This is the complete list of members for QUESO::TeuchosMatrix, including all inherited members.
base_copy(const Matrix &src) | QUESO::Matrix | protectedvirtual |
chol() | QUESO::TeuchosMatrix | virtual |
copy(const TeuchosMatrix &src) | QUESO::TeuchosMatrix | private |
cwSet(double value) | QUESO::TeuchosMatrix | |
cwSet(unsigned int rowId, unsigned int colId, const TeuchosMatrix &mat) | QUESO::TeuchosMatrix | |
determinant() const | QUESO::TeuchosMatrix | |
eigen(TeuchosVector &eigenValues, TeuchosMatrix *eigenVectors) const | QUESO::TeuchosMatrix | |
env() const | QUESO::Matrix | |
fillWithBlocksDiagonally(const std::vector< const TeuchosMatrix * > &matrices) | QUESO::TeuchosMatrix | |
fillWithBlocksDiagonally(const std::vector< TeuchosMatrix * > &matrices) | QUESO::TeuchosMatrix | |
fillWithBlocksHorizontally(const std::vector< const TeuchosMatrix * > &matrices) | QUESO::TeuchosMatrix | |
fillWithBlocksHorizontally(const std::vector< TeuchosMatrix * > &matrices) | QUESO::TeuchosMatrix | |
fillWithBlocksVertically(const std::vector< const TeuchosMatrix * > &matrices) | QUESO::TeuchosMatrix | |
fillWithBlocksVertically(const std::vector< TeuchosMatrix * > &matrices) | QUESO::TeuchosMatrix | |
fillWithTensorProduct(const TeuchosMatrix &mat1, const TeuchosMatrix &mat2) | QUESO::TeuchosMatrix | |
fillWithTensorProduct(const TeuchosMatrix &mat1, const TeuchosVector &vec2) | QUESO::TeuchosMatrix | |
fillWithTranspose(const TeuchosMatrix &mat) | QUESO::TeuchosMatrix | |
filterLargeValues(double thresholdValue) | QUESO::TeuchosMatrix | |
filterSmallValues(double thresholdValue) | QUESO::TeuchosMatrix | |
getColumn(const unsigned int column_num, TeuchosVector &column) const | QUESO::TeuchosMatrix | |
getColumn(const unsigned int column_num) const | QUESO::TeuchosMatrix | |
getInDebugMode() const | QUESO::Matrix | |
getPrintHorizontally() const | QUESO::Matrix | |
getRow(const unsigned int row_num, TeuchosVector &row) const | QUESO::TeuchosMatrix | |
getRow(const unsigned int row_num) const | QUESO::TeuchosMatrix | |
internalSvd() const | QUESO::TeuchosMatrix | private |
inverse() const | QUESO::TeuchosMatrix | |
invertMultiply(const TeuchosVector &b, TeuchosVector &x) const | QUESO::TeuchosMatrix | |
invertMultiply(const TeuchosVector &b) const | QUESO::TeuchosMatrix | |
invertMultiply(const TeuchosMatrix &B, TeuchosMatrix &X) const | QUESO::TeuchosMatrix | |
invertMultiply(const TeuchosMatrix &B) const | QUESO::TeuchosMatrix | |
invertMultiplyForceLU(const TeuchosVector &b, TeuchosVector &x) const | QUESO::TeuchosMatrix | |
invertMultiplyForceLU(const TeuchosVector &b) const | QUESO::TeuchosMatrix | |
largestEigen(double &eigenValue, TeuchosVector &eigenVector) const | QUESO::TeuchosMatrix | |
lnDeterminant() const | QUESO::TeuchosMatrix | |
m_determinant | QUESO::TeuchosMatrix | mutableprivate |
m_env | QUESO::Matrix | protected |
m_inDebugMode | QUESO::Matrix | mutableprotected |
m_inverse | QUESO::TeuchosMatrix | mutableprivate |
m_isSingular | QUESO::TeuchosMatrix | mutableprivate |
m_lnDeterminant | QUESO::TeuchosMatrix | mutableprivate |
m_LU | QUESO::TeuchosMatrix | mutableprivate |
m_map | QUESO::Matrix | protected |
m_map | QUESO::Matrix | protected |
m_mat | QUESO::TeuchosMatrix | private |
m_permutation | QUESO::TeuchosMatrix | mutableprivate |
m_printHorizontally | QUESO::Matrix | mutableprotected |
m_signum | QUESO::TeuchosMatrix | mutableprivate |
m_svdColMap | QUESO::TeuchosMatrix | mutableprivate |
m_svdSvec | QUESO::TeuchosMatrix | mutableprivate |
m_svdUmat | QUESO::TeuchosMatrix | mutableprivate |
