &prevLogTargetValues, const std::vector< ExchangeInfoStruct > &exchangeStdVec, const std::vector< unsigned int > &finalNumChainsPerNode, const std::vector< unsigned int > &finalNumPositionsPerNode, BalancedLinkedChainsPerNodeStruct< P_V > &balancedLinkControl)

Private Attributes

const BaseEnvironmentm_env
 Queso enviroment. More...
const BaseVectorRV< P_V, P_M > & m_priorRv
 Prior RV. More...
const BaseScalarFunction< P_V,
P_M > & 
 Likelihood function. More...
const VectorSpace< P_V, P_M > & m_vectorSpace
 Vector space. More...
VectorSet< P_V, P_M > * m_targetDomain
 Domain of the target PDF: intersection of the domains of the prior PDf and likelihood function. More...
unsigned int m_numDisabledParameters
std::vector< bool > m_parameterEnabledStatus
MLSamplingOptions m_options
 Options for the ML algorithm. More...
unsigned int m_currLevel
 Current level. More...
unsigned int m_currStep
 Curret step. More...
double m_debugExponent
 Exponent for debugging. More...
std::vector< double > m_logEvidenceFactors
double m_logEvidence
double m_meanLogLikelihood
double m_eig


std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const MLSampling< P_V, P_M > &obj)

Detailed Description

template<class P_V = GslVector, class P_M = GslMatrix>
class QUESO::MLSampling< P_V, P_M >

A templated class that represents a Multilevel generator of samples.

A templated class that represents a Multilevel sampler. Options reading is handled by class 'MLSamplingOptions'. It implements the method: S. H. Cheung and E. E. Prudencio. Parallel adaptive multilevel sampling algorithms for the Bayesian analysis of mathematical models. International Journal for Uncertainty Quantification, 2(3):215237, 2012.

Definition at line 122 of file MLSampling.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

template<class P_V , class P_M >
QUESO::MLSampling< P_V, P_M >::MLSampling ( const char *  prefix,
const BaseVectorRV< P_V, P_M > &  priorRv,
const BaseScalarFunction< P_V, P_M > &  likelihoodFunction 


Constructor: instantiates an object of the class given a prefix, the prior RV and the likelihood function. Internally, this method set the domain of the target PDF to be the intersection of the domains of the prior PDF and of the likelihood function. Also the current level and exponent of the Multilevel method are set to zero.

priorRvThe prior rv
likelihoodFunctionThe likelihood function

Definition at line 3985 of file MLSampling.C.

References QUESO::MLSampling< P_V, P_M >::m_env, and QUESO::BaseEnvironment::subDisplayFile().

3989  :
3990  m_env (priorRv.env()),
3991  m_priorRv (priorRv),
3992  m_likelihoodFunction(likelihoodFunction),
3995  m_numDisabledParameters (0), // gpmsa2
3997  m_options (m_env,prefix),
3998  m_currLevel (0),
3999  m_currStep (0),
4000  m_debugExponent (0.),
4002  m_logEvidence (0.),
4003  m_meanLogLikelihood (0.),
4004  m_eig (0.)
4005 {
4006  if (m_env.subDisplayFile()) {
4007  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "Entering MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::constructor()"
4008  << std::endl;
4009  }
4011  if (m_env.subDisplayFile()) {
4012  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "Leaving MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::constructor()"
4013  << std::endl;
4014  }
4015 }
unsigned int m_numDisabledParameters
Definition: MLSampling.h:484
VectorSet< P_V, P_M > * m_targetDomain
Domain of the target PDF: intersection of the domains of the prior PDf and likelihood function...
Definition: MLSampling.h:482
const BaseJointPdf< V, M > & pdf() const
Posterior Density Function of the vector RV; access to private attribute m_pdf.
Definition: VectorRV.C:90
unsigned int m_currStep
Curret step.
Definition: MLSampling.h:495
MLSamplingOptions m_options
Options for the ML algorithm.
Definition: MLSampling.h:489
std::vector< bool > m_parameterEnabledStatus
Definition: MLSampling.h:486
const VectorSet< V, M > & imageSet() const
Image set of the vector RV; access to private attribute m_imageSet.
Definition: VectorRV.C:83
virtual const VectorSpace< V, M > & vectorSpace() const =0
Vector space to which this set belongs to. See template specialization.
double m_logEvidence
Definition: MLSampling.h:500
double m_debugExponent
Exponent for debugging.
Definition: MLSampling.h:498
const VectorSet< V, M > & domainSet() const
Access to the protected attribute m_domainSet: domain set of the scalar function. ...
const BaseScalarFunction< P_V, P_M > & m_likelihoodFunction
Likelihood function.
Definition: MLSampling.h:476
const BaseEnvironment & m_env
Queso enviroment.
Definition: MLSampling.h:470
const BaseVectorRV< P_V, P_M > & m_priorRv
Prior RV.
Definition: MLSampling.h:473
double m_meanLogLikelihood
Definition: MLSampling.h:501
unsigned int dimLocal() const
Definition: VectorSpace.C:155
const BaseEnvironment & env() const
QUESO environment; access to private attribute m_env.
Definition: VectorRV.C:76
const VectorSpace< P_V, P_M > & m_vectorSpace
Vector space.
Definition: MLSampling.h:479
unsigned int m_currLevel
Current level.
Definition: MLSampling.h:492
VectorSet< V, M > * InstantiateIntersection(const VectorSet< V, M > &domain1, const VectorSet< V, M > &domain2)
This method calculates the intersection of domain1 and domain2.
std::vector< double > m_logEvidenceFactors
Definition: MLSampling.h:499
std::ofstream * subDisplayFile() const
Access function for m_subDisplayFile (displays file on stream).
Definition: Environment.C:320
template<class P_V , class P_M >
QUESO::MLSampling< P_V, P_M >::~MLSampling ( )


Definition at line 4018 of file MLSampling.C.

4019 {
4020  m_numDisabledParameters = 0; // gpmsa2
4021  m_parameterEnabledStatus.clear(); // gpmsa2
4022  if (m_targetDomain) delete m_targetDomain;
4023 }
unsigned int m_numDisabledParameters
Definition: MLSampling.h:484
VectorSet< P_V, P_M > * m_targetDomain
Domain of the target PDF: intersection of the domains of the prior PDf and likelihood function...
Definition: MLSampling.h:482
std::vector< bool > m_parameterEnabledStatus
Definition: MLSampling.h:486

Member Function Documentation

template<class P_V , class P_M >
void QUESO::MLSampling< P_V, P_M >::checkpointML ( double  currExponent,
double  currEta,
const SequenceOfVectors< P_V, P_M > &  currChain,
const ScalarSequence< double > &  currLogLikelihoodValues,
const ScalarSequence< double > &  currLogTargetValues 

Writes checkpoint data for the ML method.


Definition at line 2011 of file MLSampling.C.

References QUESO::queso_require_equal_to_msg, QUESO::BaseVectorSequence< V, M >::unifiedSequenceSize(), QUESO::ScalarSequence< T >::unifiedSequenceSize(), QUESO::SequenceOfVectors< V, M >::unifiedWriteContents(), and QUESO::ScalarSequence< T >::unifiedWriteContents().

2017 {
2018  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 2)) {
2019  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "\n CHECKPOINTING initiating at level " << m_currLevel
2020  << "\n" << std::endl;
2021  }
2023  //******************************************************************************
2024  // Write 'control' file without 'level' spefication in name
2025  //******************************************************************************
2026  unsigned int quantity1 = currChain.unifiedSequenceSize();
2027  unsigned int quantity2 = currLogLikelihoodValues.unifiedSequenceSize(m_vectorSpace.numOfProcsForStorage() == 1);
2028  unsigned int quantity3 = currLogTargetValues.unifiedSequenceSize(m_vectorSpace.numOfProcsForStorage() == 1);
2029  if (m_env.inter0Rank() >= 0) {
2030  queso_require_equal_to_msg(m_logEvidenceFactors.size(), m_currLevel, "number of evidence factors is not consistent");
2031  queso_require_equal_to_msg(quantity1, quantity2, "quantity2 is not consistent");
2032  queso_require_equal_to_msg(quantity1, quantity3, "quantity3 is not consistent");
2033  }
2035  if (m_env.fullRank() == 0) {
2036  std::ofstream* ofsVar = new std::ofstream((m_options.m_restartOutput_baseNameForFiles + "Control.txt").c_str(),
2037  std::ofstream::out | std::ofstream::trunc);
2038  *ofsVar << m_currLevel << std::endl // 1
2039  << m_vectorSpace.dimGlobal() << std::endl // 2
2040  << currExponent << std::endl // 3
2041  << currEta << std::endl // 4
2042  << quantity1 << std::endl; // 5
2043  unsigned int savedPrecision = ofsVar->precision();
2044  ofsVar->precision(16);
2045  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_logEvidenceFactors.size(); ++i) {
2046  *ofsVar << m_logEvidenceFactors[i] << std::endl;
2047  }
2048  ofsVar->precision(savedPrecision);
2049  *ofsVar << "COMPLETE" << std::endl; // 6 = ML_CHECKPOINT_FIXED_AMOUNT_OF_DATA
2051  delete ofsVar;
2052  }
2053  m_env.fullComm().Barrier();
2055  //******************************************************************************
2056  // Write three 'data' files
2057  //******************************************************************************
2058  char levelSufix[256];
2059  sprintf(levelSufix,"%d",m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID); // Yes, '+0'
2061  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 2)) {
2062  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "\n CHECKPOINTING chain at level " << m_currLevel
2063  << "\n" << std::endl;
2064  }
2065  currChain.unifiedWriteContents(m_options.m_restartOutput_baseNameForFiles + "Chain_l" + levelSufix,
2067  m_env.fullComm().Barrier();
2069  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 2)) {
2070  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "\n CHECKPOINTING like at level " << m_currLevel
2071  << "\n" << std::endl;
2072  }
2073  currLogLikelihoodValues.unifiedWriteContents(m_options.m_restartOutput_baseNameForFiles + "LogLike_l" + levelSufix,
2075  m_env.fullComm().Barrier();
2077  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 2)) {
2078  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "\n CHECKPOINTING target at level " << m_currLevel
2079  << "\n" << std::endl;
2080  }
2081  currLogTargetValues.unifiedWriteContents(m_options.m_restartOutput_baseNameForFiles + "LogTarget_l" + levelSufix,
2083  m_env.fullComm().Barrier();
2085  //******************************************************************************
2086  // Write 'control' file *with* 'level' spefication in name
2087  //******************************************************************************
2088  if (m_env.fullRank() == 0) {
2089  std::ofstream* ofsVar = new std::ofstream((m_options.m_restartOutput_baseNameForFiles + "Control_l" + levelSufix + ".txt").c_str(),
2090  std::ofstream::out | std::ofstream::trunc);
2091  *ofsVar << m_currLevel << std::endl // 1
2092  << m_vectorSpace.dimGlobal() << std::endl // 2
2093  << currExponent << std::endl // 3
2094  << currEta << std::endl // 4
2095  << quantity1 << std::endl; // 5
2096  unsigned int savedPrecision = ofsVar->precision();
2097  ofsVar->precision(16);
2098  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_logEvidenceFactors.size(); ++i) {
2099  *ofsVar << m_logEvidenceFactors[i] << std::endl;
2100  }
2101  ofsVar->precision(savedPrecision);
2102  *ofsVar << "COMPLETE" << std::endl; // 6 = ML_CHECKPOINT_FIXED_AMOUNT_OF_DATA
2104  delete ofsVar;
2105  }
2106  m_env.fullComm().Barrier();
2108  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 2)) {
2109  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "\n CHECKPOINTING done at level " << m_currLevel
2110  << "\n" << std::endl;
2111  }
2113  return;
2114 }
unsigned int dimGlobal() const
Definition: VectorSpace.C:161
void Barrier() const
Pause every process in *this communicator until all the processes reach this point.
Definition: MpiComm.C:174
unsigned int unifiedSequenceSize(bool useOnlyInter0Comm) const
Size of the unified sequence of scalars.
MLSamplingOptions m_options
Options for the ML algorithm.
Definition: MLSampling.h:489
unsigned int numOfProcsForStorage() const
Returns total number of processes.
Definition: VectorSpace.C:149
void unifiedWriteContents(const std::string &fileName, const std::string &fileType) const
Writes the unified sequence to a file.
int fullRank() const
Returns the rank of the MPI process in QUESO&#39;s full communicator.
Definition: Environment.C:268
const BaseEnvironment & m_env
Queso enviroment.
Definition: MLSampling.h:470
std::string m_restartOutput_baseNameForFiles
Base name of restart output file.
MonteCarloSGOptions::MonteCarloSGOptions(const BaseEnvironment &env, const char *prefix, const McOptionsValues &alternativeOptionsValues queso_require_equal_to_msg)(m_env.optionsInputFileName(), std::string(""), std::string("this constructor is incompatible with the existence of an options input file"))
std::string m_restartOutput_fileType
Type of restart output file.
unsigned int displayVerbosity() const
Definition: Environment.C:450
const VectorSpace< P_V, P_M > & m_vectorSpace
Vector space.
Definition: MLSampling.h:479
unsigned int m_currLevel
Current level.
Definition: MLSampling.h:492
const MpiComm & fullComm() const
Access function for the communicator that was passed to QUESO&#39;s environment.
Definition: Environment.C:274
int inter0Rank() const
Returns the process inter0 rank.
Definition: Environment.C:307
std::vector< double > m_logEvidenceFactors
Definition: MLSampling.h:499
std::ofstream * subDisplayFile() const
Access function for m_subDisplayFile (displays file on stream).
Definition: Environment.C:320
template<class P_V , class P_M >
bool QUESO::MLSampling< P_V, P_M >::decideOnBalancedChains_all ( const MLSamplingLevelOptions currOptions,
unsigned int  indexOfFirstWeight,
unsigned int  indexOfLastWeight,
const std::vector< unsigned int > &  unifiedIndexCountersAtProc0Only,
std::vector< ExchangeInfoStruct > &  exchangeStdVec 

Definition at line 149 of file MLSampling.C.

References QUESO::ExchangeInfoStruct::finalNodeOfInitialPosition, QUESO::MLSamplingLevelOptions::m_loadBalanceAlgorithmId, QUESO::MLSamplingLevelOptions::m_loadBalanceTreshold, QUESO::ExchangeInfoStruct::numberOfPositions, QUESO::ExchangeInfoStruct::originalIndexOfInitialPosition, QUESO::ExchangeInfoStruct::originalNodeOfInitialPosition, and QUESO::queso_require_equal_to_msg.

155 {
156  bool result = false;
158  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
159  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "Entering MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::decideOnBalancedChains_all()"
160  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
161  << ", step " << m_currStep
162  << ": indexOfFirstWeight = " << indexOfFirstWeight
163  << ", indexOfLastWeight = " << indexOfLastWeight
164  << std::endl;
165  }
167  if (true) {
168  unsigned int Np = 0;
169  if (m_env.inter0Rank() >= 0) { // Yes, '>= 0'
170  Np = (unsigned int) m_env.inter0Comm().NumProc();
171  }
172  std::vector<unsigned int> allFirstIndexes(Np,0); // '0' is already the correct value for recvcnts[0]
173  std::vector<unsigned int> allLastIndexes(Np,0); // '0' is NOT the correct value for recvcnts[0]
175  if (m_env.inter0Rank() >= 0) { // Yes, '>= 0'
177  // Gather information at proc 0: number of chains and positions per node
179  unsigned int auxUInt = indexOfFirstWeight;
180  m_env.inter0Comm().template Gather<unsigned int>(&auxUInt, 1, &allFirstIndexes[0], (int) 1, 0, // LOAD BALANCE
181  "MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::decideOnBalancedChains_all()",
182  "failed MPI.Gather() for first indexes");
184  if (m_env.inter0Rank() == 0) {
185  queso_require_equal_to_msg(allFirstIndexes[0], indexOfFirstWeight, "failed MPI.Gather() result for first indexes, at proc 0");
186  }
188  auxUInt = indexOfLastWeight;
189  m_env.inter0Comm().template Gather<unsigned int>(&auxUInt, 1, &allLastIndexes[0], (int) 1, 0, // LOAD BALANCE
190  "MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::decideOnBalancedChains_all()",
191  "failed MPI.Gather() for last indexes");
193  if (m_env.inter0Rank() == 0) { // Yes, '== 0'
194  //allLastIndexes[0] = indexOfLastWeight; // FIX ME: really necessary????
195  queso_require_equal_to_msg(allLastIndexes[0], indexOfLastWeight, "failed MPI.Gather() result for last indexes, at proc 0");
196  }
197  }
200  // Proc 0 prepares information to decide if load balancing is needed
202  if (m_env.inter0Rank() == 0) {
203  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
204  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::decideOnBalancedChains_all()"
205  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
206  << ", step " << m_currStep
207  << ": original distribution of unified indexes in 'inter0Comm' is as follows"
208  << std::endl;
209  for (unsigned int r = 0; r < Np; ++r) {
210  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << " allFirstIndexes[" << r << "] = " << allFirstIndexes[r]
211  << " allLastIndexes[" << r << "] = " << allLastIndexes[r]
212  << std::endl;
213  }
214  }
215  for (unsigned int r = 0; r < (Np-1); ++r) { // Yes, '-1'
216  queso_require_equal_to_msg(allFirstIndexes[r+1], (allLastIndexes[r]+1), "wrong indexes");
217  }
219  for (unsigned int r = 0; r < (Np-1); ++r) { // Yes, '-1'
220  queso_require_equal_to_msg(allFirstIndexes[r+1], (allLastIndexes[r]+1), "wrong indexes");
221  }
223  std::vector<unsigned int> origNumChainsPerNode (Np,0);
224  std::vector<unsigned int> origNumPositionsPerNode(Np,0);
225  int r = 0;
226  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < unifiedIndexCountersAtProc0Only.size(); ++i) {
227  if ((allFirstIndexes[r] <= i) && // FIX ME: not a robust logic
228  (i <= allLastIndexes[r] )) {
229  // Ok
230  }
231  else {
232  r++;
233  if ((r < (int) Np ) &&
234  (allFirstIndexes[r] <= i) &&
235  (i <= allLastIndexes[r] )) {
236  // Ok
237  }
238  else {
239  std::cerr << "In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::decideOnBalancedChains_all()"
240  << ": i = " << i
241  << ", r = " << r
242  << ", allFirstIndexes[r] = " << allFirstIndexes[r]
243  << ", allLastIndexes[r] = " << allLastIndexes[r]
244  << std::endl;
245  queso_error_msg("wrong indexes or 'r' got too large");
246  }
247  }
248  if (unifiedIndexCountersAtProc0Only[i] != 0) {
249  origNumChainsPerNode [r] += 1;
250  origNumPositionsPerNode[r] += unifiedIndexCountersAtProc0Only[i];
252  ExchangeInfoStruct auxInfo;
253  auxInfo.originalNodeOfInitialPosition = r;
254  auxInfo.originalIndexOfInitialPosition = i - allFirstIndexes[r];
255  auxInfo.finalNodeOfInitialPosition = -1; // Yes, '-1' for now, important
256  auxInfo.numberOfPositions = unifiedIndexCountersAtProc0Only[i];
257  exchangeStdVec.push_back(auxInfo);
258  }
259  // FIX ME: swap trick to save memory
260  }
262  // Check if number of procs is too large
263  unsigned int totalNumberOfChains = 0;
264  for (unsigned int r = 0; r < Np; ++r) {
265  totalNumberOfChains += origNumChainsPerNode[r];
266  }
267  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
268  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << " KEY"
269  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
270  << ", step " << m_currStep
271  << ", Np = " << Np
272  << ", totalNumberOfChains = " << totalNumberOfChains
273  << std::endl;
274  }
276  // Check if ratio max/min justifies optimization
277  unsigned int origMinPosPerNode = *std::min_element(origNumPositionsPerNode.begin(), origNumPositionsPerNode.end());
278  unsigned int origMaxPosPerNode = *std::max_element(origNumPositionsPerNode.begin(), origNumPositionsPerNode.end());
279  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
280  for (unsigned int nodeId = 0; nodeId < Np; ++nodeId) {
281  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << " KEY"
282  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
283  << ", step " << m_currStep
284  << ", origNumChainsPerNode[" << nodeId << "] = " << origNumChainsPerNode[nodeId]
285  << ", origNumPositionsPerNode[" << nodeId << "] = " << origNumPositionsPerNode[nodeId]
286  << std::endl;
287  }
288  }
289  double origRatioOfPosPerNode = ((double) origMaxPosPerNode ) / ((double) origMinPosPerNode);
290  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
291  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << " KEY"
292  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
293  << ", step " << m_currStep
294  << ", origRatioOfPosPerNode = " << origRatioOfPosPerNode
295  << ", option loadBalanceTreshold = " << currOptions->m_loadBalanceTreshold
296  << std::endl;
297  }
299  // At this point, only proc 0 is running...
300  // Set boolean 'result' for good
301  if ((currOptions->m_loadBalanceAlgorithmId > 0 ) &&
302  (m_env.numSubEnvironments() > 1 ) && // Cannot use 'm_env.inter0Comm().NumProc()': not all nodes at this point of the code belong to 'inter0Comm'
303  (Np < totalNumberOfChains ) &&
304  (origRatioOfPosPerNode > currOptions->m_loadBalanceTreshold)) {
305  result = true;
306  }
307  } // if (m_env.inter0Rank() == 0)
308  } // if (true)
310  m_env.fullComm().Barrier();
311  unsigned int tmpValue = result;
312  m_env.fullComm().Bcast((void *) &tmpValue, (int) 1, RawValue_MPI_UNSIGNED, 0, // LOAD BALANCE
313  "MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::decideOnBalancedChains_all()",
314  "failed MPI.Bcast() for 'result'");
315  if (m_env.inter0Rank() != 0) result = tmpValue;
317  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
318  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "Leaving MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::decideOnBalancedChains_all()"
319  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
320  << ", step " << m_currStep
321  << ": result = " << result
322  << std::endl;
323  }
325  return result;
326 }
void Barrier() const
Pause every process in *this communicator until all the processes reach this point.
Definition: MpiComm.C:174
unsigned int m_currStep
Curret step.
Definition: MLSampling.h:495
const MpiComm & inter0Comm() const
Access function for MpiComm communicator for processes with subRank() 0.
Definition: Environment.C:313
const BaseEnvironment & m_env
Queso enviroment.
Definition: MLSampling.h:470
MonteCarloSGOptions::MonteCarloSGOptions(const BaseEnvironment &env, const char *prefix, const McOptionsValues &alternativeOptionsValues queso_require_equal_to_msg)(m_env.optionsInputFileName(), std::string(""), std::string("this constructor is incompatible with the existence of an options input file"))
int NumProc() const
Returns total number of processes.
Definition: MpiComm.C:133
unsigned int displayVerbosity() const
Definition: Environment.C:450
unsigned int m_currLevel
Current level.
Definition: MLSampling.h:492
const MpiComm & fullComm() const
Access function for the communicator that was passed to QUESO&#39;s environment.
Definition: Environment.C:274
unsigned int numSubEnvironments() const
Access function to the number of sub-environments.
Definition: Environment.C:335
int inter0Rank() const
Returns the process inter0 rank.
Definition: Environment.C:307
std::ofstream * subDisplayFile() const
Access function for m_subDisplayFile (displays file on stream).
Definition: Environment.C:320
void Bcast(void *buffer, int count, RawType_MPI_Datatype datatype, int root, const char *whereMsg, const char *whatMsg) const
Broadcast values from the root process to the slave processes.
Definition: MpiComm.C:191
template<class P_V , class P_M >
double QUESO::MLSampling< P_V, P_M >::eig ( ) const

Calculates the expected information gain value, EIG.

The expected information gain is defined as the expected log ratio between the posterior and prior distribution for the parameters in the statistical model. Recalling the Bayes formula:

\[ \pi (\theta|D, M_j) = \frac{f(D|\theta, M_j) \cdot \pi (\theta | M_j)}{\pi(D, M_j)} \]

where \( \pi (\theta|D, M_j) \) is the posterior PDF, \( \pi (\theta | M_j) \) is the prior, \( f(D|\theta, M_j)\) is the likelihood function and \( \pi(D, M_j) \) is the evidence for a given set of parameters \( \theta \), data \( D \) and model class \( M_j \). Then the EIG can be calculated as:

\[ EIG = log \left(\frac{ \pi (\theta|D, M_j)}{\pi (\theta | M_j) } \right) = log \left(\frac{f(D|\theta, M_j) }{\pi(D, M_j)} \right) = log \left(\frac{f(D|\theta, M_j) }{\pi(D, M_j)} \right) = log \left(f(D|\theta, M_j)\right) - log\left(f(D|\theta, M_j) \right) \]

See Also
Long, Quan and Scavino, Marco and Tempone, Raul and Wang, Suojin, Fast estimation of expected information gains for Bayesian experimental designs based on Laplace approximations. Computer Methods In Applied Mechanics And Engineering, 259:24-39,2013. DOI = 10.1016/j.cma.2013.02.017.

Definition at line 4842 of file MLSampling.C.

4843 {
4844  return m_eig;
4845 }
template<class P_V , class P_M >
void QUESO::MLSampling< P_V, P_M >::generateBalLinkedChains_all ( MLSamplingLevelOptions inputOptions,
const P_M &  unifiedCovMatrix,
const GenericVectorRV< P_V, P_M > &  rv,
const BalancedLinkedChainsPerNodeStruct< P_V > &  balancedLinkControl,
SequenceOfVectors< P_V, P_M > &  workingChain,
double &  cumulativeRunTime,
unsigned int &  cumulativeRejections,
ScalarSequence< double > *  currLogLikelihoodValues,
ScalarSequence< double > *  currLogTargetValues 
[in]inputOptions,unifiedCovMatrix,rv,balancedLinkControl,@param[out]workingChain, cumulativeRunTime, cumulativeRejections, currLogLikelihoodValues, currLogTargetValues

Definition at line 633 of file MLSampling.C.

References QUESO::BaseVectorSequence< V, M >::append(), QUESO::ScalarSequence< T >::append(), QUESO::BalancedLinkedChainsPerNodeStruct< P_V >::balLinkedChains, QUESO::MetropolisHastingsSG< P_V, P_M >::generateSequence(), QUESO::SequenceOfVectors< V, M >::getPositionValues(), QUESO::MetropolisHastingsSG< P_V, P_M >::getRawChainInfo(), QUESO::MLSamplingLevelOptions::m_initialPositionUsePreviousLevelLikelihood, QUESO::MLSamplingLevelOptions::m_rawChainSize, QUESO::MiscGetEllapsedSeconds(), QUESO::MHRawChainInfoStruct::numRejections, QUESO::MHRawChainInfoStruct::runTime, QUESO::SequenceOfVectors< V, M >::subSequenceSize(), and QUESO::ScalarSequence< T >::subSequenceSize().

643 {
644  m_env.fullComm().Barrier();
646  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
647  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "Entering MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateBalLinkedChains_all()"
648  << ": balancedLinkControl.balLinkedChains.size() = " << balancedLinkControl.balLinkedChains.size()
649  << std::endl;
650  }
652  P_V auxInitialPosition(m_vectorSpace.zeroVector());
653  double auxInitialLogPrior;
654  double auxInitialLogLikelihood;
656  unsigned int chainIdMax = 0;
657  if (m_env.inter0Rank() >= 0) {
658  chainIdMax = balancedLinkControl.balLinkedChains.size();
659  }
660  // KAUST: all nodes in 'subComm' should have the same 'chainIdMax'
661  m_env.subComm().Bcast((void *) &chainIdMax, (int) 1, RawValue_MPI_UNSIGNED, 0, // Yes, 'subComm', important // LOAD BALANCE
662  "MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateBalLinkedChains_all()",
663  "failed MPI.Bcast() for chainIdMax");
665  struct timeval timevalEntering;
666  int iRC = 0;
667  iRC = gettimeofday(&timevalEntering, NULL);
668  if (iRC) {}; // just to remove compiler warning
670  if (m_env.inter0Rank() >= 0) {
671  unsigned int numberOfPositions = 0;
672  for (unsigned int chainId = 0; chainId < chainIdMax; ++chainId) {
673  numberOfPositions += balancedLinkControl.balLinkedChains[chainId].numberOfPositions;
674  }
676  std::vector<unsigned int> auxBuf(1,0);
678  unsigned int minNumberOfPositions = 0;
679  auxBuf[0] = numberOfPositions;
680  m_env.inter0Comm().template Allreduce<unsigned int>(&auxBuf[0], &minNumberOfPositions, (int) auxBuf.size(), RawValue_MPI_MIN, // LOAD BALANCE
681  "MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateBalLinkedChains_all()",
682  "failed MPI.Allreduce() for min");
684  unsigned int maxNumberOfPositions = 0;
685  auxBuf[0] = numberOfPositions;
686  m_env.inter0Comm().template Allreduce<unsigned int>(&auxBuf[0], &maxNumberOfPositions, (int) auxBuf.size(), RawValue_MPI_MAX, // LOAD BALANCE
687  "MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateBalLinkedChains_all()",
688  "failed MPI.Allreduce() for max");
690  unsigned int sumNumberOfPositions = 0;
691  auxBuf[0] = numberOfPositions;
692  m_env.inter0Comm().template Allreduce<unsigned int>(&auxBuf[0], &sumNumberOfPositions, (int) auxBuf.size(), RawValue_MPI_SUM, // LOAD BALANCE
693  "MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateBalLinkedChains_all()",
694  "failed MPI.Allreduce() for sum");
696  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
697  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "KEY In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateBalLinkedChains_all()"
698  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
699  << ", step " << m_currStep
700  << ": chainIdMax = " << chainIdMax
701  << ", numberOfPositions = " << numberOfPositions
702  << ", at " << ctime(&timevalEntering.tv_sec)
703  << std::endl;
704  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "KEY In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateBalLinkedChains_all()"
705  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
706  << ", step " << m_currStep
707  << ": minNumberOfPositions = " << minNumberOfPositions
708  << ", avgNumberOfPositions = " << ((double) sumNumberOfPositions)/((double) m_env.inter0Comm().NumProc())
709  << ", maxNumberOfPositions = " << maxNumberOfPositions
710  << std::endl;
711  }
713  // 2013-02-23: print sizes, and expected final size
714  }
715  if ((m_debugExponent == 1.) &&
716  (m_currStep == 10)) {
717  //m_env.setExceptionalCircumstance(true);
718  }
719  unsigned int cumulativeNumPositions = 0;
720  for (unsigned int chainId = 0; chainId < chainIdMax; ++chainId) {
721  unsigned int tmpChainSize = 0;
722  if (m_env.inter0Rank() >= 0) {
723  // aqui 4
724  auxInitialPosition = *(balancedLinkControl.balLinkedChains[chainId].initialPosition); // Round Rock
725  auxInitialLogPrior = balancedLinkControl.balLinkedChains[chainId].initialLogPrior;
726  auxInitialLogLikelihood = balancedLinkControl.balLinkedChains[chainId].initialLogLikelihood;
727  tmpChainSize = balancedLinkControl.balLinkedChains[chainId].numberOfPositions+1; // IMPORTANT: '+1' in order to discard initial position afterwards
728  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile() ) &&
729  (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 3)) {
730  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateBalLinkedChains_all()"
731  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
732  << ", step " << m_currStep
733  << ", chainId = " << chainId
734  << " < " << chainIdMax
735  << ": begin generating " << tmpChainSize
736  << " chain positions"
737  << std::endl;
738  }
739  }
740  auxInitialPosition.mpiBcast(0, m_env.subComm()); // Yes, 'subComm', important // KAUST
742 #if 0 // For debug only
743  for (int r = 0; r < m_env.subComm().NumProc(); ++r) {
744  if (r == m_env.subComm().MyPID()) {
745  std::cout << "Vector 'auxInitialPosition at rank " << r
746  << " has contents " << auxInitialPosition
747  << std::endl;
748  }
749  m_env.subComm().Barrier();
750  }
751  sleep(1);
752 #endif
754  // KAUST: all nodes in 'subComm' should have the same 'tmpChainSize'
755  m_env.subComm().Bcast((void *) &tmpChainSize, (int) 1, RawValue_MPI_UNSIGNED, 0, // Yes, 'subComm', important // LOAD BALANCE
756  "MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateBalLinkedChains_all()",
757  "failed MPI.Bcast() for tmpChainSize");
759  inputOptions.m_rawChainSize = tmpChainSize;
760  SequenceOfVectors<P_V,P_M> tmpChain(m_vectorSpace,
761  0,
762  m_options.m_prefix+"tmp_chain");
763  ScalarSequence<double> tmpLogLikelihoodValues(m_env,0,"");
764  ScalarSequence<double> tmpLogTargetValues (m_env,0,"");
766  MHRawChainInfoStruct mcRawInfo;
767  if (inputOptions.m_initialPositionUsePreviousLevelLikelihood) { // ml_likelihood_caching
768  m_env.subComm().Bcast((void *) &auxInitialLogPrior, (int) 1, RawValue_MPI_DOUBLE, 0, // Yes, 'subComm', important
769  "MLSamplingClass<P_V,P_M>::generateBalLinkedChains_all()",
770  "failed MPI.Bcast() for auxInitialLogPrior");
771  m_env.subComm().Bcast((void *) &auxInitialLogLikelihood, (int) 1, RawValue_MPI_DOUBLE, 0, // Yes, 'subComm', important
772  "MLSamplingClass<P_V,P_M>::generateBalLinkedChains_all()",
773  "failed MPI.Bcast() for auxInitialLogLikelihood");
775  MetropolisHastingsSG<P_V,P_M> mcSeqGenerator(inputOptions,
776  rv,
777  auxInitialPosition, // KEY new: pass logPrior and logLikelihood
778  auxInitialLogPrior,
779  auxInitialLogLikelihood,
780  &unifiedCovMatrix);
781  mcSeqGenerator.generateSequence(tmpChain,
782  &tmpLogLikelihoodValues, // likelihood is IMPORTANT
783  &tmpLogTargetValues);
784  mcSeqGenerator.getRawChainInfo(mcRawInfo);
785  }
786  else {
787  MetropolisHastingsSG<P_V,P_M> mcSeqGenerator(inputOptions,
788  rv,
789  auxInitialPosition,
790  &unifiedCovMatrix);
791  mcSeqGenerator.generateSequence(tmpChain,
792  &tmpLogLikelihoodValues, // likelihood is IMPORTANT
793  &tmpLogTargetValues);
794  mcSeqGenerator.getRawChainInfo(mcRawInfo);
795  }
797  cumulativeRunTime += mcRawInfo.runTime;
798  cumulativeRejections += mcRawInfo.numRejections;
800  if (m_env.inter0Rank() >= 0) {
802  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile() ) &&
803  (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) { // detailed output debug
804  P_V tmpVec(m_vectorSpace.zeroVector());
805  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < tmpLogLikelihoodValues.subSequenceSize(); ++i) {
806  tmpChain.getPositionValues(i,tmpVec);
807  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "DEBUG finalChain[" << cumulativeNumPositions+i << "] "
808  << "= tmpChain[" << i << "] = " << tmpVec
809  << ", tmpLogLikelihoodValues[" << i << "] = " << tmpLogLikelihoodValues[i]
810  << ", tmpLogTargetValues[" << i << "] = " << tmpLogTargetValues[i]
811  << std::endl;
812  }
813  }
814  } // exceptional
816  cumulativeNumPositions += tmpChainSize;
817  if (cumulativeNumPositions > 100) m_env.setExceptionalCircumstance(false);
819  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile() ) &&
820  (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 3)) {
821  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateBalLinkedChains_all()"
822  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
823  << ", step " << m_currStep
824  << ", chainId = " << chainId
825  << " < " << chainIdMax
826  << ": finished generating " << tmpChain.subSequenceSize()
827  << " chain positions"
828  << std::endl;
829  }
831  // KAUST5: what if workingChain ends up with different size in different nodes? Important
832  workingChain.append (tmpChain, 1,tmpChain.subSequenceSize()-1 ); // IMPORTANT: '1' in order to discard initial position
833  if (currLogLikelihoodValues) {
834  currLogLikelihoodValues->append(tmpLogLikelihoodValues,1,tmpLogLikelihoodValues.subSequenceSize()-1); // IMPORTANT: '1' in order to discard initial position
835  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile() ) &&
836  (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 99) &&
837  (chainId == 0 )) {
838  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateBalLinkedChains_all()"
839  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
840  << ", step " << m_currStep
841  << ", chainId = " << chainId
842  << ", tmpLogLikelihoodValues.subSequenceSize() = " << tmpLogLikelihoodValues.subSequenceSize()
843  << ", tmpLogLikelihoodValues[0] = " << tmpLogLikelihoodValues[0]
844  << ", tmpLogLikelihoodValues[1] = " << tmpLogLikelihoodValues[1]
845  << ", currLogLikelihoodValues[0] = " << (*currLogLikelihoodValues)[0]
846  << std::endl;
847  }
848  }
849  if (currLogTargetValues) {
850  currLogTargetValues->append (tmpLogTargetValues, 1,tmpLogTargetValues.subSequenceSize()-1 ); // IMPORTANT: '1' in order to discard initial position
851  }
852  // 2013-02-23: print size just appended
853  }
854  } // for 'chainId'
856  // 2013-02-23: print final size
858  struct timeval timevalBarrier;
859  iRC = gettimeofday(&timevalBarrier, NULL);
860  if (iRC) {}; // just to remove compiler warning
861  double loopTime = MiscGetEllapsedSeconds(&timevalEntering);
862  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
863  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateBalLinkedChains_all()"
864  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
865  << ", step " << m_currStep
866  << ": ended chain loop after " << loopTime << " seconds"
867  << ", calling fullComm().Barrier() at " << ctime(&timevalBarrier.tv_sec)
868  << std::endl;
869  }
871  m_env.fullComm().Barrier(); // KAUST4
873  struct timeval timevalLeaving;
874  iRC = gettimeofday(&timevalLeaving, NULL);
875  if (iRC) {}; // just to remove compiler warning
876  double barrierTime = MiscGetEllapsedSeconds(&timevalBarrier);
877  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
878  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "Leaving MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateBalLinkedChains_all()"
879  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
880  << ", step " << m_currStep
881  << ": after " << barrierTime << " seconds in fullComm().Barrier()"
882  << ", at " << ctime(&timevalLeaving.tv_sec)
883  << std::endl;
884  }
886  return;
887 }
const V & zeroVector() const
Returns a vector filled with zeros.
Definition: VectorSpace.C:174
void Barrier() const
Pause every process in *this communicator until all the processes reach this point.
Definition: MpiComm.C:174
unsigned int m_currStep
Curret step.
Definition: MLSampling.h:495
MLSamplingOptions m_options
Options for the ML algorithm.
Definition: MLSampling.h:489
const MpiComm & inter0Comm() const
Access function for MpiComm communicator for processes with subRank() 0.
Definition: Environment.C:313
int MyPID() const
Return my process ID.
Definition: MpiComm.C:124
bool exceptionalCircumstance() const
Decides whether there is an exceptional circumstance.
Definition: Environment.C:1143
void setExceptionalCircumstance(bool value) const
Set an exceptional circumstance.
Definition: Environment.C:1136
double m_debugExponent
Exponent for debugging.
Definition: MLSampling.h:498
const BaseEnvironment & m_env
Queso enviroment.
Definition: MLSampling.h:470
const MpiComm & subComm() const
Access function for each sub-environment&#39;s communicator.
Definition: Environment.C:293
void append(const ScalarSequence< T > &src, unsigned int srcInitialPos, unsigned int srcNumPos)
Appends the scalar sequence src to this sequence.
int NumProc() const
Returns total number of processes.
Definition: MpiComm.C:133
unsigned int displayVerbosity() const
Definition: Environment.C:450
const VectorSpace< P_V, P_M > & m_vectorSpace
Vector space.
Definition: MLSampling.h:479
unsigned int m_currLevel
Current level.
Definition: MLSampling.h:492
const MpiComm & fullComm() const
Access function for the communicator that was passed to QUESO&#39;s environment.
Definition: Environment.C:274
double MiscGetEllapsedSeconds(struct timeval *timeval0)
int inter0Rank() const
Returns the process inter0 rank.
Definition: Environment.C:307
std::string m_prefix
Class prefix. (ml)
std::ofstream * subDisplayFile() const
Access function for m_subDisplayFile (displays file on stream).
Definition: Environment.C:320
void Bcast(void *buffer, int count, RawType_MPI_Datatype datatype, int root, const char *whereMsg, const char *whatMsg) const
Broadcast values from the root process to the slave processes.
Definition: MpiComm.C:191
template<class P_V , class P_M >
void QUESO::MLSampling< P_V, P_M >::generateSequence ( BaseVectorSequence< P_V, P_M > &  workingChain,
ScalarSequence< double > *  workingLogLikelihoodValues,
ScalarSequence< double > *  workingLogTargetValues 

Method to generate the chain.

Requirement: the vector space 'm_vectorSpace' should have dimension equal to the size of a

vector in 'workingChain'. If the requirement is satisfied, this operation sets the size and the contents of 'workingChain' using the algorithm options set in the constructor. If not NULL, 'workingLogLikelihoodValues' and 'workingLogTargetValues' are set accordingly. This operation currently implements the The Parallel Adaptive Multilevel Stochastic Simulation Algorithm (PAMSSA).
It consists of 11 steps:

  1. read options;
  2. save chain and corresponding target pdf values from previous level
  3. compute currExponent and sequence of weights for current level and update 'm_logEvidenceFactors'
  4. create covariance matrix for current level
  5. create unified finite distribution for current level
  6. decide on using balanced chains or not
  7. plan for number of linked chains for each node so that all nodes generate the closest possible to the same number of positions
  8. create vector RV for current level
  9. scale unified covariance matrix until min <= rejection rate <= max
  10. sample vector RV of current level
  11. filter chain if requested.

At the end, the method computes information gain: \( ln( \pi(D|M) ) = E[ln( \pi(D|\theta,M) )] - E[ln( \pi(\theta|D,M) / \pi(\theta|M) )] \)

See Also
S. H. Cheung and E. E. Prudencio. Parallel adaptive multilevel sampling algorithms for the Bayesian analysis of mathematical models. International Journal for Uncertainty Quantification, 2(3):215237, 2012.

Definition at line 4030 of file MLSampling.C.

References QUESO::BalancedLinkedChainsPerNodeStruct< P_V >::balLinkedChains, QUESO::BaseVectorSequence< V, M >::clear(), QUESO::BaseVectorSequence< V, M >::computeFilterParams(), QUESO::BaseVectorSequence< V, M >::computeStatistics(), QUESO::SequenceOfVectors< V, M >::filter(), QUESO::ScalarSequence< T >::filter(), QUESO::SequenceOfVectors< V, M >::getPositionValues(), QUESO::MLSamplingLevelOptions::m_minAcceptableEta, QUESO::MLSamplingLevelOptions::m_parameterDisabledSet, QUESO::MLSamplingLevelOptions::m_rawChainSize, QUESO::MLSamplingLevelOptions::m_stopAtEnd, QUESO::MiscGetEllapsedSeconds(), QUESO::FilePtrSetStruct::ofsVar, QUESO::queso_require_equal_to_msg, QUESO::BaseVectorSequence< V, M >::resizeSequence(), QUESO::MLSamplingLevelOptions::scanOptionsValues(), QUESO::BaseVectorSequence< V, M >::setName(), QUESO::ScalarSequence< T >::setName(), QUESO::BaseVectorSequence< V, M >::setPositionValues(), QUESO::ScalarSequence< T >::subMinMaxExtra(), QUESO::BaseVectorSequence< V, M >::subSequenceSize(), QUESO::SequenceOfVectors< V, M >::subSequenceSize(), QUESO::ScalarSequence< T >::subSequenceSize(), QUESO::ScalarSequence< T >::unifiedMeanExtra(), QUESO::ScalarSequence< T >::unifiedMeanPlain(), QUESO::ScalarSequence< T >::unifiedMinMaxExtra(), QUESO::SequenceOfVectors< V, M >::unifiedWriteContents(), QUESO::ScalarSequence< T >::unifiedWriteContents(), and QUESO::UQ_OK_RC.

4034 {
4035  struct timeval timevalRoutineBegin;
4036  int iRC = 0;
4037  iRC = gettimeofday(&timevalRoutineBegin, NULL);
4038  if (iRC) {}; // just to remove compiler warning
4040  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
4041  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "Entering MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence()"
4042  << ", at " << ctime(&timevalRoutineBegin.tv_sec)
4043  << ", after " << timevalRoutineBegin.tv_sec - m_env.timevalBegin().tv_sec
4044  << " seconds from queso environment instatiation..."
4045  << std::endl;
4046  }
4048  //***********************************************************
4049  // Declaration of Variables
4050  //***********************************************************
4051  double currExponent = 0.; // restate
4052  double currEta = 1.; // restate
4053  unsigned int currUnifiedRequestedNumSamples = 0;
4054  SequenceOfVectors<P_V,P_M> currChain (m_vectorSpace, // restate
4055  0,
4056  m_options.m_prefix+"curr_chain");
4057  ScalarSequence<double> currLogLikelihoodValues(m_env, // restate
4058  0,
4059  "");
4060  ScalarSequence<double> currLogTargetValues (m_env, // restate
4061  0,
4062  "");
4064  bool stopAtEndOfLevel = false;
4065  char levelPrefix[256];
4067  //***********************************************************
4068  // Take care of first level (level '0')
4069  //***********************************************************
4070  MLSamplingLevelOptions defaultLevelOptions(m_env,(m_options.m_prefix + "default_").c_str());
4071  defaultLevelOptions.scanOptionsValues(NULL);
4073  MLSamplingLevelOptions lastLevelOptions(m_env,(m_options.m_prefix + "last_").c_str());
4074  lastLevelOptions.scanOptionsValues(&defaultLevelOptions);
4077  restartML(currExponent, // output
4078  currEta, // output
4079  currChain, // output
4080  currLogLikelihoodValues, // output
4081  currLogTargetValues); // output
4083  if (currExponent == 1.) {
4084  if (lastLevelOptions.m_parameterDisabledSet.size() > 0) { // gpmsa2
4085  for (std::set<unsigned int>::iterator setIt = lastLevelOptions.m_parameterDisabledSet.begin(); setIt != lastLevelOptions.m_parameterDisabledSet.end(); ++setIt) {
4086  unsigned int paramId = *setIt;
4087  if (paramId < m_vectorSpace.dimLocal()) {
4089  m_parameterEnabledStatus[paramId] = false;
4090  }
4091  }
4092  }
4095  if (lastLevelOptions.m_rawChainComputeStats) {
4096  FilePtrSetStruct filePtrSet;
4097  m_env.openOutputFile(lastLevelOptions.m_dataOutputFileName,
4098  UQ_FILE_EXTENSION_FOR_MATLAB_FORMAT, // Yes, always ".m"
4099  lastLevelOptions.m_dataOutputAllowedSet,
4100  false,
4101  filePtrSet);
4103  currChain.computeStatistics(*lastLevelOptions.m_rawChainStatisticalOptionsObj,
4104  filePtrSet.ofsVar);
4106  m_env.closeFile(filePtrSet,UQ_FILE_EXTENSION_FOR_MATLAB_FORMAT);
4107  }
4108 #endif
4109  // Compute MLE and MAP
4110  // rr0
4112  if (lastLevelOptions.m_rawChainDataOutputFileName != UQ_MH_SG_FILENAME_FOR_NO_FILE) {
4113  currChain.unifiedWriteContents (lastLevelOptions.m_rawChainDataOutputFileName,lastLevelOptions.m_rawChainDataOutputFileType);
4114  currLogLikelihoodValues.unifiedWriteContents(lastLevelOptions.m_rawChainDataOutputFileName,lastLevelOptions.m_rawChainDataOutputFileType);
4115  currLogTargetValues.unifiedWriteContents (lastLevelOptions.m_rawChainDataOutputFileName,lastLevelOptions.m_rawChainDataOutputFileType);
4116  }
4118  if (lastLevelOptions.m_filteredChainGenerate) {
4119  FilePtrSetStruct filePtrSet;
4120  m_env.openOutputFile(lastLevelOptions.m_dataOutputFileName,
4121  UQ_FILE_EXTENSION_FOR_MATLAB_FORMAT, // Yes, always ".m"
4122  lastLevelOptions.m_dataOutputAllowedSet,
4123  false,
4124  filePtrSet);
4126  unsigned int filterInitialPos = (unsigned int) (lastLevelOptions.m_filteredChainDiscardedPortion * (double) currChain.subSequenceSize());
4127  unsigned int filterSpacing = lastLevelOptions.m_filteredChainLag;
4128  if (filterSpacing == 0) {
4129  currChain.computeFilterParams(filePtrSet.ofsVar,
4130  filterInitialPos,
4131  filterSpacing);
4132  }
4134  // Filter positions from the converged portion of the chain
4135  currChain.filter(filterInitialPos,
4136  filterSpacing);
4137  currChain.setName(lastLevelOptions.m_prefix + "filtChain");
4139  currLogLikelihoodValues.filter(filterInitialPos,
4140  filterSpacing);
4141  currLogLikelihoodValues.setName(lastLevelOptions.m_prefix + "filtLogLikelihood");
4143  currLogTargetValues.filter(filterInitialPos,
4144  filterSpacing);
4145  currLogTargetValues.setName(lastLevelOptions.m_prefix + "filtLogTarget");
4148  if (lastLevelOptions.m_filteredChainComputeStats) {
4149  currChain.computeStatistics(*lastLevelOptions.m_filteredChainStatisticalOptionsObj,
4150  filePtrSet.ofsVar);
4151  }
4152 #endif
4153  // Compute MLE and MAP
4154  // rr0
4155  m_env.closeFile(filePtrSet,UQ_FILE_EXTENSION_FOR_MATLAB_FORMAT);
4157  if (lastLevelOptions.m_filteredChainDataOutputFileName != UQ_MH_SG_FILENAME_FOR_NO_FILE) {
4158  currChain.unifiedWriteContents (lastLevelOptions.m_filteredChainDataOutputFileName,lastLevelOptions.m_filteredChainDataOutputFileType);
4159  currLogLikelihoodValues.unifiedWriteContents(lastLevelOptions.m_filteredChainDataOutputFileName,lastLevelOptions.m_filteredChainDataOutputFileType);
4160  currLogTargetValues.unifiedWriteContents (lastLevelOptions.m_filteredChainDataOutputFileName,lastLevelOptions.m_filteredChainDataOutputFileType);
4161  }
4162  } // if (lastLevelOptions.m_filteredChainGenerate)
4163  }
4164  }
4165  else {
4166  sprintf(levelPrefix,"%d_",m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID); // Yes, '+0'
4167  MLSamplingLevelOptions currOptions(m_env,(m_options.m_prefix + levelPrefix).c_str());
4168  currOptions.scanOptionsValues(&defaultLevelOptions);
4170  if (currOptions.m_parameterDisabledSet.size() > 0) { // gpmsa2
4171  for (std::set<unsigned int>::iterator setIt = currOptions.m_parameterDisabledSet.begin(); setIt != currOptions.m_parameterDisabledSet.end(); ++setIt) {
4172  unsigned int paramId = *setIt;
4173  if (paramId < m_vectorSpace.dimLocal()) {
4175  m_parameterEnabledStatus[paramId] = false;
4176  }
4177  }
4178  }
4180  generateSequence_Level0_all(currOptions, // input
4181  currUnifiedRequestedNumSamples, // output
4182  currChain, // output
4183  currLogLikelihoodValues, // output
4184  currLogTargetValues); // output
4186  stopAtEndOfLevel = currOptions.m_stopAtEnd;
4187  bool performCheckpoint = stopAtEndOfLevel;
4189  performCheckpoint = performCheckpoint || ( ((m_currLevel + 1) % m_options.m_restartOutput_levelPeriod) == 0 );
4190  }
4191  if (performCheckpoint) {
4192  checkpointML(currExponent, // input
4193  currEta, // input
4194  currChain, // input
4195  currLogLikelihoodValues, // input
4196  currLogTargetValues); // input
4197  }
4198  }
4199  //std::cout << "In QUESO: end of level 0. Exiting on purpose" << std::endl;
4200  //exit(1);
4202  double minLogLike = -INFINITY;
4203  double maxLogLike = INFINITY;
4204  currLogLikelihoodValues.subMinMaxExtra(0,
4205  currLogLikelihoodValues.subSequenceSize(),
4206  minLogLike,
4207  maxLogLike);
4208  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
4209  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence()"
4210  << ": at end of level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
4211  << ", sub minLogLike = " << minLogLike
4212  << ", sub maxLogLike = " << maxLogLike
4213  << std::endl;
4214  }
4216  m_env.fullComm().Barrier();
4218  minLogLike = -INFINITY;
4219  maxLogLike = INFINITY;
4220  currLogLikelihoodValues.unifiedMinMaxExtra(m_vectorSpace.numOfProcsForStorage() == 1,
4221  0,
4222  currLogLikelihoodValues.subSequenceSize(),
4223  minLogLike,
4224  maxLogLike);
4225  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
4226  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence()"
4227  << ": at end of level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
4228  << ", unified minLogLike = " << minLogLike
4229  << ", unified maxLogLike = " << maxLogLike
4230  << std::endl;
4231  }
4233  //***********************************************************
4234  // Take care of next levels
4235  //***********************************************************
4236  while ((currExponent < 1. ) && // begin level while
4237  (stopAtEndOfLevel == false)) {
4238  m_currLevel++; // restate
4240  struct timeval timevalLevelBegin;
4241  iRC = 0;
4242  iRC = gettimeofday(&timevalLevelBegin, NULL);
4244  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
4245  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence()"
4246  << ": beginning level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
4247  << ", at " << ctime(&timevalLevelBegin.tv_sec)
4248  << ", after " << timevalLevelBegin.tv_sec - timevalRoutineBegin.tv_sec
4249  << " seconds from entering the routine"
4250  << ", after " << timevalLevelBegin.tv_sec - m_env.timevalBegin().tv_sec
4251  << " seconds from queso environment instatiation"
4252  << std::endl;
4253  }
4255  iRC = UQ_OK_RC;
4256  struct timeval timevalLevel;
4257  iRC = gettimeofday(&timevalLevel, NULL);
4258  double cumulativeRawChainRunTime = 0.;
4259  unsigned int cumulativeRawChainRejections = 0;
4261  bool tryExponentEta = true; // gpmsa1
4262  double failedExponent = 0.; // gpmsa1
4263  double failedEta = 0.; // gpmsa1
4265  MLSamplingLevelOptions* currOptions = NULL; // step 1
4266  SequenceOfVectors<P_V,P_M>* prevChain = NULL; // step 2
4267  ScalarSequence<double> prevLogLikelihoodValues(m_env, 0, "");
4268  ScalarSequence<double> prevLogTargetValues (m_env, 0, "");
4269  double prevExponent = 0.; // step 3
4270  unsigned int indexOfFirstWeight = 0; // step 2
4271  unsigned int indexOfLastWeight = 0; // step 2
4272  P_M* unifiedCovMatrix = NULL; // step 4
4273  bool useBalancedChains = false; // step 6
4274  BalancedLinkedChainsPerNodeStruct<P_V>* balancedLinkControl = NULL; // step 7
4275  UnbalancedLinkedChainsPerNodeStruct* unbalancedLinkControl = NULL; // step 7
4276  BayesianJointPdf<P_V,P_M>* currPdf = NULL; // step 8
4277  GenericVectorRV<P_V,P_M>* currRv = NULL; // step 8
4279  unsigned int exponentEtaTriedAmount = 0;
4280  while (tryExponentEta) { // gpmsa1
4281  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
4282  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In IMLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence()"
4283  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
4284  << ", beginning 'do-while(tryExponentEta)"
4285  << ": failedExponent = " << failedExponent
4286  << ", failedEta = " << failedEta
4287  << std::endl;
4288  }
4290  //***********************************************************
4291  // Step 1 of 11: read options
4292  //***********************************************************
4293  m_currStep = 1;
4294  sprintf(levelPrefix,"%d_",m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID); // Yes, '+0'
4295  currOptions = new MLSamplingLevelOptions(m_env,(m_options.m_prefix + levelPrefix).c_str());
4296  currOptions->scanOptionsValues(&defaultLevelOptions);
4298  if (currOptions->m_parameterDisabledSet.size() > 0) { // gpmsa2
4299  for (std::set<unsigned int>::iterator setIt = currOptions->m_parameterDisabledSet.begin(); setIt != currOptions->m_parameterDisabledSet.end(); ++setIt) {
4300  unsigned int paramId = *setIt;
4301  if (paramId < m_vectorSpace.dimLocal()) {
4303  m_parameterEnabledStatus[paramId] = false;
4304  }
4305  }
4306  }
4308  if (m_env.inter0Rank() >= 0) {
4309  generateSequence_Step01_inter0(currOptions, // input
4310  currUnifiedRequestedNumSamples); // output
4311  }
4313  //***********************************************************
4314  // Step 2 of 11: save [chain and corresponding target pdf values] from previous level
4315  //***********************************************************
4316  m_currStep = 2;
4317  prevExponent = currExponent;
4318  double prevEta = currEta;
4319  unsigned int prevUnifiedRequestedNumSamples = currUnifiedRequestedNumSamples;
4320  prevChain = new SequenceOfVectors<P_V,P_M>(m_vectorSpace,
4321  0,
4322  m_options.m_prefix+"prev_chain");
4324  indexOfFirstWeight = 0;
4325  indexOfLastWeight = 0;
4327  //std::cout << "m_env.inter0Rank() = " << m_env.inter0Rank() << std::endl;
4328  if (m_env.inter0Rank() >= 0) {
4329  generateSequence_Step02_inter0(currOptions, // input
4330  currChain, // input/output // restate
4331  currLogLikelihoodValues, // input/output // restate
4333  currLogTargetValues, // input/output // restate
4334  *prevChain, // output
4335  prevLogLikelihoodValues, // output
4336  prevLogTargetValues, // output
4337  indexOfFirstWeight, // output
4338  indexOfLastWeight); // output
4339  }
4341  //***********************************************************
4342  // Step 3 of 11: compute [currExponent and sequence of weights] for current level
4343  // update 'm_logEvidenceFactors'
4344  //***********************************************************
4345  m_currStep = 3;
4346  ScalarSequence<double> weightSequence(m_env,prevLogLikelihoodValues.subSequenceSize(),"");
4347  if (m_env.inter0Rank() >= 0) {
4348  generateSequence_Step03_inter0(currOptions, // input
4349  prevLogLikelihoodValues, // input
4350  prevExponent, // input
4351  failedExponent, // input // gpmsa1
4352  currExponent, // output
4353  weightSequence); // output
4354  }
4356  // All nodes in 'subComm' should have the same 'currExponent'
4357  m_env.subComm().Bcast((void *) &currExponent, (int) 1, RawValue_MPI_DOUBLE, 0, // Yes, 'subComm', important
4358  "MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence()",
4359  "failed MPI.Bcast() for currExponent");
4360  m_debugExponent = currExponent;
4362  if (currExponent == 1.) {
4363  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
4364  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence()"
4365  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
4366  << ", step " << m_currStep
4367  << ": copying 'last' level options to current options" // In all nodes of 'subComm', important
4368  << std::endl;
4369  }
4370  delete currOptions;
4371  currOptions = &lastLevelOptions;
4373  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
4374  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence()"
4375  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
4376  << ", step " << m_currStep
4377  << ": after copying 'last' level options to current options, the current options are"
4378  << "\n" << *currOptions
4379  << std::endl;
4380  }
4382  if (m_env.inter0Rank() >= 0) {
4383  // It is necessary to recompute 'currUnifiedRequestedNumSamples' because
4384  // 'currOptions' has just been replaced by 'lastLevelOptions'
4385  unsigned int tmpSize = currOptions->m_rawChainSize;
4386  m_env.inter0Comm().template Allreduce<unsigned int>(&tmpSize, &currUnifiedRequestedNumSamples, (int) 1, RawValue_MPI_SUM,
4387  "MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence()",
4388  "failed MPI.Allreduce() for requested num samples in step 3");
4389  }
4390  }
4392  //***********************************************************
4393  // Step 4 of 11: create covariance matrix for current level
4394  //***********************************************************
4395  m_currStep = 4;
4396  P_V oneVec(m_vectorSpace.zeroVector());
4397  oneVec.cwSet(1.);
4399  unifiedCovMatrix = NULL;
4400  if (m_env.inter0Rank() >= 0) {
4401  unifiedCovMatrix = m_vectorSpace.newMatrix();
4402  }
4403  else {
4404  unifiedCovMatrix = new P_M(oneVec);
4405  }
4407  if (m_env.inter0Rank() >= 0) {
4408  generateSequence_Step04_inter0(*prevChain, // input
4409  weightSequence, // input
4410  *unifiedCovMatrix); // output
4411  }
4413  //***********************************************************
4414  // Step 5 of 11: create *unified* finite distribution for current level
4415  //***********************************************************
4416  m_currStep = 5;
4417  std::vector<unsigned int> unifiedIndexCountersAtProc0Only(0);
4418  std::vector<double> unifiedWeightStdVectorAtProc0Only(0); // KAUST, to check
4419  if (m_env.inter0Rank() >= 0) {
4420  generateSequence_Step05_inter0(currUnifiedRequestedNumSamples, // input
4421  weightSequence, // input
4422  unifiedIndexCountersAtProc0Only, // output
4423  unifiedWeightStdVectorAtProc0Only); // output
4424  }
4426  //***********************************************************
4427  // Step 6 of 11: decide on using balanced chains or not
4428  //***********************************************************
4429  m_currStep = 6;
4430  useBalancedChains = false;
4431  std::vector<ExchangeInfoStruct> exchangeStdVec(0);
4432  // All processors should call this routine in order to have the same decision value
4433  generateSequence_Step06_all(currOptions, // input
4434  indexOfFirstWeight, // input
4435  indexOfLastWeight, // input
4436  unifiedIndexCountersAtProc0Only, // input
4437  useBalancedChains, // output
4438  exchangeStdVec); // output
4440  //***********************************************************
4441  // Step 7 of 11: plan for number of linked chains for each node so that all
4442  // nodes generate the closest possible to the same number of positions
4443  //***********************************************************
4444  m_currStep = 7;
4445  balancedLinkControl = new BalancedLinkedChainsPerNodeStruct<P_V>();
4446  unbalancedLinkControl = new UnbalancedLinkedChainsPerNodeStruct ();
4447  if (m_env.inter0Rank() >= 0) {
4448  generateSequence_Step07_inter0(useBalancedChains, // input
4449  indexOfFirstWeight, // input
4450  indexOfLastWeight, // input
4451  unifiedIndexCountersAtProc0Only, // input
4452  *unbalancedLinkControl, // (possible) output
4453  currOptions, // input
4454  *prevChain, // input
4455  prevExponent, // input
4456  currExponent, // input
4457  prevLogLikelihoodValues, // input
4458  prevLogTargetValues, // input
4459  exchangeStdVec, // (possible) input/output
4460  *balancedLinkControl); // (possible) output
4461  }
4463  // aqui: prevChain might not be needed anymore. Delete it to save memory
4465  //***********************************************************
4466  // Step 8 of 11: create vector RV for current level
4467  //***********************************************************
4468  m_currStep = 8;
4469  currPdf = new BayesianJointPdf<P_V,P_M> (m_options.m_prefix.c_str(),
4470  m_priorRv.pdf(),
4472  currExponent,
4473  *m_targetDomain);
4475  currRv = new GenericVectorRV<P_V,P_M> (m_options.m_prefix.c_str(),
4476  *m_targetDomain);
4478  // All nodes should set 'currRv'
4479  generateSequence_Step08_all(*currPdf,
4480  *currRv);
4482  //***********************************************************
4483  // Step 9 of 11: scale unified covariance matrix until min <= rejection rate <= max
4484  //***********************************************************
4485  m_currStep = 9;
4486  generateSequence_Step09_all(*prevChain, // input
4487  prevExponent, // input
4488  currExponent, // input
4489  prevLogLikelihoodValues, // input
4490  prevLogTargetValues, // input
4491  indexOfFirstWeight, // input
4492  indexOfLastWeight, // input
4493  unifiedWeightStdVectorAtProc0Only, // input
4494  weightSequence, // input
4495  prevEta, // input
4496  *currRv, // input
4497  currOptions, // input (changed temporarily internally)
4498  *unifiedCovMatrix, // input/output
4499  currEta); // output
4501  tryExponentEta = false; // gpmsa1
4502  if ((currOptions->m_minAcceptableEta > 0. ) && // gpmsa1
4503  (currEta < currOptions->m_minAcceptableEta)) {
4504  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
4505  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence()"
4506  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
4507  << ", preparing to retry ExponentEta"
4508  << ": currExponent = " << currExponent
4509  << ", currEta = " << currEta
4510  << std::endl;
4511  }
4512  exponentEtaTriedAmount++;
4513  tryExponentEta = true;
4514  failedExponent = currExponent;
4515  failedEta = currEta;
4517  // "Return" to previous level
4518  delete currRv; // Step 8
4519  currRv = NULL; // Step 8
4520  delete currPdf; // Step 8
4521  currPdf = NULL; // Step 8
4523  delete balancedLinkControl; // Step 7
4524  balancedLinkControl = NULL; // Step 7
4525  delete unbalancedLinkControl; // Step 7
4526  unbalancedLinkControl = NULL; // Step 7
4528  delete unifiedCovMatrix; // Step 4
4529  unifiedCovMatrix = NULL; // Step 4
4531  currExponent = prevExponent;
4532  currEta = 1.; // prevEta;
4533  currUnifiedRequestedNumSamples = prevUnifiedRequestedNumSamples;
4535  currChain.clear(); // Step 2
4536  currChain = (*prevChain); // Step 2
4537  delete prevChain; // Step 2
4538  prevChain = NULL; // Step 2
4540  currLogLikelihoodValues = prevLogLikelihoodValues;
4541  currLogTargetValues = prevLogTargetValues;
4542  }
4543  } // while (tryExponentEta) // gpmsa1
4545  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) { // gpmsa1
4546  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence()"
4547  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
4548  << ", exited 'do-while(tryExponentEta)"
4549  << ", failedExponent = " << failedExponent
4550  << ", failedEta = " << failedEta
4551  << std::endl;
4552  }
4554  //***********************************************************
4555  // Step 10 of 11: sample vector RV of current level
4556  //***********************************************************
4557  m_currStep = 10;
4558  // All nodes should call here
4559  generateSequence_Step10_all(*currOptions, // input (changed temporarily internally)
4560  *unifiedCovMatrix, // input
4561  *currRv, // input
4562  useBalancedChains, // input
4563  *unbalancedLinkControl, // input // Round Rock
4564  indexOfFirstWeight, // input // Round Rock
4565  *prevChain, // input // Round Rock
4566  prevExponent, // input
4567  currExponent, // input
4568  prevLogLikelihoodValues, // input
4569  prevLogTargetValues, // input
4570  *balancedLinkControl, // input // Round Rock
4571  currChain, // output
4572  cumulativeRawChainRunTime, // output
4573  cumulativeRawChainRejections, // output
4574  &currLogLikelihoodValues, // output // likelihood is important
4575  &currLogTargetValues); // output);
4577  //***********************************************************
4578  // Perform checkpoint if necessary
4579  //***********************************************************
4580  stopAtEndOfLevel = currOptions->m_stopAtEnd;
4581  bool performCheckpoint = stopAtEndOfLevel;
4583  performCheckpoint = performCheckpoint || ( ((m_currLevel + 1) % m_options.m_restartOutput_levelPeriod) == 0 );
4584  if (currExponent == 1.) {
4585  performCheckpoint = true;
4586  }
4587  }
4588  if (performCheckpoint) {
4589  checkpointML(currExponent, // input
4590  currEta, // input
4591  currChain, // input
4592  currLogLikelihoodValues, // input
4593  currLogTargetValues); // input
4594  }
4596  //***********************************************************
4597  // Just free some memory
4598  //***********************************************************
4599  {
4600  delete unifiedCovMatrix;
4602  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < balancedLinkControl->balLinkedChains.size(); ++i) {
4603  queso_require_msg(balancedLinkControl->balLinkedChains[i].initialPosition, "Initial position pointer in step 9 should not be NULL");
4604  delete balancedLinkControl->balLinkedChains[i].initialPosition;
4605  balancedLinkControl->balLinkedChains[i].initialPosition = NULL;
4606  }
4607  balancedLinkControl->balLinkedChains.clear();
4608  }
4610  //***********************************************************
4611  // Step 11 of 11: filter chain if requested
4612  //***********************************************************
4613  m_currStep = 11;
4614  unsigned int unifiedNumberOfRejections = 0;
4615  if (m_env.inter0Rank() >= 0) {
4616  generateSequence_Step11_inter0(currOptions, // input
4617  currUnifiedRequestedNumSamples, // input
4618  cumulativeRawChainRejections, // input
4619  currChain, // input/output
4620  currLogLikelihoodValues, // input/output
4621  currLogTargetValues, // input/output
4622  unifiedNumberOfRejections); // output
4623  }
4625  minLogLike = -INFINITY;
4626  maxLogLike = INFINITY;
4627  currLogLikelihoodValues.subMinMaxExtra(0,
4628  currLogLikelihoodValues.subSequenceSize(),
4629  minLogLike,
4630  maxLogLike);
4631  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
4632  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence()"
4633  << ": at end of level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
4634  << ", sub minLogLike = " << minLogLike
4635  << ", sub maxLogLike = " << maxLogLike
4636  << std::endl;
4637  }
4639  m_env.fullComm().Barrier();
4641  minLogLike = -INFINITY;
4642  maxLogLike = INFINITY;
4643  currLogLikelihoodValues.unifiedMinMaxExtra(m_vectorSpace.numOfProcsForStorage() == 1,
4644  0,
4645  currLogLikelihoodValues.subSequenceSize(),
4646  minLogLike,
4647  maxLogLike);
4648  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
4649  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence()"
4650  << ": at end of level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
4651  << ", unified minLogLike = " << minLogLike
4652  << ", unified maxLogLike = " << maxLogLike
4653  << std::endl;
4654  }
4656  //***********************************************************
4657  // Prepare to end current level
4658  //***********************************************************
4659  double levelRunTime = MiscGetEllapsedSeconds(&timevalLevel);
4660  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
4661  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence()"
4662  << ": ending level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
4663  << ", having generated " << currChain.subSequenceSize()
4664  << " chain positions"
4665  << ", cumulativeRawChainRunTime = " << cumulativeRawChainRunTime << " seconds"
4666  << ", total level time = " << levelRunTime << " seconds"
4667  << ", cumulativeRawChainRejections = " << cumulativeRawChainRejections
4668  << " (" << 100.*((double) cumulativeRawChainRejections)/((double) currOptions->m_rawChainSize)
4669  << "% at this processor)"
4670  << " (" << 100.*((double) unifiedNumberOfRejections)/((double) currUnifiedRequestedNumSamples)
4671  << "% over all processors)"
4672  << ", stopAtEndOfLevel = " << stopAtEndOfLevel
4673  << std::endl;
4674  }
4676  if (m_env.inter0Rank() >= 0) {
4677  double minCumulativeRawChainRunTime = 0.;
4678  m_env.inter0Comm().template Allreduce<double>(&cumulativeRawChainRunTime, &minCumulativeRawChainRunTime, (int) 1, RawValue_MPI_MIN,
4679  "MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence()",
4680  "failed MPI.Allreduce() for min cumulative raw chain run time");
4682  double maxCumulativeRawChainRunTime = 0.;
4683  m_env.inter0Comm().template Allreduce<double>(&cumulativeRawChainRunTime, &maxCumulativeRawChainRunTime, (int) 1, RawValue_MPI_MAX,
4684  "MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence()",
4685  "failed MPI.Allreduce() for max cumulative raw chain run time");
4687  double avgCumulativeRawChainRunTime = 0.;
4688  m_env.inter0Comm().template Allreduce<double>(&cumulativeRawChainRunTime, &avgCumulativeRawChainRunTime, (int) 1, RawValue_MPI_SUM,
4689  "MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence()",
4690  "failed MPI.Allreduce() for sum cumulative raw chain run time");
4691  avgCumulativeRawChainRunTime /= ((double) m_env.inter0Comm().NumProc());
4693  double minLevelRunTime = 0.;
4694  m_env.inter0Comm().template Allreduce<double>(&levelRunTime, &minLevelRunTime, (int) 1, RawValue_MPI_MIN,
4695  "MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence()",
4696  "failed MPI.Allreduce() for min level run time");
4698  double maxLevelRunTime = 0.;
4699  m_env.inter0Comm().template Allreduce<double>(&levelRunTime, &maxLevelRunTime, (int) 1, RawValue_MPI_MAX,
4700  "MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence()",
4701  "failed MPI.Allreduce() for max level run time");
4703  double avgLevelRunTime = 0.;
4704  m_env.inter0Comm().template Allreduce<double>(&levelRunTime, &avgLevelRunTime, (int) 1, RawValue_MPI_SUM,
4705  "MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence()",
4706  "failed MPI.Allreduce() for sum level run time");
4707  avgLevelRunTime /= ((double) m_env.inter0Comm().NumProc());
4709  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
4710  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence()"
4711  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
4712  << ": min cumul seconds = " << minCumulativeRawChainRunTime
4713  << ", avg cumul seconds = " << avgCumulativeRawChainRunTime
4714  << ", max cumul seconds = " << maxCumulativeRawChainRunTime
4715  << ", min level seconds = " << minLevelRunTime
4716  << ", avg level seconds = " << avgLevelRunTime
4717  << ", max level seconds = " << maxLevelRunTime
4718  << std::endl;
4719  }
4720  }
4722  if (currExponent != 1.) delete currOptions;
4724  struct timeval timevalLevelEnd;
4725  iRC = 0;
4726  iRC = gettimeofday(&timevalLevelEnd, NULL);
4728  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
4729  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "Getting at the end of level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
4730  << ", as part of a 'while' on levels"
4731  << ", at " << ctime(&timevalLevelEnd.tv_sec)
4732  << ", after " << timevalLevelEnd.tv_sec - timevalRoutineBegin.tv_sec
4733  << " seconds from entering the routine"
4734  << ", after " << timevalLevelEnd.tv_sec - m_env.timevalBegin().tv_sec
4735  << " seconds from queso environment instatiation"
4736  << std::endl;
4737  }
4738  } // end of level while
4741  // m_env.worldRank(),
4742  // "MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence()",
4743  // "exponent has not achieved value '1' even after exiting level loop");
4745  //***********************************************************
4746  // Compute information gain
4747  // ln( \pi(D|M) ) = E[ln( \pi(D|\theta,M) )] - E[ln( \pi(\theta|D,M) / \pi(\theta|M) )]
4748  //***********************************************************
4749  if (m_env.inter0Rank() >= 0) { // KAUST
4750  queso_require_equal_to_msg(m_currLevel, m_logEvidenceFactors.size(), "invalid m_currLevel at the exit of the level loop");
4751  m_logEvidence = 0.;
4752  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_logEvidenceFactors.size(); ++i) {
4753  m_logEvidence += m_logEvidenceFactors[i];
4754  }
4756 #if 1 // prudenci-2012-07-06
4757  m_meanLogLikelihood = currLogLikelihoodValues.unifiedMeanPlain(m_vectorSpace.numOfProcsForStorage() == 1);
4758 #else
4759  m_meanLogLikelihood = currLogLikelihoodValues.unifiedMeanExtra(m_vectorSpace.numOfProcsForStorage() == 1,
4760  0,
4761  currLogLikelihoodValues.subSequenceSize());
4762 #endif
4766  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
4767  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence()"
4768  << ", log(evidence) = " << m_logEvidence
4769  << ", evidence = " << exp(m_logEvidence)
4770  << ", meanLogLikelihood = " << m_meanLogLikelihood
4771  << ", eig = " << m_eig
4772  << std::endl;
4773  }
4774  }
4776  m_env.subComm().Bcast((void *) &m_logEvidence, (int) 1, RawValue_MPI_DOUBLE, 0, // Yes, 'subComm'
4777  "MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence()",
4778  "failed MPI.Bcast() for m_logEvidence");
4780  m_env.subComm().Bcast((void *) &m_meanLogLikelihood, (int) 1, RawValue_MPI_DOUBLE, 0, // Yes, 'subComm'
4781  "MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence()",
4782  "failed MPI.Bcast() for m_meanLogLikelihood");
4784  m_env.subComm().Bcast((void *) &m_eig, (int) 1, RawValue_MPI_DOUBLE, 0, // Yes, 'subComm'
4785  "MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence()",
4786  "failed MPI.Bcast() for m_eig");
4788  //***********************************************************
4789  // Prepare to return
4790  //***********************************************************
4791  workingChain.clear();
4792  workingChain.resizeSequence(currChain.subSequenceSize());
4793  P_V auxVec(m_vectorSpace.zeroVector());
4794  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < workingChain.subSequenceSize(); ++i) {
4795  if (m_env.inter0Rank() >= 0) {
4796  currChain.getPositionValues(i,auxVec);
4797  }
4798  workingChain.setPositionValues(i,auxVec);
4799  }
4801  if (workingLogLikelihoodValues) *workingLogLikelihoodValues = currLogLikelihoodValues;
4802  if (workingLogTargetValues ) *workingLogTargetValues = currLogTargetValues;
4804  struct timeval timevalRoutineEnd;
4805  iRC = 0;
4806  iRC = gettimeofday(&timevalRoutineEnd, NULL);
4808  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
4809  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "Leaving MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence()"
4810  << ", at " << ctime(&timevalRoutineEnd.tv_sec)
4811  << ", after " << timevalRoutineEnd.tv_sec - timevalRoutineBegin.tv_sec
4812  << " seconds from entering the routine"
4813  << ", after " << timevalRoutineEnd.tv_sec - m_env.timevalBegin().tv_sec
4814  << " seconds from queso environment instatiation"
4815  << std::endl;
4816  }
4818  return;
4819 }
unsigned int m_numDisabledParameters
Definition: MLSampling.h:484
void generateSequence_Step02_inter0(const MLSamplingLevelOptions *currOptions, SequenceOfVectors< P_V, P_M > &currChain, ScalarSequence< double > &currLogLikelihoodValues, ScalarSequence< double > &currLogTargetValues, SequenceOfVectors< P_V, P_M > &prevChain, ScalarSequence< double > &prevLogLikelihoodValues, ScalarSequence< double > &prevLogTargetValues, unsigned int &indexOfFirstWeight, unsigned int &indexOfLastWeight)
Saves chain and corresponding target pdf values from previous level (Step 02 from ML algorithm)...
Definition: MLSampling.C:2491
VectorSet< P_V, P_M > * m_targetDomain
Domain of the target PDF: intersection of the domains of the prior PDf and likelihood function...
Definition: MLSampling.h:482
void Barrier() const
Pause every process in *this communicator until all the processes reach this point.
Definition: MpiComm.C:174
const BaseJointPdf< V, M > & pdf() const
Posterior Density Function of the vector RV; access to private attribute m_pdf.
Definition: VectorRV.C:90
unsigned int m_currStep
Curret step.
Definition: MLSampling.h:495
MLSamplingOptions m_options
Options for the ML algorithm.
Definition: MLSampling.h:489
std::vector< bool > m_parameterEnabledStatus
Definition: MLSampling.h:486
void generateSequence_Step05_inter0(unsigned int unifiedRequestedNumSamples, const ScalarSequence< double > &weightSequence, std::vector< unsigned int > &unifiedIndexCountersAtProc0Only, std::vector< double > &unifiedWeightStdVectorAtProc0Only)
Creates unified finite distribution for current level (Step 05 from ML algorithm).
Definition: MLSampling.C:3021
struct timeval timevalBegin() const
Used to save the time when the combo `QUESO+user&#39;s application&#39; started to run.
Definition: Environment.C:515
const int UQ_OK_RC
Definition: Defines.h:92
void closeFile(FilePtrSetStruct &filePtrSet, const std::string &fileType) const
Closes the file.
Definition: Environment.C:1084
unsigned int numOfProcsForStorage() const
Returns total number of processes.
Definition: VectorSpace.C:149
void generateSequence_Step10_all(MLSamplingLevelOptions &currOptions, const P_M &unifiedCovMatrix, const GenericVectorRV< P_V, P_M > &currRv, bool useBalancedChains, const UnbalancedLinkedChainsPerNodeStruct &unbalancedLinkControl, unsigned int indexOfFirstWeight, const SequenceOfVectors< P_V, P_M > &prevChain, double prevExponent, double currExponent, const ScalarSequence< double > &prevLogLikelihoodValues, const ScalarSequence< double > &prevLogTargetValues, const BalancedLinkedChainsPerNodeStruct< P_V > &balancedLinkControl, SequenceOfVectors< P_V, P_M > &currChain, double &cumulativeRawChainRunTime, unsigned int &cumulativeRawChainRejections, ScalarSequence< double > *currLogLikelihoodValues, ScalarSequence< double > *currLogTargetValues)
Samples the vector RV of current level (Step 10 from ML algorithm).
Definition: MLSampling.C:3705
const MpiComm & inter0Comm() const
Access function for MpiComm communicator for processes with subRank() 0.
Definition: Environment.C:313
double m_logEvidence
Definition: MLSampling.h:500
void generateSequence_Step07_inter0(bool useBalancedChains, unsigned int indexOfFirstWeight, unsigned int indexOfLastWeight, const std::vector< unsigned int > &unifiedIndexCountersAtProc0Only, UnbalancedLinkedChainsPerNodeStruct &unbalancedLinkControl, const MLSamplingLevelOptions *currOptions, const SequenceOfVectors< P_V, P_M > &prevChain, double prevExponent, double currExponent, const ScalarSequence< double > &prevLogLikelihoodValues, const ScalarSequence< double > &prevLogTargetValues, std::vector< ExchangeInfoStruct > &exchangeStdVec, BalancedLinkedChainsPerNodeStruct< P_V > &balancedLinkControl)
Plans for number of linked chains for each node so that all nodes generate the closest possible to th...
Definition: MLSampling.C:3134
std::string m_restartInput_baseNameForFiles
Base name of restart input file.
double m_debugExponent
Exponent for debugging.
Definition: MLSampling.h:498
const BaseScalarFunction< P_V, P_M > & m_likelihoodFunction
Likelihood function.
Definition: MLSampling.h:476
const BaseEnvironment & m_env
Queso enviroment.
Definition: MLSampling.h:470
void generateSequence_Step09_all(const SequenceOfVectors< P_V, P_M > &prevChain, double prevExponent, double currExponent, const ScalarSequence< double > &prevLogLikelihoodValues, const ScalarSequence< double > &prevLogTargetValues, unsigned int indexOfFirstWeight, unsigned int indexOfLastWeight, const std::vector< double > &unifiedWeightStdVectorAtProc0Only, const ScalarSequence< double > &weightSequence, double prevEta, const GenericVectorRV< P_V, P_M > &currRv, MLSamplingLevelOptions *currOptions, P_M &unifiedCovMatrix, double &currEta)
Scales the unified covariance matrix until min &lt;= rejection rate &lt;= max (Step 09 from ML algorithm)...
Definition: MLSampling.C:3235
void generateSequence_Step04_inter0(const SequenceOfVectors< P_V, P_M > &prevChain, const ScalarSequence< double > &weightSequence, P_M &unifiedCovMatrix)
Creates covariance matrix for current level (Step 04 from ML algorithm).
Definition: MLSampling.C:2927
void generateSequence_Step11_inter0(const MLSamplingLevelOptions *currOptions, unsigned int unifiedRequestedNumSamples, unsigned int cumulativeRawChainRejections, SequenceOfVectors< P_V, P_M > &currChain, ScalarSequence< double > &currLogLikelihoodValues, ScalarSequence< double > &currLogTargetValues, unsigned int &unifiedNumberOfRejections)
Filters chain (Step 11 from ML algorithm).
Definition: MLSampling.C:3819
const BaseVectorRV< P_V, P_M > & m_priorRv
Prior RV.
Definition: MLSampling.h:473
const MpiComm & subComm() const
Access function for each sub-environment&#39;s communicator.
Definition: Environment.C:293
unsigned int m_restartOutput_levelPeriod
Period of restart output file (level).
double m_meanLogLikelihood
Definition: MLSampling.h:501
unsigned int dimLocal() const
Definition: VectorSpace.C:155
void generateSequence_Step06_all(const MLSamplingLevelOptions *currOptions, unsigned int indexOfFirstWeight, unsigned int indexOfLastWeight, const std::vector< unsigned int > &unifiedIndexCountersAtProc0Only, bool &useBalancedChains, std::vector< ExchangeInfoStruct > &exchangeStdVec)
Decides on wheter or not to use balanced chains (Step 06 from ML algorithm).
Definition: MLSampling.C:3101
void generateSequence_Step08_all(BayesianJointPdf< P_V, P_M > &currPdf, GenericVectorRV< P_V, P_M > &currRv)
Creates a vector RV for current level (Step 08 from ML algorithm).
Definition: MLSampling.C:3202
MonteCarloSGOptions::MonteCarloSGOptions(const BaseEnvironment &env, const char *prefix, const McOptionsValues &alternativeOptionsValues queso_require_equal_to_msg)(m_env.optionsInputFileName(), std::string(""), std::string("this constructor is incompatible with the existence of an options input file"))
void checkpointML(double currExponent, double currEta, const SequenceOfVectors< P_V, P_M > &currChain, const ScalarSequence< double > &currLogLikelihoodValues, const ScalarSequence< double > &currLogTargetValues)
Writes checkpoint data for the ML method.
Definition: MLSampling.C:2011
void generateSequence_Step01_inter0(const MLSamplingLevelOptions *currOptions, unsigned int &unifiedRequestedNumSamples)
Reads options for the ML algorithm (Step 01 from ML algorithm).
Definition: MLSampling.C:2445
int NumProc() const
Returns total number of processes.
Definition: MpiComm.C:133
unsigned int displayVerbosity() const
Definition: Environment.C:450
const VectorSpace< P_V, P_M > & m_vectorSpace
Vector space.
Definition: MLSampling.h:479
unsigned int m_currLevel
Current level.
Definition: MLSampling.h:492
const MpiComm & fullComm() const
Access function for the communicator that was passed to QUESO&#39;s environment.
Definition: Environment.C:274
double MiscGetEllapsedSeconds(struct timeval *timeval0)
int inter0Rank() const
Returns the process inter0 rank.
Definition: Environment.C:307
std::string m_prefix
Class prefix. (ml)
std::vector< double > m_logEvidenceFactors
Definition: MLSampling.h:499
void generateSequence_Level0_all(const MLSamplingLevelOptions &currOptions, unsigned int &unifiedRequestedNumSamples, SequenceOfVectors< P_V, P_M > &currChain, ScalarSequence< double > &currLogLikelihoodValues, ScalarSequence< double > &currLogTargetValues)
Generates the sequence at the level 0.
Definition: MLSampling.C:2298
void generateSequence_Step03_inter0(const MLSamplingLevelOptions *currOptions, const ScalarSequence< double > &prevLogLikelihoodValues, double prevExponent, double failedExponent, double &currExponent, ScalarSequence< double > &weightSequence)
Computes currExponent and sequence of weights for current level and update &#39;m_logEvidenceFactors&#39; (St...
Definition: MLSampling.C:2623
bool openOutputFile(const std::string &fileName, const std::string &fileType, const std::set< unsigned int > &allowedSubEnvIds, bool writeOver, FilePtrSetStruct &filePtrSet) const
Opens an output file for each sub-environment that was chosen to send data to the file...
Definition: Environment.C:521
std::ofstream * subDisplayFile() const
Access function for m_subDisplayFile (displays file on stream).
Definition: Environment.C:320
void restartML(double &currExponent, double &currEta, SequenceOfVectors< P_V, P_M > &currChain, ScalarSequence< double > &currLogLikelihoodValues, ScalarSequence< double > &currLogTargetValues)
Restarts ML algorithm.
Definition: MLSampling.C:2118
void Bcast(void *buffer, int count, RawType_MPI_Datatype datatype, int root, const char *whereMsg, const char *whatMsg) const
Broadcast values from the root process to the slave processes.
Definition: MpiComm.C:191
template<class P_V , class P_M >
void QUESO::MLSampling< P_V, P_M >::generateSequence_Level0_all ( const MLSamplingLevelOptions currOptions,
unsigned int &  unifiedRequestedNumSamples,
SequenceOfVectors< P_V, P_M > &  currChain,
ScalarSequence< double > &  currLogLikelihoodValues,
ScalarSequence< double > &  currLogTargetValues 