m_svdVmat | QUESO::TeuchosMatrix | mutableprivate |
m_svdVTmat | QUESO::TeuchosMatrix | mutableprivate |
map() const | QUESO::Matrix | |
matlabLinearInterpExtrap(const TeuchosVector &x1Vec, const TeuchosMatrix &y1Mat, const TeuchosVector &x2Vec) | QUESO::TeuchosMatrix | |
Matrix(const BaseEnvironment &env, const Map &map) | QUESO::Matrix | |
max() const | QUESO::TeuchosMatrix | |
mpiSum(const MpiComm &comm, TeuchosMatrix &M_global) const | QUESO::TeuchosMatrix | |
multiply(const TeuchosVector &x) const | QUESO::TeuchosMatrix | |
multiply(const TeuchosVector &x, TeuchosVector &y) const | QUESO::TeuchosMatrix | private |
normFrob() const | QUESO::TeuchosMatrix | |
normMax() const | QUESO::TeuchosMatrix | |
numCols() const | QUESO::TeuchosMatrix | virtual |
numOfProcsForStorage() const | QUESO::Matrix | |
numRowsGlobal() const | QUESO::TeuchosMatrix | virtual |
numRowsLocal() const | QUESO::TeuchosMatrix | virtual |
operator()(unsigned int i, unsigned int j) | QUESO::TeuchosMatrix | |
operator()(unsigned int i, unsigned int j) const | QUESO::TeuchosMatrix | |
operator*=(double a) | QUESO::TeuchosMatrix | |
operator+=(const TeuchosMatrix &rhs) | QUESO::TeuchosMatrix | |
operator-=(const TeuchosMatrix &rhs) | QUESO::TeuchosMatrix | |
operator/=(double a) | QUESO::TeuchosMatrix | |
operator=(const TeuchosMatrix &rhs) | QUESO::TeuchosMatrix | |
print(std::ostream &os) const | QUESO::TeuchosMatrix | virtual |
rank(double absoluteZeroThreshold, double relativeZeroThreshold) const | QUESO::TeuchosMatrix | |
resetLU() | QUESO::TeuchosMatrix | private |
setColumn(const unsigned int column_num, const TeuchosVector &column) | QUESO::TeuchosMatrix | |
setInDebugMode(bool value) const | QUESO::Matrix | |
setPrintHorizontally(bool value) const | QUESO::Matrix | |
setRow(const unsigned int row_num, const TeuchosVector &row) | QUESO::TeuchosMatrix | |
smallestEigen(double &eigenValue, TeuchosVector &eigenVector) const | QUESO::TeuchosMatrix | |
stride() | QUESO::TeuchosMatrix | |
subReadContents(const std::string &fileName, const std::string &fileType, const std::set< unsigned int > &allowedSubEnvIds) | QUESO::TeuchosMatrix | |
subWriteContents(const std::string &varNamePrefix, const std::string &fileName, const std::string &fileType, const std::set< unsigned int > &allowedSubEnvIds) const | QUESO::TeuchosMatrix | |
svd(TeuchosMatrix &matU, TeuchosVector &vecS, TeuchosMatrix &matVt) const | QUESO::TeuchosMatrix | |
svdMatU() const | QUESO::TeuchosMatrix | |
svdMatV() const | QUESO::TeuchosMatrix | |
svdSolve(const TeuchosVector &rhsVec, TeuchosVector &solVec) const | QUESO::TeuchosMatrix | |
svdSolve(const TeuchosMatrix &rhsMat, TeuchosMatrix &solMat) const | QUESO::TeuchosMatrix | |
TeuchosMatrix(const BaseEnvironment &env, const Map &map, unsigned int numCols) | QUESO::TeuchosMatrix | |
TeuchosMatrix(const BaseEnvironment &env, const Map &map, double diagValue) | QUESO::TeuchosMatrix | |
TeuchosMatrix(const TeuchosVector &v, double diagValue) | QUESO::TeuchosMatrix | |
TeuchosMatrix(const TeuchosVector &v) | QUESO::TeuchosMatrix | |
TeuchosMatrix(const TeuchosMatrix &B) | QUESO::TeuchosMatrix | |
TeuchosMatrix() | QUESO::TeuchosMatrix | private |
transpose() const | QUESO::TeuchosMatrix | |
v_pivoting | QUESO::TeuchosMatrix | mutableprivate |
values() | QUESO::TeuchosMatrix | |
zeroLower(bool includeDiagonal=false) | QUESO::TeuchosMatrix | virtual |
zeroUpper(bool includeDiagonal=false) | QUESO::TeuchosMatrix | virtual |
~Matrix() | QUESO::Matrix | virtual |
~TeuchosMatrix() | QUESO::TeuchosMatrix |