Generates the sequence at the level 0.


Definition at line 2298 of file MLSampling.C.

References QUESO::BaseVectorSequence< V, M >::computeStatistics(), QUESO::MLSamplingLevelOptions::m_dataOutputAllowedSet, QUESO::MLSamplingLevelOptions::m_dataOutputFileName, QUESO::MLSamplingLevelOptions::m_filteredChainComputeStats, QUESO::MLSamplingLevelOptions::m_filteredChainGenerate, QUESO::MLSamplingLevelOptions::m_initialValuesOfDisabledParameters, QUESO::MLSamplingLevelOptions::m_prefix, QUESO::MLSamplingLevelOptions::m_rawChainComputeStats, QUESO::MLSamplingLevelOptions::m_rawChainDataOutputFileName, QUESO::MLSamplingLevelOptions::m_rawChainDataOutputFileType, QUESO::MLSamplingLevelOptions::m_rawChainSize, QUESO::MLSamplingLevelOptions::m_rawChainStatisticalOptionsObj, QUESO::MiscGetEllapsedSeconds(), QUESO::FilePtrSetStruct::ofsVar, QUESO::queso_require_equal_to_msg, QUESO::SequenceOfVectors< V, M >::resizeSequence(), QUESO::ScalarSequence< T >::resizeSequence(), QUESO::BaseVectorSequence< V, M >::setName(), QUESO::ScalarSequence< T >::setName(), QUESO::SequenceOfVectors< V, M >::setPositionValues(), QUESO::SequenceOfVectors< V, M >::subSequenceSize(), QUESO::SequenceOfVectors< V, M >::unifiedWriteContents(), QUESO::ScalarSequence< T >::unifiedWriteContents(), and QUESO::UQ_OK_RC.

2304 {
2305  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
2306  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "KEY In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence()"
2307  << ": beginning level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
2308  << ", currOptions.m_rawChainSize = " << currOptions.m_rawChainSize // Ok to use rawChainSize
2309  << std::endl;
2310  }
2312  int iRC = UQ_OK_RC;
2313  struct timeval timevalLevel;
2314  iRC = gettimeofday(&timevalLevel, NULL);
2315  if (iRC) {}; // just to remove compiler warning
2317  if (m_env.inter0Rank() >= 0) {
2318  unsigned int tmpSize = currOptions.m_rawChainSize;
2319  m_env.inter0Comm().template Allreduce<unsigned int>(&tmpSize, &unifiedRequestedNumSamples, (int) 1, RawValue_MPI_SUM,
2320  "MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence()",
2321  "failed MPI.Allreduce() for requested num samples in level 0");
2322  }
2323  else {
2324  unifiedRequestedNumSamples = currOptions.m_rawChainSize;
2325  }
2327  currChain.setName (currOptions.m_prefix + "rawChain" );
2328  currLogLikelihoodValues.setName(currOptions.m_prefix + "rawLogLikelihood");
2329  currLogTargetValues.setName (currOptions.m_prefix + "rawLogTarget" );
2331  currChain.resizeSequence (currOptions.m_rawChainSize); // Ok to use rawChainSize
2332  currLogLikelihoodValues.resizeSequence(currOptions.m_rawChainSize); // Ok to use rawChainSize
2333  currLogTargetValues.resizeSequence (currOptions.m_rawChainSize); // Ok to use rawChainSize
2335  P_V auxVec(m_vectorSpace.zeroVector());
2336  ScalarFunctionSynchronizer<P_V,P_M> likelihoodSynchronizer(m_likelihoodFunction,auxVec); // prudencio 2010-08-01
2337  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < currChain.subSequenceSize(); ++i) {
2338  //std::cout << "In QUESO: before prior realizer with i = " << i << std::endl;
2339  bool outOfSupport = true;
2340  do {
2342  m_priorRv.realizer().realization(auxVec); // gpmsa2
2343  if (m_numDisabledParameters > 0) { // gpmsa2
2344  unsigned int disabledCounter = 0;
2345  for (unsigned int paramId = 0; paramId < m_vectorSpace.dimLocal(); ++paramId) {
2346  if (m_parameterEnabledStatus[paramId] == false) {
2347  auxVec[paramId] = currOptions.m_initialValuesOfDisabledParameters[disabledCounter];
2348  disabledCounter++;
2349  }
2350  }
2351  }
2352  auxVec.mpiBcast(0, m_env.subComm()); // prudencio 2010-08-01
2354  outOfSupport = !(m_targetDomain->contains(auxVec));
2355  } while (outOfSupport); // prudenci 2011-Oct-04
2357  currChain.setPositionValues(i,auxVec);
2358  // KAUST: all nodes should call likelihood
2359 #if 1 // prudencio 2010-08-01
2360  currLogLikelihoodValues[i] = likelihoodSynchronizer.callFunction(&auxVec,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); // likelihood is important
2361 #else
2362  currLogLikelihoodValues[i] = m_likelihoodFunction.lnValue(auxVec,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL); // likelihood is important
2363 #endif
2364  currLogTargetValues[i] = m_priorRv.pdf().lnValue(auxVec,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL) + currLogLikelihoodValues[i];
2365  //std::cout << "In QUESO: currLogTargetValues[" << i << "] = " << currLogTargetValues[i] << std::endl;
2366  }
2368  if (m_env.inter0Rank() >= 0) { // KAUST
2370  if (currOptions.m_rawChainComputeStats) {
2371  FilePtrSetStruct filePtrSet;
2372  m_env.openOutputFile(currOptions.m_dataOutputFileName,
2373  UQ_FILE_EXTENSION_FOR_MATLAB_FORMAT, // Yes, always ".m"
2374  currOptions.m_dataOutputAllowedSet,
2375  false,
2376  filePtrSet);
2378  //m_env.syncPrintDebugMsg("At level 0, calling computeStatistics for chain",1,10,m_env.inter0Comm()); // output debug
2379  currChain.computeStatistics(*currOptions.m_rawChainStatisticalOptionsObj,
2380  filePtrSet.ofsVar);
2382  m_env.closeFile(filePtrSet,UQ_FILE_EXTENSION_FOR_MATLAB_FORMAT);
2383  }
2384  // Compute MLE and MAP
2385  // rr0
2386 #endif
2387  if (currOptions.m_rawChainDataOutputFileName != UQ_MH_SG_FILENAME_FOR_NO_FILE) {
2388  currChain.unifiedWriteContents (currOptions.m_rawChainDataOutputFileName,
2389  currOptions.m_rawChainDataOutputFileType);
2390  currLogLikelihoodValues.unifiedWriteContents(currOptions.m_rawChainDataOutputFileName,
2391  currOptions.m_rawChainDataOutputFileType);
2392  currLogTargetValues.unifiedWriteContents (currOptions.m_rawChainDataOutputFileName,
2393  currOptions.m_rawChainDataOutputFileType);
2394  }
2396  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
2397  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence()"
2398  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
2399  << ": finished generating " << currChain.subSequenceSize()
2400  << " chain positions"
2401  << std::endl;
2403  //unsigned int numZeros = 0;
2404  //for (unsigned int i = 0; i < currTargetValues.subSequenceSize(); ++i) {
2405  // *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "currTargetValues[" << i
2406  // << "] = " << currTargetValues[i]
2407  // << std::endl;
2408  // if (currTargetValues[i] == 0.) numZeros++;
2409  //}
2410  //*m_env.subDisplayFile() << "Number of zeros in currTargetValues = " << numZeros
2411  // << std::endl;
2412  }
2414  if (currOptions.m_filteredChainGenerate) {
2415  // todo
2417  if (currOptions.m_filteredChainComputeStats) {
2418  // todo
2420  //currChain.computeStatistics(*currOptions.m_filteredChainStatisticalOptionsObj,
2421  // filePtrSet.ofsVar);
2422  }
2423  // Compute MLE and MAP
2424  // rr0
2425 #endif
2426  }
2428  } // KAUST
2430  queso_require_equal_to_msg(currChain.subSequenceSize(), currOptions.m_rawChainSize, "currChain (first one) has been generated with invalid size");
2432  double levelRunTime = MiscGetEllapsedSeconds(&timevalLevel);
2433  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
2434  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence()"
2435  << ": ending level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
2436  << ", total level time = " << levelRunTime << " seconds"
2437  << std::endl;
2438  }
2440  return;
2441 }
unsigned int m_numDisabledParameters
Definition: MLSampling.h:484
const V & zeroVector() const
Returns a vector filled with zeros.
Definition: VectorSpace.C:174
void resizeSequence(unsigned int newSequenceSize)
Resizes the size of the sequence of scalars.
VectorSet< P_V, P_M > * m_targetDomain
Domain of the target PDF: intersection of the domains of the prior PDf and likelihood function...
Definition: MLSampling.h:482
const BaseJointPdf< V, M > & pdf() const
Posterior Density Function of the vector RV; access to private attribute m_pdf.
Definition: VectorRV.C:90
std::vector< bool > m_parameterEnabledStatus
Definition: MLSampling.h:486
virtual bool contains(const V &vec) const =0
Checks whether a set contains vector vec. See template specialization.
const int UQ_OK_RC
Definition: Defines.h:92
void closeFile(FilePtrSetStruct &filePtrSet, const std::string &fileType) const
Closes the file.
Definition: Environment.C:1084
virtual void realization(V &nextValues) const =0
Performs a realization (sample) from a probability density function. See template specialization...
const MpiComm & inter0Comm() const
Access function for MpiComm communicator for processes with subRank() 0.
Definition: Environment.C:313
void unifiedWriteContents(const std::string &fileName, const std::string &fileType) const
Writes the unified sequence to a file.
const BaseScalarFunction< P_V, P_M > & m_likelihoodFunction
Likelihood function.
Definition: MLSampling.h:476
const BaseEnvironment & m_env
Queso enviroment.
Definition: MLSampling.h:470
virtual double lnValue(const V &domainVector, const V *domainDirection, V *gradVector, M *hessianMatrix, V *hessianEffect) const
Logarithm of the value of the scalar function. Deprecated.
const BaseVectorRV< P_V, P_M > & m_priorRv
Prior RV.
Definition: MLSampling.h:473
const MpiComm & subComm() const
Access function for each sub-environment&#39;s communicator.
Definition: Environment.C:293
unsigned int dimLocal() const
Definition: VectorSpace.C:155
MonteCarloSGOptions::MonteCarloSGOptions(const BaseEnvironment &env, const char *prefix, const McOptionsValues &alternativeOptionsValues queso_require_equal_to_msg)(m_env.optionsInputFileName(), std::string(""), std::string("this constructor is incompatible with the existence of an options input file"))
unsigned int displayVerbosity() const
Definition: Environment.C:450
void setName(const std::string &newName)
Sets a new name to the sequence of scalars.
const VectorSpace< P_V, P_M > & m_vectorSpace
Vector space.
Definition: MLSampling.h:479
unsigned int m_currLevel
Current level.
Definition: MLSampling.h:492
const BaseVectorRealizer< V, M > & realizer() const
Finds a realization (sample) of the PDF of this vector RV; access to private attribute m_realizer...
Definition: VectorRV.C:106
double MiscGetEllapsedSeconds(struct timeval *timeval0)
int inter0Rank() const
Returns the process inter0 rank.
Definition: Environment.C:307
bool openOutputFile(const std::string &fileName, const std::string &fileType, const std::set< unsigned int > &allowedSubEnvIds, bool writeOver, FilePtrSetStruct &filePtrSet) const
Opens an output file for each sub-environment that was chosen to send data to the file...
Definition: Environment.C:521
std::ofstream * subDisplayFile() const
Access function for m_subDisplayFile (displays file on stream).
Definition: Environment.C:320
template<class P_V , class P_M >
void QUESO::MLSampling< P_V, P_M >::generateSequence_Step01_inter0 ( const MLSamplingLevelOptions currOptions,
unsigned int &  unifiedRequestedNumSamples 

Reads options for the ML algorithm (Step 01 from ML algorithm).

This method is responsible for the Step 01 in the ML algorithm implemented/described in the method MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence.


Definition at line 2445 of file MLSampling.C.

References QUESO::MLSamplingLevelOptions::m_rawChainSize, QUESO::MiscGetEllapsedSeconds(), and QUESO::UQ_OK_RC.

2448 {
2449  int iRC = UQ_OK_RC;
2450  struct timeval timevalStep;
2451  iRC = gettimeofday(&timevalStep, NULL);
2452  if (iRC) {}; // just to remove compiler warning
2454  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
2455  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence()"
2456  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
2457  << ", step " << m_currStep
2458  << ": beginning step 1 of 11"
2459  << std::endl;
2460  }
2462  unsigned int tmpSize = currOptions->m_rawChainSize;
2463  // This computed 'unifiedRequestedNumSamples' needs to be recomputed only at the last
2464  // level, when 'currOptions' is replaced by 'lastLevelOptions' (see step 3 of 11)
2465  m_env.inter0Comm().template Allreduce<unsigned int>(&tmpSize, &unifiedRequestedNumSamples, (int) 1, RawValue_MPI_SUM,
2466  "MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence()",
2467  "failed MPI.Allreduce() for requested num samples in step 1");
2469  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
2470  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "KEY In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence()"
2471  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
2472  << ", step " << m_currStep
2473  << ", currOptions->m_rawChainSize = " << currOptions->m_rawChainSize // Ok to use rawChainSize
2474  << std::endl;
2475  }
2477  double stepRunTime = MiscGetEllapsedSeconds(&timevalStep);
2478  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
2479  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "Leaving MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence_Step()"
2480  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
2481  << ", step " << m_currStep
2482  << ", after " << stepRunTime << " seconds"
2483  << std::endl;
2484  }
2486  return;
2487 }
unsigned int m_currStep
Curret step.
Definition: MLSampling.h:495
const int UQ_OK_RC
Definition: Defines.h:92
const MpiComm & inter0Comm() const
Access function for MpiComm communicator for processes with subRank() 0.
Definition: Environment.C:313
const BaseEnvironment & m_env
Queso enviroment.
Definition: MLSampling.h:470
unsigned int displayVerbosity() const
Definition: Environment.C:450
unsigned int m_currLevel
Current level.
Definition: MLSampling.h:492
double MiscGetEllapsedSeconds(struct timeval *timeval0)
std::ofstream * subDisplayFile() const
Access function for m_subDisplayFile (displays file on stream).
Definition: Environment.C:320
template<class P_V , class P_M >
void QUESO::MLSampling< P_V, P_M >::generateSequence_Step02_inter0 ( const MLSamplingLevelOptions currOptions,
SequenceOfVectors< P_V, P_M > &  currChain,
ScalarSequence< double > &  currLogLikelihoodValues,
ScalarSequence< double > &  currLogTargetValues,
SequenceOfVectors< P_V, P_M > &  prevChain,
ScalarSequence< double > &  prevLogLikelihoodValues,
ScalarSequence< double > &  prevLogTargetValues,
unsigned int &  indexOfFirstWeight,
unsigned int &  indexOfLastWeight 

Saves chain and corresponding target pdf values from previous level (Step 02 from ML algorithm).

This method is responsible for the Step 02 in the ML algorithm implemented/described in the method MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence.


Definition at line 2491 of file MLSampling.C.

References QUESO::BaseVectorSequence< V, M >::clear(), QUESO::ScalarSequence< T >::clear(), QUESO::SequenceOfVectors< V, M >::getPositionValues(), QUESO::MLSamplingLevelOptions::m_prefix, QUESO::MiscGetEllapsedSeconds(), QUESO::queso_require_equal_to_msg, QUESO::BaseVectorSequence< V, M >::setName(), QUESO::ScalarSequence< T >::setName(), QUESO::SequenceOfVectors< V, M >::subSequenceSize(), QUESO::ScalarSequence< T >::subSequenceSize(), QUESO::BaseVectorSequence< V, M >::unifiedSequenceSize(), QUESO::ScalarSequence< T >::unifiedSequenceSize(), and QUESO::UQ_OK_RC.

2501 {
2502  int iRC = UQ_OK_RC;
2503  struct timeval timevalStep;
2504  iRC = gettimeofday(&timevalStep, NULL);
2505  if (iRC) {}; // just to remove compiler warning
2507  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
2508  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence()"
2509  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
2510  << ", step " << m_currStep
2511  << ": beginning step 2 of 11"
2512  << std::endl;
2513  }
2515  prevChain = currChain;
2516  currChain.clear();
2517  currChain.setName(currOptions->m_prefix + "rawChain");
2519  prevLogLikelihoodValues = currLogLikelihoodValues; // likelihood is important
2520  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
2521  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence_Step()"
2522  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
2523  << ", step " << m_currStep
2524  << ", prevLogLikelihoodValues[0] = " << prevLogLikelihoodValues[0]
2525  << std::endl;
2526  }
2527  prevLogTargetValues = currLogTargetValues;
2529  currLogLikelihoodValues.clear();
2530  currLogLikelihoodValues.setName(currOptions->m_prefix + "rawLogLikelihood");
2532  currLogTargetValues.clear();
2533  currLogTargetValues.setName(currOptions->m_prefix + "rawLogTarget");
2535 #if 0 // For debug only
2536  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
2537  P_V prevPosition(m_vectorSpace.zeroVector());
2538  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence()"
2539  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
2540  << ", step " << m_currStep
2541  << ":"
2542  << std::endl;
2543  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < prevChain.subSequenceSize(); ++i) {
2544  prevChain.getPositionValues(i,prevPosition);
2545  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << " prevChain[" << i
2546  << "] = " << prevPosition
2547  << ", prevLogLikelihoodValues[" << i
2548  << "] = " << prevLogLikelihoodValues[i]
2549  << ", prevLogTargetValues[" << i
2550  << "] = " << prevLogTargetValues[i]
2551  << std::endl;
2552  }
2553  }
2554 #endif
2556  unsigned int quantity1 = prevChain.unifiedSequenceSize();
2557  unsigned int quantity2 = currChain.unifiedSequenceSize();
2558  unsigned int quantity3 = prevLogLikelihoodValues.unifiedSequenceSize(m_vectorSpace.numOfProcsForStorage() == 1);
2559  unsigned int quantity4 = currLogLikelihoodValues.unifiedSequenceSize(m_vectorSpace.numOfProcsForStorage() == 1);
2560  unsigned int quantity5 = prevLogTargetValues.unifiedSequenceSize(m_vectorSpace.numOfProcsForStorage() == 1);
2561  unsigned int quantity6 = currLogTargetValues.unifiedSequenceSize(m_vectorSpace.numOfProcsForStorage() == 1);
2562  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
2563  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence()"
2564  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
2565  << ", step " << m_currStep
2566  << ": prevChain.unifiedSequenceSize() = " << quantity1
2567  << ", currChain.unifiedSequenceSize() = " << quantity2
2568  << ", prevLogLikelihoodValues.unifiedSequenceSize() = " << quantity3
2569  << ", currLogLikelihoodValues.unifiedSequenceSize() = " << quantity4
2570  << ", prevLogTargetValues.unifiedSequenceSize() = " << quantity5
2571  << ", currLogTargetValues.unifiedSequenceSize() = " << quantity6
2572  << std::endl;
2573  }
2575  queso_require_equal_to_msg(prevChain.subSequenceSize(), prevLogLikelihoodValues.subSequenceSize(), "different sizes between previous chain and previous sequence of likelihood values");
2577  queso_require_equal_to_msg(prevChain.subSequenceSize(), prevLogTargetValues.subSequenceSize(), "different sizes between previous chain and previous sequence of target values");
2579  // Set 'indexOfFirstWeight' and 'indexOfLastWeight' // KAUST
2580  indexOfFirstWeight = 0;
2581  indexOfLastWeight = indexOfFirstWeight + prevChain.subSequenceSize()-1;
2582  {
2583  //std::cout << "m_env.inter0Comm().NumProc() = " << m_env.inter0Comm().NumProc() << std::endl;
2584  int r = m_env.inter0Rank();
2585  //std::cout << "r = " << r << std::endl;
2586  m_env.inter0Comm().Barrier();
2587  unsigned int auxUint = 0;
2588  if (r > 0) {
2589  RawType_MPI_Status status;
2590  //std::cout << "Rank " << r << " is entering MPI_Recv()" << std::endl;
2591  m_env.inter0Comm().Recv((void*) &auxUint, 1, RawValue_MPI_UNSIGNED, r-1, r-1, &status,
2592  "MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence()",
2593  "failed MPI.Recv()");
2594  //std::cout << "Rank " << r << " received auxUint = " << auxUint << std::endl;
2595  indexOfFirstWeight = auxUint;
2596  indexOfLastWeight = indexOfFirstWeight + prevChain.subSequenceSize()-1;
2597  }
2598  if (r < (m_env.inter0Comm().NumProc()-1)) {
2599  auxUint = indexOfLastWeight + 1;
2600  //std::cout << "Rank " << r << " is sending auxUint = " << auxUint << std::endl;
2601  m_env.inter0Comm().Send((void*) &auxUint, 1, RawValue_MPI_UNSIGNED, r+1, r,
2602  "MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence()",
2603  "failed MPI.Send()");
2604  //std::cout << "Rank " << r << " sent auxUint = " << auxUint << std::endl;
2605  }
2606  m_env.inter0Comm().Barrier();
2607  }
2609  double stepRunTime = MiscGetEllapsedSeconds(&timevalStep);
2610  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
2611  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "Leaving MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence_Step()"
2612  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
2613  << ", step " << m_currStep
2614  << ", after " << stepRunTime << " seconds"
2615  << std::endl;
2616  }
2618  return;
2619 }
const V & zeroVector() const
Returns a vector filled with zeros.
Definition: VectorSpace.C:174
void Barrier() const
Pause every process in *this communicator until all the processes reach this point.
Definition: MpiComm.C:174
unsigned int unifiedSequenceSize(bool useOnlyInter0Comm) const
Size of the unified sequence of scalars.
unsigned int m_currStep
Curret step.
Definition: MLSampling.h:495
const int UQ_OK_RC
Definition: Defines.h:92
unsigned int numOfProcsForStorage() const
Returns total number of processes.
Definition: VectorSpace.C:149
const MpiComm & inter0Comm() const
Access function for MpiComm communicator for processes with subRank() 0.
Definition: Environment.C:313
void clear()
Clears the sequence of scalars.
void Recv(void *buf, int count, RawType_MPI_Datatype datatype, int source, int tag, RawType_MPI_Status *status, const char *whereMsg, const char *whatMsg) const
Blocking receive of data from this process to another process.
Definition: MpiComm.C:307
const BaseEnvironment & m_env
Queso enviroment.
Definition: MLSampling.h:470
void Send(void *buf, int count, RawType_MPI_Datatype datatype, int dest, int tag, const char *whereMsg, const char *whatMsg) const
Possibly blocking send of data from this process to another process.
Definition: MpiComm.C:320
MonteCarloSGOptions::MonteCarloSGOptions(const BaseEnvironment &env, const char *prefix, const McOptionsValues &alternativeOptionsValues queso_require_equal_to_msg)(m_env.optionsInputFileName(), std::string(""), std::string("this constructor is incompatible with the existence of an options input file"))
int NumProc() const
Returns total number of processes.
Definition: MpiComm.C:133
unsigned int displayVerbosity() const
Definition: Environment.C:450
void setName(const std::string &newName)
Sets a new name to the sequence of scalars.
const VectorSpace< P_V, P_M > & m_vectorSpace
Vector space.
Definition: MLSampling.h:479
unsigned int m_currLevel
Current level.
Definition: MLSampling.h:492
double MiscGetEllapsedSeconds(struct timeval *timeval0)
MPI_Status RawType_MPI_Status
Definition: MpiComm.h:46
int inter0Rank() const
Returns the process inter0 rank.
Definition: Environment.C:307
unsigned int subSequenceSize() const
Size of the sub-sequence of scalars.
std::ofstream * subDisplayFile() const
Access function for m_subDisplayFile (displays file on stream).
Definition: Environment.C:320
template<class P_V , class P_M >
void QUESO::MLSampling< P_V, P_M >::generateSequence_Step03_inter0 ( const MLSamplingLevelOptions currOptions,
const ScalarSequence< double > &  prevLogLikelihoodValues,
double  prevExponent,
double  failedExponent,
double &  currExponent,
ScalarSequence< double > &  weightSequence 

Computes currExponent and sequence of weights for current level and update 'm_logEvidenceFactors' (Step 03 from ML algorithm).

This method is responsible for the Step 03 in the ML algorithm implemented/described in the method MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence.


Definition at line 2623 of file MLSampling.C.

References QUESO::MLSamplingLevelOptions::m_maxEffectiveSizeRatio, QUESO::MLSamplingLevelOptions::m_minEffectiveSizeRatio, QUESO::MiscCheckForSameValueInAllNodes(), QUESO::MiscGetEllapsedSeconds(), QUESO::ScalarSequence< T >::subSequenceSize(), QUESO::ScalarSequence< T >::unifiedMaxPlain(), QUESO::ScalarSequence< T >::unifiedSequenceSize(), and QUESO::UQ_OK_RC.

2630 {
2631  int iRC = UQ_OK_RC;
2632  struct timeval timevalStep;
2633  iRC = gettimeofday(&timevalStep, NULL);
2634  if (iRC) {}; // just to remove compiler warning
2636  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
2637  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence()"
2638  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
2639  << ", step " << m_currStep
2640  << ", failedExponent = " << failedExponent // gpmsa1
2641  << ": beginning step 3 of 11"
2642  << std::endl;
2643  }
2645  std::vector<double> exponents(2,0.);
2646  exponents[0] = prevExponent;
2647  exponents[1] = 1.;
2649  double nowExponent = 1.; // Try '1.' right away
2650  double nowEffectiveSizeRatio = 0.; // To be computed
2652  unsigned int nowAttempt = 0;
2653  bool testResult = false;
2654  double meanEffectiveSizeRatio = .5*(currOptions->m_minEffectiveSizeRatio + currOptions->m_maxEffectiveSizeRatio);
2655  ScalarSequence<double> omegaLnDiffSequence(m_env,prevLogLikelihoodValues.subSequenceSize(),"");
2657  double nowUnifiedEvidenceLnFactor = 0.;
2658  do {
2659  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
2660  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence()"
2661  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
2662  << ", step " << m_currStep
2663  << ", failedExponent = " << failedExponent // gpmsa1
2664  << ": entering loop for computing next exponent"
2665  << ", with nowAttempt = " << nowAttempt
2666  << std::endl;
2667  }
2669  if (failedExponent > 0.) { // gpmsa1
2670  nowExponent = .5*(prevExponent+failedExponent);
2671  }
2672  else {
2673  if (nowAttempt > 0) {
2674  if (nowEffectiveSizeRatio > meanEffectiveSizeRatio) {
2675  exponents[0] = nowExponent;
2676  }
2677  else {
2678  exponents[1] = nowExponent;
2679  }
2680  nowExponent = .5*(exponents[0] + exponents[1]);
2681  }
2682  }
2683  double auxExponent = nowExponent;
2684  if (prevExponent != 0.) {
2685  auxExponent /= prevExponent;
2686  auxExponent -= 1.;
2687  }
2688  double subWeightRatioSum = 0.;
2689  double unifiedWeightRatioSum = 0.;
2691  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < weightSequence.subSequenceSize(); ++i) {
2692  omegaLnDiffSequence[i] = prevLogLikelihoodValues[i]*auxExponent; // likelihood is important
2693  }
2695 #if 1 // prudenci-2012-07-06
2696  //double unifiedOmegaLnMin = omegaLnDiffSequence.unifiedMinPlain(m_vectorSpace.numOfProcsForStorage() == 1);
2697  double unifiedOmegaLnMax = omegaLnDiffSequence.unifiedMaxPlain(m_vectorSpace.numOfProcsForStorage() == 1);
2698 #else
2699  double unifiedOmegaLnMin = 0.;
2700  double unifiedOmegaLnMax = 0.;
2701  omegaLnDiffSequence.unifiedMinMaxExtra(m_vectorSpace.numOfProcsForStorage() == 1, // KAUST3
2702  0,
2703  omegaLnDiffSequence.subSequenceSize(),
2704  unifiedOmegaLnMin,
2705  unifiedOmegaLnMax);
2706 #endif
2707  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < weightSequence.subSequenceSize(); ++i) {
2708  omegaLnDiffSequence[i] -= unifiedOmegaLnMax;
2709  weightSequence[i] = exp(omegaLnDiffSequence[i]);
2710  subWeightRatioSum += weightSequence[i];
2711 #if 0 // For debug only
2712  if ((m_currLevel == 1) && (nowAttempt == 6)) {
2713  if (m_env.subDisplayFile() && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 99)) {
2714  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence()"
2715  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
2716  << ", step " << m_currStep
2717  << ", i = " << i
2718  << ", prevLogLikelihoodValues[i] = " << prevLogLikelihoodValues[i]
2719  << ", omegaLnDiffSequence[i] = " << omegaLnDiffSequence[i]
2720  << ", weightSequence[i] = " << weightSequence[i]
2721  //<< ", subWeightRatioSum = " << subWeightRatioSum
2722  << std::endl;
2723  }
2724  }
2725 #endif
2726  }
2727  m_env.inter0Comm().template Allreduce<double>(&subWeightRatioSum, &unifiedWeightRatioSum, (int) 1, RawValue_MPI_SUM,
2728  "MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence()",
2729  "failed MPI.Allreduce() for weight ratio sum");
2731  unsigned int auxQuantity = weightSequence.unifiedSequenceSize(m_vectorSpace.numOfProcsForStorage() == 1);
2732  nowUnifiedEvidenceLnFactor = log(unifiedWeightRatioSum) + unifiedOmegaLnMax - log(auxQuantity);
2734  double effectiveSampleSize = 0.;
2735  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < weightSequence.subSequenceSize(); ++i) {
2736  weightSequence[i] /= unifiedWeightRatioSum;
2737  effectiveSampleSize += weightSequence[i]*weightSequence[i];
2738  //if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
2739  // *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence()"
2740  // << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
2741  // << ", step " << m_currStep
2742  // << ": i = " << i
2743  // << ", effectiveSampleSize = " << effectiveSampleSize
2744  // << std::endl;
2745  //}
2746  }
2748  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
2749  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence()"
2750  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
2751  << ", step " << m_currStep
2752  << ": nowAttempt = " << nowAttempt
2753  << ", prevExponent = " << prevExponent
2754  << ", exponents[0] = " << exponents[0]
2755  << ", nowExponent = " << nowExponent
2756  << ", exponents[1] = " << exponents[1]
2757  << ", subWeightRatioSum = " << subWeightRatioSum
2758  << ", unifiedWeightRatioSum = " << unifiedWeightRatioSum
2759  << ", unifiedOmegaLnMax = " << unifiedOmegaLnMax
2760  << ", weightSequence.unifiedSequenceSize() = " << auxQuantity
2761  << ", nowUnifiedEvidenceLnFactor = " << nowUnifiedEvidenceLnFactor
2762  << ", effectiveSampleSize = " << effectiveSampleSize
2763  << std::endl;
2764  }
2766 #if 0 // For debug only
2767  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
2768  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence()"
2769  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
2770  << ", step " << m_currStep
2771  << ":"
2772  << std::endl;
2773  }
2774  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < weightSequence.subSequenceSize(); ++i) {
2775  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
2776  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << " weightSequence[" << i
2777  << "] = " << weightSequence[i]
2778  << std::endl;
2779  }
2780  }
2781 #endif
2783  double subQuantity = effectiveSampleSize;
2784  effectiveSampleSize = 0.;
2785  m_env.inter0Comm().template Allreduce<double>(&subQuantity, &effectiveSampleSize, (int) 1, RawValue_MPI_SUM,
2786  "MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence()",
2787  "failed MPI.Allreduce() for effective sample size");
2789  effectiveSampleSize = 1./effectiveSampleSize;
2790  nowEffectiveSizeRatio = effectiveSampleSize/((double) weightSequence.unifiedSequenceSize(m_vectorSpace.numOfProcsForStorage() == 1));
2791  queso_require_less_equal_msg(nowEffectiveSizeRatio, (1.+1.e-8), "effective sample size ratio cannot be > 1");
2793  // m_env.worldRank(),
2794  // "MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence()",
2795  // "effective sample size ratio cannot be < 1");
2797  if (failedExponent > 0.) { // gpmsa1
2798  testResult = true;
2799  }
2800  else {
2801  //bool aux1 = (nowEffectiveSizeRatio == meanEffectiveSizeRatio);
2802  bool aux2 = (nowExponent == 1. )
2803  &&
2804  (nowEffectiveSizeRatio > meanEffectiveSizeRatio);
2805  bool aux3 = (nowEffectiveSizeRatio >= currOptions->m_minEffectiveSizeRatio)
2806  &&
2807  (nowEffectiveSizeRatio <= currOptions->m_maxEffectiveSizeRatio);
2808  testResult = aux2 || aux3;
2809  }
2811  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
2812  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence()"
2813  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
2814  << ", step " << m_currStep
2815  << ": nowAttempt = " << nowAttempt
2816  << ", prevExponent = " << prevExponent
2817  << ", failedExponent = " << failedExponent // gpmsa1
2818  << ", exponents[0] = " << exponents[0]
2819  << ", nowExponent = " << nowExponent
2820  << ", exponents[1] = " << exponents[1]
2821  << ", effectiveSampleSize = " << effectiveSampleSize
2822  << ", weightSequenceSize = " << weightSequence.subSequenceSize()
2823  << ", minEffectiveSizeRatio = " << currOptions->m_minEffectiveSizeRatio
2824  << ", nowEffectiveSizeRatio = " << nowEffectiveSizeRatio
2825  << ", maxEffectiveSizeRatio = " << currOptions->m_maxEffectiveSizeRatio
2826  //<< ", aux2 = " << aux2
2827  //<< ", aux3 = " << aux3
2828  << ", testResult = " << testResult
2829  << std::endl;
2830  }
2831  nowAttempt++;
2833  // Make sure all nodes in 'inter0Comm' have the same value of 'nowExponent'
2834  if (MiscCheckForSameValueInAllNodes(nowExponent,
2835  0., // kept 'zero' on 2010/03/05
2836  m_env.inter0Comm(),
2837  "MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence(), step 3, nowExponent") == false) {
2838  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
2839  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "WARNING, In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence()"
2840  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
2841  << ", step " << m_currStep
2842  << ": nowAttempt = " << nowAttempt
2843  << ", MiscCheck for 'nowExponent' detected a problem"
2844  << std::endl;
2845  }
2846  }
2848  // Make sure all nodes in 'inter0Comm' have the same value of 'testResult'
2849  if (MiscCheckForSameValueInAllNodes(testResult,
2850  0., // kept 'zero' on 2010/03/05
2851  m_env.inter0Comm(),
2852  "MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence(), step 3, testResult") == false) {
2853  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
2854  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "WARNING, In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence()"
2855  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
2856  << ", step " << m_currStep
2857  << ": nowAttempt = " << nowAttempt
2858  << ", MiscCheck for 'testResult' detected a problem"
2859  << std::endl;
2860  }
2861  }
2862  } while (testResult == false);
2863  currExponent = nowExponent;
2864  if (failedExponent > 0.) { // gpmsa1
2865  m_logEvidenceFactors[m_logEvidenceFactors.size()-1] = nowUnifiedEvidenceLnFactor;
2866  }
2867  else {
2868  m_logEvidenceFactors.push_back(nowUnifiedEvidenceLnFactor); // restart
2869  }
2871  unsigned int quantity1 = weightSequence.unifiedSequenceSize(m_vectorSpace.numOfProcsForStorage() == 1);
2872  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
2873  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence()"
2874  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
2875  << ", step " << m_currStep
2876  << ": weightSequence.subSequenceSize() = " << weightSequence.subSequenceSize()
2877  << ", weightSequence.unifiedSequenceSize() = " << quantity1
2878  << ", failedExponent = " << failedExponent // gpmsa1
2879  << ", currExponent = " << currExponent
2880  << ", effective ratio = " << nowEffectiveSizeRatio
2881  << ", log(evidence factor) = " << m_logEvidenceFactors[m_logEvidenceFactors.size()-1]
2882  << ", evidence factor = " << exp(m_logEvidenceFactors[m_logEvidenceFactors.size()-1])
2883  << std::endl;
2885  //unsigned int numZeros = 0;
2886  //for (unsigned int i = 0; i < weightSequence.subSequenceSize(); ++i) {
2887  // *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "weightSequence[" << i
2888  // << "] = " << weightSequence[i]
2889  // << std::endl;
2890  // if (weightSequence[i] == 0.) numZeros++;
2891  //}
2892  //*m_env.subDisplayFile() << "Number of zeros in weightSequence = " << numZeros
2893  // << std::endl;
2894  }
2896  // Make sure all nodes in 'inter0Comm' have the same value of 'logEvidenceFactor'
2898  3.0e-16, // changed from 'zero' on 2010/03/03
2899  m_env.inter0Comm(),
2900  "MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence(), step 3, logEvidenceFactor") == false) {
2901  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
2902  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "WARNING, In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence()"
2903  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
2904  << ", step " << m_currStep
2905  << ", failedExponent = " << failedExponent // gpmsa1
2906  << ": nowAttempt = " << nowAttempt
2907  << ", MiscCheck for 'logEvidenceFactor' detected a problem"
2908  << std::endl;
2909  }
2910  }
2912  double stepRunTime = MiscGetEllapsedSeconds(&timevalStep);
2913  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
2914  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "Leaving MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence_Step()"
2915  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
2916  << ", step " << m_currStep
2917  << ", failedExponent = " << failedExponent // gpmsa
2918  << ", after " << stepRunTime << " seconds"
2919  << std::endl;
2920  }
2922  return;
2923 }
unsigned int unifiedSequenceSize(bool useOnlyInter0Comm) const
Size of the unified sequence of scalars.
unsigned int m_currStep
Curret step.
Definition: MLSampling.h:495
const int UQ_OK_RC
Definition: Defines.h:92
unsigned int numOfProcsForStorage() const
Returns total number of processes.
Definition: VectorSpace.C:149
const MpiComm & inter0Comm() const
Access function for MpiComm communicator for processes with subRank() 0.
Definition: Environment.C:313
const BaseEnvironment & m_env
Queso enviroment.
Definition: MLSampling.h:470
const T & unifiedMaxPlain(bool useOnlyInter0Comm) const
Finds the maximum value of the unified sequence of scalars.
unsigned int displayVerbosity() const
Definition: Environment.C:450
bool MiscCheckForSameValueInAllNodes(T &inputValue, double acceptableTreshold, const MpiComm &comm, const char *whereString)
const VectorSpace< P_V, P_M > & m_vectorSpace
Vector space.
Definition: MLSampling.h:479
unsigned int m_currLevel
Current level.
Definition: MLSampling.h:492
double MiscGetEllapsedSeconds(struct timeval *timeval0)
unsigned int subSequenceSize() const
Size of the sub-sequence of scalars.
std::vector< double > m_logEvidenceFactors
Definition: MLSampling.h:499
std::ofstream * subDisplayFile() const
Access function for m_subDisplayFile (displays file on stream).
Definition: Environment.C:320
template<class P_V , class P_M >
void QUESO::MLSampling< P_V, P_M >::generateSequence_Step04_inter0 ( const SequenceOfVectors< P_V, P_M > &  prevChain,
const ScalarSequence< double > &  weightSequence,
P_M &  unifiedCovMatrix 

Creates covariance matrix for current level (Step 04 from ML algorithm).

This method is responsible for the Step 04 in the ML algorithm implemented/described in the method MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence.


Definition at line 2927 of file MLSampling.C.

References QUESO::SequenceOfVectors< V, M >::getPositionValues(), QUESO::matrixProduct(), QUESO::MiscGetEllapsedSeconds(), QUESO::ScalarSequence< T >::subSequenceSize(), and QUESO::UQ_OK_RC.

2931 {
2932  int iRC = UQ_OK_RC;
2933  struct timeval timevalStep;
2934  iRC = gettimeofday(&timevalStep, NULL);
2935  if (iRC) {}; // just to remove compiler warning
2937  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
2938  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence()"
2939  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
2940  << ", step " << m_currStep
2941  << ": beginning step 4 of 11"
2942  << std::endl;
2943  }
2945  P_V auxVec(m_vectorSpace.zeroVector());
2946  P_V subWeightedMeanVec(m_vectorSpace.zeroVector());
2947  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < weightSequence.subSequenceSize(); ++i) {
2948  prevChain.getPositionValues(i,auxVec);
2949  subWeightedMeanVec += weightSequence[i]*auxVec;
2950  }
2952  // Todd Oliver 2010-09-07: compute weighted mean over all processors
2953  P_V unifiedWeightedMeanVec(m_vectorSpace.zeroVector());
2954  if (m_env.inter0Rank() >= 0) {
2955  subWeightedMeanVec.mpiAllReduce(RawValue_MPI_SUM,m_env.inter0Comm(),unifiedWeightedMeanVec);
2956  }
2957  else {
2958  unifiedWeightedMeanVec = subWeightedMeanVec;
2959  }
2961  P_V diffVec(m_vectorSpace.zeroVector());
2962  P_M subCovMatrix(m_vectorSpace.zeroVector());
2963  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < weightSequence.subSequenceSize(); ++i) {
2964  prevChain.getPositionValues(i,auxVec);
2965  diffVec = auxVec - unifiedWeightedMeanVec;
2966  subCovMatrix += weightSequence[i]*matrixProduct(diffVec,diffVec);
2967  }
2969  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < unifiedCovMatrix.numRowsLocal(); ++i) { // KAUST5
2970  for (unsigned int j = 0; j < unifiedCovMatrix.numCols(); ++j) {
2971  double localValue = subCovMatrix(i,j);
2972  double sumValue = 0.;
2973  if (m_env.inter0Rank() >= 0) {
2974  m_env.inter0Comm().template Allreduce<double>(&localValue, &sumValue, (int) 1, RawValue_MPI_SUM,
2975  "MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence()",
2976  "failed MPI.Allreduce() for cov matrix");
2977  }
2978  else {
2979  sumValue = localValue;
2980  }
2981  unifiedCovMatrix(i,j) = sumValue;
2982  }
2983  }
2985  if (m_numDisabledParameters > 0) { // gpmsa2
2986  for (unsigned int paramId = 0; paramId < m_vectorSpace.dimLocal(); ++paramId) {
2987  if (m_parameterEnabledStatus[paramId] == false) {
2988  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_vectorSpace.dimLocal(); ++i) {
2989  unifiedCovMatrix(i,paramId) = 0.;
2990  }
2991  for (unsigned int j = 0; j < m_vectorSpace.dimLocal(); ++j) {
2992  unifiedCovMatrix(paramId,j) = 0.;
2993  }
2994  unifiedCovMatrix(paramId,paramId) = 1.;
2995  }
2996  }
2997  }
2999  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
3000  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence()"
3001  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
3002  << ", step " << m_currStep
3003  << ": unifiedCovMatrix = " << unifiedCovMatrix
3004  << std::endl;
3005  }
3007  double stepRunTime = MiscGetEllapsedSeconds(&timevalStep);
3008  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
3009  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "Leaving MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence_Step()"
3010  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
3011  << ", step " << m_currStep
3012  << ", after " << stepRunTime << " seconds"
3013  << std::endl;
3014  }
3016  return;
3017 }
unsigned int m_numDisabledParameters
Definition: MLSampling.h:484
const V & zeroVector() const
Returns a vector filled with zeros.
Definition: VectorSpace.C:174
unsigned int m_currStep
Curret step.
Definition: MLSampling.h:495
std::vector< bool > m_parameterEnabledStatus
Definition: MLSampling.h:486
const int UQ_OK_RC
Definition: Defines.h:92
const MpiComm & inter0Comm() const
Access function for MpiComm communicator for processes with subRank() 0.
Definition: Environment.C:313
const BaseEnvironment & m_env
Queso enviroment.
Definition: MLSampling.h:470
unsigned int dimLocal() const
Definition: VectorSpace.C:155
GslMatrix matrixProduct(const GslVector &v1, const GslVector &v2)
Definition: GslMatrix.C:2036
unsigned int displayVerbosity() const
Definition: Environment.C:450
const VectorSpace< P_V, P_M > & m_vectorSpace
Vector space.
Definition: MLSampling.h:479
unsigned int m_currLevel
Current level.
Definition: MLSampling.h:492
double MiscGetEllapsedSeconds(struct timeval *timeval0)
int inter0Rank() const
Returns the process inter0 rank.
Definition: Environment.C:307
unsigned int subSequenceSize() const
Size of the sub-sequence of scalars.
std::ofstream * subDisplayFile() const
Access function for m_subDisplayFile (displays file on stream).
Definition: Environment.C:320
template<class P_V , class P_M >
void QUESO::MLSampling< P_V, P_M >::generateSequence_Step05_inter0 ( unsigned int  unifiedRequestedNumSamples,
const ScalarSequence< double > &  weightSequence,
std::vector< unsigned int > &  unifiedIndexCountersAtProc0Only,
std::vector< double > &  unifiedWeightStdVectorAtProc0Only 

Creates unified finite distribution for current level (Step 05 from ML algorithm).

This method is responsible for the Step 05 in the ML algorithm implemented/described in the method MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence.


Definition at line 3021 of file MLSampling.C.

References QUESO::ScalarSequence< T >::getUnifiedContentsAtProc0Only(), QUESO::MiscGetEllapsedSeconds(), QUESO::queso_require_equal_to_msg, QUESO::ScalarSequence< T >::subSequenceSize(), QUESO::ScalarSequence< T >::unifiedSequenceSize(), and QUESO::UQ_OK_RC.

3026 {
3027  int iRC = UQ_OK_RC;
3028  struct timeval timevalStep;
3029  iRC = gettimeofday(&timevalStep, NULL);
3030  if (iRC) {}; // just to remove compiler warning
3032  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
3033  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence()"
3034  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
3035  << ", step " << m_currStep
3036  << ": beginning step 5 of 11"
3037  << std::endl;
3038  }
3040 #if 0 // For debug only
3041  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
3042  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence()"
3043  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
3044  << ", step " << m_currStep
3045  << ", before weightSequence.getUnifiedContentsAtProc0Only()"
3046  << ":"
3047  << std::endl;
3048  }
3049  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < weightSequence.subSequenceSize(); ++i) {
3050  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
3051  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << ", weightSequence[" << i
3052  << "] = " << weightSequence[i]
3053  << std::endl;
3054  }
3055  }
3056 #endif
3059  unifiedWeightStdVectorAtProc0Only);
3061 #if 0 // For debug only
3062  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
3063  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence()"
3064  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
3065  << ", step " << m_currStep
3066  << ", after weightSequence.getUnifiedContentsAtProc0Only()"
3067  << ":"
3068  << std::endl;
3069  }
3070  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < unifiedWeightStdVectorAtProc0Only.size(); ++i) {
3071  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
3072  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << " unifiedWeightStdVectorAtProc0Only[" << i
3073  << "] = " << unifiedWeightStdVectorAtProc0Only[i]
3074  << std::endl;
3075  }
3076  }
3077 #endif
3078  sampleIndexes_proc0(unifiedRequestedNumSamples, // input
3079  unifiedWeightStdVectorAtProc0Only, // input
3080  unifiedIndexCountersAtProc0Only); // output
3082  unsigned int auxUnifiedSize = weightSequence.unifiedSequenceSize(m_vectorSpace.numOfProcsForStorage() == 1);
3083  if (m_env.inter0Rank() == 0) {
3084  queso_require_equal_to_msg(unifiedIndexCountersAtProc0Only.size(), auxUnifiedSize, "wrong output from sampleIndexesAtProc0() in step 5");
3085  }
3087  double stepRunTime = MiscGetEllapsedSeconds(&timevalStep);
3088  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
3089  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "Leaving MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence_Step()"
3090  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
3091  << ", step " << m_currStep
3092  << ", after " << stepRunTime << " seconds"
3093  << std::endl;
3094  }
3096  return;
3097 }
void sampleIndexes_proc0(unsigned int unifiedRequestedNumSamples, const std::vector< double > &unifiedWeightStdVectorAtProc0Only, std::vector< unsigned int > &unifiedIndexCountersAtProc0Only)
Definition: MLSampling.C:95
unsigned int unifiedSequenceSize(bool useOnlyInter0Comm) const
Size of the unified sequence of scalars.
unsigned int m_currStep
Curret step.
Definition: MLSampling.h:495
const int UQ_OK_RC
Definition: Defines.h:92
unsigned int numOfProcsForStorage() const
Returns total number of processes.
Definition: VectorSpace.C:149
const BaseEnvironment & m_env
Queso enviroment.
Definition: MLSampling.h:470
MonteCarloSGOptions::MonteCarloSGOptions(const BaseEnvironment &env, const char *prefix, const McOptionsValues &alternativeOptionsValues queso_require_equal_to_msg)(m_env.optionsInputFileName(), std::string(""), std::string("this constructor is incompatible with the existence of an options input file"))
unsigned int displayVerbosity() const
Definition: Environment.C:450
const VectorSpace< P_V, P_M > & m_vectorSpace
Vector space.
Definition: MLSampling.h:479
unsigned int m_currLevel
Current level.
Definition: MLSampling.h:492
void getUnifiedContentsAtProc0Only(bool useOnlyInter0Comm, std::vector< T > &outputVec) const
Gets the unified contents of processor of rank equals to 0.
double MiscGetEllapsedSeconds(struct timeval *timeval0)
int inter0Rank() const
Returns the process inter0 rank.
Definition: Environment.C:307
unsigned int subSequenceSize() const
Size of the sub-sequence of scalars.
std::ofstream * subDisplayFile() const
Access function for m_subDisplayFile (displays file on stream).
Definition: Environment.C:320
template<class P_V , class P_M >
void QUESO::MLSampling< P_V, P_M >::generateSequence_Step06_all ( const MLSamplingLevelOptions currOptions,
unsigned int  indexOfFirstWeight,
unsigned int  indexOfLastWeight,
const std::vector< unsigned int > &  unifiedIndexCountersAtProc0Only,
bool &  useBalancedChains,
std::vector< ExchangeInfoStruct > &  exchangeStdVec 

Decides on wheter or not to use balanced chains (Step 06 from ML algorithm).

This method is responsible for the Step 06 in the ML algorithm implemented/described in the method MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence.


Definition at line 3101 of file MLSampling.C.

References QUESO::MiscGetEllapsedSeconds(), and QUESO::UQ_OK_RC.

3108 {
3109  int iRC = UQ_OK_RC;
3110  struct timeval timevalStep;
3111  iRC = gettimeofday(&timevalStep, NULL);
3112  if (iRC) {}; // just to remove compiler warning
3114  useBalancedChains = decideOnBalancedChains_all(currOptions, // input
3115  indexOfFirstWeight, // input
3116  indexOfLastWeight, // input
3117  unifiedIndexCountersAtProc0Only, // input
3118  exchangeStdVec); // output
3120  double stepRunTime = MiscGetEllapsedSeconds(&timevalStep);
3121  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
3122  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "Leaving MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence_Step()"
3123  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
3124  << ", step " << m_currStep
3125  << ", after " << stepRunTime << " seconds"
3126  << std::endl;
3127  }
3129  return;
3130 }
unsigned int m_currStep
Curret step.
Definition: MLSampling.h:495
const int UQ_OK_RC
Definition: Defines.h:92
const BaseEnvironment & m_env
Queso enviroment.
Definition: MLSampling.h:470
bool decideOnBalancedChains_all(const MLSamplingLevelOptions *currOptions, unsigned int indexOfFirstWeight, unsigned int indexOfLastWeight, const std::vector< unsigned int > &unifiedIndexCountersAtProc0Only, std::vector< ExchangeInfoStruct > &exchangeStdVec)
Definition: MLSampling.C:149
unsigned int displayVerbosity() const
Definition: Environment.C:450
unsigned int m_currLevel
Current level.
Definition: MLSampling.h:492
double MiscGetEllapsedSeconds(struct timeval *timeval0)
std::ofstream * subDisplayFile() const
Access function for m_subDisplayFile (displays file on stream).
Definition: Environment.C:320
template<class P_V , class P_M >
void QUESO::MLSampling< P_V, P_M >::generateSequence_Step07_inter0 ( bool  useBalancedChains,
unsigned int  indexOfFirstWeight,
unsigned int  indexOfLastWeight,
const std::vector< unsigned int > &  unifiedIndexCountersAtProc0Only,
UnbalancedLinkedChainsPerNodeStruct unbalancedLinkControl,
const MLSamplingLevelOptions currOptions,
const SequenceOfVectors< P_V, P_M > &  prevChain,
double  prevExponent,
double  currExponent,
const ScalarSequence< double > &  prevLogLikelihoodValues,
const ScalarSequence< double > &  prevLogTargetValues,
std::vector< ExchangeInfoStruct > &  exchangeStdVec,
BalancedLinkedChainsPerNodeStruct< P_V > &  balancedLinkControl 

Plans for number of linked chains for each node so that all nodes generate the closest possible to the same number of positions (Step 07 from ML algorithm).

This method is responsible for the Step 07 in the ML algorithm implemented/described in the method MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence.


Definition at line 3134 of file MLSampling.C.

References QUESO::BalancedLinkedChainsPerNodeStruct< P_V >::balLinkedChains, QUESO::MiscGetEllapsedSeconds(), QUESO::UnbalancedLinkedChainsPerNodeStruct::unbLinkedChains, and QUESO::UQ_OK_RC.

3148 {
3149  int iRC = UQ_OK_RC;
3150  struct timeval timevalStep;
3151  iRC = gettimeofday(&timevalStep, NULL);
3152  if (iRC) {}; // just to remove compiler warning
3154  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
3155  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence()"
3156  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
3157  << ", step " << m_currStep
3158  << ": beginning step 7 of 11"
3159  << std::endl;
3160  }
3162  if (useBalancedChains) {
3163  prepareBalLinkedChains_inter0(currOptions, // input
3164  prevChain, // input
3165  prevExponent, // input
3166  currExponent, // input
3167  prevLogLikelihoodValues, // input
3168  prevLogTargetValues, // input
3169  exchangeStdVec, // input/output
3170  balancedLinkControl); // output
3171  }
3172  else {
3173  prepareUnbLinkedChains_inter0(indexOfFirstWeight, // input
3174  indexOfLastWeight, // input
3175  unifiedIndexCountersAtProc0Only, // input
3176  unbalancedLinkControl); // output
3177  }
3179  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
3180  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence()"
3181  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
3182  << ", step " << m_currStep
3183  << ": balancedLinkControl.balLinkedChains.size() = " << balancedLinkControl.balLinkedChains.size()
3184  << ", unbalancedLinkControl.unbLinkedChains.size() = " << unbalancedLinkControl.unbLinkedChains.size()
3185  << std::endl;
3186  }
3188  double stepRunTime = MiscGetEllapsedSeconds(&timevalStep);
3189  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
3190  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "Leaving MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence_Step()"
3191  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
3192  << ", step " << m_currStep
3193  << ", after " << stepRunTime << " seconds"
3194  << std::endl;
3195  }
3197  return;
3198 }
unsigned int m_currStep
Curret step.
Definition: MLSampling.h:495
const int UQ_OK_RC
Definition: Defines.h:92
void prepareUnbLinkedChains_inter0(unsigned int indexOfFirstWeight, unsigned int indexOfLastWeight, const std::vector< unsigned int > &unifiedIndexCountersAtProc0Only, UnbalancedLinkedChainsPerNodeStruct &unbalancedLinkControl)
Definition: MLSampling.C:470
const BaseEnvironment & m_env
Queso enviroment.
Definition: MLSampling.h:470
unsigned int displayVerbosity() const
Definition: Environment.C:450
unsigned int m_currLevel
Current level.
Definition: MLSampling.h:492
void prepareBalLinkedChains_inter0(const MLSamplingLevelOptions *currOptions, const SequenceOfVectors< P_V, P_M > &prevChain, double prevExponent, double currExponent, const ScalarSequence< double > &prevLogLikelihoodValues, const ScalarSequence< double > &prevLogTargetValues, std::vector< ExchangeInfoStruct > &exchangeStdVec, BalancedLinkedChainsPerNodeStruct< P_V > &balancedLinkControl)
Definition: MLSampling.C:330
double MiscGetEllapsedSeconds(struct timeval *timeval0)
std::ofstream * subDisplayFile() const
Access function for m_subDisplayFile (displays file on stream).
Definition: Environment.C:320
template<class P_V , class P_M >
void QUESO::MLSampling< P_V, P_M >::generateSequence_Step08_all ( BayesianJointPdf< P_V, P_M > &  currPdf,
GenericVectorRV< P_V, P_M > &  currRv 

Creates a vector RV for current level (Step 08 from ML algorithm).

This method is responsible for the Step 08 in the ML algorithm implemented/described in the method MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence.


Definition at line 3202 of file MLSampling.C.

References QUESO::MiscGetEllapsedSeconds(), QUESO::GenericVectorRV< V, M >::setPdf(), and QUESO::UQ_OK_RC.

3205 {
3206  int iRC = UQ_OK_RC;
3207  struct timeval timevalStep;
3208  iRC = gettimeofday(&timevalStep, NULL);
3209  if (iRC) {}; // just to remove compiler warning
3211  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
3212  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence()"
3213  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
3214  << ", step " << m_currStep
3215  << ": beginning step 8 of 11"
3216  << std::endl;
3217  }
3219  currRv.setPdf(currPdf);
3221  double stepRunTime = MiscGetEllapsedSeconds(&timevalStep);
3222  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
3223  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "Leaving MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence_Step()"
3224  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
3225  << ", step " << m_currStep
3226  << ", after " << stepRunTime << " seconds"
3227  << std::endl;
3228  }
3230  return;
3231 }
unsigned int m_currStep
Curret step.
Definition: MLSampling.h:495
const int UQ_OK_RC
Definition: Defines.h:92
const BaseEnvironment & m_env
Queso enviroment.
Definition: MLSampling.h:470
void setPdf(BaseJointPdf< V, M > &pdf)
Sets the PDF of this vector RV to pdf.
unsigned int displayVerbosity() const
Definition: Environment.C:450
unsigned int m_currLevel
Current level.
Definition: MLSampling.h:492
double MiscGetEllapsedSeconds(struct timeval *timeval0)
std::ofstream * subDisplayFile() const
Access function for m_subDisplayFile (displays file on stream).
Definition: Environment.C:320
template<class P_V , class P_M >
void QUESO::MLSampling< P_V, P_M >::generateSequence_Step09_all ( const SequenceOfVectors< P_V, P_M > &  prevChain,
double  prevExponent,
double  currExponent,
const ScalarSequence< double > &  prevLogLikelihoodValues,
const ScalarSequence< double > &  prevLogTargetValues,
unsigned int  indexOfFirstWeight,
unsigned int  indexOfLastWeight,
const std::vector< double > &  unifiedWeightStdVectorAtProc0Only,
const ScalarSequence< double > &  weightSequence,
double  prevEta,
const GenericVectorRV< P_V, P_M > &  currRv,
MLSamplingLevelOptions currOptions,
P_M &  unifiedCovMatrix,
double &  currEta 

Scales the unified covariance matrix until min <= rejection rate <= max (Step 09 from ML algorithm).

This method is responsible for the Step 09 in the ML algorithm implemented/described in the method MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence.


Definition at line 3235 of file MLSampling.C.

References QUESO::BalancedLinkedChainsPerNodeStruct< P_V >::balLinkedChains, QUESO::ScalarSequence< T >::getUnifiedContentsAtProc0Only(), QUESO::MLSamplingLevelOptions::m_amAdaptInterval, QUESO::MLSamplingLevelOptions::m_covRejectionRate, QUESO::MLSamplingLevelOptions::m_drMaxNumExtraStages, QUESO::MLSamplingLevelOptions::m_filteredChainGenerate, QUESO::MLSamplingLevelOptions::m_maxRejectionRate, QUESO::MLSamplingLevelOptions::m_minRejectionRate, QUESO::MLSamplingLevelOptions::m_rawChainComputeStats, QUESO::MLSamplingLevelOptions::m_rawChainSize, QUESO::MLSamplingLevelOptions::m_scaleCovMatrix, QUESO::MLSamplingLevelOptions::m_totallyMute, QUESO::MiscCheckForSameValueInAllNodes(), QUESO::MiscGetEllapsedSeconds(), QUESO::queso_require_equal_to_msg, QUESO::BaseEnvironment::subDisplayFile(), QUESO::ScalarSequence< T >::subSequenceSize(), QUESO::ScalarSequence< T >::unifiedSequenceSize(), and QUESO::UQ_OK_RC.

3250 {
3251  int iRC = UQ_OK_RC;
3252  struct timeval timevalStep;
3253  iRC = gettimeofday(&timevalStep, NULL);
3254  if (iRC) {}; // just to remove compiler warning
3256  if (currOptions->m_scaleCovMatrix == false) {
3257  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
3258  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence()"
3259  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
3260  << ", step " << m_currStep
3261  << ": skipping step 9 of 11"
3262  << std::endl;
3263  }
3264  }
3265  else {
3266  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
3267  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence_Step09_all()"
3268  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
3269  << ", step " << m_currStep
3270  << ": beginning step 9 of 11"
3271  << std::endl;
3272  }
3274  double beforeEta = prevEta;
3275  double beforeRejectionRate = 0.; // To be updated
3276  bool beforeRejectionRateIsBelowRange = true; // To be updated
3278  double nowEta = prevEta;
3279  double nowRejectionRate = 0.; // To be computed
3280  bool nowRejectionRateIsBelowRange = true; // To be computed
3282  std::vector<double> etas(2,0.);
3283  etas[0] = beforeEta;
3284  etas[1] = 1.;
3286  std::vector<double> rejs(2,0.);
3287  rejs[0] = 0.; // To be computed
3288  rejs[1] = 0.; // To be computed
3290  unsigned int nowAttempt = 0;
3291  bool testResult = false;
3292  double meanRejectionRate = .5*(currOptions->m_minRejectionRate + currOptions->m_maxRejectionRate);
3293  bool useMiddlePointLogicForEta = false;
3294  P_M nowCovMatrix(unifiedCovMatrix);
3295 #if 0 // KAUST, to check
3296  std::vector<double> unifiedWeightStdVectorAtProc0Only(0);
3298  unifiedWeightStdVectorAtProc0Only);
3299 #endif
3300  do {
3301  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
3302  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence_Step09_all()"
3303  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
3304  << ", step " << m_currStep
3305  << ": entering loop for assessing rejection rate"
3306  << ", with nowAttempt = " << nowAttempt
3307  << ", nowRejectionRate = " << nowRejectionRate
3308  << std::endl;
3309  }
3310  nowCovMatrix = unifiedCovMatrix;
3312  if (nowRejectionRate < currOptions->m_minRejectionRate) {
3313  nowRejectionRateIsBelowRange = true;
3314  }
3315  else if (nowRejectionRate > currOptions->m_maxRejectionRate) {
3316  nowRejectionRateIsBelowRange = false;
3317  }
3318  else {
3319  queso_error_msg("nowRejectionRate should be out of the requested range at this point of the logic");
3320  }
3322  if (m_env.inter0Rank() >= 0) { // KAUST
3323  if (nowAttempt > 0) {
3324  if (useMiddlePointLogicForEta == false) {
3325  if (nowAttempt == 1) {
3326  // Ok, keep useMiddlePointLogicForEta = false
3327  }
3328  else if ((beforeRejectionRateIsBelowRange == true) &&
3329  (nowRejectionRateIsBelowRange == true)) {
3330  // Ok
3331  }
3332  else if ((beforeRejectionRateIsBelowRange == false) &&
3333  (nowRejectionRateIsBelowRange == false)) {
3334  // Ok
3335  }
3336  else if ((beforeRejectionRateIsBelowRange == true ) &&
3337  (nowRejectionRateIsBelowRange == false)) {
3338  useMiddlePointLogicForEta = true;
3340  // This is the first time the middle point logic will be used below
3341  etas[0] = std::min(beforeEta,nowEta);
3342  etas[1] = std::max(beforeEta,nowEta);
3344  if (etas[0] == beforeEta) {
3345  rejs[0] = beforeRejectionRate;
3346  rejs[1] = nowRejectionRate;
3347  }
3348  else {
3349  rejs[0] = nowRejectionRate;
3350  rejs[1] = beforeRejectionRate;
3351  }
3352  }
3353  else if ((beforeRejectionRateIsBelowRange == false) &&
3354  (nowRejectionRateIsBelowRange == true )) {
3355  useMiddlePointLogicForEta = true;
3357  // This is the first time the middle point logic will be used below
3358  etas[0] = std::min(beforeEta,nowEta);
3359  etas[1] = std::max(beforeEta,nowEta);
3360  }
3361  else {
3362  queso_error_msg("before and now range flags are inconsistent");
3363  }
3364  } // if (useMiddlePointLogicForEta == false)
3366  beforeEta = nowEta;
3367  beforeRejectionRate = nowRejectionRate;
3368  beforeRejectionRateIsBelowRange = nowRejectionRateIsBelowRange;
3369  if (useMiddlePointLogicForEta == false) {
3370  if (beforeRejectionRateIsBelowRange) nowEta *= 4.;
3371  else nowEta /= 4.;
3372  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
3373  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence_Step09_all()"
3374  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
3375  << ", step " << m_currStep
3376  << ": in loop for assessing rejection rate"
3377  << ", with nowAttempt = " << nowAttempt
3378  << ", useMiddlePointLogicForEta = false"
3379  << ", nowEta just updated to value (to be tested) " << nowEta
3380  << std::endl;
3381  }
3382  }
3383  else {
3384  if (nowRejectionRate > meanRejectionRate) {
3385  if (rejs[0] > meanRejectionRate) {
3386  etas[0] = nowEta;
3387  etas[1] = etas[1];
3388  }
3389  else {
3390  etas[0] = etas[0];
3391  etas[1] = nowEta;
3392  }
3393  }
3394  else {
3395  if (rejs[0] < meanRejectionRate) {
3396  etas[0] = nowEta;
3397  etas[1] = etas[1];
3398  }
3399  else {
3400  etas[0] = etas[0];
3401  etas[1] = nowEta;
3402  }
3403  }
3404  nowEta = .5*(etas[0] + etas[1]);
3405  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
3406  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence_Step09_all()"
3407  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
3408  << ", step " << m_currStep
3409  << ": in loop for assessing rejection rate"
3410  << ", with nowAttempt = " << nowAttempt
3411  << ", useMiddlePointLogicForEta = true"
3412  << ", nowEta just updated to value (to be tested) " << nowEta
3413  << ", etas[0] = " << etas[0]
3414  << ", etas[1] = " << etas[1]
3415  << std::endl;
3416  }
3417  }
3418  } // if (nowAttempt > 0)
3419  } // if (m_env.inter0Rank() >= 0) // KAUST
3421  nowCovMatrix *= nowEta;
3423  // prudencio 2010-12-09: logic 'originalSubNumSamples += 1' added because of the difference of results between GNU and INTEL compiled codes
3424  double doubSubNumSamples = (1.-meanRejectionRate)/meanRejectionRate/currOptions->m_covRejectionRate/currOptions->m_covRejectionRate; // e.g. 19.99...; or 20.0; or 20.1; or 20.9
3425  unsigned int originalSubNumSamples = 1 + (unsigned int) (doubSubNumSamples); // e.g. 20; or 21; or 21; or 21
3426  double auxDouble = (double) originalSubNumSamples; // e.g. 20.0; or 21.0; or 21.0; or 21.0
3427  if ((auxDouble - doubSubNumSamples) < 1.e-8) { // e.g. 0.00...01; or 1.0; or 0.9; or 0.1
3428  originalSubNumSamples += 1;
3429  }
3431  if (m_env.inter0Rank() >= 0) { // KAUST
3432  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
3433  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence_Step09_all()"
3434  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
3435  << ", step " << m_currStep
3436  << ": in loop for assessing rejection rate"
3437  << ", about to sample " << originalSubNumSamples << " indexes"
3438  << ", meanRejectionRate = " << meanRejectionRate
3439  << ", covRejectionRate = " << currOptions->m_covRejectionRate
3440  << std::endl;
3441  }
3442  } // KAUST
3444  std::vector<unsigned int> nowUnifiedIndexCountersAtProc0Only(0); // It will be resized by 'sampleIndexes_proc0()' below
3445  if (m_env.inter0Rank() >= 0) { // KAUST
3446  unsigned int tmpUnifiedNumSamples = originalSubNumSamples*m_env.inter0Comm().NumProc();
3447  sampleIndexes_proc0(tmpUnifiedNumSamples, // input
3448  unifiedWeightStdVectorAtProc0Only, // input
3449  nowUnifiedIndexCountersAtProc0Only); // output
3451  unsigned int auxUnifiedSize = weightSequence.unifiedSequenceSize(m_vectorSpace.numOfProcsForStorage() == 1);
3452  if (m_env.inter0Rank() == 0) {
3453  queso_require_equal_to_msg(nowUnifiedIndexCountersAtProc0Only.size(), auxUnifiedSize, "wrong output from sampleIndexesAtProc0() in step 9");
3454  }
3456  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
3457  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence_Step09_all()"
3458  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
3459  << ", step " << m_currStep
3460  << ": in loop for assessing rejection rate"
3461  << ", about to distribute sampled assessment indexes"
3462  << std::endl;
3463  }
3464  } // KAUST
3466  std::vector<ExchangeInfoStruct> exchangeStdVec(0);
3467  BalancedLinkedChainsPerNodeStruct<P_V> nowBalLinkControl;
3468  UnbalancedLinkedChainsPerNodeStruct nowUnbLinkControl; // KAUST
3470  // All processors should call this routine in order to have the same decision value
3471  bool useBalancedChains = decideOnBalancedChains_all(currOptions, // input
3472  indexOfFirstWeight, // input
3473  indexOfLastWeight, // input
3474  nowUnifiedIndexCountersAtProc0Only, // input
3475  exchangeStdVec); // output
3477  if (m_env.inter0Rank() >= 0) { // KAUST
3478  if (useBalancedChains) {
3479  prepareBalLinkedChains_inter0(currOptions, // input
3480  prevChain, // input
3481  prevExponent, // input
3482  currExponent, // input
3483  prevLogLikelihoodValues, // input
3484  prevLogTargetValues, // input
3485  exchangeStdVec, // input/output
3486  nowBalLinkControl); // output
3487  }
3488  else {
3489  prepareUnbLinkedChains_inter0(indexOfFirstWeight, // input
3490  indexOfLastWeight, // input
3491  nowUnifiedIndexCountersAtProc0Only, // input
3492  nowUnbLinkControl); // output
3493  }
3494  } // KAUST
3496  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
3497  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence_Step09_all()"
3498  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
3499  << ", step " << m_currStep
3500  << ": in loop for assessing rejection rate"
3501  << ", about to generate assessment chain"
3502  << std::endl;
3503  }
3505  SequenceOfVectors<P_V,P_M> nowChain(m_vectorSpace,
3506  0,
3507  m_options.m_prefix+"now_chain");
3508  double nowRunTime = 0.;
3509  unsigned int nowRejections = 0;
3511  // KAUST: all nodes should call here
3512  bool savedTotallyMute = currOptions->m_totallyMute; // HERE - ENHANCEMENT
3513  unsigned int savedRawChainSize = currOptions->m_rawChainSize; // Ok to use rawChainSize
3515  bool savedRawChainComputeStats = currOptions->m_rawChainComputeStats;
3516 #endif
3517  bool savedFilteredChainGenerate = currOptions->m_filteredChainGenerate;
3518  unsigned int savedDrMaxNumExtraStages = currOptions->m_drMaxNumExtraStages;
3519  unsigned int savedAmAdaptInterval = currOptions->m_amAdaptInterval;
3521  currOptions->m_totallyMute = true;
3522  if (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 999999) {
3523  currOptions->m_totallyMute = false;
3524  }
3525  currOptions->m_rawChainSize = 0; // will be set inside generateXYZLinkedChains()
3527  currOptions->m_rawChainComputeStats = false;
3528 #endif
3529  currOptions->m_filteredChainGenerate = false;
3530  currOptions->m_drMaxNumExtraStages = 0;
3531  currOptions->m_amAdaptInterval = 0;
3533  // KAUST: all nodes in 'subComm' should call here, important
3534  if (useBalancedChains) {
3535  generateBalLinkedChains_all(*currOptions, // input, only m_rawChainSize changes
3536  nowCovMatrix, // input
3537  currRv, // input
3538  nowBalLinkControl, // input // Round Rock
3539  nowChain, // output
3540  nowRunTime, // output
3541  nowRejections, // output
3542  NULL, // output
3543  NULL); // output
3544  }
3545  else {
3546  generateUnbLinkedChains_all(*currOptions, // input, only m_rawChainSize changes
3547  nowCovMatrix, // input
3548  currRv, // input
3549  nowUnbLinkControl, // input // Round Rock
3550  indexOfFirstWeight, // input // Round Rock
3551  prevChain, // input // Round Rock
3552  prevExponent, // input
3553  currExponent, // input
3554  prevLogLikelihoodValues, // input
3555  prevLogTargetValues, // input
3556  nowChain, // output
3557  nowRunTime, // output
3558  nowRejections, // output
3559  NULL, // output
3560  NULL); // output
3561  }
3563  // KAUST: all nodes should call here
3564  currOptions->m_totallyMute = savedTotallyMute;
3565  currOptions->m_rawChainSize = savedRawChainSize;
3567  currOptions->m_rawChainComputeStats = savedRawChainComputeStats;
3568 #endif
3569  currOptions->m_filteredChainGenerate = savedFilteredChainGenerate; // FIX ME
3570  currOptions->m_drMaxNumExtraStages = savedDrMaxNumExtraStages;
3571  currOptions->m_amAdaptInterval = savedAmAdaptInterval;
3573  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < nowBalLinkControl.balLinkedChains.size(); ++i) {
3574  queso_require_msg(nowBalLinkControl.balLinkedChains[i].initialPosition, "Initial position pointer in step 9 should not be NULL");
3575  delete nowBalLinkControl.balLinkedChains[i].initialPosition;
3576  nowBalLinkControl.balLinkedChains[i].initialPosition = NULL;
3577  }
3578  nowBalLinkControl.balLinkedChains.clear();
3580  if (m_env.inter0Rank() >= 0) { // KAUST
3581  // If only one cov matrix is used, then the rejection should be assessed among all inter0Comm nodes // KAUST3
3582  unsigned int nowUnifiedRejections = 0;
3583  m_env.inter0Comm().template Allreduce<unsigned int>(&nowRejections, &nowUnifiedRejections, (int) 1, RawValue_MPI_SUM,
3584  "MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence_Step09_all()",
3585  "failed MPI.Allreduce() for now rejections");
3587 #if 0 // Round Rock 2009 12 29
3588  unsigned int tmpUnifiedNumSamples = 0;
3589  m_env.inter0Comm().Allreduce((void *) &tmpSubNumSamples, (void *) &tmpUnifiedNumSamples, (int) 1, RawValue_MPI_UNSIGNED, RawValue_MPI_SUM,
3590  "MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence_Step09_all()",
3591  "failed MPI.Allreduce() for num samples in step 9");
3592 #endif
3594  unsigned int tmpUnifiedNumSamples = originalSubNumSamples*m_env.inter0Comm().NumProc();
3595  nowRejectionRate = ((double) nowUnifiedRejections) / ((double) tmpUnifiedNumSamples);
3597  //bool aux1 = (nowRejectionRate == meanRejectionRate);
3598  bool aux2 = (nowRejectionRate >= currOptions->m_minRejectionRate)
3599  &&
3600  (nowRejectionRate <= currOptions->m_maxRejectionRate);
3601  testResult = aux2;
3603  // Make sure all nodes in 'inter0Comm' have the same value of 'testResult'
3604  if (MiscCheckForSameValueInAllNodes(testResult,
3605  0., // kept 'zero' on 2010/03/03
3606  m_env.inter0Comm(),
3607  "MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence_Step09_all(), step 9, testResult") == false) {
3608  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
3609  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "WARNING, In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence()"
3610  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
3611  << ", step " << m_currStep
3612  << ": nowAttempt = " << nowAttempt
3613  << ", MiscCheck for 'testResult' detected a problem"
3614  << std::endl;
3615  }
3616  }
3617  } // if (m_env.inter0Rank() >= 0) { // KAUST
3619  // KAUST: all nodes in 'subComm' should have the same 'testResult'
3620  unsigned int tmpUint = (unsigned int) testResult;
3621  m_env.subComm().Bcast((void *) &tmpUint, (int) 1, RawValue_MPI_UNSIGNED, 0, // Yes, 'subComm', important
3622  "MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence_Step09_all()",
3623  "failed MPI.Bcast() for testResult");
3624  testResult = (bool) tmpUint;
3626  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
3627  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence_Step09_all()"
3628  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
3629  << ", step " << m_currStep
3630  << ": in loop for assessing rejection rate"
3631  << ", nowAttempt = " << nowAttempt
3632  << ", beforeEta = " << beforeEta
3633  << ", etas[0] = " << etas[0]
3634  << ", nowEta = " << nowEta
3635  << ", etas[1] = " << etas[1]
3636  << ", minRejectionRate = " << currOptions->m_minRejectionRate
3637  << ", nowRejectionRate = " << nowRejectionRate
3638  << ", maxRejectionRate = " << currOptions->m_maxRejectionRate
3639  << std::endl;
3640  }
3641  nowAttempt++;
3643  if (m_env.inter0Rank() >= 0) { // KAUST
3644  // Make sure all nodes in 'inter0Comm' have the same value of 'nowEta'
3646  1.0e-16, // changed from 'zero' on 2009/11/dd
3647  m_env.inter0Comm(),
3648  "MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence_Step09_all(), step 9, nowEta") == false) {
3649  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
3650  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "WARNING, In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence()"
3651  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
3652  << ", step " << m_currStep
3653  << ": nowAttempt = " << nowAttempt
3654  << ", MiscCheck for 'nowEta' detected a problem"
3655  << std::endl;
3656  }
3657  }
3658  }
3659  } while (testResult == false);
3660  currEta = nowEta;
3661  if (currEta != 1.) {
3662  unifiedCovMatrix *= currEta;
3663  if (m_numDisabledParameters > 0) { // gpmsa2
3664  for (unsigned int paramId = 0; paramId < m_vectorSpace.dimLocal(); ++paramId) {
3665  if (m_parameterEnabledStatus[paramId] == false) {
3666  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_vectorSpace.dimLocal(); ++i) {
3667  unifiedCovMatrix(i,paramId) = 0.;
3668  }
3669  for (unsigned int j = 0; j < m_vectorSpace.dimLocal(); ++j) {
3670  unifiedCovMatrix(paramId,j) = 0.;
3671  }
3672  unifiedCovMatrix(paramId,paramId) = 1.;
3673  }
3674  }
3675  }
3676  }
3678  unsigned int quantity1 = weightSequence.unifiedSequenceSize(m_vectorSpace.numOfProcsForStorage() == 1);
3679  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
3680  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence_Step09_all()"
3681  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
3682  << ", step " << m_currStep
3683  << ": weightSequence.subSequenceSize() = " << weightSequence.subSequenceSize()
3684  << ", weightSequence.unifiedSequenceSize() = " << quantity1
3685  << ", currEta = " << currEta
3686  << ", assessed rejection rate = " << nowRejectionRate
3687  << std::endl;
3688  }
3689  }
3691  double stepRunTime = MiscGetEllapsedSeconds(&timevalStep);
3692  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
3693  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "Leaving MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence_Step()"
3694  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
3695  << ", step " << m_currStep
3696  << ", after " << stepRunTime << " seconds"
3697  << std::endl;
3698  }
3700  return;
3701 }
unsigned int m_numDisabledParameters
Definition: MLSampling.h:484
void sampleIndexes_proc0(unsigned int unifiedRequestedNumSamples, const std::vector< double > &unifiedWeightStdVectorAtProc0Only, std::vector< unsigned int > &unifiedIndexCountersAtProc0Only)
Definition: MLSampling.C:95
unsigned int unifiedSequenceSize(bool useOnlyInter0Comm) const
Size of the unified sequence of scalars.
unsigned int m_currStep
Curret step.
Definition: MLSampling.h:495
MLSamplingOptions m_options
Options for the ML algorithm.
Definition: MLSampling.h:489
std::vector< bool > m_parameterEnabledStatus
Definition: MLSampling.h:486
void generateUnbLinkedChains_all(MLSamplingLevelOptions &inputOptions, const P_M &unifiedCovMatrix, const GenericVectorRV< P_V, P_M > &rv, const UnbalancedLinkedChainsPerNodeStruct &unbalancedLinkControl, unsigned int indexOfFirstWeight, const SequenceOfVectors< P_V, P_M > &prevChain, double prevExponent, double currExponent, const ScalarSequence< double > &prevLogLikelihoodValues, const ScalarSequence< double > &prevLogTargetValues, SequenceOfVectors< P_V, P_M > &workingChain, double &cumulativeRunTime, unsigned int &cumulativeRejections, ScalarSequence< double > *currLogLikelihoodValues, ScalarSequence< double > *currLogTargetValues)
Definition: MLSampling.C:891
const int UQ_OK_RC
Definition: Defines.h:92
unsigned int numOfProcsForStorage() const
Returns total number of processes.
Definition: VectorSpace.C:149
const MpiComm & inter0Comm() const
Access function for MpiComm communicator for processes with subRank() 0.
Definition: Environment.C:313
void prepareUnbLinkedChains_inter0(unsigned int indexOfFirstWeight, unsigned int indexOfLastWeight, const std::vector< unsigned int > &unifiedIndexCountersAtProc0Only, UnbalancedLinkedChainsPerNodeStruct &unbalancedLinkControl)
Definition: MLSampling.C:470
const BaseEnvironment & m_env
Queso enviroment.
Definition: MLSampling.h:470
const MpiComm & subComm() const
Access function for each sub-environment&#39;s communicator.
Definition: Environment.C:293
void Allreduce(void *sendbuf, void *recvbuf, int count, RawType_MPI_Datatype datatype, RawType_MPI_Op op, const char *whereMsg, const char *whatMsg) const
Combines values from all processes and distributes the result back to all processes.
Definition: MpiComm.C:143
void generateBalLinkedChains_all(MLSamplingLevelOptions &inputOptions, const P_M &unifiedCovMatrix, const GenericVectorRV< P_V, P_M > &rv, const BalancedLinkedChainsPerNodeStruct< P_V > &balancedLinkControl, SequenceOfVectors< P_V, P_M > &workingChain, double &cumulativeRunTime, unsigned int &cumulativeRejections, ScalarSequence< double > *currLogLikelihoodValues, ScalarSequence< double > *currLogTargetValues)
Definition: MLSampling.C:633
unsigned int dimLocal() const
Definition: VectorSpace.C:155
bool decideOnBalancedChains_all(const MLSamplingLevelOptions *currOptions, unsigned int indexOfFirstWeight, unsigned int indexOfLastWeight, const std::vector< unsigned int > &unifiedIndexCountersAtProc0Only, std::vector< ExchangeInfoStruct > &exchangeStdVec)
Definition: MLSampling.C:149
MonteCarloSGOptions::MonteCarloSGOptions(const BaseEnvironment &env, const char *prefix, const McOptionsValues &alternativeOptionsValues queso_require_equal_to_msg)(m_env.optionsInputFileName(), std::string(""), std::string("this constructor is incompatible with the existence of an options input file"))
int NumProc() const
Returns total number of processes.
Definition: MpiComm.C:133
unsigned int displayVerbosity() const
Definition: Environment.C:450
bool MiscCheckForSameValueInAllNodes(T &inputValue, double acceptableTreshold, const MpiComm &comm, const char *whereString)
const VectorSpace< P_V, P_M > & m_vectorSpace
Vector space.
Definition: MLSampling.h:479
unsigned int m_currLevel
Current level.
Definition: MLSampling.h:492
void prepareBalLinkedChains_inter0(const MLSamplingLevelOptions *currOptions, const SequenceOfVectors< P_V, P_M > &prevChain, double prevExponent, double currExponent, const ScalarSequence< double > &prevLogLikelihoodValues, const ScalarSequence< double > &prevLogTargetValues, std::vector< ExchangeInfoStruct > &exchangeStdVec, BalancedLinkedChainsPerNodeStruct< P_V > &balancedLinkControl)
Definition: MLSampling.C:330
void getUnifiedContentsAtProc0Only(bool useOnlyInter0Comm, std::vector< T > &outputVec) const
Gets the unified contents of processor of rank equals to 0.
double MiscGetEllapsedSeconds(struct timeval *timeval0)
int inter0Rank() const
Returns the process inter0 rank.
Definition: Environment.C:307
unsigned int subSequenceSize() const
Size of the sub-sequence of scalars.
std::string m_prefix
Class prefix. (ml)
std::ofstream * subDisplayFile() const
Access function for m_subDisplayFile (displays file on stream).
Definition: Environment.C:320
void Bcast(void *buffer, int count, RawType_MPI_Datatype datatype, int root, const char *whereMsg, const char *whatMsg) const
Broadcast values from the root process to the slave processes.
Definition: MpiComm.C:191
template<class P_V , class P_M >
void QUESO::MLSampling< P_V, P_M >::generateSequence_Step10_all ( MLSamplingLevelOptions currOptions,
const P_M &  unifiedCovMatrix,
const GenericVectorRV< P_V, P_M > &  currRv,
bool  useBalancedChains,
const UnbalancedLinkedChainsPerNodeStruct unbalancedLinkControl,
unsigned int  indexOfFirstWeight,
const SequenceOfVectors< P_V, P_M > &  prevChain,
double  prevExponent,
double  currExponent,
const ScalarSequence< double > &  prevLogLikelihoodValues,
const ScalarSequence< double > &  prevLogTargetValues,
const BalancedLinkedChainsPerNodeStruct< P_V > &  balancedLinkControl,
SequenceOfVectors< P_V, P_M > &  currChain,
double &  cumulativeRawChainRunTime,
unsigned int &  cumulativeRawChainRejections,
ScalarSequence< double > *  currLogLikelihoodValues,
ScalarSequence< double > *  currLogTargetValues 

Samples the vector RV of current level (Step 10 from ML algorithm).

This method is responsible for the Step 10 in the ML algorithm implemented/described in the method MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence.


Definition at line 3705 of file MLSampling.C.

References QUESO::MLSamplingLevelOptions::m_filteredChainGenerate, QUESO::MLSamplingLevelOptions::m_rawChainComputeStats, QUESO::MLSamplingLevelOptions::m_rawChainSize, QUESO::MLSamplingLevelOptions::m_totallyMute, QUESO::MiscGetEllapsedSeconds(), and QUESO::UQ_OK_RC.

3723 {
3724  int iRC = UQ_OK_RC;
3725  struct timeval timevalStep;
3726  iRC = gettimeofday(&timevalStep, NULL);
3727  if (iRC) {}; // just to remove compiler warning
3729  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
3730  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence()"
3731  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
3732  << ", step " << m_currStep
3733  << ": beginning step 10 of 11"
3734  << ", currLogLikelihoodValues = " << currLogLikelihoodValues
3735  << std::endl;
3736  }
3738  // All nodes should call here
3739  bool savedTotallyMute = currOptions.m_totallyMute; // HERE - ENHANCEMENT
3740  unsigned int savedRawChainSize = currOptions.m_rawChainSize; // Ok to use rawChainSize
3742  bool savedRawChainComputeStats = currOptions.m_rawChainComputeStats;
3743 #endif
3744  bool savedFilteredChainGenerate = currOptions.m_filteredChainGenerate;
3746  currOptions.m_totallyMute = true;
3747  if (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 999999) {
3748  currOptions.m_totallyMute = false;
3749  }
3750  currOptions.m_rawChainSize = 0; // will be set inside generateXYZLinkedChains()
3752  currOptions.m_rawChainComputeStats = false;
3753 #endif
3754  currOptions.m_filteredChainGenerate = false;
3756  // All nodes should call here
3757  if (useBalancedChains) {
3758  generateBalLinkedChains_all(currOptions, // input, only m_rawChainSize changes
3759  unifiedCovMatrix, // input
3760  currRv, // input
3761  balancedLinkControl, // input // Round Rock
3762  currChain, // output
3763  cumulativeRawChainRunTime, // output
3764  cumulativeRawChainRejections, // output
3765  currLogLikelihoodValues, // output // likelihood is important
3766  currLogTargetValues); // output
3767  }
3768  else {
3769  generateUnbLinkedChains_all(currOptions, // input, only m_rawChainSize changes
3770  unifiedCovMatrix, // input
3771  currRv, // input
3772  unbalancedLinkControl, // input // Round Rock
3773  indexOfFirstWeight, // input // Round Rock
3774  prevChain, // input // Round Rock
3775  prevExponent, // input
3776  currExponent, // input
3777  prevLogLikelihoodValues, // input
3778  prevLogTargetValues, // input
3779  currChain, // output
3780  cumulativeRawChainRunTime, // output
3781  cumulativeRawChainRejections, // output
3782  currLogLikelihoodValues, // output // likelihood is important
3783  currLogTargetValues); // output
3784  }
3786  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
3787  double tmpValue = INFINITY;
3788  if (currLogLikelihoodValues) tmpValue = (*currLogLikelihoodValues)[0];
3789  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence_Step()"
3790  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
3791  << ", step " << m_currStep
3792  << ", after chain generatrion"
3793  << ", currLogLikelihoodValues[0] = " << tmpValue
3794  << std::endl;
3795  }
3797  // All nodes should call here
3798  currOptions.m_totallyMute = savedTotallyMute;
3799  currOptions.m_rawChainSize = savedRawChainSize;
3801  currOptions.m_rawChainComputeStats = savedRawChainComputeStats;
3802 #endif
3803  currOptions.m_filteredChainGenerate = savedFilteredChainGenerate; // FIX ME
3805  double stepRunTime = MiscGetEllapsedSeconds(&timevalStep);
3806  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
3807  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "Leaving MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence_Step()"
3808  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
3809  << ", step " << m_currStep
3810  << ", after " << stepRunTime << " seconds"
3811  << std::endl;
3812  }
3814  return;
3815 }
unsigned int m_currStep
Curret step.
Definition: MLSampling.h:495
void generateUnbLinkedChains_all(MLSamplingLevelOptions &inputOptions, const P_M &unifiedCovMatrix, const GenericVectorRV< P_V, P_M > &rv, const UnbalancedLinkedChainsPerNodeStruct &unbalancedLinkControl, unsigned int indexOfFirstWeight, const SequenceOfVectors< P_V, P_M > &prevChain, double prevExponent, double currExponent, const ScalarSequence< double > &prevLogLikelihoodValues, const ScalarSequence< double > &prevLogTargetValues, SequenceOfVectors< P_V, P_M > &workingChain, double &cumulativeRunTime, unsigned int &cumulativeRejections, ScalarSequence< double > *currLogLikelihoodValues, ScalarSequence< double > *currLogTargetValues)
Definition: MLSampling.C:891
const int UQ_OK_RC
Definition: Defines.h:92
const BaseEnvironment & m_env
Queso enviroment.
Definition: MLSampling.h:470
void generateBalLinkedChains_all(MLSamplingLevelOptions &inputOptions, const P_M &unifiedCovMatrix, const GenericVectorRV< P_V, P_M > &rv, const BalancedLinkedChainsPerNodeStruct< P_V > &balancedLinkControl, SequenceOfVectors< P_V, P_M > &workingChain, double &cumulativeRunTime, unsigned int &cumulativeRejections, ScalarSequence< double > *currLogLikelihoodValues, ScalarSequence< double > *currLogTargetValues)
Definition: MLSampling.C:633
unsigned int displayVerbosity() const
Definition: Environment.C:450
unsigned int m_currLevel
Current level.
Definition: MLSampling.h:492
double MiscGetEllapsedSeconds(struct timeval *timeval0)
std::ofstream * subDisplayFile() const
Access function for m_subDisplayFile (displays file on stream).
Definition: Environment.C:320
template<class P_V , class P_M >
void QUESO::MLSampling< P_V, P_M >::generateSequence_Step11_inter0 ( const MLSamplingLevelOptions currOptions,
unsigned int  unifiedRequestedNumSamples,
unsigned int  cumulativeRawChainRejections,
SequenceOfVectors< P_V, P_M > &  currChain,
ScalarSequence< double > &  currLogLikelihoodValues,
ScalarSequence< double > &  currLogTargetValues,
unsigned int &  unifiedNumberOfRejections 

Filters chain (Step 11 from ML algorithm).

This method is responsible for the Step 11 in the ML algorithm implemented/described in the method MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence.

[in]currOptions,unifiedRequestedNumSamples,cumulativeRawChainRejections,@param[in,out]currChain, currLogLikelihoodValues, currLogTargetValues

Definition at line 3819 of file MLSampling.C.

References QUESO::BaseVectorSequence< V, M >::computeFilterParams(), QUESO::BaseVectorSequence< V, M >::computeStatistics(), QUESO::SequenceOfVectors< V, M >::filter(), QUESO::ScalarSequence< T >::filter(), QUESO::MLSamplingLevelOptions::m_dataOutputAllowedSet, QUESO::MLSamplingLevelOptions::m_dataOutputFileName, QUESO::MLSamplingLevelOptions::m_filteredChainComputeStats, QUESO::MLSamplingLevelOptions::m_filteredChainDataOutputFileName, QUESO::MLSamplingLevelOptions::m_filteredChainDataOutputFileType, QUESO::MLSamplingLevelOptions::m_filteredChainDiscardedPortion, QUESO::MLSamplingLevelOptions::m_filteredChainGenerate, QUESO::MLSamplingLevelOptions::m_filteredChainLag, QUESO::MLSamplingLevelOptions::m_filteredChainStatisticalOptionsObj, QUESO::MLSamplingLevelOptions::m_prefix, QUESO::MLSamplingLevelOptions::m_rawChainComputeStats, QUESO::MLSamplingLevelOptions::m_rawChainDataOutputFileName, QUESO::MLSamplingLevelOptions::m_rawChainDataOutputFileType, QUESO::MLSamplingLevelOptions::m_rawChainStatisticalOptionsObj, QUESO::MiscGetEllapsedSeconds(), QUESO::FilePtrSetStruct::ofsVar, QUESO::queso_require_equal_to_msg, QUESO::BaseVectorSequence< V, M >::setName(), QUESO::ScalarSequence< T >::setName(), QUESO::SequenceOfVectors< V, M >::subSequenceSize(), QUESO::SequenceOfVectors< V, M >::unifiedWriteContents(), QUESO::ScalarSequence< T >::unifiedWriteContents(), and QUESO::UQ_OK_RC.

3827 {
3828  int iRC = UQ_OK_RC;
3829  struct timeval timevalStep;
3830  iRC = gettimeofday(&timevalStep, NULL);
3831  if (iRC) {}; // just to remove compiler warning
3833  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
3834  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence()"
3835  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
3836  << ", step " << m_currStep
3837  << ": beginning step 11 of 11"
3838  << std::endl;
3839  }
3841  //if (m_env.subComm().MyPID() == 0) std::cout << "Aqui 000" << std::endl;
3844  if (currOptions->m_rawChainComputeStats) {
3845  FilePtrSetStruct filePtrSet;
3846  m_env.openOutputFile(currOptions->m_dataOutputFileName,
3847  UQ_FILE_EXTENSION_FOR_MATLAB_FORMAT, // Yes, always ".m"
3848  currOptions->m_dataOutputAllowedSet,
3849  false,
3850  filePtrSet);
3852  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 10)) { // output debug
3853  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence_Step()"
3854  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
3855  << ", step " << m_currStep
3856  << ", calling computeStatistics for raw chain"
3857  << ". Ofstream pointer value = " << filePtrSet.ofsVar
3858  << ", statistical options are"
3859  << "\n" << *currOptions->m_rawChainStatisticalOptionsObj
3860  << std::endl;
3861  }
3862  //m_env.syncPrintDebugMsg("At step 11, calling computeStatistics for raw chain",1,10,m_env.inter0Comm()); // output debug
3863  currChain.computeStatistics(*currOptions->m_rawChainStatisticalOptionsObj,
3864  filePtrSet.ofsVar);
3866  m_env.closeFile(filePtrSet,UQ_FILE_EXTENSION_FOR_MATLAB_FORMAT);
3867  }
3868  // Compute MLE and MAP
3869  // rr0
3870 #endif
3871  if (currOptions->m_rawChainDataOutputFileName != UQ_MH_SG_FILENAME_FOR_NO_FILE) {
3872  currChain.unifiedWriteContents(currOptions->m_rawChainDataOutputFileName,
3873  currOptions->m_rawChainDataOutputFileType); // KAUST5
3874  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
3875  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence_Step()"
3876  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
3877  << ", step " << m_currStep
3878  << ", before calling currLogLikelihoodValues.unifiedWriteContents()"
3879  << ", currLogLikelihoodValues[0] = " << currLogLikelihoodValues[0]
3880  << std::endl;
3881  }
3882  currLogLikelihoodValues.unifiedWriteContents(currOptions->m_rawChainDataOutputFileName,
3883  currOptions->m_rawChainDataOutputFileType);
3884  currLogTargetValues.unifiedWriteContents (currOptions->m_rawChainDataOutputFileName,
3885  currOptions->m_rawChainDataOutputFileType);
3886  }
3888  if (currOptions->m_filteredChainGenerate) {
3889  FilePtrSetStruct filePtrSet;
3890  m_env.openOutputFile(currOptions->m_dataOutputFileName,
3891  UQ_FILE_EXTENSION_FOR_MATLAB_FORMAT, // Yes, always ".m"
3892  currOptions->m_dataOutputAllowedSet,
3893  false,
3894  filePtrSet);
3896  unsigned int filterInitialPos = (unsigned int) (currOptions->m_filteredChainDiscardedPortion * (double) currChain.subSequenceSize());
3897  unsigned int filterSpacing = currOptions->m_filteredChainLag;
3898  if (filterSpacing == 0) {
3899  currChain.computeFilterParams(filePtrSet.ofsVar,
3900  filterInitialPos,
3901  filterSpacing);
3902  }
3904  // Filter positions from the converged portion of the chain
3905  currChain.filter(filterInitialPos,
3906  filterSpacing);
3907  currChain.setName(currOptions->m_prefix + "filtChain");
3909  currLogLikelihoodValues.filter(filterInitialPos,
3910  filterSpacing);
3911  currLogLikelihoodValues.setName(currOptions->m_prefix + "filtLogLikelihood");
3913  currLogTargetValues.filter(filterInitialPos,
3914  filterSpacing);
3915  currLogTargetValues.setName(currOptions->m_prefix + "filtLogTarget");
3918  if (currOptions->m_filteredChainComputeStats) {
3919  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 10)) { // output debug
3920  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence_Step()"
3921  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
3922  << ", step " << m_currStep
3923  << ", calling computeStatistics for filtered chain"
3924  << ". Ofstream pointer value = " << filePtrSet.ofsVar
3925  << ", statistical options are"
3926  << "\n" << *currOptions->m_rawChainStatisticalOptionsObj
3927  << std::endl;
3928  }
3930  //m_env.syncPrintDebugMsg("At step 11, calling computeStatistics for filtered chain",1,10,m_env.inter0Comm()); // output debug
3931  currChain.computeStatistics(*currOptions->m_filteredChainStatisticalOptionsObj,
3932  filePtrSet.ofsVar);
3934  }
3935 #endif
3936  // Compute MLE and MAP
3937  // rr0
3938  m_env.closeFile(filePtrSet,UQ_FILE_EXTENSION_FOR_MATLAB_FORMAT);
3940  if (currOptions->m_filteredChainDataOutputFileName != UQ_MH_SG_FILENAME_FOR_NO_FILE) {
3941  currChain.unifiedWriteContents (currOptions->m_filteredChainDataOutputFileName,
3942  currOptions->m_filteredChainDataOutputFileType);
3943  currLogLikelihoodValues.unifiedWriteContents(currOptions->m_filteredChainDataOutputFileName,
3944  currOptions->m_filteredChainDataOutputFileType);
3945  currLogTargetValues.unifiedWriteContents (currOptions->m_filteredChainDataOutputFileName,
3946  currOptions->m_filteredChainDataOutputFileType);
3947  }
3948  } // if (currOptions->m_filteredChainGenerate)
3950  if (currOptions->m_filteredChainGenerate) {
3951  // Do not check
3952  }
3953  else {
3954  // Check if unified size of generated chain matches the unified requested size // KAUST
3955  unsigned int tmpSize = currChain.subSequenceSize();
3956  unsigned int unifiedGeneratedNumSamples = 0;
3957  m_env.inter0Comm().template Allreduce<unsigned int>(&tmpSize, &unifiedGeneratedNumSamples, (int) 1, RawValue_MPI_SUM,
3958  "MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence()",
3959  "failed MPI.Allreduce() for generated num samples in step 11");
3960  //std::cout << "unifiedGeneratedNumSamples = " << unifiedGeneratedNumSamples
3961  // << ", unifiedRequestedNumSamples = " << unifiedRequestedNumSamples
3962  // << std::endl;
3963  queso_require_equal_to_msg(unifiedGeneratedNumSamples, unifiedRequestedNumSamples, "currChain (linked one) has been generated with invalid size");
3964  }
3966  // Compute unified number of rejections
3967  m_env.inter0Comm().template Allreduce<unsigned int>(&cumulativeRawChainRejections, &unifiedNumberOfRejections, (int) 1, RawValue_MPI_SUM,
3968  "MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence()",
3969  "failed MPI.Allreduce() for number of rejections");
3971  double stepRunTime = MiscGetEllapsedSeconds(&timevalStep);
3972  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
3973  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "Leaving MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateSequence_Step()"
3974  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
3975  << ", step " << m_currStep
3976  << ", after " << stepRunTime << " seconds"
3977  << std::endl;
3978  }
3980  return;
3981 }
unsigned int m_currStep
Curret step.
Definition: MLSampling.h:495
const int UQ_OK_RC
Definition: Defines.h:92
void closeFile(FilePtrSetStruct &filePtrSet, const std::string &fileType) const
Closes the file.
Definition: Environment.C:1084
const MpiComm & inter0Comm() const
Access function for MpiComm communicator for processes with subRank() 0.
Definition: Environment.C:313
void unifiedWriteContents(const std::string &fileName, const std::string &fileType) const
Writes the unified sequence to a file.
const BaseEnvironment & m_env
Queso enviroment.
Definition: MLSampling.h:470
void filter(unsigned int initialPos, unsigned int spacing)
Filters positions in the sequence of vectors.
MonteCarloSGOptions::MonteCarloSGOptions(const BaseEnvironment &env, const char *prefix, const McOptionsValues &alternativeOptionsValues queso_require_equal_to_msg)(m_env.optionsInputFileName(), std::string(""), std::string("this constructor is incompatible with the existence of an options input file"))
unsigned int displayVerbosity() const
Definition: Environment.C:450
void setName(const std::string &newName)
Sets a new name to the sequence of scalars.
unsigned int m_currLevel
Current level.
Definition: MLSampling.h:492
double MiscGetEllapsedSeconds(struct timeval *timeval0)
bool openOutputFile(const std::string &fileName, const std::string &fileType, const std::set< unsigned int > &allowedSubEnvIds, bool writeOver, FilePtrSetStruct &filePtrSet) const
Opens an output file for each sub-environment that was chosen to send data to the file...
Definition: Environment.C:521
std::ofstream * subDisplayFile() const
Access function for m_subDisplayFile (displays file on stream).
Definition: Environment.C:320
template<class P_V , class P_M >
void QUESO::MLSampling< P_V, P_M >::generateUnbLinkedChains_all ( MLSamplingLevelOptions inputOptions,
const P_M &  unifiedCovMatrix,
const GenericVectorRV< P_V, P_M > &  rv,
const UnbalancedLinkedChainsPerNodeStruct unbalancedLinkControl,
unsigned int  indexOfFirstWeight,
const SequenceOfVectors< P_V, P_M > &  prevChain,
double  prevExponent,
double  currExponent,
const ScalarSequence< double > &  prevLogLikelihoodValues,
const ScalarSequence< double > &  prevLogTargetValues,
SequenceOfVectors< P_V, P_M > &  workingChain,
double &  cumulativeRunTime,
unsigned int &  cumulativeRejections,
ScalarSequence< double > *  currLogLikelihoodValues,
ScalarSequence< double > *  currLogTargetValues 

Definition at line 891 of file MLSampling.C.

References QUESO::BaseVectorSequence< V, M >::append(), QUESO::ScalarSequence< T >::append(), QUESO::MetropolisHastingsSG< P_V, P_M >::generateSequence(), QUESO::SequenceOfVectors< V, M >::getPositionValues(), QUESO::MetropolisHastingsSG< P_V, P_M >::getRawChainInfo(), QUESO::MLSamplingLevelOptions::m_initialPositionUsePreviousLevelLikelihood, QUESO::MLSamplingLevelOptions::m_rawChainSize, QUESO::MiscGetEllapsedSeconds(), QUESO::MHRawChainInfoStruct::numRejections, QUESO::MHRawChainInfoStruct::runTime, QUESO::SequenceOfVectors< V, M >::subSequenceSize(), QUESO::ScalarSequence< T >::subSequenceSize(), and QUESO::UnbalancedLinkedChainsPerNodeStruct::unbLinkedChains.

907 {
908  m_env.fullComm().Barrier();
910  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
911  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "Entering MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateUnbLinkedChains_all()"
912  << ": unbalancedLinkControl.unbLinkedChains.size() = " << unbalancedLinkControl.unbLinkedChains.size()
913  << ", indexOfFirstWeight = " << indexOfFirstWeight
914  << std::endl;
915  }
917  P_V auxInitialPosition(m_vectorSpace.zeroVector());
918  double auxInitialLogPrior;
919  double auxInitialLogLikelihood;
921  unsigned int chainIdMax = 0;
922  if (m_env.inter0Rank() >= 0) {
923  chainIdMax = unbalancedLinkControl.unbLinkedChains.size();
924  }
925  // KAUST: all nodes in 'subComm' should have the same 'chainIdMax'
926  m_env.subComm().Bcast((void *) &chainIdMax, (int) 1, RawValue_MPI_UNSIGNED, 0, // Yes, 'subComm', important
927  "MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateUnbLinkedChains_all()",
928  "failed MPI.Bcast() for chainIdMax");
930  struct timeval timevalEntering;
931  int iRC = 0;
932  iRC = gettimeofday(&timevalEntering, NULL);
933  if (iRC) {}; // just to remove compiler warning
935  if (m_env.inter0Rank() >= 0) {
936  unsigned int numberOfPositions = 0;
937  for (unsigned int chainId = 0; chainId < chainIdMax; ++chainId) {
938  numberOfPositions += unbalancedLinkControl.unbLinkedChains[chainId].numberOfPositions;
939  }
941  std::vector<unsigned int> auxBuf(1,0);
943  unsigned int minNumberOfPositions = 0;
944  auxBuf[0] = numberOfPositions;
945  m_env.inter0Comm().template Allreduce<unsigned int>(&auxBuf[0], &minNumberOfPositions, (int) auxBuf.size(), RawValue_MPI_MIN,
946  "MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateUnbLinkedChains_all()",
947  "failed MPI.Allreduce() for min");
949  unsigned int maxNumberOfPositions = 0;
950  auxBuf[0] = numberOfPositions;
951  m_env.inter0Comm().template Allreduce<unsigned int>(&auxBuf[0], &maxNumberOfPositions, (int) auxBuf.size(), RawValue_MPI_MAX,
952  "MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateUnbLinkedChains_all()",
953  "failed MPI.Allreduce() for max");
955  unsigned int sumNumberOfPositions = 0;
956  auxBuf[0] = numberOfPositions;
957  m_env.inter0Comm().template Allreduce<unsigned int>(&auxBuf[0], &sumNumberOfPositions, (int) auxBuf.size(), RawValue_MPI_SUM,
958  "MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateUnbLinkedChains_all()",
959  "failed MPI.Allreduce() for sum");
961  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
962  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "KEY In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateUnbLinkedChains_all()"
963  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
964  << ", step " << m_currStep
965  << ": chainIdMax = " << chainIdMax
966  << ", numberOfPositions = " << numberOfPositions
967  << ", at " << ctime(&timevalEntering.tv_sec)
968  << std::endl;
969  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "KEY In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateUnbLinkedChains_all()"
970  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
971  << ", step " << m_currStep
972  << ": minNumberOfPositions = " << minNumberOfPositions
973  << ", avgNumberOfPositions = " << ((double) sumNumberOfPositions)/((double) m_env.inter0Comm().NumProc())
974  << ", maxNumberOfPositions = " << maxNumberOfPositions
975  << std::endl;
976  }
977  }
978  if ((m_debugExponent == 1.) &&
979  (m_currStep == 10)) {
980  //m_env.setExceptionalCircumstance(true);
981  }
982  double expRatio = currExponent;
983  if (prevExponent > 0.0) {
984  expRatio /= prevExponent;
985  }
986  unsigned int cumulativeNumPositions = 0;
987  for (unsigned int chainId = 0; chainId < chainIdMax; ++chainId) {
988  unsigned int tmpChainSize = 0;
989  if (m_env.inter0Rank() >= 0) {
990  unsigned int auxIndex = unbalancedLinkControl.unbLinkedChains[chainId].initialPositionIndexInPreviousChain - indexOfFirstWeight; // KAUST4 // Round Rock
991  prevChain.getPositionValues(auxIndex,auxInitialPosition); // Round Rock
992  auxInitialLogPrior = prevLogTargetValues[auxIndex] - prevLogLikelihoodValues[auxIndex];
993  auxInitialLogLikelihood = expRatio * prevLogLikelihoodValues[auxIndex];
994  tmpChainSize = unbalancedLinkControl.unbLinkedChains[chainId].numberOfPositions+1; // IMPORTANT: '+1' in order to discard initial position afterwards
995  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile() ) &&
996  (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 3)) {
997  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateUnbLinkedChains_all()"
998  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
999  << ", step " << m_currStep
1000  << ", chainId = " << chainId
1001  << " < " << chainIdMax
1002  << ": begin generating " << tmpChainSize
1003  << " chain positions"
1004  << std::endl;
1005  }
1006  }
1007  auxInitialPosition.mpiBcast(0, m_env.subComm()); // Yes, 'subComm', important // KAUST
1009 #if 0 // For debug only
1010  for (int r = 0; r < m_env.subComm().NumProc(); ++r) {
1011  if (r == m_env.subComm().MyPID()) {
1012  std::cout << "Vector 'auxInitialPosition at rank " << r
1013  << " has contents " << auxInitialPosition
1014  << std::endl;
1015  }
1016  m_env.subComm().Barrier();
1017  }
1018  sleep(1);
1019 #endif
1021  // KAUST: all nodes in 'subComm' should have the same 'tmpChainSize'
1022  m_env.subComm().Bcast((void *) &tmpChainSize, (int) 1, RawValue_MPI_UNSIGNED, 0, // Yes, 'subComm', important
1023  "MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateUnbLinkedChains_all()",
1024  "failed MPI.Bcast() for tmpChainSize");
1026  inputOptions.m_rawChainSize = tmpChainSize;
1027  SequenceOfVectors<P_V,P_M> tmpChain(m_vectorSpace,
1028  0,
1029  m_options.m_prefix+"tmp_chain");
1030  ScalarSequence<double> tmpLogLikelihoodValues(m_env,0,"");
1031  ScalarSequence<double> tmpLogTargetValues (m_env,0,"");
1033  // KAUST: all nodes should call here
1034  MHRawChainInfoStruct mcRawInfo;
1035  if (inputOptions.m_initialPositionUsePreviousLevelLikelihood) { // ml_likelihood_caching
1036  m_env.subComm().Bcast((void *) &auxInitialLogPrior, (int) 1, RawValue_MPI_DOUBLE, 0, // Yes, 'subComm', important
1037  "MLSamplingClass<P_V,P_M>::generateUnbLinkedChains_all()",
1038  "failed MPI.Bcast() for auxInitialLogPrior");
1039  m_env.subComm().Bcast((void *) &auxInitialLogLikelihood, (int) 1, RawValue_MPI_DOUBLE, 0, // Yes, 'subComm', important
1040  "MLSamplingClass<P_V,P_M>::generateUnbLinkedChains_all",
1041  "failed MPI.Bcast() for auxInitialLogLikelihood");
1042  MetropolisHastingsSG<P_V,P_M> mcSeqGenerator(inputOptions,
1043  rv,
1044  auxInitialPosition, // KEY new: pass logPrior and logLikelihood
1045  auxInitialLogPrior,
1046  auxInitialLogLikelihood,
1047  &unifiedCovMatrix);
1048  mcSeqGenerator.generateSequence(tmpChain,
1049  &tmpLogLikelihoodValues, // likelihood is IMPORTANT
1050  &tmpLogTargetValues);
1051  mcSeqGenerator.getRawChainInfo(mcRawInfo);
1052  }
1053  else {
1054  MetropolisHastingsSG<P_V,P_M> mcSeqGenerator(inputOptions,
1055  rv,
1056  auxInitialPosition,
1057  &unifiedCovMatrix);
1058  mcSeqGenerator.generateSequence(tmpChain,
1059  &tmpLogLikelihoodValues, // likelihood is IMPORTANT
1060  &tmpLogTargetValues);
1061  mcSeqGenerator.getRawChainInfo(mcRawInfo);
1062  }
1064  cumulativeRunTime += mcRawInfo.runTime;
1065  cumulativeRejections += mcRawInfo.numRejections;
1067  if (m_env.inter0Rank() >= 0) {
1069  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile() ) &&
1070  (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) { // detailed output debug
1071  P_V tmpVec(m_vectorSpace.zeroVector());
1072  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < tmpLogLikelihoodValues.subSequenceSize(); ++i) {
1073  tmpChain.getPositionValues(i,tmpVec);
1074  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "DEBUG finalChain[" << cumulativeNumPositions+i << "] "
1075  << "= tmpChain[" << i << "] = " << tmpVec
1076  << ", tmpLogLikelihoodValues[" << i << "] = " << tmpLogLikelihoodValues[i]
1077  << ", tmpLogTargetValues[" << i << "] = " << tmpLogTargetValues[i]
1078  << std::endl;
1079  }
1080  }
1081  } // exceptional
1083  cumulativeNumPositions += tmpChainSize;
1084  if (cumulativeNumPositions > 100) m_env.setExceptionalCircumstance(false);
1086  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile() ) &&
1087  (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 3)) {
1088  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateUnbLinkedChains_all()"
1089  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
1090  << ", step " << m_currStep
1091  << ", chainId = " << chainId
1092  << " < " << chainIdMax
1093  << ": finished generating " << tmpChain.subSequenceSize()
1094  << " chain positions"
1095  << std::endl;
1096  }
1098  // KAUST5: what if workingChain ends up with different size in different nodes? Important
1099  workingChain.append (tmpChain, 1,tmpChain.subSequenceSize()-1 ); // IMPORTANT: '1' in order to discard initial position
1100  if (currLogLikelihoodValues) {
1101  currLogLikelihoodValues->append(tmpLogLikelihoodValues,1,tmpLogLikelihoodValues.subSequenceSize()-1); // IMPORTANT: '1' in order to discard initial position
1102  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile() ) &&
1103  (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 99) &&
1104  (chainId == 0 )) {
1105  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateUnbLinkedChains_all()"
1106  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
1107  << ", step " << m_currStep
1108  << ", chainId = " << chainId
1109  << ", tmpLogLikelihoodValues.subSequenceSize() = " << tmpLogLikelihoodValues.subSequenceSize()
1110  << ", tmpLogLikelihoodValues[0] = " << tmpLogLikelihoodValues[0]
1111  << ", tmpLogLikelihoodValues[1] = " << tmpLogLikelihoodValues[1]
1112  << ", currLogLikelihoodValues[0] = " << (*currLogLikelihoodValues)[0]
1113  << std::endl;
1114  }
1115  }
1116  if (currLogTargetValues) {
1117  currLogTargetValues->append (tmpLogTargetValues, 1,tmpLogTargetValues.subSequenceSize()-1 ); // IMPORTANT: '1' in order to discard initial position
1118  }
1119  }
1120  } // for 'chainId'
1122  struct timeval timevalBarrier;
1123  iRC = gettimeofday(&timevalBarrier, NULL);
1124  if (iRC) {}; // just to remove compiler warning
1125  double loopTime = MiscGetEllapsedSeconds(&timevalEntering);
1126  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
1127  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateUnbLinkedChains_all()"
1128  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
1129  << ", step " << m_currStep
1130  << ": ended chain loop after " << loopTime << " seconds"
1131  << ", calling fullComm().Barrier() at " << ctime(&timevalBarrier.tv_sec)
1132  << std::endl;
1133  }
1135  m_env.fullComm().Barrier(); // KAUST4
1137  struct timeval timevalLeaving;
1138  iRC = gettimeofday(&timevalLeaving, NULL);
1139  if (iRC) {}; // just to remove compiler warning
1140  double barrierTime = MiscGetEllapsedSeconds(&timevalBarrier);
1141  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
1142  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "Leaving MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::generateUnbLinkedChains_all()"
1143  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
1144  << ", step " << m_currStep
1145  << ": after " << barrierTime << " seconds in fullComm().Barrier()"
1146  << ", at " << ctime(&timevalLeaving.tv_sec)
1147  << std::endl;
1148  }
1150  return;
1151 }
const V & zeroVector() const
Returns a vector filled with zeros.
Definition: VectorSpace.C:174
void Barrier() const
Pause every process in *this communicator until all the processes reach this point.
Definition: MpiComm.C:174
unsigned int m_currStep
Curret step.
Definition: MLSampling.h:495
MLSamplingOptions m_options
Options for the ML algorithm.
Definition: MLSampling.h:489
const MpiComm & inter0Comm() const
Access function for MpiComm communicator for processes with subRank() 0.
Definition: Environment.C:313
int MyPID() const
Return my process ID.
Definition: MpiComm.C:124
bool exceptionalCircumstance() const
Decides whether there is an exceptional circumstance.
Definition: Environment.C:1143
void setExceptionalCircumstance(bool value) const
Set an exceptional circumstance.
Definition: Environment.C:1136
double m_debugExponent
Exponent for debugging.
Definition: MLSampling.h:498
const BaseEnvironment & m_env
Queso enviroment.
Definition: MLSampling.h:470
const MpiComm & subComm() const
Access function for each sub-environment&#39;s communicator.
Definition: Environment.C:293
void append(const ScalarSequence< T > &src, unsigned int srcInitialPos, unsigned int srcNumPos)
Appends the scalar sequence src to this sequence.
int NumProc() const
Returns total number of processes.
Definition: MpiComm.C:133
unsigned int displayVerbosity() const
Definition: Environment.C:450
const VectorSpace< P_V, P_M > & m_vectorSpace
Vector space.
Definition: MLSampling.h:479
unsigned int m_currLevel
Current level.
Definition: MLSampling.h:492
const MpiComm & fullComm() const
Access function for the communicator that was passed to QUESO&#39;s environment.
Definition: Environment.C:274
double MiscGetEllapsedSeconds(struct timeval *timeval0)
int inter0Rank() const
Returns the process inter0 rank.
Definition: Environment.C:307
std::string m_prefix
Class prefix. (ml)
std::ofstream * subDisplayFile() const
Access function for m_subDisplayFile (displays file on stream).
Definition: Environment.C:320
void Bcast(void *buffer, int count, RawType_MPI_Datatype datatype, int root, const char *whereMsg, const char *whatMsg) const
Broadcast values from the root process to the slave processes.
Definition: MpiComm.C:191
template<class P_V , class P_M >
void QUESO::MLSampling< P_V, P_M >::justBalance_proc0 ( const MLSamplingLevelOptions currOptions,
std::vector< ExchangeInfoStruct > &  exchangeStdVec 

Definition at line 1500 of file MLSampling.C.

References QUESO::MLSamplingLevelOptions::m_loadBalanceTreshold, QUESO::MiscGetEllapsedSeconds(), QUESO::queso_require_equal_to_msg, QUESO::size, and QUESO::UQ_OK_RC.

1503 {
1504  if (m_env.inter0Rank() != 0) return;
1506  int iRC = UQ_OK_RC;
1507  struct timeval timevalBal;
1508  iRC = gettimeofday(&timevalBal, NULL);
1509  if (iRC) {}; // just to remove compiler warning
1511  unsigned int Np = m_env.numSubEnvironments();
1512  unsigned int Nc = exchangeStdVec.size();
1514  std::vector<ExchangeInfoStruct> currExchangeStdVec(Nc);
1515  for (unsigned int chainId = 0; chainId < Nc; ++chainId) {
1516  currExchangeStdVec[chainId] = exchangeStdVec[chainId];
1517  currExchangeStdVec[chainId].finalNodeOfInitialPosition = currExchangeStdVec[chainId].originalNodeOfInitialPosition; // final = original
1518  }
1521  // Compute original ratio of positions per node
1523  unsigned int iterIdMax = 0;
1524  std::vector<unsigned int> currNumChainsPerNode (Np,0);
1525  std::vector<unsigned int> currNumPositionsPerNode(Np,0);
1526  for (unsigned int chainId = 0; chainId < Nc; ++chainId) {
1527  unsigned int nodeId = currExchangeStdVec[chainId].finalNodeOfInitialPosition; // Yes, 'final'
1528  currNumChainsPerNode [nodeId] += 1;
1529  currNumPositionsPerNode[nodeId] += currExchangeStdVec[chainId].numberOfPositions;
1530  iterIdMax += currExchangeStdVec[chainId].numberOfPositions;
1531  }
1532  unsigned int currMinPosPerNode = *std::min_element(currNumPositionsPerNode.begin(), currNumPositionsPerNode.end());
1533  unsigned int currMaxPosPerNode = *std::max_element(currNumPositionsPerNode.begin(), currNumPositionsPerNode.end());
1534  double currRatioOfPosPerNode = ((double) currMaxPosPerNode ) / ((double) currMinPosPerNode);
1537  // Loop
1539  //iterIdMax /= 2;
1540  int iterId = -1;
1541  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
1542  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::justBalance_proc0()"
1543  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
1544  << ", step " << m_currStep
1545  << ", iter " << iterId
1546  << ", currRatioOfPosPerNode = " << currRatioOfPosPerNode
1547  << std::endl;
1548  for (unsigned int nodeId = 0; nodeId < Np; ++nodeId) {
1549  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << " KEY In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::justBalance_proc0()"
1550  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
1551  << ", step " << m_currStep
1552  << ", iter " << iterId
1553  << ", currNumChainsPerNode[" << nodeId << "] = " << currNumChainsPerNode[nodeId]
1554  << ", currNumPositionsPerNode[" << nodeId << "] = " << currNumPositionsPerNode[nodeId]
1555  << std::endl;
1556  }
1557  }
1559  std::vector<std::vector<double> > vectorOfChainSizesPerNode(Np);
1560  while ((iterId < (int) iterIdMax ) &&
1561  (currRatioOfPosPerNode > currOptions->m_loadBalanceTreshold)) {
1562  iterId++;
1565  // Initialize information
1567  for (unsigned int nodeId = 0; nodeId < Np; ++nodeId) {
1568  vectorOfChainSizesPerNode[nodeId].clear(); // make sure vectors have size 0
1569  }
1570  for (unsigned int chainId = 0; chainId < Nc; ++chainId) {
1571  unsigned int nodeId = currExchangeStdVec[chainId].finalNodeOfInitialPosition; // Yes, 'final'
1572  vectorOfChainSizesPerNode[nodeId].push_back(currExchangeStdVec[chainId].numberOfPositions);
1573  }
1574  // FIX ME: swap to save memory
1575  for (unsigned int nodeId = 0; nodeId < Np; ++nodeId) {
1576  std::sort(vectorOfChainSizesPerNode[nodeId].begin(), vectorOfChainSizesPerNode[nodeId].end());
1577  queso_require_equal_to_msg(vectorOfChainSizesPerNode[nodeId].size(), currNumChainsPerNode[nodeId], "inconsistent number of chains in node");
1578  }
1581  // Find [node with most postions], [node with least positions] and [number of positions to move]
1583  unsigned int currBiggestAmountOfPositionsPerNode = currNumPositionsPerNode[0];
1584  unsigned int currSmallestAmountOfPositionsPerNode = currNumPositionsPerNode[0];
1585  unsigned int currNodeWithMostPositions = 0;
1586  unsigned int currNodeWithLeastPositions = 0;
1587  for (unsigned int nodeId = 0; nodeId < Np; ++nodeId) {
1588  if (currNumPositionsPerNode[nodeId] > currBiggestAmountOfPositionsPerNode) {
1589  currBiggestAmountOfPositionsPerNode = currNumPositionsPerNode[nodeId];
1590  currNodeWithMostPositions = nodeId;
1591  }
1592  if (currNumPositionsPerNode[nodeId] < currSmallestAmountOfPositionsPerNode) {
1593  currSmallestAmountOfPositionsPerNode = currNumPositionsPerNode[nodeId];
1594  currNodeWithLeastPositions = nodeId;
1595  }
1596  }
1598  queso_require_equal_to_msg(currMinPosPerNode, currNumPositionsPerNode[currNodeWithLeastPositions], "inconsistent currMinPosPerNode");
1600  queso_require_equal_to_msg(currMaxPosPerNode, currNumPositionsPerNode[currNodeWithMostPositions], "inconsistent currMaxPosPerNode");
1602  unsigned int numberOfPositionsToMove = vectorOfChainSizesPerNode[currNodeWithMostPositions][0];
1604  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 3)) {
1605  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::justBalance_proc0()"
1606  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
1607  << ", step " << m_currStep
1608  << ", iter " << iterId
1609  << ", before update"
1610  << ", node w/ most pos is "
1611  << currNodeWithMostPositions << "(cs=" << currNumChainsPerNode[currNodeWithMostPositions ] << ", ps=" << currNumPositionsPerNode[currNodeWithMostPositions ] << ")"
1612  << ", node w/ least pos is "
1613  << currNodeWithLeastPositions << "(cs=" << currNumChainsPerNode[currNodeWithLeastPositions] << ", ps=" << currNumPositionsPerNode[currNodeWithLeastPositions] << ")"
1614  << ", number of pos to move = " << numberOfPositionsToMove
1615  << std::endl;
1616  }
1619  // Update 'final' fields in the two nodes
1621  std::vector<ExchangeInfoStruct> newExchangeStdVec(Nc);
1622  for (unsigned int chainId = 0; chainId < Nc; ++chainId) {
1623  newExchangeStdVec[chainId] = currExchangeStdVec[chainId];
1624  }
1626  for (unsigned int chainId = 0; chainId < Nc; ++chainId) {
1627  if ((newExchangeStdVec[chainId].finalNodeOfInitialPosition == (int) currNodeWithMostPositions) &&
1628  (newExchangeStdVec[chainId].numberOfPositions == numberOfPositionsToMove )) {
1629  newExchangeStdVec[chainId].finalNodeOfInitialPosition = currNodeWithLeastPositions;
1630  break; // exit 'for'
1631  }
1632  }
1635  // Compute new ratio of positions per node
1637  std::vector<unsigned int> newNumChainsPerNode (Np,0);
1638  std::vector<unsigned int> newNumPositionsPerNode(Np,0);
1639  for (unsigned int chainId = 0; chainId < Nc; ++chainId) {
1640  unsigned int nodeId = newExchangeStdVec[chainId].finalNodeOfInitialPosition; // Yes, 'final'
1641  newNumChainsPerNode [nodeId] += 1;
1642  newNumPositionsPerNode[nodeId] += newExchangeStdVec[chainId].numberOfPositions;
1643  }
1645  unsigned int newBiggestAmountOfPositionsPerNode = newNumPositionsPerNode[0];
1646  unsigned int newSmallestAmountOfPositionsPerNode = newNumPositionsPerNode[0];
1647  unsigned int newNodeWithMostPositions = 0;
1648  unsigned int newNodeWithLeastPositions = 0;
1649  for (unsigned int nodeId = 0; nodeId < Np; ++nodeId) {
1650  if (newNumPositionsPerNode[nodeId] > newBiggestAmountOfPositionsPerNode) {
1651  newBiggestAmountOfPositionsPerNode = newNumPositionsPerNode[nodeId];
1652  newNodeWithMostPositions = nodeId;
1653  }
1654  if (newNumPositionsPerNode[nodeId] < newSmallestAmountOfPositionsPerNode) {
1655  newSmallestAmountOfPositionsPerNode = newNumPositionsPerNode[nodeId];
1656  newNodeWithLeastPositions = nodeId;
1657  }
1658  }
1660  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 3)) {
1661  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::justBalance_proc0()"
1662  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
1663  << ", step " << m_currStep
1664  << ", iter " << iterId
1665  << ", after update"
1666  << ", node w/ most pos is "
1667  << newNodeWithMostPositions << "(cs=" << newNumChainsPerNode[newNodeWithMostPositions ] << ", ps=" << newNumPositionsPerNode[newNodeWithMostPositions ] << ")"
1668  << ", node w/ least pos is "
1669  << newNodeWithLeastPositions << "(cs=" << newNumChainsPerNode[newNodeWithLeastPositions] << ", ps=" << newNumPositionsPerNode[newNodeWithLeastPositions] << ")"
1670  << std::endl;
1671  }
1673  unsigned int newMinPosPerNode = *std::min_element(newNumPositionsPerNode.begin(), newNumPositionsPerNode.end());
1674  unsigned int newMaxPosPerNode = *std::max_element(newNumPositionsPerNode.begin(), newNumPositionsPerNode.end());
1675  double newRatioOfPosPerNode = ((double) newMaxPosPerNode ) / ((double) newMinPosPerNode);
1677  queso_require_equal_to_msg(newMinPosPerNode, newNumPositionsPerNode[newNodeWithLeastPositions], "inconsistent newMinPosPerNode");
1679  queso_require_equal_to_msg(newMaxPosPerNode, newNumPositionsPerNode[newNodeWithMostPositions], "inconsistent newMaxPosPerNode");
1681  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 3)) {
1682  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::justBalance_proc0()"
1683  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
1684  << ", step " << m_currStep
1685  << ", iter " << iterId
1686  << ", newMaxPosPerNode = " << newMaxPosPerNode
1687  << ", newMinPosPerNode = " << newMinPosPerNode
1688  << ", newRatioOfPosPerNode = " << newRatioOfPosPerNode
1689  << std::endl;
1690  for (unsigned int nodeId = 0; nodeId < Np; ++nodeId) {
1691  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << " KEY In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::justBalance_proc0()"
1692  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
1693  << ", step " << m_currStep
1694  << ", iter " << iterId
1695  << ", newNumChainsPerNode[" << nodeId << "] = " << newNumChainsPerNode [nodeId]
1696  << ", newNumPositionsPerNode[" << nodeId << "] = " << newNumPositionsPerNode[nodeId]
1697  << std::endl;
1698  }
1699  }
1702  // See if we need to exit 'while'
1704  if (newRatioOfPosPerNode > currRatioOfPosPerNode) {
1705  break; // exit 'while'
1706  }
1709  // Prepare for next iteration
1711  for (unsigned int nodeId = 0; nodeId < Np; ++nodeId) {
1712  currNumChainsPerNode [nodeId] = 0;
1713  currNumPositionsPerNode[nodeId] = 0;
1714  }
1715  currRatioOfPosPerNode = newRatioOfPosPerNode;
1716  for (unsigned int chainId = 0; chainId < Nc; ++chainId) {
1717  currExchangeStdVec[chainId] = newExchangeStdVec[chainId];
1718  unsigned int nodeId = currExchangeStdVec[chainId].finalNodeOfInitialPosition; // Yes, 'final'
1719  currNumChainsPerNode [nodeId] += 1;
1720  currNumPositionsPerNode[nodeId] += currExchangeStdVec[chainId].numberOfPositions;
1721  }
1722  currMinPosPerNode = *std::min_element(currNumPositionsPerNode.begin(), currNumPositionsPerNode.end());
1723  currMaxPosPerNode = *std::max_element(currNumPositionsPerNode.begin(), currNumPositionsPerNode.end());
1724  currRatioOfPosPerNode = ((double) currMaxPosPerNode ) / ((double) currMinPosPerNode);
1725  }
1728  // Prepare output information
1730  for (unsigned int chainId = 0; chainId < Nc; ++chainId) {
1731  exchangeStdVec[chainId].finalNodeOfInitialPosition = currExchangeStdVec[chainId].finalNodeOfInitialPosition; // Yes, 'final' = 'final'
1732  }
1735  // Printout solution information
1737  std::vector<unsigned int> finalNumChainsPerNode (Np,0);
1738  std::vector<unsigned int> finalNumPositionsPerNode(Np,0);
1739  for (unsigned int chainId = 0; chainId < Nc; ++chainId) {
1740  unsigned int nodeId = exchangeStdVec[chainId].finalNodeOfInitialPosition; // Yes, 'final'
1741  finalNumChainsPerNode [nodeId] += 1;
1742  finalNumPositionsPerNode[nodeId] += exchangeStdVec[chainId].numberOfPositions;
1743  }
1744  unsigned int finalMinPosPerNode = *std::min_element(finalNumPositionsPerNode.begin(), finalNumPositionsPerNode.end());
1745  unsigned int finalMaxPosPerNode = *std::max_element(finalNumPositionsPerNode.begin(), finalNumPositionsPerNode.end());
1746  double finalRatioOfPosPerNode = ((double) finalMaxPosPerNode ) / ((double) finalMinPosPerNode);
1748  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
1749  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "KEY In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::justBalance_proc0()"
1750  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
1751  << ", step " << m_currStep
1752  << ": solution gives the following redistribution"
1753  << std::endl;
1754  for (unsigned int nodeId = 0; nodeId < Np; ++nodeId) {
1755  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << " KEY In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::justBalance_proc0()"
1756  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
1757  << ", step " << m_currStep
1758  << ", finalNumChainsPerNode[" << nodeId << "] = " << finalNumChainsPerNode[nodeId]
1759  << ", finalNumPositionsPerNode[" << nodeId << "] = " << finalNumPositionsPerNode[nodeId]
1760  << std::endl;
1761  }
1762  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << " KEY In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::justBalance_proc0()"
1763  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
1764  << ", step " << m_currStep
1765  << ", finalRatioOfPosPerNode = " << finalRatioOfPosPerNode
1766  << std::endl;
1767  }
1770  // Measure time
1772  double balRunTime = MiscGetEllapsedSeconds(&timevalBal);
1773  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
1774  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "Leaving MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::justBalance_proc0()"
1775  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
1776  << ", step " << m_currStep
1777  << ", iterId = " << iterId
1778  << ", currRatioOfPosPerNode = " << currRatioOfPosPerNode
1779  << ", after " << balRunTime << " seconds"
1780  << std::endl;
1781  }
1783  return;
1784 }
unsigned int m_currStep
Curret step.
Definition: MLSampling.h:495
const int UQ_OK_RC
Definition: Defines.h:92
const BaseEnvironment & m_env
Queso enviroment.
Definition: MLSampling.h:470
MonteCarloSGOptions::MonteCarloSGOptions(const BaseEnvironment &env, const char *prefix, const McOptionsValues &alternativeOptionsValues queso_require_equal_to_msg)(m_env.optionsInputFileName(), std::string(""), std::string("this constructor is incompatible with the existence of an options input file"))
unsigned int displayVerbosity() const
Definition: Environment.C:450
unsigned int m_currLevel
Current level.
Definition: MLSampling.h:492
unsigned int numSubEnvironments() const
Access function to the number of sub-environments.
Definition: Environment.C:335
double MiscGetEllapsedSeconds(struct timeval *timeval0)
int inter0Rank() const
Returns the process inter0 rank.
Definition: Environment.C:307
std::ofstream * subDisplayFile() const
Access function for m_subDisplayFile (displays file on stream).
Definition: Environment.C:320
template<class P_V , class P_M >
double QUESO::MLSampling< P_V, P_M >::logEvidence ( ) const

Method to calculate the logarithm of the evidence.

Access to the private member: m_logEvidence.

Definition at line 4830 of file MLSampling.C.

4831 {
4832  return m_logEvidence;
4833 }
double m_logEvidence
Definition: MLSampling.h:500
template<class P_V , class P_M >
double QUESO::MLSampling< P_V, P_M >::meanLogLikelihood ( ) const

Method to calculate the mean of the logarithm of the likelihood.

Access to the private member: m_meanLogLikelihood.

Definition at line 4836 of file MLSampling.C.

4837 {
4838  return m_meanLogLikelihood;
4839 }
double m_meanLogLikelihood
Definition: MLSampling.h:501
template<class P_V , class P_M >
void QUESO::MLSampling< P_V, P_M >::mpiExchangePositions_inter0 ( const SequenceOfVectors< P_V, P_M > &  prevChain,
double  prevExponent,
double  currExponent,
const ScalarSequence< double > &  prevLogLikelihoodValues,
const ScalarSequence< double > &  prevLogTargetValues,
const std::vector< ExchangeInfoStruct > &  exchangeStdVec,
const std::vector< unsigned int > &  finalNumChainsPerNode,
const std::vector< unsigned int > &  finalNumPositionsPerNode,
BalancedLinkedChainsPerNodeStruct< P_V > &  balancedLinkControl 

Definition at line 1788 of file MLSampling.C.

References QUESO::BalancedLinkedChainsPerNodeStruct< P_V >::balLinkedChains, QUESO::SequenceOfVectors< V, M >::getPositionValues(), and QUESO::queso_require_equal_to_msg.

1798 {
1799  if (m_env.inter0Rank() < 0) {
1800  return;
1801  }
1803  unsigned int Np = (unsigned int) m_env.inter0Comm().NumProc();
1804  unsigned int Nc = exchangeStdVec.size();
1806  double expRatio = currExponent;
1807  if (prevExponent > 0.0) {
1808  expRatio /= prevExponent;
1809  }
1811  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
1812  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "Entering MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::mpiExchangePositions_inter0()"
1813  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
1814  << ", step " << m_currStep
1815  << ": Np = " << Np
1816  << ", Nc = " << Nc
1817  << std::endl;
1818  }
1821  // Each node performs:
1822  // --> a 'gatherv' for collecting all necessary initial positions from other nodes
1823  // --> a 'gatherv' for collecting all necessary chain lenghts from other nodes
1825  for (unsigned int r = 0; r < Np; ++r) {
1827  // Prepare some counters
1829  unsigned int numberOfInitialPositionsNodeRAlreadyHas = 0;
1830  std::vector<unsigned int> numberOfInitialPositionsNodeRHasToReceiveFromNode(Np,0);
1831  std::vector<unsigned int> indexesOfInitialPositionsNodeRHasToReceiveFromMe(0);
1833  unsigned int sumOfChainLenghtsNodeRAlreadyHas = 0;
1834  std::vector<unsigned int> chainLenghtsNodeRHasToInherit(0);
1836  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < Nc; ++i) {
1837  if (exchangeStdVec[i].finalNodeOfInitialPosition == (int) r) {
1838  if (exchangeStdVec[i].originalNodeOfInitialPosition == (int) r) {
1839  numberOfInitialPositionsNodeRAlreadyHas++;
1840  sumOfChainLenghtsNodeRAlreadyHas += exchangeStdVec[i].numberOfPositions;
1841  }
1842  else {
1843  numberOfInitialPositionsNodeRHasToReceiveFromNode[exchangeStdVec[i].originalNodeOfInitialPosition]++;
1844  chainLenghtsNodeRHasToInherit.push_back(exchangeStdVec[i].numberOfPositions);
1845  if (m_env.inter0Rank() == exchangeStdVec[i].originalNodeOfInitialPosition) {
1846  indexesOfInitialPositionsNodeRHasToReceiveFromMe.push_back(exchangeStdVec[i].originalIndexOfInitialPosition);
1847  }
1848  }
1849  }
1850  }
1852  unsigned int totalNumberOfInitialPositionsNodeRHasToReceive = 0;
1853  for (unsigned int nodeId = 0; nodeId < Np; ++nodeId) {
1854  totalNumberOfInitialPositionsNodeRHasToReceive += numberOfInitialPositionsNodeRHasToReceiveFromNode[nodeId];
1855  }
1857  unsigned int totalNumberOfChainLenghtsNodeRHasToInherit = chainLenghtsNodeRHasToInherit.size();
1858  unsigned int totalSumOfChainLenghtsNodeRHasToInherit = 0;
1859  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < totalNumberOfChainLenghtsNodeRHasToInherit; ++i) {
1860  totalSumOfChainLenghtsNodeRHasToInherit += chainLenghtsNodeRHasToInherit[i];
1861  }
1864  // Printout important information
1866  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
1867  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "KEY In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::mpiExchangePositions_inter0()"
1868  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
1869  << ", step " << m_currStep
1870  << ": r = " << r
1871  << ", finalNumChainsPerNode[r] = " << finalNumChainsPerNode[r]
1872  << ", totalNumberOfInitialPositionsNodeRHasToReceive = " << totalNumberOfInitialPositionsNodeRHasToReceive
1873  << ", numberOfInitialPositionsNodeRAlreadyHas = " << numberOfInitialPositionsNodeRAlreadyHas
1874  << std::endl;
1875  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "KEY In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::mpiExchangePositions_inter0()"
1876  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
1877  << ", step " << m_currStep
1878  << ": r = " << r
1879  << ", finalNumPositionsPerNode[r] = " << finalNumPositionsPerNode[r]
1880  << ", totalSumOfChainLenghtsNodeRHasToInherit = " << totalSumOfChainLenghtsNodeRHasToInherit
1881  << ", sumOfChainLenghtsNodeRAlreadyHas = " << sumOfChainLenghtsNodeRAlreadyHas
1882  << std::endl;
1883  }
1886  // Make sanity checks
1888  queso_require_equal_to_msg(indexesOfInitialPositionsNodeRHasToReceiveFromMe.size(), numberOfInitialPositionsNodeRHasToReceiveFromNode[m_env.inter0Rank()], "inconsistent number of initial positions to send to node 'r'");
1890  queso_require_equal_to_msg(finalNumChainsPerNode[r], (totalNumberOfInitialPositionsNodeRHasToReceive + numberOfInitialPositionsNodeRAlreadyHas), "inconsistent number of chains in node 'r'");
1892  queso_require_equal_to_msg(finalNumPositionsPerNode[r], (totalSumOfChainLenghtsNodeRHasToInherit + sumOfChainLenghtsNodeRAlreadyHas), "inconsistent sum of chain lenghts in node 'r'");
1894  queso_require_equal_to_msg(totalNumberOfInitialPositionsNodeRHasToReceive, totalNumberOfChainLenghtsNodeRHasToInherit, "inconsistent on total number of initial positions to receive in node 'r'");
1896  // Optimize use of memory (FIX ME: don't need to use swap here ????)
1897  indexesOfInitialPositionsNodeRHasToReceiveFromMe.resize(numberOfInitialPositionsNodeRHasToReceiveFromNode[m_env.inter0Rank()]);
1898  chainLenghtsNodeRHasToInherit.resize (totalSumOfChainLenghtsNodeRHasToInherit);
1901  // Prepare counters and buffers for gatherv of initial positions
1903  unsigned int dimSize = m_vectorSpace.dimLocal();
1904  unsigned int nValuesPerInitialPosition = dimSize + 2;
1905  P_V auxInitialPosition(m_vectorSpace.zeroVector());
1906  std::vector<double> sendbuf(0);
1907  unsigned int sendcnt = 0;
1908  if (m_env.inter0Rank() != (int) r) {
1909  sendcnt = numberOfInitialPositionsNodeRHasToReceiveFromNode[m_env.inter0Rank()] * nValuesPerInitialPosition;
1910  sendbuf.resize(sendcnt);
1911  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numberOfInitialPositionsNodeRHasToReceiveFromNode[m_env.inter0Rank()]; ++i) {
1912  unsigned int auxIndex = indexesOfInitialPositionsNodeRHasToReceiveFromMe[i];
1913  prevChain.getPositionValues(auxIndex,auxInitialPosition);
1914  for (unsigned int j = 0; j < dimSize; ++j) {
1915  sendbuf[i*nValuesPerInitialPosition + j] = auxInitialPosition[j];
1916  }
1917  sendbuf[i*nValuesPerInitialPosition + dimSize] = prevLogLikelihoodValues[auxIndex];
1918  sendbuf[i*nValuesPerInitialPosition + dimSize + 1] = prevLogTargetValues[auxIndex];
1919  }
1920  }
1922  std::vector<double> recvbuf(0);
1923  std::vector<int> recvcnts(Np,0); // '0' is already the correct value for recvcnts[r]
1924  if (m_env.inter0Rank() == (int) r) {
1925  recvbuf.resize(totalNumberOfInitialPositionsNodeRHasToReceive * nValuesPerInitialPosition);
1926  for (unsigned int nodeId = 0; nodeId < Np; ++nodeId) { // Yes, from '0' on (for 'r', numberOf...ToReceiveFromNode[r] = 0 anyway)
1927  recvcnts[nodeId] = numberOfInitialPositionsNodeRHasToReceiveFromNode[nodeId/*m_env.inter0Rank()*/] * nValuesPerInitialPosition;
1928  }
1929  }
1931  std::vector<int> displs(Np,0);
1932  for (unsigned int nodeId = 1; nodeId < Np; ++nodeId) { // Yes, from '1' on
1933  displs[nodeId] = displs[nodeId-1] + recvcnts[nodeId-1];
1934  }
1936 #if 0
1937  if (m_env.inter0Rank() == r) {
1938  m_env.inter0Comm().Gatherv(RawValue_MPI_IN_PLACE, (int) sendcnt, RawValue_MPI_DOUBLE, (void *) &recvbuf[0], (int *) &recvcnts[0], (int *) &displs[0], RawValue_MPI_DOUBLE, r, // LOAD BALANCE
1939  "MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::mpiExchangePositions_inter0(1)",
1940  "failed MPI.Gatherv()");
1941  }
1942  else {
1943  m_env.inter0Comm().Gatherv((void *) &sendbuf[0], (int) sendcnt, RawValue_MPI_DOUBLE, (void *) &recvbuf[0], (int *) &recvcnts[0], (int *) &displs[0], RawValue_MPI_DOUBLE, r, // LOAD BALANCE
1944  "MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::mpiExchangePositions_inter0(2)",
1945  "failed MPI.Gatherv()");
1946  }
1947 #else
1948  m_env.inter0Comm().template Gatherv<double>(&sendbuf[0], (int) sendcnt,
1949  &recvbuf[0], (int *) &recvcnts[0], (int *) &displs[0],
1950  r, // LOAD BALANCE
1951  "MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::mpiExchangePositions_inter0()",
1952  "failed MPI.Gatherv()");
1953 #endif
1956  // Make sanity checks
1960  // Transfer data from 'recvbuf' to 'balancedLinkControl'
1961  // Remember that finalNumChainsPerNode[r] = (totalNumberOfInitialPositionsNodeRHasToReceive + numberOfInitialPositionsNodeRAlreadyHas)
1962  // Remember that totalNumberOfInitialPositionsNodeRHasToReceive = totalNumberOfChainLenghtsNodeRHasToInherit
1964  if (m_env.inter0Rank() == (int) r) {
1965  balancedLinkControl.balLinkedChains.resize(finalNumChainsPerNode[r]);
1966  unsigned int auxIndex = 0;
1968  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < Nc; ++i) {
1969  if ((exchangeStdVec[i].finalNodeOfInitialPosition == (int) r) &&
1970  (exchangeStdVec[i].originalNodeOfInitialPosition == (int) r)) {
1971  unsigned int originalIndex = exchangeStdVec[i].originalIndexOfInitialPosition;
1972  prevChain.getPositionValues(originalIndex, auxInitialPosition);
1973  balancedLinkControl.balLinkedChains[auxIndex].initialPosition = new P_V(auxInitialPosition);
1974  balancedLinkControl.balLinkedChains[auxIndex].initialLogPrior = prevLogTargetValues[originalIndex] - prevLogLikelihoodValues[originalIndex];
1975  balancedLinkControl.balLinkedChains[auxIndex].initialLogLikelihood = expRatio*prevLogLikelihoodValues[originalIndex];
1976  balancedLinkControl.balLinkedChains[auxIndex].numberOfPositions = exchangeStdVec[i].numberOfPositions;
1977  auxIndex++;
1978  }
1979  }
1981  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < totalNumberOfInitialPositionsNodeRHasToReceive; ++i) {
1982  for (unsigned int j = 0; j < dimSize; ++j) {
1983  auxInitialPosition[j] = recvbuf[i*nValuesPerInitialPosition + j];
1984  }
1985  balancedLinkControl.balLinkedChains[auxIndex].initialPosition = new P_V(auxInitialPosition);
1986  double prevLogLikelihood = recvbuf[i*nValuesPerInitialPosition + dimSize];
1987  double prevLogTarget = recvbuf[i*nValuesPerInitialPosition + dimSize + 1];
1988  balancedLinkControl.balLinkedChains[auxIndex].initialLogPrior = prevLogTarget - prevLogLikelihood;
1989  balancedLinkControl.balLinkedChains[auxIndex].initialLogLikelihood = expRatio*prevLogLikelihood;
1990  balancedLinkControl.balLinkedChains[auxIndex].numberOfPositions = chainLenghtsNodeRHasToInherit[i]; // aqui 3
1991  auxIndex++;
1992  }
1993  }
1995  m_env.inter0Comm().Barrier();
1996  } // for 'r'
1998  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
1999  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "Leaving MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::mpiExchangePositions_inter0()"
2000  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
2001  << ", step " << m_currStep
2002  << std::endl;
2003  }
2005  return;
2006 }
const V & zeroVector() const
Returns a vector filled with zeros.
Definition: VectorSpace.C:174
void Barrier() const
Pause every process in *this communicator until all the processes reach this point.
Definition: MpiComm.C:174
unsigned int m_currStep
Curret step.
Definition: MLSampling.h:495
const MpiComm & inter0Comm() const
Access function for MpiComm communicator for processes with subRank() 0.
Definition: Environment.C:313
const BaseEnvironment & m_env
Queso enviroment.
Definition: MLSampling.h:470
void Gatherv(void *sendbuf, int sendcnt, RawType_MPI_Datatype sendtype, void *recvbuf, int *recvcnts, int *displs, RawType_MPI_Datatype recvtype, int root, const char *whereMsg, const char *whatMsg) const
Gathers into specified locations from all processes in a group.
Definition: MpiComm.C:254
unsigned int dimLocal() const
Definition: VectorSpace.C:155
MonteCarloSGOptions::MonteCarloSGOptions(const BaseEnvironment &env, const char *prefix, const McOptionsValues &alternativeOptionsValues queso_require_equal_to_msg)(m_env.optionsInputFileName(), std::string(""), std::string("this constructor is incompatible with the existence of an options input file"))
int NumProc() const
Returns total number of processes.
Definition: MpiComm.C:133
unsigned int displayVerbosity() const
Definition: Environment.C:450
const VectorSpace< P_V, P_M > & m_vectorSpace
Vector space.
Definition: MLSampling.h:479
unsigned int m_currLevel
Current level.
Definition: MLSampling.h:492
int inter0Rank() const
Returns the process inter0 rank.
Definition: Environment.C:307
std::ofstream * subDisplayFile() const
Access function for m_subDisplayFile (displays file on stream).
Definition: Environment.C:320
template<class P_V , class P_M >
void QUESO::MLSampling< P_V, P_M >::prepareBalLinkedChains_inter0 ( const MLSamplingLevelOptions currOptions,
const SequenceOfVectors< P_V, P_M > &  prevChain,
double  prevExponent,
double  currExponent,
const ScalarSequence< double > &  prevLogLikelihoodValues,
const ScalarSequence< double > &  prevLogTargetValues,
std::vector< ExchangeInfoStruct > &  exchangeStdVec,
BalancedLinkedChainsPerNodeStruct< P_V > &  balancedLinkControl 

Definition at line 330 of file MLSampling.C.

References QUESO::MLSamplingLevelOptions::m_loadBalanceAlgorithmId, and QUESO::queso_require_equal_to_msg.

339 {
340  if (m_env.inter0Rank() < 0) return;
342  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
343  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "Entering MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::prepareBalLinkedChains_inter0()"
344  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
345  << ", step " << m_currStep
346  << std::endl;
347  }
349  unsigned int Np = (unsigned int) m_env.inter0Comm().NumProc();
350  if (m_env.inter0Rank() == 0) {
351  switch (currOptions->m_loadBalanceAlgorithmId) {
352  case 2:
353  justBalance_proc0(currOptions, // input
354  exchangeStdVec); // input/output
355  break;
357  case 1:
358  default:
359 #ifdef QUESO_HAS_GLPK
360  // Get final node responsible for a linked chain by solving BIP at node zero only
361  solveBIP_proc0(exchangeStdVec); // input/output
362 #else
363  if (m_env.subDisplayFile()) {
364  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "WARNING in MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::prepareBalLinkedChains_inter0()"
365  << ": algorithm id '" << currOptions->m_loadBalanceAlgorithmId
366  << "' has been requested, but this QUESO library has not been built with 'hdf5'"
367  << ". Code will therefore process the algorithm id '" << 2
368  << "' instead..."
369  << std::endl;
370  }
371  if (m_env.subRank() == 0) {
372  std::cerr << "WARNING in MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::prepareBalLinkedChains_inter0()"
373  << ": algorithm id '" << currOptions->m_loadBalanceAlgorithmId
374  << "' has been requested, but this QUESO library has not been built with 'hdf5'"
375  << ". Code will therefore process the algorithm id '" << 2
376  << "' instead..."
377  << std::endl;
378  }
379  justBalance_proc0(currOptions, // input
380  exchangeStdVec); // input/output
381 #endif
382  break;
383  }
384  } // if (m_env.inter0Rank() == 0)
389  // Proc 0 now broadcasts the information on 'exchangeStdVec'
391  unsigned int exchangeStdVecSize = exchangeStdVec.size();
392  m_env.inter0Comm().Bcast((void *) &exchangeStdVecSize, (int) 1, RawValue_MPI_UNSIGNED, 0, // LOAD BALANCE
393  "MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::prepareBalLinkedChains_inter0()",
394  "failed MPI.Bcast() for exchangeStdVec size");
395  if (m_env.inter0Rank() > 0) exchangeStdVec.resize(exchangeStdVecSize);
397  m_env.inter0Comm().Bcast((void *) &exchangeStdVec[0], (int) (exchangeStdVecSize*sizeof(ExchangeInfoStruct)), RawValue_MPI_CHAR, 0, // LOAD BALANCE
398  "MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::prepareBalLinkedChains_inter0()",
399  "failed MPI.Bcast() for exchangeStdVec data");
402  // All "management" nodes update 'finalNumChainsPerNode' and 'finalNumPostionsPerNode'
404  std::vector<unsigned int> finalNumChainsPerNode (Np,0);
405  std::vector<unsigned int> finalNumPositionsPerNode(Np,0);
406  unsigned int Nc = exchangeStdVec.size();
407  for (unsigned int chainId = 0; chainId < Nc; ++chainId) {
408  unsigned int nodeId = exchangeStdVec[chainId].finalNodeOfInitialPosition;
409  finalNumChainsPerNode [nodeId] += 1;
410  finalNumPositionsPerNode[nodeId] += exchangeStdVec[chainId].numberOfPositions;
411  }
414  // Sanity check
416  unsigned int finalMinPosPerNode = *std::min_element(finalNumPositionsPerNode.begin(), finalNumPositionsPerNode.end());
417  unsigned int finalMaxPosPerNode = *std::max_element(finalNumPositionsPerNode.begin(), finalNumPositionsPerNode.end());
418  double finalRatioOfPosPerNode = ((double) finalMaxPosPerNode) / ((double)finalMinPosPerNode);
419  //std::cout << m_env.worldRank() << ", finalRatioOfPosPerNode = " << finalRatioOfPosPerNode << std::endl;
421  std::vector<double> auxBuf(1,0.);
422  double minRatio = 0.;
423  auxBuf[0] = finalRatioOfPosPerNode;
424  m_env.inter0Comm().template Allreduce<double>(&auxBuf[0], &minRatio, (int) auxBuf.size(), RawValue_MPI_MIN, // LOAD BALANCE
425  "MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::prepareBalLinkedChains_inter0()",
426  "failed MPI.Allreduce() for min");
427  //std::cout << m_env.worldRank() << ", minRatio = " << minRatio << std::endl;
428  queso_require_equal_to_msg(minRatio, finalRatioOfPosPerNode, "failed minRatio sanity check");
430  double maxRatio = 0.;
431  auxBuf[0] = finalRatioOfPosPerNode;
432  m_env.inter0Comm().template Allreduce<double>(&auxBuf[0], &maxRatio, (int) auxBuf.size(), RawValue_MPI_MAX, // LOAD BALANCE
433  "MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::prepareBalLinkedChains_inter0()",
434  "failed MPI.Allreduce() for max");
435  //std::cout << m_env.worldRank() << ", maxRatio = " << maxRatio << std::endl;
436  queso_require_equal_to_msg(maxRatio, finalRatioOfPosPerNode, "failed maxRatio sanity check");
439  // Proc 0 now broadcasts the information on 'finalNumChainsPerNode'
441  unsigned int finalNumChainsPerNodeSize = finalNumChainsPerNode.size();
442  m_env.inter0Comm().Bcast((void *) &finalNumChainsPerNodeSize, (int) 1, RawValue_MPI_UNSIGNED, 0, // LOAD BALANCE
443  "MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::prepareBalLinkedChains_inter0()",
444  "failed MPI.Bcast() for finalNumChainsPerNode size");
445  if (m_env.inter0Rank() > 0) finalNumChainsPerNode.resize(finalNumChainsPerNodeSize);
447  m_env.inter0Comm().Bcast((void *) &finalNumChainsPerNode[0], (int) finalNumChainsPerNodeSize, RawValue_MPI_UNSIGNED, 0, // LOAD BALANCE
448  "MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::prepareBalLinkedChains_inter0()",
449  "failed MPI.Bcast() for finalNumChainsPerNode data");
452  // Mpi exchange information between nodes and properly populate
453  // balancedLinkControl.linkedChains at each node
455  mpiExchangePositions_inter0(prevChain,
456  prevExponent,
457  currExponent,
458  prevLogLikelihoodValues,
459  prevLogTargetValues,
460  exchangeStdVec,
461  finalNumChainsPerNode,
462  finalNumPositionsPerNode, // It is already valid at all "management" nodes (not only at node 0) because of the sanity check above
463  balancedLinkControl);
465  return;
466 }
void mpiExchangePositions_inter0(const SequenceOfVectors< P_V, P_M > &prevChain, double prevExponent, double currExponent, const ScalarSequence< double > &prevLogLikelihoodValues, const ScalarSequence< double > &prevLogTargetValues, const std::vector< ExchangeInfoStruct > &exchangeStdVec, const std::vector< unsigned int > &finalNumChainsPerNode, const std::vector< unsigned int > &finalNumPositionsPerNode, BalancedLinkedChainsPerNodeStruct< P_V > &balancedLinkControl)
Definition: MLSampling.C:1788
void justBalance_proc0(const MLSamplingLevelOptions *currOptions, std::vector< ExchangeInfoStruct > &exchangeStdVec)
Definition: MLSampling.C:1500
void Barrier() const
Pause every process in *this communicator until all the processes reach this point.
Definition: MpiComm.C:174
unsigned int m_currStep
Curret step.
Definition: MLSampling.h:495
const MpiComm & inter0Comm() const
Access function for MpiComm communicator for processes with subRank() 0.
Definition: Environment.C:313
int subRank() const
Returns the rank of the MPI process in the sub-communicator subComm()
Definition: Environment.C:287
const BaseEnvironment & m_env
Queso enviroment.
Definition: MLSampling.h:470
MonteCarloSGOptions::MonteCarloSGOptions(const BaseEnvironment &env, const char *prefix, const McOptionsValues &alternativeOptionsValues queso_require_equal_to_msg)(m_env.optionsInputFileName(), std::string(""), std::string("this constructor is incompatible with the existence of an options input file"))
void solveBIP_proc0(std::vector< ExchangeInfoStruct > &exchangeStdVec)
Definition: MLSampling.C:1156
int NumProc() const
Returns total number of processes.
Definition: MpiComm.C:133
unsigned int displayVerbosity() const
Definition: Environment.C:450
unsigned int m_currLevel
Current level.
Definition: MLSampling.h:492
int inter0Rank() const
Returns the process inter0 rank.
Definition: Environment.C:307
std::ofstream * subDisplayFile() const
Access function for m_subDisplayFile (displays file on stream).
Definition: Environment.C:320
void Bcast(void *buffer, int count, RawType_MPI_Datatype datatype, int root, const char *whereMsg, const char *whatMsg) const
Broadcast values from the root process to the slave processes.
Definition: MpiComm.C:191
template<class P_V , class P_M >
void QUESO::MLSampling< P_V, P_M >::prepareUnbLinkedChains_inter0 ( unsigned int  indexOfFirstWeight,
unsigned int  indexOfLastWeight,
const std::vector< unsigned int > &  unifiedIndexCountersAtProc0Only,
UnbalancedLinkedChainsPerNodeStruct unbalancedLinkControl 

Definition at line 470 of file MLSampling.C.

References QUESO::UnbalancedLinkedChainControlStruct::initialPositionIndexInPreviousChain, QUESO::UnbalancedLinkedChainControlStruct::numberOfPositions, QUESO::queso_require_equal_to_msg, and QUESO::UnbalancedLinkedChainsPerNodeStruct::unbLinkedChains.

475 {
476  if (m_env.inter0Rank() < 0) return;
478  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
479  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "Entering MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::prepareUnbLinkedChains_inter0()"
480  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
481  << ", step " << m_currStep
482  << ": indexOfFirstWeight = " << indexOfFirstWeight
483  << ", indexOfLastWeight = " << indexOfLastWeight
484  << std::endl;
485  }
487  unsigned int subNumSamples = 0;
488  std::vector<unsigned int> unifiedIndexCountersAtAllProcs(0);
490  // All nodes in 'inter0Comm' should resize to the same size // KAUST3
491  unsigned int resizeSize = unifiedIndexCountersAtProc0Only.size();
492  m_env.inter0Comm().Bcast((void *) &resizeSize, (int) 1, RawValue_MPI_UNSIGNED, 0,
493  "MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::prepareUnbLinkedChains_inter0()",
494  "failed MPI.Bcast() for resizeSize");
495  unifiedIndexCountersAtAllProcs.resize(resizeSize,0);
497  if (m_env.inter0Rank() == 0) unifiedIndexCountersAtAllProcs = unifiedIndexCountersAtProc0Only;
499  // Broadcast index counters to all nodes
500  m_env.inter0Comm().Bcast((void *) &unifiedIndexCountersAtAllProcs[0], (int) unifiedIndexCountersAtAllProcs.size(), RawValue_MPI_UNSIGNED, 0,
501  "MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::prepareUnbLinkedChains_inter0()",
502  "failed MPI.Bcast() for unified index counters");
503 #if 0 // Use allgatherv ??? for subNumSamples instead
504  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
505  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::prepareUnbLinkedChains_inter0()"
506  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
507  << ", step " << m_currStep
508  << ":"
509  << std::endl;
510  for (int r = 0; r < m_env.inter0Comm().NumProc(); ++r) {
511  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << " unifiedIndexCountersAtAllProcs[" << r << "] = " << unifiedIndexCountersAtAllProcs[r]
512  << std::endl;
513  }
514  }
515 #endif
516  //for (unsigned int i = 0; i < unifiedIndexCountersAtAllProcs.size(); ++i) {
517  // *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "unifiedIndexCountersAtAllProcs[" << i
518  // << "] = " << unifiedIndexCountersAtAllProcs[i]
519  // << std::endl;
520  //}
522  // Use 'indexOfFirstWeight' and 'indexOfLastWeight' in order to update 'subNumSamples'
523  queso_require_less_msg(indexOfFirstWeight, unifiedIndexCountersAtAllProcs.size(), "invalid indexOfFirstWeight");
524  queso_require_less_msg(indexOfLastWeight, unifiedIndexCountersAtAllProcs.size(), "invalid indexOfLastWeight");
525  subNumSamples = 0;
526  for (unsigned int i = indexOfFirstWeight; i <= indexOfLastWeight; ++i) {
527  subNumSamples += unifiedIndexCountersAtAllProcs[i];
528  }
530  std::vector<unsigned int> auxBuf(1,0);
532  unsigned int minModifiedSubNumSamples = 0;
533  auxBuf[0] = subNumSamples;
534  m_env.inter0Comm().template Allreduce<unsigned int>(&auxBuf[0], &minModifiedSubNumSamples, (int) auxBuf.size(), RawValue_MPI_MIN,
535  "MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::prepareUnbLinkedChains_inter0()",
536  "failed MPI.Allreduce() for min");
538  unsigned int maxModifiedSubNumSamples = 0;
539  auxBuf[0] = subNumSamples;
540  m_env.inter0Comm().template Allreduce<unsigned int>(&auxBuf[0], &maxModifiedSubNumSamples, (int) auxBuf.size(), RawValue_MPI_MAX,
541  "MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::prepareUnbLinkedChains_inter0()",
542  "failed MPI.Allreduce() for max");
544  unsigned int sumModifiedSubNumSamples = 0;
545  auxBuf[0] = subNumSamples;
546  m_env.inter0Comm().template Allreduce<unsigned int>(&auxBuf[0], &sumModifiedSubNumSamples, (int) auxBuf.size(), RawValue_MPI_SUM,
547  "MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::prepareUnbLinkedChains_inter0()",
548  "failed MPI.Allreduce() for sum");
551  // m_env.worldRank(),
552  // "MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::prepareUnbLinkedChains_inter0()",
553  // "invalid state");
555  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
556  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "KEY Leaving MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::prepareUnbLinkedChains_inter0()"
557  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
558  << ", step " << m_currStep
559  << ": subNumSamples = " << subNumSamples
560  << ", unifiedIndexCountersAtAllProcs.size() = " << unifiedIndexCountersAtAllProcs.size()
561  << std::endl;
562  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "KEY Leaving MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::prepareUnbLinkedChains_inter0()"
563  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
564  << ", step " << m_currStep
565  << ": minModifiedSubNumSamples = " << minModifiedSubNumSamples
566  << ", avgModifiedSubNumSamples = " << ((double) sumModifiedSubNumSamples)/((double) m_env.inter0Comm().NumProc())
567  << ", maxModifiedSubNumSamples = " << maxModifiedSubNumSamples
568  << std::endl;
569  }
571  unsigned int numberOfPositionsToGuaranteeForNode = subNumSamples;
572  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
573  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "KEY In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::prepareUnbLinkedChains_inter0()"
574  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
575  << ", step " << m_currStep
576  << ": numberOfPositionsToGuaranteeForNode = " << numberOfPositionsToGuaranteeForNode
577  << std::endl;
578  }
579  for (unsigned int i = indexOfFirstWeight; i <= indexOfLastWeight; ++i) {
580 //for (unsigned int i = 0; i < unifiedIndexCountersAtAllProcs.size(); ++i) { // KAUST4: important
581  while (unifiedIndexCountersAtAllProcs[i] != 0) {
582  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 30)) {
583  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << ", numberOfPositionsToGuaranteeForNode = " << numberOfPositionsToGuaranteeForNode
584  << ", unifiedIndexCountersAtAllProcs[" << i
585  << "] = " << unifiedIndexCountersAtAllProcs[i]
586  << std::endl;
587  }
588  if (unifiedIndexCountersAtAllProcs[i] < numberOfPositionsToGuaranteeForNode) {
589  UnbalancedLinkedChainControlStruct auxControl;
590  auxControl.initialPositionIndexInPreviousChain = i;
591  auxControl.numberOfPositions = unifiedIndexCountersAtAllProcs[i];
592  unbalancedLinkControl.unbLinkedChains.push_back(auxControl);
594  numberOfPositionsToGuaranteeForNode -= unifiedIndexCountersAtAllProcs[i];
595  unifiedIndexCountersAtAllProcs[i] = 0;
596  }
597  else if ((unifiedIndexCountersAtAllProcs[i] == numberOfPositionsToGuaranteeForNode) &&
598  (unifiedIndexCountersAtAllProcs[i] > 0 )) {
599  //else { // KAUST4
600  UnbalancedLinkedChainControlStruct auxControl;
601  auxControl.initialPositionIndexInPreviousChain = i;
602  auxControl.numberOfPositions = numberOfPositionsToGuaranteeForNode;
603  unbalancedLinkControl.unbLinkedChains.push_back(auxControl);
605  unifiedIndexCountersAtAllProcs[i] -= numberOfPositionsToGuaranteeForNode;
606  numberOfPositionsToGuaranteeForNode = 0;
607  }
608  else if ((unifiedIndexCountersAtAllProcs[i] == numberOfPositionsToGuaranteeForNode) &&
609  (unifiedIndexCountersAtAllProcs[i] == 0 )) {
610  // Ok
611  }
612  else {
613  queso_error_msg("should never get here");
614  }
615  }
616  }
617  queso_require_equal_to_msg(numberOfPositionsToGuaranteeForNode, 0, "numberOfPositionsToGuaranteeForNode exited loop with wrong value");
618  // FIX ME: swap trick to save memory
620  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
621  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "KEY Leaving MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::prepareUnbLinkedChains_inter0()"
622  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
623  << ", step " << m_currStep
624  << ": unbalancedLinkControl.unbLinkedChains.size() = " << unbalancedLinkControl.unbLinkedChains.size()
625  << std::endl;
626  }
628  return;
629 }
unsigned int m_currStep
Curret step.
Definition: MLSampling.h:495
const MpiComm & inter0Comm() const
Access function for MpiComm communicator for processes with subRank() 0.
Definition: Environment.C:313
const BaseEnvironment & m_env
Queso enviroment.
Definition: MLSampling.h:470
MonteCarloSGOptions::MonteCarloSGOptions(const BaseEnvironment &env, const char *prefix, const McOptionsValues &alternativeOptionsValues queso_require_equal_to_msg)(m_env.optionsInputFileName(), std::string(""), std::string("this constructor is incompatible with the existence of an options input file"))
int NumProc() const
Returns total number of processes.
Definition: MpiComm.C:133
unsigned int displayVerbosity() const
Definition: Environment.C:450
unsigned int m_currLevel
Current level.
Definition: MLSampling.h:492
int inter0Rank() const
Returns the process inter0 rank.
Definition: Environment.C:307
std::ofstream * subDisplayFile() const
Access function for m_subDisplayFile (displays file on stream).
Definition: Environment.C:320
void Bcast(void *buffer, int count, RawType_MPI_Datatype datatype, int root, const char *whereMsg, const char *whatMsg) const
Broadcast values from the root process to the slave processes.
Definition: MpiComm.C:191
template<class P_V = GslVector, class P_M = GslMatrix>
void QUESO::MLSampling< P_V, P_M >::print ( std::ostream &  os) const

TODO: Prints the sequence.

: implement me!
template<class P_V , class P_M >
void QUESO::MLSampling< P_V, P_M >::restartML ( double &  currExponent,
double &  currEta,
SequenceOfVectors< P_V, P_M > &  currChain,
ScalarSequence< double > &  currLogLikelihoodValues,
ScalarSequence< double > &  currLogTargetValues 

Restarts ML algorithm.

This method reads the control file and determines the number of lines on it; then it reads the stored values, calls MPI_Bcast and processes the read data in all available MPI nodes.


Definition at line 2118 of file MLSampling.C.

References QUESO::queso_require_equal_to_msg, QUESO::SequenceOfVectors< V, M >::unifiedReadContents(), and QUESO::ScalarSequence< T >::unifiedReadContents().

2124 {
2125  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 2)) {
2126  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "\n RESTARTING initiating at level " << m_currLevel
2127  << "\n" << std::endl;
2128  }
2130  //******************************************************************************
2131  // Read 'control' file
2132  //******************************************************************************
2133  unsigned int vectorSpaceDim = 0;
2134  unsigned int quantity1 = 0;
2135  std::string checkingString("");
2136  if (m_env.fullRank() == 0) {
2137  std::ifstream* ifsVar = new std::ifstream((m_options.m_restartInput_baseNameForFiles + "Control.txt").c_str(),
2138  std::ifstream::in);
2140  //******************************************************************************
2141  // Determine number of lines
2142  //******************************************************************************
2143  unsigned int numLines = std::count(std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(*ifsVar),
2144  std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(),
2145  '\n');
2146  ifsVar->seekg(0,std::ios_base::beg);
2147  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 2)) {
2148  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "Restart input file has " << numLines
2149  << " lines"
2150  << std::endl;
2151  }
2153  //******************************************************************************
2154  // Read all values
2155  //******************************************************************************
2156  *ifsVar >> m_currLevel; // 1
2157  queso_require_equal_to_msg(numLines, (ML_CHECKPOINT_FIXED_AMOUNT_OF_DATA + m_currLevel), "number of lines read is different than pre-established number of lines in control file");
2159  m_logEvidenceFactors.clear();
2160  m_logEvidenceFactors.resize(m_currLevel,0.);
2161  *ifsVar >> vectorSpaceDim // 2
2162  >> currExponent // 3
2163  >> currEta // 4
2164  >> quantity1; // 5
2165  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_logEvidenceFactors.size(); ++i) {
2166  *ifsVar >> m_logEvidenceFactors[i];
2167  }
2168  *ifsVar >> checkingString; // 6 = ML_CHECKPOINT_FIXED_AMOUNT_OF_DATA
2169  queso_require_equal_to_msg(checkingString, std::string("COMPLETE"), std::string("control txt input file is not complete"));
2171  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 2)) {
2172  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "Restart input file has the following information:"
2173  << "\n m_currLevel = " << m_currLevel
2174  << "\n vectorSpaceDim = " << vectorSpaceDim
2175  << "\n currExponent = " << currExponent
2176  << "\n currEta = " << currEta
2177  << "\n quantity1 = " << quantity1;
2178  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_logEvidenceFactors.size(); ++i) {
2179  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "\n [" << i << "] = " << m_logEvidenceFactors[i];
2180  }
2181  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << std::endl;
2182  }
2184 #if 0 // For debug only
2185  std::string tmpString;
2186  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
2187  *ifsVar >> tmpString;
2188  std::cout << "Just read '" << tmpString << "'" << std::endl;
2189  }
2190  while ((lineId < numLines) && (ifsVar->eof() == false)) {
2191  }
2192  ifsVar->ignore(maxCharsPerLine,'\n');
2193 #endif
2195  delete ifsVar;
2196  } // if (m_env.fullRank() == 0)
2197  m_env.fullComm().Barrier();
2199  //******************************************************************************
2200  // MPI_Bcast 'm_currLevel'
2201  //******************************************************************************
2202  unsigned int tmpUint = (unsigned int) m_currLevel;
2203  m_env.fullComm().Bcast((void *) &tmpUint, (int) 1, RawValue_MPI_UNSIGNED, 0, // Yes, 'fullComm'
2204  "MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::restartML()",
2205  "failed MPI.Bcast() for m_currLevel");
2206  if (m_env.fullRank() != 0) {
2207  m_currLevel = tmpUint;
2208  }
2210  //******************************************************************************
2211  // MPI_Bcast the rest of the information just read
2212  //******************************************************************************
2213  std::vector<double> tmpData(ML_CHECKPOINT_FIXED_AMOUNT_OF_DATA-1+m_currLevel,0.);
2214  if (m_env.fullRank() == 0) {
2215  tmpData[0] = vectorSpaceDim;
2216  tmpData[1] = currExponent;
2217  tmpData[2] = currEta;
2218  tmpData[3] = quantity1;
2219  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_logEvidenceFactors.size(); ++i) {
2220  tmpData[4+i] = m_logEvidenceFactors[i];
2221  }
2222  }
2223  else {
2224  m_logEvidenceFactors.clear();
2225  m_logEvidenceFactors.resize(m_currLevel,0.);
2226  }
2227  m_env.fullComm().Bcast((void *) &tmpData[0], (int) tmpData.size(), RawValue_MPI_DOUBLE, 0, // Yes, 'fullComm'
2228  "MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::restartML()",
2229  "failed MPI.Bcast() for rest of information read from input file");
2230  if (m_env.fullRank() != 0) {
2231  vectorSpaceDim = tmpData[0];
2232  currExponent = tmpData[1];
2233  currEta = tmpData[2];
2234  quantity1 = tmpData[3];
2235  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_logEvidenceFactors.size(); ++i) {
2236  m_logEvidenceFactors[i] = tmpData[4+i];
2237  }
2238  }
2240  //******************************************************************************
2241  // Process read data in all MPI nodes now
2242  //******************************************************************************
2243  queso_require_equal_to_msg(vectorSpaceDim, m_vectorSpace.dimGlobal(), "read vector space dimension is not consistent");
2244  queso_require_msg(!((currExponent < 0.) || (currExponent > 1.)), "read currExponent is not consistent");
2245  queso_require_equal_to_msg((quantity1 % m_env.numSubEnvironments()), 0, "read size of chain should be a multiple of the number of subenvironments");
2246  unsigned int subSequenceSize = 0;
2247  subSequenceSize = ((double) quantity1) / ((double) m_env.numSubEnvironments());
2249  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 2)) {
2250  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "Restart input file has the following information"
2251  << ": subSequenceSize = " << subSequenceSize
2252  << std::endl;
2253  }
2255  //******************************************************************************
2256  // Read three 'data' files
2257  //******************************************************************************
2258  char levelSufix[256];
2259  sprintf(levelSufix,"%d",m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID); // Yes, '+0'
2261  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 2)) {
2262  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "\n RESTARTING chain at level " << m_currLevel
2263  << "\n" << std::endl;
2264  }
2265  currChain.unifiedReadContents(m_options.m_restartInput_baseNameForFiles + "Chain_l" + levelSufix,
2267  subSequenceSize);
2268  m_env.fullComm().Barrier();
2270  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 2)) {
2271  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "\n RESTARTING like at level " << m_currLevel
2272  << "\n" << std::endl;
2273  }
2274  currLogLikelihoodValues.unifiedReadContents(m_options.m_restartInput_baseNameForFiles + "LogLike_l" + levelSufix,
2276  subSequenceSize);
2277  m_env.fullComm().Barrier();
2279  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 2)) {
2280  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "\n RESTARTING target at level " << m_currLevel
2281  << "\n" << std::endl;
2282  }
2283  currLogTargetValues.unifiedReadContents(m_options.m_restartInput_baseNameForFiles + "LogTarget_l" + levelSufix,
2285  subSequenceSize);
2286  m_env.fullComm().Barrier();
2288  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 2)) {
2289  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "\n RESTARTING done at level " << m_currLevel
2290  << "\n" << std::endl;
2291  }
2293  return;
2294 }
unsigned int dimGlobal() const
Definition: VectorSpace.C:161
void Barrier() const
Pause every process in *this communicator until all the processes reach this point.
Definition: MpiComm.C:174
MLSamplingOptions m_options
Options for the ML algorithm.
Definition: MLSampling.h:489
std::string m_restartInput_fileType
Type of restart input file.
std::string m_restartInput_baseNameForFiles
Base name of restart input file.
int fullRank() const
Returns the rank of the MPI process in QUESO&#39;s full communicator.
Definition: Environment.C:268
const BaseEnvironment & m_env
Queso enviroment.
Definition: MLSampling.h:470
MonteCarloSGOptions::MonteCarloSGOptions(const BaseEnvironment &env, const char *prefix, const McOptionsValues &alternativeOptionsValues queso_require_equal_to_msg)(m_env.optionsInputFileName(), std::string(""), std::string("this constructor is incompatible with the existence of an options input file"))
unsigned int displayVerbosity() const
Definition: Environment.C:450
const VectorSpace< P_V, P_M > & m_vectorSpace
Vector space.
Definition: MLSampling.h:479
unsigned int m_currLevel
Current level.
Definition: MLSampling.h:492
const MpiComm & fullComm() const
Access function for the communicator that was passed to QUESO&#39;s environment.
Definition: Environment.C:274
unsigned int numSubEnvironments() const
Access function to the number of sub-environments.
Definition: Environment.C:335
void unifiedReadContents(const std::string &fileName, const std::string &fileType, const unsigned int subSequenceSize)
Reads the unified sequence from a file.
std::vector< double > m_logEvidenceFactors
Definition: MLSampling.h:499
std::ofstream * subDisplayFile() const
Access function for m_subDisplayFile (displays file on stream).
Definition: Environment.C:320
void Bcast(void *buffer, int count, RawType_MPI_Datatype datatype, int root, const char *whereMsg, const char *whatMsg) const
Broadcast values from the root process to the slave processes.
Definition: MpiComm.C:191
template<class P_V , class P_M >
void QUESO::MLSampling< P_V, P_M >::sampleIndexes_proc0 ( unsigned int  unifiedRequestedNumSamples,
const std::vector< double > &  unifiedWeightStdVectorAtProc0Only,
std::vector< unsigned int > &  unifiedIndexCountersAtProc0Only 

Definition at line 95 of file MLSampling.C.

References QUESO::FiniteDistribution::sample().

99 {
100  if (m_env.inter0Rank() != 0) return;
102  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
103  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "Entering MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::sampleIndexes_proc0()"
104  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
105  << ", step " << m_currStep
106  << ": unifiedRequestedNumSamples = " << unifiedRequestedNumSamples
107  << ", unifiedWeightStdVectorAtProc0Only.size() = " << unifiedWeightStdVectorAtProc0Only.size()
108  << std::endl;
109  }
111 #if 0 // For debug only
112  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
113  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::sampleIndexes_proc0()"
114  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
115  << ", step " << m_currStep
116  << ":"
117  << std::endl;
118  unsigned int numZeros = 0;
119  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < unifiedWeightStdVectorAtProc0Only.size(); ++i) {
120  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << " unifiedWeightStdVectorAtProc0Only[" << i
121  << "] = " << unifiedWeightStdVectorAtProc0Only[i]
122  << std::endl;
123  if (unifiedWeightStdVectorAtProc0Only[i] == 0.) numZeros++;
124  }
125  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "Number of zeros in unifiedWeightStdVectorAtProc0Only = " << numZeros
126  << std::endl;
127  }
128 #endif
130  if (m_env.inter0Rank() == 0) {
131  unsigned int resizeSize = unifiedWeightStdVectorAtProc0Only.size();
132  unifiedIndexCountersAtProc0Only.resize(resizeSize,0);
134  // Generate 'unifiedRequestedNumSamples' samples from 'tmpFD'
135  FiniteDistribution tmpFd(m_env,
136  "",
137  unifiedWeightStdVectorAtProc0Only);
138  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < unifiedRequestedNumSamples; ++i) {
139  unsigned int index = tmpFd.sample();
140  unifiedIndexCountersAtProc0Only[index] += 1;
141  }
142  }
144  return;
145 }
unsigned int m_currStep
Curret step.
Definition: MLSampling.h:495
const BaseEnvironment & m_env
Queso enviroment.
Definition: MLSampling.h:470
unsigned int displayVerbosity() const
Definition: Environment.C:450
unsigned int m_currLevel
Current level.
Definition: MLSampling.h:492
int inter0Rank() const
Returns the process inter0 rank.
Definition: Environment.C:307
std::ofstream * subDisplayFile() const
Access function for m_subDisplayFile (displays file on stream).
Definition: Environment.C:320
template<class P_V , class P_M >
void QUESO::MLSampling< P_V, P_M >::solveBIP_proc0 ( std::vector< ExchangeInfoStruct > &  exchangeStdVec)

Definition at line 1156 of file MLSampling.C.

References QUESO::BIP_routine_struct::currLevel, QUESO::BIP_routine_struct::env, QUESO::MiscGetEllapsedSeconds(), QUESO::queso_require_equal_to_msg, and QUESO::UQ_OK_RC.

1158 {
1159  if (m_env.inter0Rank() != 0) return;
1161  int iRC = UQ_OK_RC;
1162  struct timeval timevalBIP;
1163  iRC = gettimeofday(&timevalBIP, NULL);
1164  if (iRC) {}; // just to remove compiler warning
1166  unsigned int Np = (unsigned int) m_env.inter0Comm().NumProc();
1167  unsigned int Nc = exchangeStdVec.size();
1169  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
1170  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "Entering MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::solveBIP_proc0()"
1171  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
1172  << ", step " << m_currStep
1173  << ": Np = " << Np
1174  << ", Nc = " << Nc
1175  << std::endl;
1176  }
1179  // Instantiate BIP
1181  glp_prob *lp;
1182  lp = glp_create_prob();
1183  glp_set_prob_name(lp, "sample");
1186  // Set rows and colums of BIP constraint matrix
1188  unsigned int m = Nc+Np-1;
1189  unsigned int n = Nc*Np;
1190  unsigned int ne = Nc*Np + 2*Nc*(Np -1);
1192  glp_add_rows(lp, m); // Not 'm+1'
1193  for (int i = 1; i <= (int) Nc; ++i) {
1194  glp_set_row_bnds(lp, i, GLP_FX, 1.0, 1.0);
1195  glp_set_row_name(lp, i, "");
1196  }
1197  for (int i = (Nc+1); i <= (int) (Nc+Np-1); ++i) {
1198  glp_set_row_bnds(lp, i, GLP_UP, 0.0, 0.0);
1199  glp_set_row_name(lp, i, "");
1200  }
1202  glp_add_cols(lp, n); // Not 'n+1'
1203  for (int j = 1; j <= (int) n; ++j) {
1204  //glp_set_col_kind(lp, j, GLP_BV);
1205  glp_set_col_kind(lp, j, GLP_IV);
1206  glp_set_col_bnds(lp, j, GLP_DB, 0.0, 1.0);
1207  glp_set_col_name(lp, j, "");
1208  }
1210  glp_set_obj_dir(lp, GLP_MIN);
1211  for (int chainId = 0; chainId <= (int) (Nc-1); ++chainId) {
1212  glp_set_obj_coef(lp, (chainId*Np)+1, exchangeStdVec[chainId].numberOfPositions);
1213  }
1215  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
1216  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::solveBIP_proc0()"
1217  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
1218  << ", step " << m_currStep
1219  << ": finished setting BIP rows and cols"
1220  << ", m = " << m
1221  << ", n = " << n
1222  << ", ne = " << ne
1223  << std::endl;
1224  }
1227  // Load constraint matrix
1229  std::vector<int > iVec(ne+1,0);
1230  std::vector<int > jVec(ne+1,0);
1231  std::vector<double> aVec(ne+1,0.);
1232  int coefId = 1; // Yes, '1'
1233  for (int i = 1; i <= (int) Nc; ++i) {
1234  for (int j = 1; j <= (int) Np; ++j) {
1235  iVec[coefId] = i;
1236  jVec[coefId] = (i-1)*Np + j;
1237  aVec[coefId] = 1.;
1238  coefId++;
1239  }
1240  }
1241  for (int i = 1; i <= (int) (Np-1); ++i) {
1242  for (int j = 1; j <= (int) Nc; ++j) {
1243  iVec[coefId] = Nc+i;
1244  jVec[coefId] = (j-1)*Np + i;
1245  aVec[coefId] = -((double) exchangeStdVec[j-1].numberOfPositions);
1246  coefId++;
1248  iVec[coefId] = Nc+i;
1249  jVec[coefId] = (j-1)*Np + i + 1;
1250  aVec[coefId] = exchangeStdVec[j-1].numberOfPositions;
1251  coefId++;
1252  }
1253  }
1254  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
1255  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::solveBIP_proc0()"
1256  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
1257  << ", step " << m_currStep
1258  << ": finished setting BIP constraint matrix"
1259  << ", ne = " << ne
1260  << ", coefId = " << coefId
1261  << std::endl;
1262  }
1264  queso_require_equal_to_msg(coefId, (int) (ne+1), "invalid final coefId");
1266  glp_load_matrix(lp, ne, &iVec[0], &jVec[0], &aVec[0]);
1268  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
1269  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::solveBIP_proc0()"
1270  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
1271  << ", step " << m_currStep
1272  << ": finished loading BIP constraint matrix"
1273  << ", glp_get_num_rows(lp) = " << glp_get_num_rows(lp)
1274  << ", glp_get_num_cols(lp) = " << glp_get_num_cols(lp)
1275  << ", glp_get_num_nz(lp) = " << glp_get_num_nz(lp)
1276  << ", glp_get_num_int(lp) = " << glp_get_num_int(lp)
1277  << ", glp_get_num_bin(lp) = " << glp_get_num_bin(lp)
1278  << std::endl;
1279  }
1282  // Check BIP before solving it
1284  queso_require_equal_to_msg(glp_get_num_rows(lp), (int) m, "invalid number of rows");
1286  queso_require_equal_to_msg(glp_get_num_cols(lp), (int) n, "invalid number of columnss");
1288  queso_require_equal_to_msg(glp_get_num_nz(lp), (int) ne, "invalid number of nonzero constraint coefficients");
1290  queso_require_equal_to_msg(glp_get_num_int(lp), (int) n, "invalid number of integer structural variables");
1292  queso_require_equal_to_msg(glp_get_num_bin(lp), (int) n, "invalid number of binary structural variables");
1295  // Set initial state
1297  for (unsigned int chainId = 0; chainId < Nc; ++chainId) {
1298  for (unsigned int nodeId = 0; nodeId < Np; ++nodeId) {
1299  int j = chainId*Np + nodeId + 1;
1300  if (nodeId == 0) {
1301  glp_set_col_stat(lp, j, GLP_BS);
1302  }
1303  else {
1304  glp_set_col_stat(lp, j, GLP_BS);
1305  }
1306  }
1307  }
1308 #if 0
1309  for (unsigned int chainId = 0; chainId < Nc; ++chainId) {
1310  for (unsigned int nodeId = 0; nodeId < Np; ++nodeId) {
1311  int j = chainId*Np + nodeId + 1;
1312  int initialState = glp_mip_col_val(lp, j);
1313  if (nodeId == 0) {
1314  queso_require_equal_to_msg(initialState, 1, "for nodeId = 0, initial state should be '1'");
1315  }
1316  else {
1317  queso_require_equal_to_msg(initialState, 0, "for nodeId > 0, initial state should be '0'");
1318  }
1319  }
1320  }
1321 #endif
1322  for (int i = 1; i <= (int) Nc; ++i) {
1323  glp_set_row_stat(lp, i, GLP_NS);
1324  }
1325  for (int i = (Nc+1); i <= (int) (Nc+Np-1); ++i) {
1326  glp_set_row_stat(lp, i, GLP_BS);
1327  }
1329  //glp_write_mps(lp, GLP_MPS_DECK, NULL, "nada.fixed_mps");
1330  //glp_write_mps(lp, GLP_MPS_FILE, NULL, "nada.free_mps" );
1331  //glp_write_lp (lp, NULL, "nada.cplex");
1334  // Solve BIP
1336  BIP_routine_struct BIP_routine_info;
1337  BIP_routine_info.env = &m_env;
1338  BIP_routine_info.currLevel = m_currLevel;
1340  glp_iocp BIP_params;
1341  glp_init_iocp(&BIP_params);
1342  BIP_params.presolve = GLP_ON;
1343  // aqui 2
1344  //BIP_params.binarize = GLP_ON;
1345  //BIP_params.cb_func = BIP_routine;
1346  //BIP_params.cb_info = (void *) (&BIP_routine_info);
1347  int BIP_rc = glp_intopt(lp, &BIP_params);
1349  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
1350  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::solveBIP_proc0()"
1351  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
1352  << ", step " << m_currStep
1353  << ": finished solving BIP"
1354  << ", BIP_rc = " << BIP_rc
1355  << std::endl;
1356  }
1358  queso_require_equal_to_msg(BIP_rc, 0, "BIP returned rc != 0");
1361  // Check BIP status after solution
1363  int BIP_Status = glp_mip_status(lp);
1364  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
1365  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::solveBIP_proc0()"
1366  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
1367  << ", step " << m_currStep
1368  << ": BIP_Status = " << BIP_Status
1369  << std::endl;
1370  }
1372  switch (BIP_Status) {
1373  case GLP_OPT:
1374  // Ok
1375  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
1376  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::solveBIP_proc0()"
1377  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
1378  << ", step " << m_currStep
1379  << ": BIP solution is optimal"
1380  << std::endl;
1381  }
1382  break;
1384  case GLP_FEAS:
1385  // Ok
1386  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
1387  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::solveBIP_proc0()"
1388  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
1389  << ", step " << m_currStep
1390  << ": BIP solution is guaranteed to be 'only' feasible"
1391  << std::endl;
1392  }
1393  break;
1395  default:
1396  queso_error_msg("BIP has an undefined solution or has no solution");
1397  break;
1398  }
1400  for (int i = 1; i <= (int) Nc; ++i) {
1401  queso_require_equal_to_msg(glp_mip_row_val(lp, i), 1, "row should have value 1 at solution");
1402  }
1403  for (int i = (Nc+1); i <= (int) (Nc+Np-1); ++i) {
1404  queso_require_less_equal_msg(glp_mip_row_val(lp, i), 0, "row should have value 0 or should be negative at solution");
1405  }
1408  // Prepare output information, needed to for MPI distribution afterwards
1410  std::vector<unsigned int> finalNumChainsPerNode (Np,0);
1411  std::vector<unsigned int> finalNumPositionsPerNode(Np,0);
1412  for (unsigned int chainId = 0; chainId < Nc; ++chainId) {
1413  for (unsigned int nodeId = 0; nodeId < Np; ++nodeId) {
1414  int j = chainId*Np + nodeId + 1;
1415  if (glp_mip_col_val(lp, j) == 0) {
1416  // Do nothing
1417  }
1418  else if (glp_mip_col_val(lp, j) == 1) {
1419  queso_require_equal_to_msg(exchangeStdVec[chainId].finalNodeOfInitialPosition, -1, "chain has already been taken care of");
1420  exchangeStdVec[chainId].finalNodeOfInitialPosition = nodeId;
1421  finalNumChainsPerNode [nodeId] += 1;
1422  finalNumPositionsPerNode[nodeId] += exchangeStdVec[chainId].numberOfPositions;
1423  }
1424  else {
1425  queso_error_msg("control variable should be either '0' or '1'");
1426  }
1427  }
1428  }
1430  unsigned int finalMinPosPerNode = *std::min_element(finalNumPositionsPerNode.begin(), finalNumPositionsPerNode.end());
1431  unsigned int finalMaxPosPerNode = *std::max_element(finalNumPositionsPerNode.begin(), finalNumPositionsPerNode.end());
1433  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
1434  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::solveBIP_proc0()"
1435  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
1436  << ", step " << m_currStep
1437  << ": finished preparing output information"
1438  << std::endl;
1439  }
1442  // Printout solution information
1444  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
1445  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "KEY In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::solveBIP_proc0()"
1446  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
1447  << ", step " << m_currStep
1448  << ": solution gives the following redistribution"
1449  << std::endl;
1450  for (unsigned int nodeId = 0; nodeId < Np; ++nodeId) {
1451  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << " KEY In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::solveBIP_proc0()"
1452  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
1453  << ", step " << m_currStep
1454  << ", finalNumChainsPerNode[" << nodeId << "] = " << finalNumChainsPerNode[nodeId]
1455  << ", finalNumPositionsPerNode[" << nodeId << "] = " << finalNumPositionsPerNode[nodeId]
1456  << std::endl;
1457  }
1458  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << " KEY In MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::solveBIP_proc0()"
1459  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
1460  << ", step " << m_currStep
1461  << ", finalRatioOfPosPerNode = " << ((double) finalMaxPosPerNode) / ((double)finalMinPosPerNode)
1462  << std::endl;
1463  }
1466  // Make sanity checks
1468  queso_require_equal_to_msg(glp_mip_obj_val(lp), (double) finalNumPositionsPerNode[0], "Invalid objective value");
1470  for (unsigned int nodeId = 1; nodeId < Np; ++nodeId) { // Yes, '1'
1471  queso_require_greater_equal_msg(finalNumPositionsPerNode[nodeId-1], finalNumPositionsPerNode[nodeId], "Next node should have a number of positions equal or less than the current node");
1472  }
1474  for (int i = (int) (Nc+1); i <= (int) (Nc+Np-1); ++i) {
1475  unsigned int nodeId = i - Nc;
1476  int diff = ((int) finalNumPositionsPerNode[nodeId]) - ((int) finalNumPositionsPerNode[nodeId-1]);
1477  queso_require_equal_to_msg(glp_mip_row_val(lp, i), diff, "wrong state");
1478  }
1481  // Free memory and return
1483  glp_delete_prob(lp);
1485  double bipRunTime = MiscGetEllapsedSeconds(&timevalBIP);
1486  if ((m_env.subDisplayFile()) && (m_env.displayVerbosity() >= 0)) {
1487  *m_env.subDisplayFile() << "Leaving MLSampling<P_V,P_M>::solveBIP_proc0()"
1488  << ", level " << m_currLevel+LEVEL_REF_ID
1489  << ", step " << m_currStep
1490  << ", after " << bipRunTime << " seconds"
1491  << std::endl;
1492  }
1494  return;
1495 }
unsigned int m_currStep
Curret step.
Definition: MLSampling.h:495
const int UQ_OK_RC
Definition: Defines.h:92
const MpiComm & inter0Comm() const
Access function for MpiComm communicator for processes with subRank() 0.
Definition: Environment.C:313
const BaseEnvironment & m_env
Queso enviroment.
Definition: MLSampling.h:470
MonteCarloSGOptions::MonteCarloSGOptions(const BaseEnvironment &env, const char *prefix, const McOptionsValues &alternativeOptionsValues queso_require_equal_to_msg)(m_env.optionsInputFileName(), std::string(""), std::string("this constructor is incompatible with the existence of an options input file"))
int NumProc() const
Returns total number of processes.
Definition: MpiComm.C:133
unsigned int displayVerbosity() const
Definition: Environment.C:450
unsigned int m_currLevel
Current level.
Definition: MLSampling.h:492
double MiscGetEllapsedSeconds(struct timeval *timeval0)
int inter0Rank() const
Returns the process inter0 rank.
Definition: Environment.C:307
std::ofstream * subDisplayFile() const
Access function for m_subDisplayFile (displays file on stream).
Definition: Environment.C:320

Friends And Related Function Documentation

template<class P_V = GslVector, class P_M = GslMatrix>
std::ostream& operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const MLSampling< P_V, P_M > &  obj 

Definition at line 206 of file MLSampling.h.

207  {
208  obj.print(os);
209  return os;
210  }

Member Data Documentation

template<class P_V = GslVector, class P_M = GslMatrix>
unsigned int QUESO::MLSampling< P_V, P_M >::m_currLevel

Current level.

Definition at line 492 of file MLSampling.h.

template<class P_V = GslVector, class P_M = GslMatrix>
unsigned int QUESO::MLSampling< P_V, P_M >::m_currStep

Curret step.

Definition at line 495 of file MLSampling.h.

template<class P_V = GslVector, class P_M = GslMatrix>
double QUESO::MLSampling< P_V, P_M >::m_debugExponent

Exponent for debugging.

Definition at line 498 of file MLSampling.h.

template<class P_V = GslVector, class P_M = GslMatrix>
double QUESO::MLSampling< P_V, P_M >::m_eig

Definition at line 502 of file MLSampling.h.

template<class P_V = GslVector, class P_M = GslMatrix>
const BaseEnvironment& QUESO::MLSampling< P_V, P_M >::m_env

Queso enviroment.

Definition at line 470 of file MLSampling.h.

Referenced by QUESO::MLSampling< P_V, P_M >::MLSampling().

template<class P_V = GslVector, class P_M = GslMatrix>
const BaseScalarFunction<P_V,P_M>& QUESO::MLSampling< P_V, P_M >::m_likelihoodFunction

Likelihood function.

Definition at line 476 of file MLSampling.h.

template<class P_V = GslVector, class P_M = GslMatrix>
double QUESO::MLSampling< P_V, P_M >::m_logEvidence

Definition at line 500 of file MLSampling.h.

template<class P_V = GslVector, class P_M = GslMatrix>
std::vector<double> QUESO::MLSampling< P_V, P_M >::m_logEvidenceFactors

Definition at line 499 of file MLSampling.h.

template<class P_V = GslVector, class P_M = GslMatrix>
double QUESO::MLSampling< P_V, P_M >::m_meanLogLikelihood

Definition at line 501 of file MLSampling.h.

template<class P_V = GslVector, class P_M = GslMatrix>
unsigned int QUESO::MLSampling< P_V, P_M >::m_numDisabledParameters

Definition at line 484 of file MLSampling.h.

template<class P_V = GslVector, class P_M = GslMatrix>
MLSamplingOptions QUESO::MLSampling< P_V, P_M >::m_options

Options for the ML algorithm.

Definition at line 489 of file MLSampling.h.

template<class P_V = GslVector, class P_M = GslMatrix>
std::vector<bool> QUESO::MLSampling< P_V, P_M >::m_parameterEnabledStatus

Definition at line 486 of file MLSampling.h.

template<class P_V = GslVector, class P_M = GslMatrix>
const BaseVectorRV<P_V,P_M>& QUESO::MLSampling< P_V, P_M >::m_priorRv

Prior RV.

Definition at line 473 of file MLSampling.h.

template<class P_V = GslVector, class P_M = GslMatrix>
VectorSet<P_V,P_M>* QUESO::MLSampling< P_V, P_M >::m_targetDomain

Domain of the target PDF: intersection of the domains of the prior PDf and likelihood function.

Definition at line 482 of file MLSampling.h.

template<class P_V = GslVector, class P_M = GslMatrix>
const VectorSpace<P_V,P_M>& QUESO::MLSampling< P_V, P_M >::m_vectorSpace

Vector space.

Definition at line 479 of file MLSampling.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files:

Generated on Tue Jun 5 2018 19:49:34 for queso-0.57.1 by  doxygen 1.8.5